Danmachi – Infinite Mana System

Chapter 51 – Twilight Mansion 01.

[Chapter Size: 1974 Words.]
Lucius POV
Somewhere, Orario.



Orario, Streets of Orario.

As I navigated the bustling streets of the city, the atmosphere pulsated with the frenetic energy of commerce and urban activity. Life thrived in every corner, and I blended into the crowd, a discreet observer amid the constant buzz.

The absence of Riekling by my side contributed to my relative invisibility. Without my flashy companion, I went unnoticed by most, enjoying a brief respite from my notoriety. My usually flamboyant cloak remained concealed, and only the distinctive star tattoo on my forehead remained as a trace of my identity. For now, I was just one among many in the busy city.

However, the echo of my name reverberated silently in my mind, and a restless curiosity made me ponder the nicknames that had been attributed to me. Yet, prudence held me back, and I chose not to open that Pandora's box. Knowing my nicknames could unleash a torrent of frustrations, and I preferred to keep that mystery.

Entering the city center, near the imposing Babel Tower, commerce reached new heights of activity. The crowd, a symphony of voices and offers, enveloped me as I seemingly went incognito. However, the smooth course of this journey was abruptly interrupted by a sharp, penetrating gaze, as if trying to access my soul.

"Damn! What is this?!" Escaped from my lips, drawing curious looks around me. A quick scan revealed the source of the intrusive gaze: the Hostess of Fertility pub. Ryuu, sweeping the entrance with determination, and Syr, holding a tray with grace, caught attention. However, I knew that behind the mundane façade, it was Freya staring at me, trying to probe my soul.

A shiver of panic enveloped me as I faced the goddess's relentless gaze.
'Darn, don't tell me she's monitoring me now?!' I exclaimed internally, feeling the pressure of Freya's scrutinizing look on me.

Surveying the situation, I analyzed the nuances of the goddess's gaze. It wasn't a glimpse of surprise or perplexity but of curiosity and questioning. I concluded that, for now, my true soul remained hidden from her. Even though she noticed that I had detected her surveillance, the waitress just smiled, leaving me with the unsettling feeling of being observed by deities as I continued down the path, deliberately ignoring the stalking goddess.

As I advanced, I left behind the bustling commercial area and entered the wealthier region of the city. The scene changed drastically, revealing an opulent environment filled with luxurious residences. This region contrasted deeply with the atmosphere of the abandoned church.

It didn't take long for me to catch sight of the grand Twilight Mansion. Level two guards, imposing in their armor, guarded the entrance. The question from the armor-clad man, wielding a spear, cut through the air.

"Who are you, and what is your purpose with the Loki family?" he inquired, his serious expression denoting the gravity of the situation.

As I approached, my casual attire inevitably raised the need to question my identity and intentions there.

"My name is Lucius Drakenar, a level two adventurer from the Hestia family. I have some business with Princess Riviera. I'm sure Captain Finn can confirm my words." I asserted, observing the exchange of glances between the guards, aware that my presence was a cause for concern and curiosity.
"I'll send a message to them, but don't expect much; there's a meeting going on right now. I'll just say you're here because the captain told me to inform as soon as you arrived at the gate." The guard instructed seriously.

Surprised by the guard's willingness to announce my presence during the meeting, I realized that Bete had probably already informed about my visit after our encounter the day before. While one of the guards went to inform the executives, the other granted me passage through the gate.

The environment extended beyond the majestic mansion, encompassing a spacious courtyard where members of the Loki family engaged in training. Some secondary team members were involved in sparring, and a closer look revealed the presence of Raul Nord, a level four adventurer who seemed to lead the second team of the Loki family.

Without an immediate purpose, I decided to approach the group, as the guard had suggested I wait in the courtyard while he returned to the gate.

"Yo!" I announced my presence as I approached close enough to attract attention.

"Hm? Who are you? -Nyah." Inquired a catwoman next to Raul. Her dark hair echoed the tone of her ears and eyes. Realizing she didn't recognize me, she promptly questioned, "Are you... Lucius from the Hestia family? He was at our family's camp while we stayed on the eighteenth floor to rest from the last deep dive. Don't you remember him, Aki?" Raul, noticing my presence, quickly provided this information to Anakitty Autumn.

"Ah, yes! He's the one who caused that commotion near Rivira. -Nyah." She confirmed, referring to my intervention at the scene and going there to report the situation to the family captain.

"I believe so, but anyway. Nice to meet you. I don't think I've formally introduced myself to you. I'm Lucius Drakenar, a member of the Hestia family." I smiled as I made this formal introduction, recognizing that I had never exchanged words with them before. My presence caught the attention of other members, who briefly interrupted their activities to observe the higher-level sparring. However, they remained silent.

"I'm Raul Nord, level 4 member, and captain of the second expedition team of the Loki family." Raul announced, extending his hand for a handshake.

"I'm Anakitty Autumn-nyah. Level 4 member under Captain Raul in the second team-Nyah." Anakitty added, displaying a friendly expression. I accepted Raul's handshake, realizing that both were approachable individuals. My previous experiences with them had not generated any misunderstandings, although there had been a period when I was frowned upon in the family after an incident with Aiz.

I was about to initiate a more detailed conversation when I was interrupted by someone whose approach I didn't expect, although a lack of surprise permeated my face.
"YOUUUUUUUUU!!!!" The thunderous shout of a young girl echoed through the courtyard, interrupting even the ongoing sparring. All eyes turned to the source of the commotion, where a goddess approached with comical steps, eyes closed, and an expression of exaggerated anger.

Continuing her approach, the goddess reached me, and before anyone could react, she grabbed my shirt, staring at me with closed eyes and letting out a scream.

"You're the darn member of that chibi who's stealing Mommy!!" Her words carried fervent indignation.

"Hm? I don't know what you're talking about, Goddess Loki." I responded calmly, though a smile formed on my face. The revelation that the Loki family had this perspective that I would be "stealing" Riviera added an unexpected touch to the situation.

"HMMMM!? You may be an interesting human, but I'll never hand Mom over, and I'll do everything to keep her from falling into your hands, because those, those huge and beautiful, those huge and beautiful brea..., Hm? Ouch!" Loki was abruptly interrupted as she took a hit on the head from a staff. Riviera had appeared behind her, eyes closed and a slight blush on her face, as if feeling ashamed by her goddess's impulsive display, who now put her hand to her head in response to the pain caused.
I stared at this woman for a moment, a bit lost in the whirlwind of recent events. I wasn't sure how to proceed after the episode with Loki, but I was saved by Finn's arrival, who appeared shortly after with the whole team.

"So, you're here. I hope my goddess hasn't bothered you too much," he said, appearing friendly, although I knew he was acting diplomatically.

Next to him, Tiona was visibly excited, while her sister observed Finn and me with a curious look. Little Lefiya beside her displayed eyes of resentment, an expression that intrigued me. Aiz, by her side, maintained her usual gaze, while Gareth wore a playful look. Bete, on the other hand, snarled at me with his eyes.

While each acted according to their perspective, Riviera gave me a neutral look and spoke in a neutral tone: "I believe you're here because of my invitation and proposal."

"Yes, I am. I want to learn about magic. Despite having my own abilities, I'm quite ignorant of magical principles, as I've never studied them before," I replied sincerely. Despite enjoying the time with the elven princess, my main motivation was the pursuit of magical knowledge.

"Are you willing to become my student then?" She asked, but with no blush anymore, there was a dangerous look in her eyes as she uttered those words. Lefiya and even Aiz seemed to sweat at this mention, as they were students of Riviera, an experience I had no knowledge of, but judging by their faces, it didn't seem very pleasant.

"I-I believe so," I finally said with a smile that started to become nervous.

"WHAT!! Mom is going to teach him? I disagree! I don't want him near Mom! Near those beautiful curves!! OUCH!!" Loki once again received a hit from Riviera's staff with another blush.

"OUCH!! Mom, why are you doing this?!"

"Silence, Goddess Loki, I promised him and warned that this may benefit us some time ago," Riviera said with closed eyes.

"But he's dangerous!"


"But Mom..."




The goddess Loki could only be in depression at this moment, seeing that her daughter didn't even let her speak anymore. But she looked at me again and grabbed my shirt again.

"Listen here, I don't care if you're the son of that chibi, I'll even allow you to be taught by Mom, but if you touch, no! If you look at those precious and soft curves of Riviera, which I always wanted to touch, I will curse you for eternity! Something that even your goddess won't be able to protect you from my wrath! OUCH!!!" While Loki had a dangerous look with open eyes as she pronounced her curses, she took another hit from the staff of the elf, who couldn't stand her mischievous goddess anymore.

I really didn't know what to do; these gods are always peculiar. After forming a personality for thousands of years, it would never change. I was even confused by Loki's unhealthy desire for female breasts.

While Finn sighed with this and the rest of his family looked at the scene in a amusing way, the members of the second team were lost with these declarations from their goddess. However, a visibly impatient werewolf couldn't contain his displeasure any longer and interrupted the scene with a powerful growl, capturing the attention of everyone present. "Wait a moment!" he roared, directing his fierce gaze in my direction. "I have waited long enough, you and I," he pointed at me with an evident challenging expression. "In the sparring field, now!" His irritation was palpable, a latent eagerness to confront me that had grown since our first encounter.

Bete, as he was called, received enthusiastic support from Loki, whose words echoed in agreement. "That's right, Bete! Teach him so he never steals Mom!!" The goddess's statement added an element of excitement to the proposed challenge.

I looked at them for a moment and sighed; it was time to face their constant fights and provocations. "Okay, let's fight then," I said, casting a glance at the enthusiastic Bete, aware that I was about to face a considerable physical challenge. However, a silent determination shone in my eyes, indicating that it wouldn't be as simple as he imagined. The sparring field awaited, and as the sun indicated mid-morning.



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