Danmachi – Infinite Mana System

Chapter 48 – Julius vs Hyakinthos

[Chapter Size: 2461 Words.]
Lucius POV
Somewhere, Orario.



"YOU'RE GOING TO DIE!" Hyakinthos shouted as he used his level 3 speed to advance towards me.

'Multi-Firebolt,' I thought.

Before the man could reach me, four fireballs flew at him after forming around me without me moving a muscle, as if I were a fire deity.


The bar, which usually had a cheerful and noisy atmosphere, began to sound explosions, causing even many people outside the bar to run into the streets to inform someone from the Ganeshe family. Others stopped to see what was happening inside, but it was evident that, from the small explosions and the firelight, it was obvious that this arose from a fight between adventurers.

While Lucius remained oblivious to the curious crowd forming outside the bar, he analyzed his opponent while receiving the point-blank attack.

'My magic is far superior to my opponent's level; however, he could dodge a low-class attack like Fireball,' Lucius thought, aiming at the ground where his opponent was heading. When the fire hit the ground, it spread in a small explosion, catching Hyakinthos off guard.

When the smoke cleared, he was in a sorry state in the middle of this part of the bar, which was now on fire. I made sure not to hit anyone, but I can't say the same for the man who said he was going to kill me. His clothes were burned with some still-lit fire; he was injured by these firebolts with some burns on his body, nothing too serious, but his expression was even more hateful towards me.

'Did the members of the Apollo family expect something like this when they decided to try to take an easy prey, like a newly formed Hestia family?' I wondered.

Hyakinthos was ready to run towards me when a glass flew between us, shattering near our feet. At the counter, there was an irritated dog that didn't bother to turn around in the midst of the commotion.

"Hey, weaklings. You're ruining my drink. You better disappear from here," he said, and I smiled at this half-beast man.

Hyakinthos didn't seem like he was going to give up; his anger overtook his rationality, and he only wanted revenge at this moment.

"Hello, dog, long time no see. How's my elven princess? Is she still mad at me?" I said, and people gasped. It's one thing to mock a level 3, but now, messing with a level 5 adventurer, not to mention one of the main forces of the Loki family? That's way too insane, making everyone wonder if I had any inclination for voluntary suicide.

"What did you say, you little mage?! I'm going to kill you!" He growled now, I just don't know if it was because I always called him a dog or because I'm hitting on a girl from the main team of his family.

"Hey, hey... Why not wait until tomorrow? I'm thinking of visiting Riveria. Maybe we can fight there? Right now, I have to teach a lesson to this faithful follower of that disgusting and pedophilic god." I said calmly, as if there weren't two adventurers with higher levels than me, trying to kill me at this moment.

"He mentioned Princess Riveria? Since when can the princess be treated like that by just anyone?" said an elf in the crowd angrily. Most elves in Orario saw Riveria as a symbol of purity and power; everyone respected her. Now, seeing an unknown man, even though there were some rumors about his exploits, speaking of her so casually was driving him mad to help the Apollo family member.

"Did you only pay attention to that? He just called the God Apollo a pedophile; this man is completely insane," said a dwarf beside him.

'Great, I'm starting to get a great reputation in this city.' I thought to myself as I listened to the crowd a bit.

"Tsk, great idea, I'm going to kill you in front of my family, weak mage! Then I'll see you tomorrow at the mansion!" The half-beast man, surprisingly to me, even seemed cheerful now.

'He seems to realize it's better to beat me up in front of the Loki family... This guy is really sadistic.' I lamented as I turned to Hyakinthos, who was still looking at me like a madman, no, he was even angrier after my words.

'I can't fight in here... So let's take it to the street.' I thought and started to run.

When Hyakinthos saw me running, he gritted his teeth and ran with all his speed.


As he was about to hit me, I used my small space magic, dodge, allowing me to run through the door while his attack tried to catch up with me.

On the street, I realized that our little dispute had already attracted various onlookers, as there was a crowd that was surprised when I ran out the door. To them, they saw a man go through the doors at the speed of a peak level two, while someone attacked him at a peak level 3 speed. However, the one with a slight advantage could dodge the attacks with some kind of dodging skill, so everyone was surprised by this as the stronger one pursued trying to hit him in this escape.

"Come and settle the score, captain of that family, belonging to that god with golden curls!" I taunted the man; this infuriated him even more, but not as much as the last time.

"AHHHHH" He screamed as he attacked me with his fists. His appearance was no longer good, his expression was that of a madman, scaring everyone who no longer recognized him as the captain of the Apollo family. After dodging about 20 attacks, I arrived on a street where there was no one in it, but the crowd quickly followed us; it seemed like an interesting sport for spectators at this moment.

There was always some fighting among adventurers happening in Orario, but most occurred between level 1 adventurers, with the higher levels being hard to come by. And now they were witnessing a fight that could trigger a war game, which hadn't happened in months! How could they not want to see how this situation would unfold?

"Now we can fight; we don't have weapons, but I'm a mage, so it's okay if I use magic, right?" I smiled, as he seemed to expect an easy fight against the Hestia family when his god ordered him to intercept us and stir up a fight. Hearing this, he just gritted his teeth as he attacked again.

"I think I'll show off a bit here," I thought and raised one hand to summon an Atronach, a stronger-than-usual one, while dodging his punches at the speed of a level 3.
Casting the magic from my hand to my side, a purple ball formed, and when it disappeared, a fire woman emerged, illuminating the streets even more, leaving everyone in the crowd amazed.
"A fire monster! He summoned something out of thin air!"

"Never seen magic like this, who is this guy?"

"Did you not notice, he didn't even chant, he just clenched his fist with a purple aura and summoned that creature!"

"He's the mage from the Hestia family! The one rumored to have destroyed part of the eighteenth floor in a fight against a Goliath variant!"

While everyone gossiped about me, Hyakinthos was surprised by this at the moment too. This kind of magic was something he had never witnessed.

Meanwhile, I pointed at him and told the flaming woman who started to dance while hovering a few inches above the ground.

"Get him!"

As I uttered those words, my Atronach started dancing even more, creating a line of fire in his direction, throwing small firebolts.

Hyakinthos began dodging the attacks, which was very easy for him. But as he approached the fiery woman in anger, he realized he was having difficulty dealing with the fire woman since he only had his fists. So, he got burned a bit when his fist connected with the flaming monster. He quickly stepped back, planning to deal with it differently, and started chanting while dodging the fireballs after the Atronach recovered from his punch.


Hyakinthos shouted as he formed a large halo of yellow light above the palm of his hand.

Without wasting any more time, he lowered his hand, causing that strange magic that even reminded me of one of the attacks from Dragon Ball to fly in our direction.

The halo went straight for the Atronach, unable to dodge the attack. The summoning was split in half, and the attack rushed towards me, who was in a corner of the street just enjoying the show while my summon fought.

Looking at the spell coming, I knew my firebolts wouldn't break it, so I opted for an even more powerful spell.

[- Fire Spell, FIREBALL!]


Launching the fireball with raised hands, it quickly collided with the opponent's spell. This caused an even bigger explosion than a single fireball, and the crowd sighed as they were amazed by the fight.

"Did you see that? He just said a few words, and he unleashed such powerful magic!"

Hearing this, I couldn't help but think.

'You say that because I haven't completed the quest for this spell yet; otherwise, it would be a high-scale destruction machine right now...' I mentally scoffed.

"So the rumors are true, I've never seen someone summon a fire monster and cast magic like that!"

"First, this newly formed family gets a record-breaking adventurer, and now there's a magic monster." Some adventurer lamented.

Ignoring the comments, I looked at my opponent. He was quite surprised that I could destroy his magic like that, but I didn't let him recover. I generated fireballs around me without saying a word, and they flew straight towards the level 3 man.

He was more prepared now, with the advantage of greater distance, he managed to dodge the attacks, even though they collided with the ground. However, my attacks didn't stop, making it difficult for him to approach. I was smiling as more and more 20-centimeter fireballs formed by my side, and the crowd watched me with comical faces and wide-open eyes.


Hyakinthos, realizing he couldn't get close, gritted his teeth as he dodged the countless firebolts.

"I must admit, if he gets close, I only have my dodge spell, but I won't be able to attack him, as his physique is much superior to mine, even if I add my support spells... Maybe I'll finish him off as I did with Carina and that dwarf, since he's not superior to them yet." I pondered as I watched the man jump from side to side while fire exploded from his feet.
The crowd only grew as the fight continued. The noise wasn't loud, but it attracted curious glances nearby. I even saw Bete's dog, now on top of a building, watching the fight attentively.

"Caught your attention, little wolf?" I smiled at this comment.

But my smile quickly faded when I heard a voice from above the houses on the other side.


Shouted a blue-haired woman with a spear in hand.

"It seems the fight is over; the Ganesha family came much faster than I imagined..." I lamented.

I stopped casting spells, and Hyakinthos also stopped in the midst of the scattered flames. He was still pure rage, but now he couldn't try to take it out on me in front of this woman. He wouldn't dare to confront Shakti, the level 5 woman who shouted at us.

"Hello, my lady, we're just having some fun... Isn't it, folks?" I, not wanting to have trouble with her either, asked aloud to the crowd. Most didn't want the fight to end, so Shakti's presence left them frustrated, who, despite her beauty, didn't like to see the show being interrupted.

"YES!" A chorus came from them, and I even found it comical at this moment, hearing all the races shouting at the same time.

"CAN YOU STOP THIS, THE STREETS OF ORARIO ARE NOT AN ARENA FOR YOU TO FIGHT!" She spoke firmly as she descended from the house and walked towards us.

She stared at us, and her eyes gleamed as if challenging us to continue. I sighed, realizing I couldn't do anything more.

"Tch." Hyakinthos clicked his tongue and turned to leave with hatred in his eyes. His face was burned, his clothes torn, and equally burnt. Our fight was a dagger thrust into the heart of his pride; once the glorious captain of the Apollo family, now he seemed reduced to a beaten street dog, while I wasn't even touched.

"Maybe this will teach them not to mess with small families anymore..." I muttered internally.

Watching him walk away, I looked at the short blue-haired woman staring at me, studying what I would do next. Giving her a big smile, she looked at me with suspicion in her eyes when she saw my expression.

"My lady, unfortunately, I am a married man. Although she doesn't know yet that we are in a relationship, I am still faithful to her! (Apart from the fact that I slept with three different goddesses), so please don't look at me like that." I said innocently.

"WHO'S LOOKING AT YOU LIKE THAT!?" She shouted angrily. Shakti didn't expect anyone in this city to insinuate such things to her, precisely her, the woman who takes care of and must maintain order in this city along with her family.

Her outburst was a moment of amusement for me. I enjoy teasing these characters, and Shakti, despite being a level that could kill me without me being able to defend myself, I'm still having fun with it.

"My lady, I know you are a beautiful woman. Maybe if I weren't committed, we could go out and get to know each other. But now I have a woman, please don't insist!" I said calmly. My words made her change expressions several times.

What followed was her disappearing from her spot and giving me a punch so fast that I couldn't react. I could only feel a wall being destroyed with my own body and my entire vision darkening.

[Author's note: This may sound foolish, but Lucius is arrogant enough to try to provoke Shakti, and also wanted to show that he is not so OP at this moment, that he can die to a level 5 at any moment.]



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