Danmachi – Infinite Mana System

Chapter 54 – Beginning of Magical Training.

[Chapter Size: 2656 Words.]
Lucius POV
Twilight Manor, Orario.



The private room, where executives usually conducted meetings, provided a serious and focused atmosphere. Lucius entered, noticing Loki's protective stance next to Riviera, her shrewd eyes watching him like an attentive fox, as if afraid he might steal something valuable at any moment.

A sigh escaped Lucius' lips as he closed the door, realizing how Loki exaggerated her posture. Walking to the center of the room and sitting on the opposite side of the two women, he calmly looked at them, waiting for Riviera to take the lead.

"Well, as I mentioned before, I offered to put you in some of my classes. It seems you face some issues with magical stability, as if there's excessive magical growth that you can't control..." Riviera analyzed with an analytical expression.

"Well, it seems so..." Lucius scratched his head, partially truthful under Loki's scrutinizing gaze, examining him with suspicion.

"Don't worry; I'm not demanding you explain your abilities. That's a secret of your own family, something we can't interfere with," Riviera said in a neutral tone, easing Lucius, who sighed upon hearing those words.

"Damn Chibi and her luck..." Loki muttered beside, crossing her arms with an air of discontent.

"Anyway, you may have many spells and a large amount of mana/mental energy, but it seems you don't have much magical knowledge. It intrigues me, but the lack of that knowledge also leaves a lot of room for growth potential," she continued, changing her tone in the next sentence.
"So, I'll train you," she concluded, her atmosphere shifting to intense determination and an intimidating presence, causing Lucius to raise an eyebrow.

"It's an offer I can't refuse..." Lucius replied sincerely, contemplating the unique opportunity to have someone of Riviera's caliber as his instructor in Orario, or even in the world.

"I'm glad you think so, because it won't be easy. I'm warning you, so I don't want you complaining, even if you wish for death..." Riviera said simply, but her words sent shivers down Lucius and Loki's spines, creating a tense atmosphere in the room.

'Wait, I heard that Lefiya suffered at the hands of this elven princess, but is it to this extent?' Lucius questioned in his mind, surprised at the intensity of Riviera's determination.

"I think I can do this..." Lucius responded somewhat nervously after pondering for a moment.

"I'll schedule our training like this. Three times a week, you'll come to our headquarters to study alongside my pupil, Lefiya. You'll have assignments, and I intend to assess your results. I won't be satisfied with anything less than what I consider excellent performance. Otherwise, I'll make sure you can't even sleep on the following nights." She declared coldly, making Lucius wonder when this elf became so ruthless.

"Hahaha, that's the way to go..." Loki looked at the poor human trying to win the "mom" over and was about to receive the terrible treatment of this executive. Loki, as always, laughed and teased those who became Riviera's pupils.

"Loki, be quiet." The serious tone in Riviera's voice sent shivers down both Loki and Lucius' spines.

'Where's the usual Riviera, and how did she become this scary woman?' Both thought, perplexed by her change in attitude.

"But..." Lucius began to speak.
"No 'buts,' listen carefully. You'll do everything I ask, read everything I send you to read, answer all my theoretical questions, and I won't accept anything less than correct answers. Otherwise, you'll review the entire topic from the beginning to reassess. Magic is an exact science; if you misunderstand something, you'll have to go back to your basics until all your concepts are aligned. I'll also assess your performance in the dungeon as our classes progress." Riviera no longer seemed like an elven princess but rather a terrible teacher who accepted nothing less than excellent performance from her students.

'Now I know why Lefiya had a scared look when classes were mentioned in the original...' Lucius commented to himself.

"Subject to all this, do you still want to start our magical training? It's a path of no return." Riviera asked neutrally.

"I think so... I'll accept. What do we do now?" Lucius was reluctant at first but responded with confirmation and asked, while Loki remained silent after being intimidated by the elven girl.
Riviera looked at Lucius with a serious and determined gaze. "Lucius, our training will be divided into several stages. In the first few days, we'll cover the basics of magic, from fundamental concepts to practicing mana control. Then, we'll move on to simpler spells that you have, gradually progressing to more complex spells in the coming weeks."

She paused, assessing Lucius's expression. "Concentration is crucial. We will train your ability to maintain focus during casting spells, and after that, we will explore spell combinations and their practical applications in simulated scenarios."

Riviera continued, "In the following weeks, we will advance to the study of more advanced magic, such as runic magic and enchantments. Simultaneously, you will undergo physical training to strengthen your body and endure prolonged use of magic. At the end of the training, you will choose an area of specialization."

She looked into Lucius's eyes. "This won't be easy. I won't tolerate performances below excellent. Three times a week, you will come to study at the Loki family headquarters, working alongside my pupil, Lefiya. You'll have tasks and frequent evaluations. If you don't meet the standards, prepare for sleepless nights."

Riviera concluded, "We are aiming to develop your magical abilities comprehensively. Be prepared, as it will be challenging, but the result will be worth it."

Lucius was still stunned by her speech; she seemed like a general addressing cadets. He sighed and looked at the transformed woman in front of him. "What will we do today with all this in mind?" Lucius raised the question.

"Come with me; let's go to the library for you to get the basic material to start your lessons." She said as she led the way to the family library.

Lucius walked out, looking at that green-haired woman, wondering what the heck was happening here, as she no longer had a shy look but a determined and even somewhat intimidating one. Nevertheless, he followed her, eager to learn magic, his motivation to face this Riviera.

Arriving at the location, Lucius noticed how this library was worthy of a family like Loki's. There must be at least 20 thousand books here; the place was quite large and luxurious. Riviera began to look around, walking through the bookshelves and picking up a stack of them. Lucius silently observed near the entrance with Loki. It didn't take long for her to bring a stack of books, simultaneously with the loud noise of their weight falling onto the table in front of Lucius and Loki. Riviera's aura was much more intimidating as she stared at him now.

"You will read this in a week. I want a summary of all the points each book and author addresses." She said without blinking, her gaze fixed on Lucius, a man with a somewhat lost look about it.
"What? Isn't this too much...?" Lucius tried to make an excuse.

"Quiet, you said you would do anything I demand, so just do it!" She said simply, making Lucius sound a bit tense.

Sighing, Lucius nodded, having no other choice.

'Even so, this is too much! In my past life, if I read 50 pages of a book in a day, I would feel satisfied, and now, this woman wants me to read 15 books in a week? This is too much!' Lucius lamented internally but kept his thoughts to himself.

"Okay, I'll do it." In the end, he accepted this demand.

"Great, this is the basics to start. Your classes with me will begin once you grasp the basics of magical introduction." She said emotionlessly.

"Is this just the basics of introduction?!" Lucius didn't know what to say...

"What? Are you giving up already?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No, I'll do it..." He stopped his complaint and said.

"Okay, I won't take your time anymore; you will need it from now on..." She said, staring at him, which made Lucius nod and approach the table with books.

Taking the books, he said goodbye to Riviera and Loki, leaving through the corridors of Twilight Manor with a stack of books in hand.

As he walked towards the exit, there was a look of pity in the eyes of the observers as he passed by. Even Lefiya seemed to have pity, while Aiz next to her just looked with a neutral gaze. Loki, on the other hand, seemed very happy and satisfied with the conditions Lucius found himself in, walking to the exit with him.
As soon as he left, he bid farewell to the members of the Loki family with the books.

"Anyway, thanks for the opportunity, and I enjoyed kicking your ass, dog," Lucius spoke to Riviera and then turned to Bete beside her, who had already changed into new clothes.

"Tsk, next time, I'll break all your bones, mageling," Bete growled.

Lucius wasn't intimidated; even though he had lost, he would grow stronger to kick this wolf's ass in the future.

"I guess with that, I'll be going. Goodbye."

"Hope to see you a week from now with results," Riviera said with an implacable voice.

"Until next time then," Finn said.

After bidding farewell, Lucius walked out through the gate of the Twilight Manor towards the slums with a stack of books in his hand.

'I needed to get strong, but in the end, I'll have to study...' He lamented as he walked through the streets of Orario.

In time, he reached the abandoned church and noticed something strange about the place, even though it wasn't yet noon. Conjuring his life-detection magic revealed the presence of scouts on top of some buildings, watching him and the church.

"They must be members of the Apollo family, maybe some from the Soma family, I don't know..." He reflected as he passed through the door. Even though he could see them, he couldn't determine their strength. Regardless of whether he was being monitored or not, he ignored them and entered his current home.
Lucius delved into the books, each page revealing secrets and mysteries that he could hardly wait to unravel. The atmosphere in the abandoned church was imbued with the seriousness of his studies, and the white light hovering over Lucius's shoulder added a magical touch to the scene.

Hours passed, and the wizard was completely immersed in his reading. Magical knowledge flowed into his mind, drawing a new horizon of possibilities. The silence of the church was interrupted only by the gentle turning of pages and Lucius's occasional note-taking in his notebook.

Suddenly, the door of the church creaked as Hestia, Bell, Lili, and Riekling entered. The light illuminating Lucius revealed an intense gleam in his eyes, indicating the fervor of his study.

"Hm? Lucius is home?" Hestia asked upon seeing the wizard focused on the table.

"Hello, welcome." Lucius greeted, still absorbed in his books.

"How many books, what are you reading, Mister Lucius?" Bell inquired, curious about the stack of books before the wizard.

"Introduction to magic." Lucius's response was straightforward, and he took out a small notebook to make notes. Creation magic could materialize books, but the transience of such creation made him opt for more conventional methods.

"Lili thinks Mister Lucius is studying, is Lili wrong?" Lili questioned beside, her curiosity evident.

"HEEE..." Riekling emitted a suspicious sound, expressing his own uncertainty.

The atmosphere was charged with the energy of learning, as Lucius delved deep into magical texts, and the presence of visitors brought a touch of reality to the knowledge sanctuary he was building.
Lucius, immersed in the books, answered questions without averting his gaze from the pages filled with knowledge. The environment in the church was laden with the energy of discovery, and the seriousness of the wizard reflected in his meticulous gestures of note-taking.

"I am studying; my teacher is threatening me in case I don't meet her expectations," declared Lucius with a firmness that conveyed his commitment to studies. His serious tone matched the concentrated atmosphere of the church.

Hestia, suspicious and surprised, questioned, "And who would be your teacher?"

"Riviera, from the Loki family," answered Lucius, revealing his connection with the influential family.

Hestia's reaction was impulsive and childish, expressing dissatisfaction. "Huh? Is that why that damn Loki captain came looking for you? You're getting involved with that family like Bell!" She couldn't hide her concern.

"Basically, Riviera gave me an opportunity to learn magic with her; naturally, I won't refuse, no matter how difficult it seems..." Lucius murmured, highlighting the complexity of the situation.

Bell, enthusiastic, intervened, "But that's amazing!" He understood the importance of training, having personally experienced the positive impact of teachings from other members of the Loki family.

"HEEE?" Riekling, ever attentive, asked with curiosity.

"Sure, everything was smooth; I just had to beat up a certain dog, the rest of the time was pretty peaceful..." Lucius replied to Riekling, who, though skeptical, couldn't help but be impressed by the apparent ease of the wizard.

"heee..." The little goblin didn't know if he believed completely, but Lucius, without stopping, shifted the focus of the conversation as he continued absorbed in the books.

"How was the dungeon today?" He inquired, showing his interest in Bell and his group's activities. The atmosphere in the church was silent, filled only by the murmur of pages being turned by Lucius. The soft light created by the white light ball highlighted the serious expressions of those present. Bell, curious, asked about the day in the dungeon.

"It was good; even Lili is learning to use the spear that Mister Lucius suggested, with Riekling with us, she can pay more attention to the fights," Bell reported, highlighting the training advances.

Lucius, focused on his studies, announced his decision not to participate in the dungeon the next day. "Only if you want to read books with me, other than that, I won't occupy my time with anything else here. Damn, I've been here for hours, and my head is already throbbing, and I'm only halfway through the first book. Riviera thinks I'm some kind of machine, I don't understand..." he grumbled, revealing the mental exhaustion caused by intense studies.

"Alright, let's take Riekling," Bell said with an understanding smile, ignoring the 'machine' reference.

"Better that way, considering we're already the target of some scouts, you guys have to be prepared," warned Lucius, gaining the serious attention of those present.

Hestia, worried, questioned: "What do you mean?"

Lucius revealed his observation about the eyes in the houses, indicating the possibility of an imminent move from the other party. "I can take care of myself, but what about you guys? You'll have to get stronger," he emphasized, directing his serious gaze at Bell.

Bell, initially surprised, gained a renewed determination. "Yes... I'll get stronger!" he declared, receiving approval from Lili and Hestia by his side.

Lucius then resumed his studies, asking not to be disturbed during dinner. While the other members carried on with their routines, the weight of concerns hung in the air of the abandoned church.



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