Danmachi: Reborn with EMIYA’s Powers

Chapter 39: Royalty in Chains. Arry

The Great Sea of Sand.

A lawless region of Gekai that is constantly filled with war and strife. The sands of the land are intimately aware of the sensation of warm blood, burning fire, and cold steel.

The lands amongst the sand… the lands between the evergreen forests and the blue ocean's depths… these lands… they have never once known a staying peace.

Never shall their ground know the comfort of a blissful and worriless breeze, nor the warmth of kind and reassuring sunlight.

These lands… their people… suffering is ingrained into their existence.

Each generation shall know of war and strife.

Each child shall know of duty and of sacrilege.

Each soul shall have the fear of conquest engraved into their beings.

The sensation of heated crimson flowing through their skin like bathwater.

War is all they have ever known… and war is all they will ever know.

War… conflict… sacrifice… greed… it shall never change for the people that were born in its cold and cruel embrace.

Chaos encapsulates the bloodied history of this land…this region….the region of Kaios.

"For such a brutal place, it's surprising only one story in Danmachi was written about it… though there wouldn't be much to talk about once Arry rises to power and establishes her hegemony…"

Bell talked to himself as he walked the numerous dunes of the Great sea desert of Gekai. The howling winds of the desert muffled his voice.

A black cloak blocked his body from the elements as he tugged it close to his face. The never-ending gusts of the desert incessantly blew sand in great plumes all around him, much to his displeasure.

"I figured this would be another adventure… but sand gets a bit boring to look at after the first few hours, everything looks the same no matter where I look"

Bell felt disheartened as he expected more from a desert in a fantasy world… only to be met with a desert he had seen numerous times in his past life.

Endless hills of yellow sand. Elevating and descending the ground Bell walked upon in endless repetition.

A cloudless sky formed above him as he traversed. Knowing not of left or right from the view of the desert, the sun being his only guide for direction.

"I suppose I should've lowered my expectations a bit… I was a bit excited at the prospect of wandering through a desert by myself like a mysterious figure"

Bell had been walking by himself for the last few days in the Kaios desert.

He had originally planned to ride on a sand ship like Freya had done in the original events of Episode: Freya, but Bell soon discovered the difference in circumstance between himself and the goddess of beauty.

"Damn greedy and horny traders. All of you drop on your feet to let Freya hitch a ride on your ships, but I get laughed at for trying to buy my way to do the same?"

Bell reminisced on the infuriating memories he had trying to procure transportation for himself. Being laughed out of a bar bordering the Kaios desert. A stop he arrived at after traveling away from Altena. An establishment in a common trading port between the nation and the numerous desert merchants.

"Modern transport in my past life was so underappreciated… the allure of traveling a fantasy world is appealing, but it's so much harder to find ways to get to where you want to go…"

Bell said as he mourned the lack of any conventional traveling options through Kaios.

The region was not safe enough to warrant tourist ships into commercial service, and the traders who owned their own ships wouldn't allow some random schmuck along unless there was some benefit for them besides wealth…like a goddess' alluring physique.

"Some of those guys even tried to charge me absurd prices to let me board and power the magic stone core of their ships… YOU'RE BASICALLY ASKING ME TO PAY TO BECOME A PART OF THE SLAVES YOU OWN, YOU GREEDY BASTARDS!-"

The desert ships that were commonly used to traverse the region were powered by slaves who would empower a magic stone core designed and sold by Altena.

The magic stone cores would usually be powered by common magic stones dropped by monsters, but the merchants of the desert would retrofit the cores sold by Altena to be run by slave labor.

To say the least, Bell wasn't on board with becoming a human battery for his travels.

He was beyond miffed at his first experiences with the Kaios region, but Bell soon composed himself.

"I should've expected nothing less for a war-torn region of Gekai… I had this as an alternative, but I would rather not use it for now…"

Bell said as he held the magic core of a sand ship he requested from Athena before he had left. The magic core was designed to exclusively power a desert ship. A magic item inscribed with numerous magic formulas to power propulsors that will allow a ship to sail on the sand.

But though Bell could project a structure around the magic core, the boy chose not to. For one simple reason.


"𝙍 𝙍 𝙍 𝙊 𝙊 𝙊 𝙊 𝙊 𝙊 𝘼 𝘼 𝘼 𝘼 𝘼 𝘼 𝙍 𝙍 𝙍 !!!-"

One very large reason.

"Oho~ I got a big one this time… if I was going to take the long route either way. It's best I make the most out of my time…"

Bell commented as a large shadow loomed over him. A gigantic worm-like monster burst forth from the sand and jumped over him with ease, making its presence known to its prey. The beast had a long body that radiated its strength.


The worm borrowed back into the ground. Burrowing quickly into the sand before disappearing entirely.

Bell smiled as he gathered another gullible monster to observe.

"Sandworm… that's the fifteenth I encountered so far and it seems to be the second longest compared to the rest I recorded…"

Bell muttered to himself as he wrote his observations down in a journal he kept beneath his cloak. Unworried about the monster that had made itself known to him.

𝙨𝙘𝙧𝙞𝙗𝙗𝙡𝙚… 𝙨𝙘𝙧𝙞𝙗𝙗𝙡𝙚… 𝙨𝙘𝙧𝙞𝙗𝙗𝙡𝙚

This was the reason Bell had decided to journey on his own two feet rather than with a sand ship.

To familiarize himself with the vast amounts of monsters of the Kaios.

'The Kaios region is home to many monsters that are seldom known outside of the desert. Reason being that the species that live here only survive in a land of sand…'

Bell thought to himself regarding the unique ecology of the lands he was in. He was aware that a certain floor of the dungeon had a tendency to change every so often.

The deep floor encompassing the fifty-ninth and sixty-first.

According to his past life's memories, the Zeus and Hera familias once recorded it as a cold and harsh frozen wasteland, whilst the Loki familia who came after them recorded it as a deep lush jungle.

'Supposedly all monsters on the surface descended from the monsters of the dungeon that reached the surface in olden times before the gods descended… so it would be safe to assume that the Kaios region's monsters descended from a time when the dungeon had a desert floor…'

Bell thought as he smiled in contemplation. He would love to go have Athena's opinions on the matter as his research partner… and partner in general. But he simply resolved to save such a talk with her for another time.

But Bell didn't just study the monsters of the desert for the sake of his intellectual pursuits.

'For the sake of documentation for possible future use… for my curiosity as an academic… and for my future plans with Arry'

Bell thought as narrowed his eyes away from his journal. He felt the monster would soon act upon him.

'I should understand the lay of the land thoroughly… can't help Arry lead a revolution if I don't understand the intricacies of where I will fight'


The ground shook as the worm began to circle Bell beneath the sand. The monster's roar immensely rocked the ground Bell stood upon.

"Sandworms use this shaking as a tactic to send fear to their prey… in hopes that they begin to run. The sandworms hunt best with prey that flees…"

Bell muttered as he began to recite the observations he had drawn from the monster species.

"What interesting creatures… observations are done now. Thank you for helping me confirm my notes, sandworm! But I'm afraid…"

『Trace on』

"You'll have to die now"


A plume of sand busted from the ground as Bell invoked his magic.

"... I'm getting better at projecting giant weapons, this will prove useful for fights in the future"

Bell said as he scribbled some notes on a separate notebook from his monster journal. One dedicated to ideas and plans for his personal growth.


The sound of the monster dissolving into ash rang out around Bell… he had impaled the worm with a giant sword he had projected beneath the ground. An experiment Bell had done for manifesting projections in difficult areas and projecting generally larger weapons.

"I will have to look more into projecting my swords internally… but there's no need to rush with such a niche technique. It's not like I'm planning to assassinate anyone with a UBW bullet in the near future."


Bell said as he closed his journal. The giant sword slowly vanished and he began walking once more. Slowly making his way to the destination he wished to arrive in.

"I do hope I encounter some of the more rarer species in the desert like the sand goblin before I arrive at the Lioad trading outpost"

Bell wanted to gather as much information as he could before he arrived… because when he arrived, he would begin his plans to incite a revolution with the royal prince in hiding.



"What an interesting city…"

Bell commented as he passed through the gates of Lioad. Easily entering the city after he had bribed the border guard with some valis.

'Foreigners seem to have recently been denied entry unless they are backed by a local or a prominent merchant… or if they have enough cash… Arry really has her work cut out for her…'

Bell pitied the absolute mess the future hegemon of sand would face. Instilling her dominion over the desert and having to uproot the deep mindset of corruption at every level of bureaucratic power. Even imagining how to go about solving such a problem began to make Bell's headache.

'Thankfully I wasn't reincarnated into a position where I needed to do politics. I can never understand how someone could center their lives around something so toxic and taxing…'

After thanking whatever gave him a life where he could just solve most of his problems by throwing swords at it, Bell began to observe his surroundings. Tugging his cloak tighter so as to not draw too much attention to himself… something quite a few others in the crowd was doing alongside him.

"This place really captures the allure of a desert city. Everything is just as I would imagine it"

The buildings all around him were constructed out of white and yellow sandstone that was gentle on his eyes.

The roads he walked on were paved with marbled stone. The light colors of the infrastructure reflected the glaring sunlight resplendently.

𝙢𝙪𝙧𝙢𝙪𝙧… 𝙢𝙪𝙧𝙢𝙪𝙧… 𝙢𝙪𝙧𝙢𝙪𝙧…

The streets were filled to the brim with bustling activity and numerous eye-catching stores and stalls. Each one displays and sells unique wares from various regions of the desert.

'Those are some interesting pieces… those precious stones… perhaps I should buy one if I ever need a gift'

Esoteric accessories and trinkets filled Bell's vision. But he was driven away from those products in an instant as exotic spices tingled the senses of his nose. The sensations drew his attention quickly.

'Those spices… I wonder if I can find a spicy curry recipe somewhere?'

Bell's natural interest as a cook was piqued by the spread of unique ingredients that entered his sight. Barrels of fine powder and herbs as far as he could see.

Enriching sights. Exotic sensations. All could never be found anywhere else. Such was the allure of the desert outpost where wealth gathered, Lioad.

But such a sight made Bell narrow his eyes. His years of being a vigilante made him know better than to trust the promise of a shining city on a hill.

"But where wealth gathers… avarice is always nearby…"

Bell whispered to himself as he deviated from the main road where most of the crowds walked upon.

A few locals recognized that he was heading into a deep dark alley that led to what they knew as an unsavory place… though they showed bright smiles as they tended to their stores, their stares became cold as they witnessed Bell began to enter Lioad's dark side.

A stare not of spite or disgust… but of acknowledgment of a person who saw through the veil that the mercantile elite constructed. One meant to hide away their more 𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙗𝙞𝙣𝙜 dealings.


No one tried to stop him. No one gave a comment to what he was doing. It was a sight the people saw very often. Who were they to fight back against the norms of the desert lands?

"...I really admire you Arry… it's hard to believe you were somehow able to raise this region and its people away from such darkness…"

Bell said as he walked deeper and deeper into the alleyway. The sun slowly began to stop reaching him as the density of buildings began to increase compared to the open clean main district.

"Ugh… this smell…"

Bell repulsed as a certain smell began to fill his senses… the mind-numbing scent of aphrodisiacs mixed with the dizzying smell of narcotics. The aroma of sin. Bell had entered the true source of the outpost's immense wealth…


The shouts of slave drivers resounded throughout the air. Each one trying to be louder than the other. All in a bid to sell as many slaves as they could… all of them people stripped of their freedom for the sin of becoming victims of the desert's endless war and crime.

"Mister~ Come and spend a night with me~ I won't bite~"

Numerous scantily clad women of varying races called out to the passing crowds in low tones. Dressed in cloth that could barely be defined as clothes. Reeking of various perfumes. Dolled in heavy makeup that accentuated their appeal.

Some had a look of lust in their eyes… others had greed… but most… most were filled with sadness and desperation.

A street of depravity hidden between the shadows of the alleyways behind the numerous buildings of the main street.

Scant rays of light pierced through the brutalist aesthetic of the area with immense difficulty. Only the low glow of lanterns and alluring brothel lights illuminated the path Bell walked on.

A slum of extreme dichotomies. Poor impoverished slaves intermingled with the rich perusers. Sober folk walking alongside drunk and high addicts.

"It still doesn't get easier to take it in…"

He was now walking through the black market of Lioad.

"Though for it to be a black market, the activities here would have to be illegal… but such purchases are commonplace…"

Bell murmured to himself as he continued walking. But as he did, he soon passed by a passing line of slaves. One of the poor men looking his way.


His eyes were devoid of any hope. Despair had already firmly rooted itself on his face.

The man was dirty and bruised. To anyone else, such a sight might erupt feelings of pity… disgust… anger… such a scene shouldn't be allowed to take place. The majority of people would avert their eyes in the face of such cruelty.


But Bell didn't try to diminish taking in everything he saw. He wouldn't avert his eyes from something that was horrendous to his sensibilities.

𝙘𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙜… 𝙘𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙜… 𝙘𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙜…

The slave quietly passed by Bell. Walking in line with the rest of the people chained alongside him. The sound of their shackles resounded in a low cold tone. Bell offered no protest nor visible response. Only quietly continuing on his way.

'This is the reality of a fantasy world… Though Danmachi is better than most other fantasies as most of this crime is centered around the Kaios… it doesn't make it any better to accept…'

Hard as it was to accept, Bell didn't choose to avert his eyes or protest in a futile attempt to enact change through his words or activism.

'Might makes right… and though it is cruel to ignore all these people desperately wishing for help, my pity will only amount to a temporary cold comfort'

Bell somewhat knew the feeling. He couldn't say to have experienced life under bondage, but he did recognize the angering feeling of useless pity and concern without acting upon it.

He knew that these people didn't want words of comfort or for someone to buy them and further propagate the industry of their suffering… the only meaningful action can be the response he could make to such lifeless pleas.

'I just hope helping Arry will quicken the demise of this repulsive industry…'

The descending of the gods did much to remove slavery from normalcy throughout Gekai, but the even divine weren't able to have their influence effectively reach and root itself in the Kaios deserts.

'Only through an unquestioned ruler… under a hegemon, can effective change be brought to these lands…'

Moving away from the endless lifeless gazes of the people around him, Bell began eyeing his surroundings. Finding the necessary pieces to move with the next phase of his plans

"... Found it"

Bell said as he eyed up a nearby cart of coal that was left unguarded. Numerous sacks hefty with the material. He would need plenty of it.


Bell unassuming approached closer to the cart… and quickly snatched a sack of coal that was being transported then and there. The merchant was too busy whipping his slaves in anger to notice his shipment was stolen.


But Bell wasn't done just yet. He began to eye up his surroundings once more, stopping his search as he spotted a nearby drunk. Walking shakily as he pervertedly groped the barely covered ass of the harlot by his side.

The pair would soon pass his way. A pouch of gold coins resounded loudly in response to his shaky movements.

This was what Bell wanted. The local currency of the desert that differed from the standard Valis that was used everywhere else in the continent.


The two passed by like any other stranger walking down the street. But Bell quietly invoked his magic beneath his breath before the drunkard completely escaped his range.


Bell's arms flashed with magic circuits beneath his clothes. The appendage quickly turned into a blur.


The drunkard felt as if something had happened to him.


Turning around, he saw a hooded figure had just passed by him.


The drunkard was suspicious at first as a person well-versed in the happenings around this part of the city, but after seeing his pouch was as hefty as it originally was he turned away, focusing more on feeling up the prostitute he had hired for the afternoon.


"Too easy"

Bell said as he flipped the singular gold coin he had stolen. Catching it in his hands before it fell away from his reach.

"Always wanted to do something like that. Though I only stole a single coin off the top of the pouch… I guess I'll live out my dream of becoming a phantom thief some other time…"

Bell commented on his brief act as a petty theft. Some might consider his act stupid. He could've easily stolen the whole pouch and hid away without notice if he really tried… but Bell didn't need to exert that much effort… because he had a way of attaining much more wealth with little effort.

"Transmutation isn't widely spread outside of specialized smiths and item makers. Meaning there aren't many laws regarding what they can and can't do… so this should be fine to do, right?"

Bell commented as he began to invoke his magic…

『Trace on』

Bell began to study the intricate details of the coin he had in his hands. All the information became clear to him as his mind filled the construct's structure.

His magic perfectly understood how the coin was minted and forged. A perfect copy of the currency was now in his mind.

"There's significantly fewer measures against counterfeiting with this coins structure compared to Valis… nothing but benefits for me"

"Counterfeiting Valis might get me in trouble with people like Ouranos and the banks… but some regional currency should be fine"

"It's also impractical to make any significant purchases with the scam of an exchange rate of one thousand Valis for one coin…"

Bell kept talking to himself as if he wanted to justify what he was about to do… but even if he had somehow received protests for his actions, he would simply do it regardless.

'Mix a few substances for gold dye… and fill the structure of each batch piece of coal…'

Bell didn't wish to spend so much energy projecting coins with his magic. He was going for the easy way to wealth, and he didn't want to risk a magician growing suspicious of the faint amount of energy radiating from his projections.

So if he can't project a new item altogether…then he would simply change something pre-existing.


Sparks of blue energy erupted from within the bag as Bell's magic circuits sprung to life.

Bell was going to make gold out of coal.

Laughing faintly to himself at what he was doing, Bell resolved himself as he began walking into the slave markets of Lioad.

"Time to buy myself a prince"



"Damn it…"

A soft voice spoke out quietly in frustrated lamentation of their current circumstances.

"How am I going to break free? I managed to escape capture by letting myself be caught by a slave driver… but what now?..."

The voice spoke as they lay inside a dirty and repulsing display cage.

Situated beside numerous other slaves whose eyes were devoid of any light.

The men were beaten and abused.

The women used against their will.

The children were starving as they couldn't contribute much.

The voice was surrounded on all sides by despair. The faint light showing through the slave markets did little to help their stubborn refusal to not give up hope.

"... dirty… dilapidated… and broken beyond repair… just how far have our people fallen? Fighting and exploiting one another like a bunch of mad dogs…"

The sights stirred anger in the figure for how far the region had fallen in recent times… and a feeling of sadness that she wasn't strong enough to avert this disaster despite her upbringing…. her advantages… her position as heir apparent.

'Sear this into your soul, Arry… this is the reason you keep fighting… why you want to survive… to rule a kingdom where people never grow this devoid of life…'

Allum Raj Shalzard. The royal prince and sole heir to the Shalzard throne… but in truth… she was the daughter and sole descendant of the now-passed Shalzard king. Disguised and raised as a boy her whole life in the monarch's desperate attempt to have an heir to the throne in his old age.

Their kingdom held very conservative views on the line of succession and her father not being blessed with many children, Arry was forced to be raised as a boy for the sake of their kingdom's stability.

Arry took on to her duty without much of a fuss. Considering forsaking her identity in public a worthy price for the peaceful lives of the subjects she ruled over.

Her deceased mother cared for the girl as much as she could before she passed, and her father allowed Arry to keep her original name behind closed doors.

Satisfied with those two things and a life of grandeur befitting a royal, the prince accepted leading a double life for the sake of noblesse oblige.

'But why… why do those Warusan bastards want to conquer so much?'

Arry bitterly thought as she couldn't understand what motivated the King of the nation that had invaded her kingdom.

'The military dictator Gouza who deposed the former king of Warusa… greedy for power and with little regard of where he gathered it from. The bastard relied on the help of some mercenary familia for his success…'

Arry was filled with hatred as she remembered the atrocities Gouza's army and the mercenary familia inflicted upon her people.

Burning down the villages of families with little regard. Razing the land they lost in a bid for territory denial.

Decimating the men as they lay on the streets brutalized beyond recognition.

Forcing themselves onto the women. Seeing them as nothing more than screaming meat bags to satisfy their urges.

Torturing and selling off the children…

'All this… for some momentary power grab… he probably hasn't thought of how he would lead the nation after the war. Burning down vital infrastructure in his conquest… NOT EVEN REALIZING HE HAS BECOME A PUPPET FOR THAT VILE GOD AND HIS FAMILIA!-'

Arry struggled to contain her thoughts. Biting down heavily on her tongue lest she shouts in rage.

Arry saw it all… she saw it all happen as she led a desperate attempt to repel the invaders… and she could do little against those blessed by the divine.

"If I had falna too… if I was just stronger… all those lives…"

Arry whispered under her breath. The tears she had been holding back for so long threatened to spill over.

Tears she held as she watched her soldiers die for her escape… her vassals and advisors making a last stand in hopes that she would pull through…. the way her mother's grave burned as the Shlazard royal castle crumbled… the cold body of her father as he died in her hands.

'Shalzard was a nation that held no faith… but to whoever is listening… if you could hear my prayers…'

Arry prayed as she was held in chains.

"Please… for my people… let me become their sword…"

Arry desperately said as tears ran down her face. She could find no way to escape… no way to manifest a counterattack…

The prince reminisced about the storied ancestors of her family. How they served as the weapons of their people against the cruelty of sand. A sword that cuts through the desert's storm.

Generation after generation of monarchs sat upon the throne with the heavy crown rooted atop their heads. Figures of power who all shared the desperate attempt to reclaim lost glory.

To usher in once more the age of an ancient king who brought peace to the lands of sand with his sword and will… unrelenting… until even his own body was torn away in pursuit of his faith.


(E/D: The Sumerian version of Noah except he wasn't a pervert who promoted incest.)

"What an interesting dream you have… and how lucky for me that such an aspiration is what you desire"


Arry pulled against her chains in surprise. A hooded figure was all that she could see, calmly looking at her with nonchalance… a figure the prince did not sense the arrival of, even with her training as a royal to be sensitive to hidden observers.

'Was I heard?!'

Arry began to panic.

She was dreading the possibility that her identity had been exposed.

"Wait! Before you speak! I-"

Arry attempted to speak, but before she could try and negotiate her secret to be kept, the figure cut her off with words of their own.

"Tell me, what is your name?"

The figure said calmly. Their eyes locked with Arry's. A mystical blue hue drew the prince deeper and deeper into sight.

"... huh?"

Arry was confused.

Hearing the figure's question, the prince thought that perhaps she wasn't heard… but before she could continue her thoughts and after observing the person who was talking to her, a strange feeling began to build up…

'Who… is this person?'

The prince had never felt such an intense sensation in all her life. The pressure, building up more and more. Tightening her chest and tensing her muscles.

It was as if an entire world was pressing down on her at that singular moment.

"Haa… haa… haa… what?..."

Even as she faced down the entire army invasionary force of Warusa, never had Arry felt such an overwhelming sense of intimidation.

'This person… is strong… insanely strong…'

Arry felt her body begin to scream at her to run away.

Staring so deeply into the glowing blue eyes of the figure beneath their hood… made Arry feel an instinctual desire to survive. All her thoughts spiraled around that singular base instinct.

'I'm… being crushed… this pressure… too immense-'

But though she desperately wanted to run, the figure proposed something to the prince in captivity she simply couldn't ignore.

Sweet and alluring despite her body rejecting it like it was in her nature. As if it were the temptations of a desert mirage Arry was taught to fear as a child.

"Tell me your name… and I will promise to help you fulfill your desire… the desire to become strong"


Arry wanted nothing more than to avert her gaze away… but though she feared the figure… she felt it… this was her chance to escape.

To go back to her vassals that were awaiting for her to take command of the resistance movement. To reinvigorate the fading hope of her people.


Arry was stuck between her personal desire to be rid of the feeling that suffocated her and a chance to avenge her people… her allies… her mother… her father… that chance was standing in front of her.


Choosing between herself and her people… even if it meant raking the hand of a devil…

"... Arry… my name… is Arry…"

The prince chose her people's happiness without hesitation. Staring straight into the gaze that brought so much fear into her body.


The figure remained silent as Arry answered them. The prince continued to press down on her, but beneath the figure's hood, a smile began to form.

"... as expected, you really are outstanding…"

A voice of satisfaction reached Arry's ears. The pressure that had constricted her so much was no more. The sudden change of sensation highlighted the figure's soft voice all the more in her senses.

"I guess it's only natural. You were the candidate she took a liking to before me after all"


The prince couldn't process the cryptic words that were being spoken to her. But she wasn't even given a chance to process what meaning lay beneath what the figure spoke because they immediately continued to speak to her.

"You have passed my test, so I shall hold to my end of the promise. Our contract has now been established, and I shall now enter into your service until our promise has been fulfilled"

The figure spoke as they performed a small bow in reverence to the chained slave. The sight would be perplexing to anyone that could see it, given where the two currently stood.

"Seeing as we will now be working together… I believe that it would be best that I show myself as a sign of trust"

The figure said as they unraveled their cloak. Revealing their face in recognition of the prince who had risen to meet his challenge, and in honor of the promise they had posed to the chained monarch in hiding.


Arry was taken into awe at the moment the figure revealed themselves.

As a prince, she was constantly surrounded by beauty for all her life. From nobles who prided themselves on vanity above all else, to courtesans of immense allure to display the wealth and power of the royal family.

Arry was no stranger to beautiful people… but this person left the prince speechless when no one else had done before.


Long white untainted hair that shimmered in splendor with the little light that peered through the constricting walls of the slums.

A pair of sky-blue eyes that seemed so gentle when they were once so imposing. The juxtaposition does much to elevate their attractive pull on Arry.

Soft white skin that was seldom found in the desert region. An exotic sight for the prince who knew only of sun-kissed complexions.

A face blessed with features that neither spoke of masculinity nor of femininity. Only conveying a pleasing sight to those who looked upon it. Like an uncyphered whisper that rested weary ears.

(E/D:  The most beautiful, wisest and the most powerful creation of God. The way he is starting to makes deals, his beauty, his strength and the fact that he takes on from Emiya… He is Actually Satan… makes sense.)

'... beautiful…'

Arry, let her thoughts run unconsciously. Speaking words in silence that she used to appease the numerous women that had approached her to become her queen consort… but at this moment… those words she so often spoke out of necessity… she now spoke out of genuine admiration.

The prince couldn't help but stare and wonder at how much time had passed in her admiration…but Arry quickly got ahold of herself. Breaking away from her daze.

The coldness of the steel and the putrid stench of the slave markets did much to break her out of it.

'Calm down Arry! What the fuck are you thinking?! This… man?… woman?... Whatever they are! They're clearly suspicious!'

Arry glared at the figure who was sweeping their hair. Sweat running down their body… Arry had been entranced for a moment before she resumed her glare. The prince was taught to never trust blessings too good to be true, especially in her situation where she was being hunted down.

"Who are you and what do you want from me?"

Arry asked the figure in a cautious tone.

Arry had a feeling whoever she was talking to, knew of her true identity.

The lands of Kaios knew little of the blessing of the gods, so it would be too much of a coincidence for such a powerful person to have stumbled across her in coincidence.

'They're strong… much stronger than the captain of the Resheph familia that aided Warusa… their captain was level four, so how strong is this person?...'

Arry was mistaken that the person in front of her was as strong as a level four currently. They simply possessed a potential that exceeded and broke the standards of this world.

A world of infinite sword creation lived inside their body. The sheer aura it exuded crushed any intimidation a level four could produce.

But it would be a while before the reality marble can truly display its potential beyond mere scaring.

"Who I am can be discussed later when you aren't in chains, dear contractor… for now… all you need to know is that I truly intend to help you"

The figure calmly spoke as they fiddled with a bag in their hands. A bag Arry recognized was labeled to contain and carry coal.

"... huh?"

Arry was confused why such a person was just carrying around a bag of coal, but the figure spoke before she could question it even further.

"Excuse me! Sir! I wish to purchase this slave over here!"

The figure spoke nonchalantly. Calling over a man Arry recognized as one of the four major merchants of the region.


Arry remained quiet. She didn't see any indication of wealth on the figure. Their clothes did not indicate the possession of much wealth.

"Yes. How may I serve you… Miss?"

The manager of the trading company that held Arry, Rozzo, came in response to the figure's call. Confused as to how he should refer to them.

"Is it really confusing to tell?... my hair has grown a bit long… I suppose I should cut it"

The figure spoke before clarifying his identity to the manager, Rozzo.

"I'm a man and my name is Bell Cranel. I hope this clears up any confusion"

Bell spoke with a smile to clear up his identity. A look of shock spread across the area at the unraveling of his true name and identity.


Rozzo and his staff were captured by Bell when he had taken off his cloak. Believing him to be a fair maiden… hearing that he was a man disheartened many… but some had their desires simply stoked more.


As for Arry.

'Bell Cranel… and he's a man?...'

The prince fell into confusion. But now she felt she began to understand more about her close aide and father's sentiments at how naturally she took to acting like a prince even as a child.

"Moving on from that snafu. May I please purchase this slave here?"

Bell smiled as he requested to purchase Arry. Rozzo, awakened from his perplexion, took a cursory glance and recognized the girl as one of the new additions to his slave selection. Choosing to dissuade the customer from his choice.

"Sir. This product has recently arrived, so they have not received much training… and… do forgive me…but I don't seem to see any money on you, sir…"

Rozzo eyed Bell up and down.

Tattered robes and carrying a bag he recognized as one being used for coal. The weakest of the four great merchants of Isurafan couldn't help but be suspicious of Bell's buying power as a customer.

Bell noticed Rozzo's gaze and chuckled internally to himself. It was now his time to act like the rich young masters he read in so many novels in his past life.

"Hm?... I see, so this is one of those infamous customer appraisals… so it's a problem of wealth that you're accusing me of? Then will this suffice?"


Bell dropped the bag he was carrying onto the ground. The bag made a loud noise as it crashed onto the ground.

Freeing the knot that held the opening of the bag, a golden glow soon illuminated the room. The sheer density and quality of coins in the bag made even Rozzo nearly drop his jaw in awe.

"I believe this will be more than enough for a newly arrived slave… do you have other facilities under your administration? If you do, wash, cloth, and adorn this girl with the finest products this sack can afford"

Bell began speaking with a haughtiness that radiated nobility. The boy relished the moment of wasteful spending of so much wealth.

"If it's not enough… then tell me and I'll give you enough sacks until you and your little group are well compensated. And just a warning. Don't ever accuse me of such insulting circumstances. You'd do well not to stoke my anger too much, merchant"

Finally processing what was happening, Rozzo immediately began acting way more respectfully to Bell as he ushered his servants to begin counting the coins.

"Do forgive me for my rude remarks, Sir Bell. I believe my fashion senses have not been up to date in recent times. How shameless of me to comment on your choice of clothing~ Upon second inspection, I have realized your tattered robes just scream avant-garde~"


Bell was silent as he couldn't believe how shameless Rozzo could be, but he simply took the man's incessant compliments with a neutral face. He just needed to handle this until Arry was with him.

'Rozzo… this dude's entire purpose in the story was to simply lose his money over his lust for Freya's body in a bet… just handle it for a few more moments, Bell. Then you won't have to see him ever again…'

As Rozzo began desperately to try and repair his relationship with Bell, who he thought was a major customer. Arry was escorted out of her cage by the merchant's servants to be bathed and dressed with the finest baths and cloth their merchant group could offer.


The prince was silent as she began making her way to the merchant group's headquarters. Arry was still processing all the sudden changes that had happened to her at that moment.

One moment she was in chains desperately thinking about how to escape. The next she was being pressured insanely by a mysterious figure. Now she was being escorted by numerous servants and maids to be serviced as resplendently as she had been before the war had begun.

"What… the hell just happened?"



"Fuu… I never knew how much I missed bathing until I was bereft of it…"

Arry spoke to herself softly as she washed herself in a luxurious bathhouse owned by the Rozzo merchant group.

A long and deep bath covered by walls of creamy color. Water poured from intricate stone statues and decorated with luxurious leaves added to the ambiance of the bath.

"Please rest upon the floor of the bath miss. We will now wash your legs"

An unfeeling voice that didn't hint at much emotion directed itself towards Arry. The prince wasn't by herself as she bathed.

"... very well"

Arry reluctantly did what the voice had asked of her. Arry was accompanied by the maids that were assigned to prepare her for the customer that had purchased their product.


The gentle splashing of water rang softly as Arry lowered herself to the bath's floor in a more shallow area. Her soft behind molded to the ground as she did.


The maid that had spoken to Arry didn't reply to her as she quietly began to approach her legs, accompanied by another entourage of maids that assisted her. All as bare as Arry. The group of women walking sultrily through the water as their hands began to bathe the prince.


Arry let out a sigh of ecstasy as she relaxed her body under the trained bathing techniques of the maids.

Luxury oils and other bathing products ran along the length of her legs as Arry raised them above the water. The droplets of water and oil ran along the curves of her calves and thighs.


Arry held back a soft moan as one of the maids brushed against her pleasure mound.

'Damn it… I'm too sensitive…'

The prince accepted her embarrassing reaction. Though she was serious in her duties and actions, Arry still had her moments where she needed respite from all the stress of her position.

'It's been a while since I last pleasured myself… but that can be saved for another time'

Arry moved her thoughts away from the carnal pleasures. She had a more pressing matter to think about.

'Bell Cranel… who is he?…'

The prince thought back to the man that had purchased her so suddenly. Arry was still suspicious of the individual.

'Those eyes… they held no selfishness nor desire when they looked at me… but I simply have to be suspicious of everyone until I retake Shalzard and its throne… I have already experienced enough betrayals from vassals who wished to switch to the winning side'

Arry bitterly thought about the traitors that sold out her people for their own skin.

The prince had to ensure his safety above all else. Should she fall, the Shalzard resistance would lose its figurehead and legitimacy with the neutral nations.

'First thing to note would be his strength… the Kaios deserts know little of falna blessed individuals, much less of a person with such capabilities…'

Arry thought as she remembered the pressure that had been placed upon her. Even now, it still sent shivers down her spine with its sheer magnitude.

'Such strength… no individual that strong has been known to live in the deserts. If they did, the balance of power in the region would shift greatly from how it was…'

'A secret aide?... but what benefit would any of the surrounding nations receive by hiding such a servant?'

'A child of a familia that rivals Reshelph perhaps?... that's plausible given the rather cut-throat relationships among mercenary familias…'

Arry formulated many possibilities in her head. But none of them gave her a feeling that they were plausible.

'I can't seem to find anything definite… the way he spoke to me… contract… contractor… I know what those words mean, but to use them in such a way…'

Arry felt there was something deeper to those words Bell had uttered that she was simply failing to grasp at that moment. But as she tried to scrutinize any hidden meaning, the maid once more spoke to Arry.

"Please raise yourself… we shall now wash your upper body"

Arry gazed into the lifeless eyes of the servants. It was as if they felt no emotion. Like they had repeated such tasks in endless monotony.


But Arry wasn't one to question their way of life nor to insert herself in a place she didn't belong. The prince raised herself from the water. Droplets fiercely dropped down her body as she did so.


The prince once more held back a moan. The skillful hands of the maids made their way around her body with oil and washcloths. Grazing against her sensitive body.


They traced the shape of her built arms which didn't resemble those of a delicately small and pretty maiden.

They dragged along the definition of her neck and nape.

They brushed along her shapely breasts. The smooth texture of the cloth rubbed against her nipples and stimulated Arry quite a bit.


They poured oil upon her back. The droplets of the thick fluid brought pleasing sensations to Arry. The sticky fluid intermingled with the wet droplets of water which shimmered in the glow of the bath.


Arry struggled to stay quiet as the maids' hands began to wash her shapely ass. Their fingers moved on from her behind to her thighs… then to her inner thighs… then their hands brushed once more against Arry's slit.

"Haa… haa… haa…"

The head maid turned to look at Arry. The prince was breathing heavily, her face flushed as her eyes glazed over.

The other maids continued washing her in other sensitive areas.

Her armpits were scrubbed with delicate precision.

Her stomach traced along its definition carefully.

Her chest continued to be rubbed with washcloths.

Her ass kneaded until it was spotless.

And the head maid stimulated her nether regions.

"... do you wish to be serviced?"


The maid spoke to Arry, and the prince was confused for a moment… but soon recognized what she was proposing.

"This isn't the first time I was tasked to prepare a product with sexual relief. If you wish, I will relieve the pressure building up…"

The maid spoke in a cold tone. Unfeeling and without passion. Seeing this act of carnal pleasure as nothing more than a systematic release of stress.

"What are you?... HMPH?!-"

Arry held back an intense release of her voice as the maid began to slightly press upon her lower stomach. She was stimulating Arry's womb. Her supple skin molding to her touch as heat and pressure began to build up inside her mound.

"Haa… haa… haa…"

Arry felt an intense beating from within herself. An aching for pleasure.

The maid recognized the incentive posed by the head maid and began to shift their action accordingly.


The group of women, bathed in water and veiled under the alluring mist of the bath, began to egg Arry on with their sensual actions.

Her breasts were now being fondled.

Her nape began to be licked with precision.

Her stomach sensually touched.

Her ass kneaded gently.

Her womb continued to be stimulated by the gentle pressing of the head maid.

Arry's hot breath began to add onto the mist that covered the carnal assault of the unfeeling maidens against her. The sound of water droplets ringing louder than the rushing pour of the bath. The sound of Arry's body writhing in the emotions building up. Her body spoke louder and more clearly than the voice she tried so desperately to mitigate.

"Haa… haa… haa…"

Arry felt her will weaken to the point of nearly breaking. The prince looked hazily at the head maid who continued to position her head just in front of her cunt. Her fingers continued to sensually stimulate her now aching pussy through her lower stomach.

"What do you wish to have us do?..."

The head maid spoke as she opened her mouth wide and let her long sensual tongue fall out from her mouth.


Arry watched as a heated breath escaped the head maid's mouth. An alluring mist produced from her hole… a hole that seemed to be developed outside its purpose of obtaining bodily sustenance… a hole of pleasure.


The various maids began to kiss along the body of Arry's body as their hands continued to egg her on to pleasure.


The prince felt the desire to succumb to her carnal instinct… it had been so long since she had comforted herself. Her pussy became sensitive enough that the breath of the head maid sent ripples of pleasure through her body. Wet and alluring traces of her nectar ran along her soft and supple inner thigh. Dropping onto the water of the bath like a gentle dew.


But Arry stared into the lifeless eyes of the head maid as she presented herself to service. Memories of those same lifeless eyes she saw in her time in captivity… Arry knew it all too well.

"It won't be necessary… please get your hands off of me…"

Arry slowly spoke out her refusal.


The head maid quietly processed what she had heard and obediently complied.

"As you wish"

The other maids followed her lead, and removed themselves from Arry.

"Haa… haa… haa… haa…"

Arry felt stimulation as a breeze rushed past her body. Her skin had become hot after the assault of the maids against her body. The prince slowly breathed to gather herself.

"This… should be enough… please bring me my robe…"

Arry requested, and the maid dutifully obeyed. Their sensual bodies walked from the bath and above the water. Their alluring curves dripped water as they walked upon the ground. Leaving a tantalizing trail.


Arry breathed as she began to wear a transparent white robe around her body. The thin cloth relieved her sensitive skin from the stimulus of the hot steam and the rippling water.

The group of women all began to make their way out of the bath. Their shapely behinds reflected off of the clear water.

'Personal pleasure can come after I secure the fulfillment of my duty… there's no way… I can selfishly indulge in pleasure when my people are all suffering out there…'

Arry resolved herself to put the crown before herself. Such was expected of her since inception. The heavy burden of her birthright.

'Such is a king's duty… such is the weight of the crown and throne…'

Arry repeated the words passed down by the numerous generations of the Shalzard crown's predecessors.

Though she was nothing more than a false bearer of the crown. She would still wear it with the pride expected of the head it rested upon.

'First, determine the purpose of Bell Cranel… from that point, depending on his answer, it will determine the fate of myself and my people…'

Arry felt worried that her life now rested upon the hands of a person she didn't know. But if gambling her life could mean the attainment of a worthy ally for her cause.

"Then I won't hesitate to bet myself on it…"

Arry's amethyst eyes glowed with determination. She would see this through to the end.





Atop a resplendent open-air loft of the Rozzo merchant group's headquarters, Bell and Rozzo sat together in silence. A tense air was being held between the two.

'Damn it… damn it… damn it…'

Rozzo felt immense frustration as he cursed inwardly at himself for his immense blunder. He had unknowingly insulted a major customer that approached his establishment… and now… he was on extremely bad terms with the patron. The man known as Bell Cranel.

'Had I known that he was a major customer, I wouldn't have appraised him! I mean, what kind of rich person goes around walking in such disheveled clothes?! Is this the new trend in high fashion?! What the fuck does that even mean?!-'

As Arry was bathing and being clothed, Rozzo did his best to appease the miffed Bell. To get him to forgive him for his transgressions.

Rozzo was experienced with buttering up customers. He didn't attain the title of one of the four greatest merchants of the Isurufan kingdom for nothing. But alas, his skills failed to remedy his now broken connection with Bell.


As the merchant was sulking at his failure to secure his trading company such a powerful customer, Bell struggled to maintain his haughty rich young master persona.

'When is Arry going to finish?...'

Bell thought as he began to grow impatient. He didn't want to suffer another bout of Rozzo's desperate plastic compliments. It didn't feel good for Bell to have to hear such hollow words all the time.

'Should I maybe transmute a few more coins to get a haircut?... I could just tie it if I really wanted to…'

Bell decided to think about his long hair in order to forget about the depressed merchant sitting near him. Taking in the cold air as the sun began to set over the horizon. Taking in the sights of the loft.

Fine sandstone and marble was used for its construction. Making a pleasing combination of cream, sand yellow, and faint highlights of white all throughout.

The calming flickering of the expensive fire-pits and lanterns provided a pleasing ambient noise when there was no voice to be heard.

The palm leaves that decorated the area did much to break up the color of the place with vibrant green.


Bell relaxed into his seat. He wanted to take in as much of the sights as he could before Arry came back because he would soon help the prince lead his revolution.

'I should probably ease the tension she has towards me… I wouldn't be a very good servant if my own contractor didn't trust me after all'

Bell thought and snickered. He wondered what class of servant he would be classified under if he were summoned into a holy grail war. But before he could ponder on such hypotheticals, the doors to the loft opened slowly, catching his attention.


The door opened to reveal a fully washed and dressed Arry. The sheer change in her appearance from before now caused Bell to lose himself in the difference.


Arry walked into the loft accompanied by the maids that had accompanied her until now.

She was dressed in a sky-blue top with cream-colored baggy pants. The set of clothes fully exposed her well-toned midriff.

Breaking the color of the previous set was an orange sash she wore around her waist and complemented with similarly colored shoes.

A green-blue cloak with golden embroidery on its edge was wrapped around her body.

Topped off with a pair of golden cuffs and a necklace.


Arry was quiet for a moment as she saw Bell look at her with a slightly widened gaze. But she thought little of it before bowing and greeting him.

"Thank you for waiting so long, Sir Bell. I am now presentable to serve as your slave"

Arry began to recite a phrase she witnessed many slaves perform as they were sold to a master. The sight caused Rozzo to grow surprised as she believed Arry was a product that hadn't yet received training, but the gesture only caused Bell to smile gently at the prince.

"I wasn't troubled at all. Seeing as you're finished with your preparations, I believe it would be best for me to head out now. Thank you very much for your hospitality, Mr. Rozzo"

Bell said naturally as he calmly lifted himself from his seat. Approaching Arry who looked upon him with an analyzing gaze.

"W-wait just a moment Sir Bell!"

But though Bell wished to leave with Arry immediately, Rozzo still wished to leave himself in his good graces. Hurriedly approaching his side, with a snap of Rozzo's fingers, his servant entered the loft with a small box in his hands.

"Seeing as our trading company would wish to strengthen our relationship with such a generous patron. Allow me to gift a complimentary product alongside your purchase of a slave, Sir Bell"

"Might I add you have quite the impeccable sight to purchase such a hidden gem of a slave. I wasn't aware this product was so intelligent!"

Rozzo said as he began to rub his hands intensely. The sight caused Bell to become irked with his desperation for wealth.

"I-I see… what exactly is this complimentary product for me then?..."

Bell asked with some curiosity. Such a thing did not occur from his memories of when Freya had originally bought Arry, so he was curious what this freebie would be.

Rozzo had stars in his eyes at his first success as a salesman with Bell, so he excitedly opened the box when the servant  neared them both. The item inside was something Bell was aware of… something he despised greatly.


"Yes! An enslavement collar… a cursed item! This will no doubt ensure your slave's absolute and unquestioning loyalty!"

Rozzo exclaimed with exuberance. The sight of the reviling magic item caused Arry to grow extremely anxious. Her despair was apparent in her expression. Something Bell didn't miss as the prince began to grow antsy and eyed the drop from the loft to the nearest landing spot.


As Bell continued his silence. Rozzo continued to go on and on about the features of the enslavement collar.

(E/D: Kill him!)

"This product was recently shipped to us by Rakia! It was quite hard to get a hold of such a piece, but luckily for you Sir Bell, you arrived just when we were about to dispose of it! The cursed item usually has its effect worn off when not used by a certain time, and no recent customers had enough capital to purchase it… so why not give it to you as a freebie for your generous patronage!"

(E/D: Break his windpipe!)

Bell's expression began to darken by the second, but Rozzo didn't catch it as he was too immersed in highlighting the main drawing points of the cursed item.

"The collar will ensure that absolute authority is instilled into the wearer! Immense pain is given when orders are refused, and immense pleasure is given when accepted. This is produced from a combination of spells and curses that work in tandem with an unbreaking curse on the collar!"

"The wearer would die if they ever attempt to remove the item by force via an explosion… so… if you were to want to "experiment" with your slave. You would be able to easily do it~"

(E/D: Hang him out of the window on display! Make sure he doesn't die but instead suffer paralysis as he slowly bleeds out!... Sorry if I said too much… my other side happened to be reading along with me…)

Rozzo spoke his last words with a perverted expression. But as he turned to look towards Bell…


He was only met with a look of disdain. His eyes glowing blue.

"Sir… Bell?..."

Bell reached into his cloak. He was not grabbing anything… but hiding the manifestation of his magic from the merchant.

『Trace on』



A huge gust of wind erupted from the loft as Bell's arm escaped from within his cloak and turned into a blur.



Rozzo cried out in terror as Arry's eyes widened at the sight before her.


The servant who had been carrying the box was left stunned.


The box he had been carrying was broken into smithereens.

The collar placed atop it… broken into numerous fragments… particles of mind dispersing as the curse placed upon the item was being dispelled.


Bell breathed in as he began to loosen the grip on his sword. A flamberge designed with 『Rule Breaker』as a motif. A multi-colored blade that changed colors as light reflected off its surface.

"Looks like I broke it faster than before…"

Bell spoke to himself as he watched the after-effects of his actions. He was familiar with the mind frequency of the enslavement collar due to having freed Welf from the same cursed item in the past.

Remembering the magic frequency of the item, it didn't take long for Bell to create a sword that could nullify the item's effect by oscillating its structure with an inverse frequency. His memories and increased skill shortened what took him a couple of minutes in the past into a single moment.


Arry was left stunned at what he had done. The enslavement collar was something Arry didn't expect, and something she didn't have a counter for.

'Curse-dispelling artifacts and magics are rare to come across… and even if I do manage to find a way to dispel the curse, I don't have the money to purchase such a specialized service…'

Had the collar been placed upon her neck, it would've been the end of the road for her dreams and aspirations… but the man she was so suspicious of. Someone she considered wanted her to benefit himself or some other party… tore down the item that would've finished her in an instant.

'There was no hesitation in his actions… he didn't even take time to consider his options…'

Arry fell deeper into confusion.

"Who are you?..."

The prince spoke to Bell with a clear voice that reached him instantly in the now quiet room.

Rozzo was pissing his pants in fear. The lifeless maids had their eyes opened wide as they stared at Bell. The servant fell unconscious onto the floor after being so close to Bell's attack.

Only Bell and Arry stood tall in the loft.

The moon began to soar high in the sky as the sun waned below the horizon. Dressed in the moonlight and with a nightly breeze flowing behind his back, Bell couldn't help but wonder if fate was playing with him at that moment.

"Like I said before… I am merely one who has entered into a contract with you… a servant, if you will…"

Bell said with a faint smile. Thinking to himself that such was his fate… his destiny as a reincarnator who was reborn with Emiya's powers…

"You wished to become a sword for your people. I responded to that solemn wish of yours. You desire to reclaim what you lost, and I swore an oath to help you return what was unjustly taken from you…"

Bell now stood close to Arry. His body blocked the moon's beams from reaching her. His shadow covered her from the chills of the cold desert night.

"Through me, your desire will be fulfilled… through you, my wish will be answered… such is the contract I wish to hold between the two of us…"

"But we weren't able to finalize its creation until you were free of your bonds… I intended to discuss this with you in a more suitable location, but this will do…"

Arry's eyes glowed as they reflected the light Bell's eyes had on hers. At that moment in time, Arry felt that her breath was taken away from her.

"My name is Bell Cranel, and I wish to enter into your service as your servant… whether you require a swordsman… a spearman… a bowman… a rider… a magus… an assassin… or a raving berserker… I shall rise to any occasion and role you may require of me"

"So I ask you…"



"𝙒𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙗𝙚 𝙢𝙮 𝙢𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧?"






I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter. I also what I wrote with Arry interested you guys enough with this arc I'm planning. If you still aren't convinced…I plan to have Bell team up with Freya and her familia directly, so look forward to that!

I had a lot of fun writing this chapter. I enjoyed writing Arry. Though I mostly enjoyed going back to writing for Artemis, Medea, and especially Hestia. The additional side stories were supposed to be included in the last chapter, but I forgot to write them…and they were supposed to be in this chapter...but I exceeded the character limit of Inkstone. So the side stories will be in the next chapter I upload after this one.

Lastly, I would like to announce the results of the question I asked you guys in the last chapter…and to no one's surprise, 𝙁𝙀𝙈 𝙂𝙄𝙇 𝙒𝙊𝙉

Though I wanna give the male Gil faction some benefit and say that I am planning for Gil to act more like a rival and friend to Bell rather than another love interest.

Whether she grows to become one will depend on my mood when I get around to including her in the story in the future.

Quick plans I have for Gil.

No, Gil isn't a servant.

No, I don't plan on having Gil have EA, That would simply break the entire world of this fanfic and every problem would just devolve to "Have Gil shoot Ea at it".

No, Gil isn't a demi-god. I plan to write an original backstory for them that would allow the character to retain their original personality for the most part. I generally feel iffy about Danmachi fanfics that make demi-gods a thing.

If you're wondering how the hell is this character going to be Gil…I'm planning on basing this on Gil's behavior before meeting Enkidu in Fate. I'm sure you can fill in the gaps in the development Im planning on writing. HAHAHA

Thank you again for reading this chapter. Hope you look forward to the next one! May you all have a nice day.

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