Danmachi- Hell’s Forge

The difference and vault

I shrugged at this and got to questioning to level four about all the details I needed. 

"Do you use one hand or two? Do you regularly block attacks with your weapon or avoid them altogether? Do you prefer to charge straight on towards your enemies or do you prefer smaller safer strikes?" All of this and then some.

The level four looked uncomfortable answering some of these questions but after Ogun nodded told me everything I wanted to know.

"Alright so from the sound of it your perfect combination of properties is [Durability], [Sharp], [Splitting] and [Weight], does that combination sound good. Or would you prefer to substitute a property for another?" I asked calmly after explaining what I thought was the perfect combination for the weapon.

"Uh, that sounds good I think?" the guy said not understanding the context behind what I asked apparently.

"I suppose I should step in here since I understand what you are asking. Yes Alex that combination seems like a marvelous fit for my child. As promised Hroldar has the materials and half the payment already ready. If it's not too much trouble could I also ask how long this will take to complete?" Ogun asked after speaking up for the level four.-

I shrugged "Depends on the materials as some are harder to work on then others." I said honestly

Hroldar took this as his cue and dragged a large sack over and set it in front of me with a loud "Clink!" of metal moving against itself. I didn't hesitate to open the sack and dig out the materials. With each one I took out I used a quick burst of my cursed technique to fully understand the makeup of each thing. Not enough for it to be seen but enough for me to know what I was working with roughly.

"Two chunks of deep iron ore with a twenty two and thirty percent impurity rating, a Goliath tooth, three skull sheep bones and a crimson coral branch. Not the best possible materials for a weapon at this rank but better than average. Give me two days and I should be done or close to done by evening on the second day." I said honestly.

"That faster than I expected, certainly faster than any other smith we've used in the past." Ogun said surprised.

"I don't like to waste time or lie about how long it will take me to finish a project." I said honestly.

They left after that and I was left with a large sack of coin and the materials effectively by myself at the church. Heaving the very heavy sack over my shoulder after standing up I headed down into the basement where we all lived and I did all my work. This dingy stone room had changed much since the day I first took up residence here as there was now two clean and nice beds, a tall wooden shelve that held all my finished figurines against the wall.-

There was also a chest that held all my materials as well as a safe in the corner with it's face sticking out of the ground. When opened one would be surprised to realize that there was a ladder inside of an empty space and if that ladder was climbed down you'd reach a massive wooden room even further into the ground than the basement that was filled with piles of coins all sorted by denomination. I walked over to the smallest pile with the sack and dumped it out adding all these gold coins to the hoard.-

While this sounded like an impressive room to have it was for the vast majority of space entirely empty. The trick was that this treasure hoard was entirely inaccessible without me moving the reinforced wooden wall that hid it after entering the vault. It was a sort of false back wall type deal except the back wall was a real wall and the only way to move it was with my help. Even with these method employed I still wasn't totally happy with the vault as I wanted to turn the place into a thieves worst nightmare by turning it into a cursed tool with an unholy amount of lethal measures in place for trespassers.-

You may be wondering when I had this area created and the answer was at the same time I renovated the church. It wasn't particularly hard as I just used some wood like massive hands to dig out the dirt and stone under the basement before solidifying the walls with refined wood to keep out water and hold up the church above it. I burned a fuck ton of energy to do it but I'd say that it was well worth it.-

I even had a small rug and chair that sat over the safe so any visitors wouldn't realize that it even existed. If you are curious why I even felt the need to make this addition to our humble abode the answer was simply because of thieves. We were in the "abandoned" part of Orario and while the church looked about a stiff breeze away from getting knocked down thieves didn't pay it any attention. After I had fixed up the place though I had noticed a few not so kind gazes on the place and we couldn't always be present.-

Eventually one of these people was bound to come in here to ransack the place, hence the secret money hoard. I couldn't give less of a fuck about them stealing the figurines or even the less precious materials I kept in the chest but the money was a whole other issue. The materials and figurines I could replace really cheaply since I didn't keep the good shit in the chest but you take our savings and that was a massive loss. As of right now we were sitting at a little under two million valis after my recent deposit which was quite a lot.-

Anyways I put the rug and chair over the safe door and took a seat with these materials to craft a sword.

"Hell's Forge!" I spoke while starting with the deep iron ore. 

The two coconut sized chunks of ore immediately turned liquid under my techniques power and the impurities burnt away yet the liquid flowed around my hand in defiance to the laws of physics. With a flourish of my fingers the liquid gathered up and formed a thin rectangular bar before solidifying and dropping onto my palm. Setting it aside I grabbed the goliath tooth that was a yellow shiny white material the size of a basketball.-

Unfortunately quite a bit of it was impurities so after removing them it was reduced to barely a grapefruits size. The same held true with the crimson coral and Skull sheep bones as well but that was just how it was with drop items. I didn't mention it previous but crimson coral was a drop that came from a water palace floors rare monster known as a Coral golem and was prized for it's sturdy wood like quality in weapon crafting and had a lovely red color, hence the name.

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