Dangerous Fiancee

Chapter 36

Chapter 36: Chpater 36


For Duke Lamont, the Justice Minister, reciting that article was a piece of cake. He recited it clearly, and Eckart nodded with a satisfied face.


“Yes, Your Majesty,” Marquis Euclid responded to the emperor hurriedly, and nodded slightly. Looking at him, Eckart thought Colin took after his father Euclid a lot.

Members of Marquis Euclid’s family were often overly wise. They knew the emperor’s moods very well right before he caused trouble. Even if they found it out, though, they were resigned to the fact that they could not wear him down.

“I think Duke Kling’s daughter needs more considerations, as Marquis Chester said.”

Reciting in heart, ‘considerations like the environment familiar to her,’ Eckart tapped the armrest with his fingertips.

“So that’s why I made the decision. Let me issue the order as the emperor. So, these secretaries will write down my orders and announce them immediately.”

Two secretaries at the end of the conference table were busily moving their pens. The sound of them writing down his orders resonated throughout the quiet hall.

Eckart, who was sitting back, corrected his posture. With his back straight, he said loudly in a cold voice, “As of today, let me transfer Noark von McMillan, chief chamberlain, to the Treasury Ministry, and appoint Wales von Kling, Duke of Kling and Lennox, as the new Chief Chamberlain.”

“Your Majesty, how can you take…!”

With an embarrassed expression, Earl Macmillan looked at Eckart. He was suddenly demoted from the Chief Chamberlain to an official with the Treasury Ministry under the direct control of the imperial family, which he could never understand.

“Where can you find soil more familiar to the daughter of Duke Kling than her father?

As the duke is not familiar with the capital, he can adjust his life here while helping with the work of the imperial family beside me.”

Eckart replied casually. As if he was reciting his breakfast menu this morning, he woke up the participants with a sharp voice.

“Wales was the best friend of my late father and emperor. There is no further glory than to serve the emperor, but given his title as the duke, he might not be suitable for his new position as the chief chamberlain,” Duke Hubble stepped in.

Having said that, he stared askance at the emperor’s golden seat. His staring suggested that the emperor’s appointment of his late father’s friend as the chief chamberlain was rude and excessive. His cold voice also reflected his concern in some respects. Of course, everybody already knew well about his real intention.

“Well, I initially wanted to appoint Wales as one of the top five cabinet members and handle state affairs, but as you know, there are no vacancies right now. If I want to appoint a new minister, I have to get the consent of the existing cabinet members, which is quite cumbersome to me. Aren’t you going to retire and let somebody else take over the Internal Ministry?”

“I guess you want me to step down.”

“No, I don’t. As you know, I recognize your outstanding performance. My concern is that as you are old enough, you might get sick while bending over backwards to help me handle state affairs.”


Duke Hubble, the Internal Minister, didn’t reply. Eckart leaned forward, folding his fingers.

He felt displeased with Hubble’s attitude. Hubble surely hoped from the days of his father that Duke Kling would not come out to this tilted chessboard. His ancestors’ warning about him was that he should never use Kling because the latter would be a threat to the anti-emperor rebels.

“By the way, the chief chamberlain can also attend this cabinet meeting, right? More than anybody else, he can help me at hand, and he is also in a good position to help his daughter after she officially becomes my wife. Besides, he has a good character and deep learning, so I believe he can carry out his duty very well as the Chief Chamberlain.”

As he knew the chief chamberlain’s duty better than anyone else, Eckart was determined not to give the position to any other man than Duke Kling.

“Wales is going to be your father-in-law soon. If you use him as the head of the important government agency like the Interior Ministry, you might invite criticism that you will be subject to the interference by your father-in-law’s family.”

Earl McMillan, who was demoted overnight, hurriedly protested.

“Watch your language, Earl Macmillan!” Eckart said, making a serious look.

He went on, “Your remarks are insulting, Sir Balter, who has been of great help to the government since the times of Frey V.”

Earl McMillan’s face grew dark suddenly at Eckart’s rebuke.

Sir Balter, namely Duke of Hubble, was a relative of Empress Frida. Thanks to that connection, Hubble was regarded as a living witness of power politics, assuming various important positions in various ministries including the imperial palace as well as one of the top five cabinet titles, let alone his current position as the Interior Minister.

In the end, Count McMillan’s words were like exposing the embarrassing aspects of his allies.

“I’m sorry, that’s not what I meant.”

Then Duke Hubble cleared his throat. Earl McMillan shook his shoulders and lowered his head.

“I want my cabinet reshuffle implemented as soon as possible. Immediately send my order to Duke Kling, and the chief palace minister should consult with the new chief chamberlain to make preparations for my wedding ceremony.”

“Yes, Your Majesty,” said Earl Leslie, the chief palace minister, and bowed politely.

Eckart stood up, shaking his golden cloak as if to dismiss his meeting.

“Your Majesty! Please think twice about your reshuffle…”

Earl McMillan strongly appealed, completely dissatisfied with his current title. But Eckart looked back coldly.

“Think twice? Do you think my order is wrong enough to require reconsideration?”

“I don’t mean that. I’ve served you sincerely with all my heart. Please take into account my loyalty and service to you…”

“Since I appreciate your hard work, I transferred you to the Treasury. What more do I have to do for you? Is this because you don’t like your new job?”

“Pardon?” Earl McMillan was stunned as if the emperor accurately read his mind.

“I’m disappointed. I believed that a faithful official like you would easily agree to take the job of taking care of imperial treasures.”

“I’m not saying that, Your Majesty. You have misunderstood! How could I think of such a stupid idea?”

“If you think so, do not tarnish your loyalty with stupid things anymore.”

His commanding tone was very cold. Earl McMillan jumped up and down like a fish caught in a fishing net, but soon withdrew, overwhelmed by the emperor’s blade-like eyes and voice.

Nonchalantly passing past the earl who was stepping backward awkwardly, Eckart ordered the secretaries, “It’s hard to discuss state affairs with the change in cabinet members, so let me reopen the third cabinet meeting in two days. Announce it again before each cabinet minister goes back. I am sure they won’t, but make sure that all of them attend the meeting without making any excuses such as ‘I forgot’ or “I was busy with another schedule.’

The secretaries bowed their heads politely to write down his order.

Behind his quiet blue eyes was a creepy sound from a chair close to the emperor.

Suddenly, there was heard the sound of someone gnashing his teeth.


“Hasn’t this guy been looking for a way to save his life up to now? Then how come he’s being so arrogant before us because he has found a new ally?” said Ober, squeezing the glass of whiskey as if he were about to break it.

After the cabinet meeting in question was over, his cohorts who gathered at Duke Hubble’s annex could not go back home when it was getting dark outside.

“Isn’t he from the Frey family? I thought he could do that to us,” Ober said in a sneering voice.

Then he stared at Hubble. He felt upset about Hubble because the latter treated him like a child even though he came of age several years ago. He was really pissed off when Hubble mentioned ‘the Frey family’ because he was related by blood to the late emperor Cassius.

“How can you stay so calm? Our idea of having the daughter of Sir Lonstat to be the emperor’s wife fell flat. To make matters worse, you were stripped of the title of the chief chamberlain.”

When Ober reminded them of the emperor’s devastating decision, Earl Lonstat and Earl McMillan gulped down wine.

“What a clever guy! With Duke Kling on his side, I thought he would recklessly go after us, but it looks like he judged it was too early to attack the top five cabinet members. He takes after his late father in that respect.”

“You always overestimate the emperor. He’s really stupid, compared to his late father.”

“Let me correct you, man. I think you’re underestimating the emperor, aren’t you?”

“Oh my god! You’re driving me nuts!”

“Hey, Ober, can you please tame your damn hot temper?”

While listening to their dialogue, Mrs. Chester sharply cut in. Though she smiled elegantly, everybody knew that obviously she was very annoyed at the moment.

“I’m sorry. I couldn’t hide it because I inherited it from my mother.”

Glancing at Mrs. Chester, Ober clenched his teeth. While Mrs. Chester was having a staring match with Ober, Hubble’s son Ilius suddenly hit the table with a bang.

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