Danmachi: Reborn with EMIYA’s Powers

Chapter 40: Prince and Vanir in the Desert

The alleyways of Lioad. 

The dark and tight crevices stand between the borders of the visible and invisible face of the desert trading outpost. 

The twilight that shined between two extremes of gathering wealth.

The faint glow of nighttime lanterns was the only source of illumination beyond the moon and stars glimmer in the vast night sky.

The distant mumbling of the passing crowds could be faintly heard as the sound of gentle and rhythmic footsteps made themselves known in the dilapidated streets.


Arry walked alongside Bell in silence. The prince had become escorted by her new servant, a development she hardly expected from the numerous hypotheses she made in her bath.

'... my servant… Bell Cranel… I can tell he has no animosity nor desire to harm me through his eyes. I've long since learned how to recognize a gaze of malice… and a gaze of genuine desire… but though I know he desires to be loyal to me… I still know nothing about him...'

Arry thought as she continued to walk by the mysterious figure's side. 

A figure that pressured her down through his gaze beyond anything she experienced prior. 

A figure who could throw away wealth on a scale that made one of the four great merchants of the region become humble.

A figure of immense power and wealth… and of morality similar to her own for so unhesitatingly dismantling the enslavement collar that was intended to be placed around her neck.

'Nothing makes sense… even after he presented himself as my servant, he remains mysterious… it should be alright to inquire about him now that he swore loyalty to me, right?...'

As Arry continued to ponder on how to navigate this foreign situation she had never encountered before in her life, Bell was thinking to himself nonchalantly about his current circumstances.

'A mysterious figure with enigmatic magic powers coming to aid an heir to a throne in hiding… of a nation being invaded by foreigners in a mad power grab… the heir holding a concerning lack of hesitation to sacrifice their self for the sake of becoming an ideal king for their people… was Omori ripping off Artoria when he wrote Arry? If so… am I Merlin right now?'

(E/D: No you’re the Queen of Avalon.)

Bell wondered if he was now in the same position as the so-called "flowery bastard". Building on this, he was wondering about the implications of such a conclusion. Worrying implications of becoming the advisor of a king who would lose their humanity.

'Should I make my own sword of selection...more concerningly, should I dissuade Arry from her original path as a ruler?...'

Bell thought as he began to notice a string of striking similarities between the king of knights in his memories and the future king of Shalzard who walked alongside him at present.

'Choosing to let go of all her selfishness in favor of servicing her people…the original Arry brought forth a golden age for the Kaios deserts, but little is known except for it being described as a hegemony and a golden age for the region…I don't want a Camelot situation to erupt here in the future...'

Bell didn't want to have to deal with a possible hill of Camlann in the future, so he pondered on the possible ways he could better the future with his memories of Episode: Freya. Ways he could lead the royal prince to a path that wouldn't follow the tragic end he was so aware of.

But before he could ponder on such things, the prince called out to Bell in a hushed tone. Snapping him away from his thoughts.


Arry was nervous about how to navigate around Bell after his rather eye-catching display of slicing a supposedly hard-to-break cursed item in an instant. 

"U-um… Bell Cranel… you're currently my servant, would I be right in assuming that?..."

Arry nervously said. 

She was able to lead her aides and subjects with magnanimity and poise, but when faced with such an absurd individual like Bell, all of her political finesse flew out of the window. 

There was no case study for the prince to study on how to handle a mysterious and powerful figure who exceeded her understanding. 

For the prince, she needed to walk carefully lest she draws the anger of the powerful warrior who she knew nothing of at present.

"Hm?... yes, dear contractor. I am now at your service. Is there something you wish of me?"

Bell cordially responded to Arry's call. 

Though he mainly played up his position as a servant as a small joke given his circumstances, Bell knew that only through such a route, of swearing absolute fealty to Arry, could he make progress with her.

'Arry as of this moment is extremely distrustful of any new people that enter her life. A highly wanted fugitive on top of having been betrayed by vassals that turned over to Warusa for selfish gain… unless she recognized that she would be in control of our relationship, I doubt she would ever come to trust me outside of saving her life from danger… something I can't afford to orchestrate or wait for right now'

Bell knew that Freya was only able to break her way into Arry's heart due to sheer force. Her position as a goddess and head of the world's strongest familia left little for the distrustful prince to rebut, but even then, Arry was extremely distrustful of Freya until she intervened in saving her people from a massacre by the Warusan forces.

Such a development was not something Bell could afford given their current circumstances… and the limited time Bell had before the soon-to-come tragedy that will befall Arry's subordinates.

'I had to rush for Arry to trust me… because if I remember correctly…Warusa currently has the location of its resistance base. A massacre of Arry's aides will soon begin in addition to the burning of Lioad in Heshelph’s mad attempt to draw the prince out...'

Bell thought as he began to replay the memories of those scenes in his head. 

Though Freya was eventually able to secure Arry's claim to the throne with the sheer force of her familia, Bell wanted to take another route. A route that would require intervening in the massacre. 

The vigilante knew the pointlessness of a foreign power intervening in a local crisis, only for the crisis to restart once more when the intervening power removed itself from the situation. 

He was not deeply involved with the politics of his past life, but he knew enough to know the general outline and its devastating effects.

'The people of Shalzard should play a role in the reclaiming of their nation. It will be bloodier and more taxing… but it will solidify the base through which their nation would rebuild from… a source of national pride and thus national identity'

The reclaiming of Shalzard won't just be the Freya familia’s executives versus the sixty thousand strong of Warusa, it would now become a genuine reclamation of a homeland by the people who called it home.

‘I have no idea how long it took before Arry was able to establish her center of power in the region… but any changes I make that will further her progress will benefit me in the long-term. The black desert is a major threat I have to resolve around the same time as the black dragon… at least before reaching the last floor of the living dungeon’

Resolving his desires and plans, Bell went out of his ponderings to focus once more on Arry who had called out to him. Waiting patiently as the prince took a moment to compose herself and her words.


Arry was quiet for a moment, but she soon began speaking. To understand the person who had abruptly forced his way into her life and service. Taking a breath, Arry spoke out.

"Firstly… what exactly do you know about me?"

The first question Arry wanted to get out of the way was how much Bell knew of her. 

She still didn't have an idea of the extent of his knowledge. All she could infer from him was that he was extremely loyal, sympathetic, and very interested in who she was as a person.

'He also mentioned something about recognizing my desire and benefiting from its fruition… he knows how I want to become the sword of my people… so has he connected the dots between me and the fugitive Shalzard prince?'

Arry’s mind began to prepare for how Bell would respond to her first move, her eyes focusing with caution on his every move.

Bell simply smiled as he began to reply.

"I know you are a person of immense potential and importance. I know you hold a dream that revolves around the current war in the north between Shalzard and Warusa… and I know you are a person I would have no problem serving… is my answer sufficient, your highness?"


Arry shook a bit at the concluding words of Bell's reply, but she was quick to compose herself once more. Such a reply was one she had been expecting… one she considered to be the most probable given his immense interest in her… and Arry didn't peg Bell to be the type of person to go so far based solely on aesthetic desire.

"So you know who I truly am… then for my next question… tell me, Bell Cranel… when did you discern my identity? Prior to, or after our meeting in the slave markets?"

Arry made her second move. Depending on the outcome of Bell's answer, the prince would grow highly vigilant of the man. 

If Bell deduced her identity after they had met, Arry could attribute it to a high deduction ability… but if he knew prior to their meeting that she was the Shalzard prince…

'He would become too suspicious… even if he holds no malice for me, his background would be way too blurry for me to work with him without worry…'

The prince began to train her eyes on Bell's every bodily movement. 

For every single minor movement and tendency, Arry made sure to take note and deduce the meaning of each one.

Arry grew up fighting in the field known as politics ever since she was born, as such, she wasn't one to be easily fooled. 


Bell recognized the heightened vigilance of the prince and took a moment to ponder on her question before speaking out. He smiled knowing what he would say would be a truth that wouldn't reveal anything at all. 

"I knew you before I was even born, dear contractor"

Silence fell upon them both… before the prince broke it with the sound of her complete and utter confusion.

"... huh?"

Arry couldn't help but let her voice leak from the sheer absurdity of Bell's reply. She heard and processed what his words meant…but they made no sense to the prince.


Arry couldn't seem to process it no matter how hard she tried to ponder on it. Permutations of the words in a different arrangement. Hidden meanings or contexts. She tried everything she could think of… but she came out of it blank.

'He's not lying… this guy is either telling the truth or is so cunning that even I can't detect his deceit'

Arry failed to believe that such an individual existed. An individual that could escape her ability to detect falsehood. The prince’s ability at discernment was a talent that brought her notoriety across the Kaios.

Though she was betrayed multiple times as she led her current resistance against the Warusan occupiers, such instances only occurred due to the instantaneous switching of her vassals before she could even detect them.

Her ability was the reason why numerous Warusan spies failed to penetrate the inner circle of her resistance to gather intelligence, or why her secret about her gender hadn't yet been revealed to the public even after such a long time. 

Arry was trained since birth to be wary and discerning of everyone. Her ability to tell the truth from falsehood was abnormal in its capability… but this was what made Bell’s answer to her question all the more confusing.

"Before you were born?... Do you honestly expect me to believe such an absurd answer?”

Arry spoke out with an offensive tone. Her instincts were telling her that it was the truth… but it was hard to accept that such a thing could even be possible, let alone the answer as to why Bell was so knowledgeable about her.

“Even if I do entertain such an answer to be possible… how does someone remember things before they were born?... better yet, how the hell does remembering stuff before you were born, allow you to know a secret only my mother and father knew about?!"

Arry began to question incessantly but Bell simply remained the same as he was.

"Forgive me, dear contractor… but I cannot in good conscience reveal that information to you… you would most likely claim it to be false once more, but in the off chance you do accept its validity… I am not sure what effects it might have on your grip on our current reality"

Bell said so with concern. 

He knew that revealing the existence of reincarnation, the multiverse, and the fact their current world was once a book in his past life, would be enough to throw people in a daze. Most would just brush it off as the ramblings of the insane.

'Grandpa Zeus was fine because he was given that information by his friend and had endless years to process it, in addition to his status as a god who sees the world differently from mortals…'

'I'm still not sure if mortals will take such information without any problems… you can't exactly just brush off such a heavy reveal without being somewhat affected...'

Bell doubted Arry was a person who could take the idea that their world was some creation of literature in his past life particularly well if she ever chose to accept its plausibility.

'I had the idea of reincarnation and parallel universes normalized for a long while through the books I read and the science of my previous world… but even I had some problems accepting it…'

Bell reminisced on his childhood when he didn't understand his place in the world. A time he deeply regrets but is thankful for at the same time.

'Too much unraveling of heavy existential information could have undesirable consequences… like when a child learns of their mortality for the first time'

Concluding his train of thought, Bell reaffirmed his decision to simply limit the truth of his existence to his grandfather and to not share the truth of his situation with the prince who wished to pry it out of him.


Arry was quiet for a moment as she began to recognize Bell's genuine desire and belief that the information he withheld would negatively affect her. His breathing and body language didn't exhibit any signs of tension or lies… his eyes looking upon her with care.


The prince still had some grievances with the fact she couldn't understand everything about him… but if she couldn't pry it out of him, Arry would choose to better spend her time rounding out her knowledge about Bell Cranel. 

'It's pointless to just keep butting heads in stubbornness… gods know, I know enough about that'

Arry thought as she remembered her headaches produced by the politics of the royal court of Shalzard.

If Bell wouldn't share with her the source of his information, she would simply continue gathering more information that could affect her decision on whether to trust him or not.

"Fine… but I have more questions for you"

Opening her eyes after pondering on her next move, Arry spoke what she said with a look that retained the same caution from before. 

Bell has yet to fully ingratiate himself with the trust of the prince, but he simply responded to her gaze with a patient attitude. 

"As you wish, your highness"

As Bell responded to her declaration, a weird feeling of awkwardness sprung up from inside the prince. Something she wished to deal with immediately.


Arry felt conflicted for being so defensive and cautious around Bell. She knew that nothing would befall her if she stayed by his side… but her duty as the sole heir of the Shalzard throne required her to leave no stone unturned.

‘The lives of thousands hang on my ability to secure my life and my ability to repel the invaders… my duty… my personal feelings…’

The prince felt a conflict stir within her mind and heart. A dilemma she faced when she wished to mourn her sickly mother but also wished to become the royal she dreamed of her to be… a dilemma she faced as she wanted to grow close with her father, but wanted his weary self to rest from ruling for so long…

‘Every time I face this crossroad… I always find my answer when it’s too late…’

Arry felt a tightness constrict her heart… turning her head to meet Bell’s gaze, Arry couldn't tell how… but she felt… like she would regret pushing this person far away from herself… a mistake she could never undo once made.

『Was pursuing my dream a sin?... a lie I can never take back?...』

Foreign memories stirred within her heart beyond her recognition… the emotions she felt pushing the prince to bring the distant soul who wished to serve by her side just a little closer. 


Arry released a little of the tension she held against Bell as she spoke to him. 

"... There's no need to refer to me like that… though I still don't know if I should trust you, you still saved my life and chose to not enslave me… I would be remiss as royalty if I couldn't even afford you a simple gratitude such as this...."

Arry wasn't a big fan of being overly formal in her interactions. 

Though she usually composed herself as such… There was once a time when she was nothing more than the rowdy tomboy daughter her mother adored and her father loved. Knowing not of the cold throne she had to inherit nor the heavy crown she was destined to bear.


Bell was silent for a moment as she watched a faint blush appear faintly on Arry's tan skin. He couldn't help but snicker to himself at the similarities he noticed.

'You really are too much like Artoria... if that is the case I guess I'll have to be your Merlin… though I won't give you a penis to bang your sister'

(E/D: How can you be Merlin without distributing swords to everyone… Fine… I’ll do it myself.)

Accepting his role as the future king's advisor, Bell replied to Arry.

"Very well then… I shall comply with your wishes, Arry"

Bell and Arry talked to each other as they walked in the shadowy alleyways of the trading outpost. 

The servant and master exchanged words as they began to understand each other more… Arry wished to understand who Bell was as a person… but she only ended up becoming more confused with each question the servant answered.





The sea of sand turned into a blur as a faint humming of magical energy rang and intertwined with the howling of the desert's nightly breeze.

The rumbling of the land against a traveling craft was what filled Arry’s senses as she sat in contemplation of everything she had just learned.


"... you alright there, Arry?"

Unable to bear the silence the prince was casting between them both, Bell spoke out in concern to Arry was seemingly lost in a daze. Something he attributed to their conversation prior.

Arry turned her head to Bell as she slowly readied her reply.


Arry replied with a raised voice back to Bell. She simply found it hard to digest and accept everything that was revealed to her. The sheer absurdity of his story didn't seem to match her logic, even as detached as it was from normal given her position as a prince.

"Bell Cranel, born with mysterious natural magic, disguises himself as a falna-less adventurer who then moonlights as the dungeon vigilante Gray Ghost at the age of only fourteen… somehow learns about who I am, where I was located, what I wanted to achieve… AND DECIDES TO JOIN A WAR BECAUSE HE FELT SYMPATHETIC?-”

Arry looked accusatorily at Bell, and he simply smiled while replying back.

"Yes, everything is as you say, Arry"


The prince was left speechless with his nonchalance with it all. She didn't know much about the source and workings of his powers, and once again how exactly Bell knew about her before he was even born… but Arry felt that if she tried to pry the truth out of him, she would simply be digging herself deeper into perplexion.


Arry felt tired from simply talking and trying to understand who Bell was as a person. The only bright side she could think of that came from this situation was that her utter confusion led her to become less distant from Bell.

‘Each absurd story he told me was just as true as the last one… common sense would dictate that Bell is still a bit untrustworthy given the vagueness of his answers… but I hardly think such norms would even apply to him…’

Resolving herself to not look at the gifted horse from the mouth, Arry just accepted her latest royal servant was a reliable enigma… an enigma he was, but reliable nonetheless.

"... fine… I guess I'll just have to learn to accept everything you just said… and the fact that someone as powerful as you is now my servant..."

The prince resigned herself to the absurdity of her faith, much to Bell's delight that his contractor now held fewer qualms against his assistance.

"I am grateful, Arry. Now that I am by your side, you will have nothing to worry about"

Bell said as he tried to appear as reassuring as he could. Hoping his genuine desire to help the aspiring king would be conveyed clearly.


Arry simply stared in silence as Bell reaffirmed his desire to serve by her side. 

Watching his hair flutter in the wind as starlight shimmered off of it like an alluring glow… as much as Arry's natural instincts as a wary prince screamed at her to be self-sufficient and independent… she couldn't help but accept she was grateful such a capable person was now by her side.

'His strength and abilities give me confidence that I can take back Shallzard… for the happiness of my people and vassals… the reassurance that I can attain such things is more than enough for me…’

Arry quietly thought as she turned to the structure they were both currently boarding. 

The reason why such a pleasant breeze flowed through them both herself and Bell, and why the desert sands turned into a mere blur in her vision. 

'I still don't know how Bell's powers work exactly as it is not being derived from falna… but whatever it is… it’s impressive… a magic so potent enough it can conjure a desert ship from such a short chant...'

Arry and Bell were now riding upon a desert ship. Traversing the dunes of the sea of sand with great ease and speed.

The craft’s size was reminiscent of the small boats Arry remembered seeing traveling up the river that passed by Shalzard’s territory in order to conduct trade and transport.

But though Arry found it immensely curious how Bell was able to conjure a ship of such size, what fascinated the prince more were two things about the craft. It’s performance and its construction.

'Taking aside how Bell crafted such a ship from a simple magic core… this speed this ship produces would usually require numerous magic stones or a large assortment of slaves to recreate such a feat...'

'Immense strength… immense magic… Bell would no doubt become an influential figure if he revealed himself… but he chooses to hide his identity, and assist me in my resistance… and though it hurts me to say this, my current problems amount to little more than a small regional conflict in the grand scale of the world...'

‘Bell would be much more at a place like Orario… but he chose to involve himself in the happenings of this area…’

Arry felt she was lacking something that Bell was able to see through this war. Something that would warrant his presence in a land where a level three adventurer was beyond rare to encounter.

‘Bell says he simply wishes for peace to come to this region… but there must be something more… what does Bell benefit from helping me realize my dream?...’

Arry still didn't have an answer to something she deeply wanted to know. Something that would define Bell more than all the other questions she had posed to him.

What his desire was.

Arry felt the itch to fill in the missing pieces in her mental deduction of Bell… but the prince knew it was pointless until he chose to reveal it of his own volition. Breaking the rules of governance she had been taught as the heir to the throne, Arry decided to trust in Bell through her intuition rather than through solid evidence.

'Bell is a figure who stands in a different world from me… it's only natural that I can't fully comprehend a place I can't even begin to imagine...'

The prince prided herself in trying her best to understand the people who served her, so it was disappointing she couldn't do the same for Bell… but the sense of distance that was held between Bell who saw something she couldn't, and Arry who could only guess as to what it was… it brought a nostalgic comfort inside her heart.


Seeing such an important person concern himself over herself and her countrymen… it brought a smile to the once stoic and cautious prince.

'It feels nice… knowing someone so reliable has my back...'

Arry was raised to be independent at a young age. 

Her time of worriless glee ended when her mother passed away from sickness. Not even her father nor her aides could become the lone prince's solace. So the feeling Bell provided reassured her greatly.


The prince relaxed as she continued eyeing up the ship. It was the second distinctive feature she noticed and its make and design seemed to never bore the royal's eyes.


Bell noticed Arry smiling to herself as she began to examine the ship like a hobbyist in a specialty store. Eventually calling out to her in curiosity.

"... do you really like the ship that much, Arry?"

Bell said as he sat opposite to Arry by the front of the ship. His body fueled the magic core through his body’s physical contact with the ship, so he continued powering the immense ship engine as he made small talk with the prince.

Noticing Bell calling out to her, Arry was snapped out of her blatant admiration of the craft and began explaining herself to him.

"Hm? Oh, yes. This ship you manifested, Bell... its design is quite novel compared to most other ships in production and use around Kaios… I was wondering what design concepts innovated and provided to its impressive workings"

Arry said calmly. The prince naturally took to many fields of study so that she might effectively lead her people in the future. Desert ship design being one of them, given the craft's importance to the economic activity in the region.

"Prydwen. It's a very beautiful ship… perhaps… no… it is definitely the most beautiful desert ship I have ever had the honor of laying my eyes upon..."

Arry said with affection for the ship. In addition to being vital knowledge for the trade of her kingdom. Desert ships held another importance in the prince’s heart… because they were one of the few ways she was able to connect with her father. 

The two often admired ships that passed by their kingdom's riverport and constructed numerous models back when she was younger. 

As such, the construction and appreciation of desert ships was something very dear to Arry. Something she could only speak praise for when it truly came from her heart.


The prince smiled as she admired the ship once more and reminisced on her now-late father. Her gaze radiated immense gentleness as her fingers carefully traced the contours of the craft it could reach.


But unaware in Arry’s mind, Bell began to develop a faint redness on his cheeks. Hearing such genuine admiration… Bell felt immense embarrassment at hearing such comments so closely… but it also made him feel joy as the designer of the projection.

‘Arry really has the charm of a prince… I thought I was the harem MC here, but I’m the one falling for her charms…’

Bell joked to himself as he began to understand more clearly the emotions of a craft-smith at having their works receive genuine praise. Bell began to calm himself before he became a blushing mess as Arry continued praising his ship… he didn't want to ruin his image as the mysterious and reliable advisor to the king…

But he would soon have no trouble with such an endeavor as something would soon take his and Arry’s minds away from the peaceful thoughts as they cruised along the desert sands



Bell and Arry quickly turned their heads to the source of the noise. Their eyes widened as they witnessed what was happening.


The sound of a deep whirring rang out. The noise of immensely powerful desert ship engines. 

Great pillars of sand erupted into the air, as numerous beams of light pierced through the veil of yellow dust. 


A great boom resounded as something large crashed onto the ground. It took a moment for the obscurity to clear, but it soon became clear to Arry what caused such a commotion.

"That… that is..."

The prince trembled as she finally laid eyes on the sight. Numerous galleon-class desert ships burst forth from the dunes of the desert. Constructed specifically to ram through the immense inclines of the desert with little regard... the design of ships that were utilized by one group and one group only.

"Raider ships!"

Arry cried out in anger. The ships she laid her eyes upon were the ships of the desert raiders of the Kaios. Inland pirates who would make their wealth by pillaging merchants and enslaving innocents that were unfortunate enough to meet their gaze.

"Bell! We need to fasten our pace! Raider ships are immensely powerful, but their sheer size is their greatest weakness! We need to beat them in attrition!"

Arry knew by heart how to handle desert raider ships. Their sheer size struck fear into their prey and allowed for the carrying of immense manpower and armaments, but their size made it very costly to power. Desert raiders banked on their targets to give up in the face of such terrifying force, or to capture their prey before they ran out of energy for their engines.

"HAHAHAHA! Give up now poor bastards. Rozzo paid good money for us to bring in the fools who scammed him… I don't personally hate 'ya for scamming those bastard merchants, but business is business"

A disheveled man at the front of the leading desert ship spoke out with a booming voice that seemed to break through the cacophony of loud noises in the vicinity.


Bell narrowed his eyes at the recognition of such a weird occurrence. Something he knew could only be possible through one thing...

'That guy… he must have falna… only someone with the skill 『Command Howl』 can have such a clear voice despite all the noise...'

Bell knew that whoever this raider group was, they were big enough to afford an adventurer with a highly desired tactician skill.

"Scam? You scammed Rozzo, Bell?"

But though Bell was trying to analyze the fighting force of the raider group, Arry brought him out of his ponderings with her question. The prince was greatly confused at why Rozzo would think he was scammed.

"You used your sack of gold coins did you not?... is this his way of taking revenge for your dismissiveness?... but even then..."

Arry tried her best to analyze the situation, but Bell could only guiltily answer her back.

"You know how I could manifest this ship from nowhere, Arry?"

Sensing the hesitation in his voice, Arry felt something bad was going to come up from this confession from her servant.

“What did you do, Bell?...”

The prince couldn't even begin to think how Bell was able to scam one of the current greatest merchants of the Isurufan kingdom… merchants who were trained since birth to run their merchant company with excellence… individuals who were taught since birth the art of trading… but Arry was dumbfounded by Bell once again.

“I may have used coal to fake gold coins… and those gold coins would eventually fade back into coal once enough time passed…”

Bell said with some difficulty. It wasn't easy for him to admit to counterfeiting the Kaios’ local currency… and it would seem his speculations were correct.



But before Arry could scold her servants about the endless ramifications of having magic that could fake currency, she was cut from her sermon by the loud noises of cannon fire. The desert raider ships wouldn't wait for her to finish and began opening fire on Bell’s ship.


『Command Howl』

“Give up now you poor sods! Rozzo has given us enough slaves and magic stones to fuel our engine to travel a whole day at top speed! Your fate is inevitable HAHAHAHA!”

The voice of the raider captain rang clearly to Bell and Arry in spite of the deafening booms of the ships’ cannons. His wicked smile extended from end to end on his face.

“These were just warning shots… stop now, or we will reel you in with these harpoon cannons… or worse, live ammunition”

Arry turned pale at the realization of the captain’s words. Her innate ability determined everything he had said to be true… bereft of the sole advantage against the galleon raider ships… the prince felt despair looming as she tried desperately to find a way out.

‘This stretch between the Isurufan-Shalzard border has no unique landscape we can use to evade capture… just endless dunes… think… think…’

As Arry was pondering deeply, Bell was silent as he watched in the distance the approaching raider ships… not in admiration or fear of the gargantuan ships… but because of a presence… a presence he did not expect to encounter so early in this journey.

“What the hell is she doing over there?...”

Bell exasperatedly said before sighing. Resolving himself to jump into the jaws of the beast-like desert ships.

“Hold on to something Arry… I will be heading towards the raider’s ships”


Bell’s declaration shocked Arry. The prince immediately questioned her servant’s line of thought.


Arry was cut off from her chastising of Bell with the sudden sensation of the ship entering reverse. The realization made her entire body go cold once she knew what was about to happen, and Bell could only speak out a brief but vague answer once more for his actions.

“Do forgive me, Arry… but I have to pick up a goddess who is too carefree in her pursuits…”

The Prydwen began reversing into the range of the numerous raider ships. Their craft was blared down by the numerous intense spotlights of the raiders. Arry was even able to hear the burning fuses of the cannons.


Arry looked towards Bell who could reply with an awkward but apologetic smile.


𝘽 𝙊 𝙊 𝙈   𝘽 𝙊 𝙊 𝙈   𝘽 𝙊 𝙊 𝙈   𝘽 𝙊 𝙊 𝙈

The symphony of cannon fire erupted all over Bell and Arry. Blurring black spots entered Bell’s vision as numerous others threatened to reach them. But the sight didn't worry him too much compared to Arry whose eyes were widened to their utmost.


Magical energy began to sweep throughout the ship’s structure. Its engine began to glow brightly from within its confines. 

Bell reinforced Prydwen’s structural strength… and its conceptual ability as a ship to steer.


Bell began directing the Prydwen to evade the numerous cannonballs heading in their direction. The maneuver required Arry to hold onto the ship for dear life with the sudden changing of direction that she thought wasn't even possible for a ship to perform. 

𝘽 𝙊 𝙊 𝙈   𝘽 𝙊 𝙊 𝙈   𝘽 𝙊 𝙊 𝙈   𝘽 𝙊 𝙊 𝙈

Great clouds of sand erupted all around as the cannon balls made violent contact with the ground. The Prydwen deftly evaded each shot. Leaving a trail of dust that marked its path… the sight made the captain of the raiders question if what he was seeing was real.


The raiders' captain spoke out with a booming voice. The man didn't understand that a direct shot with a cannonball wasn't an injury that could easily be healed… but it wasn't like there was someone among their group who could correct him.

𝘽 𝙊 𝙊 𝙈   𝘽 𝙊 𝙊 𝙈   𝘽 𝙊 𝙊 𝙈   𝘽 𝙊 𝙊 𝙈

Cannonfire continued erupting on all sides as the Prydwen entered the close range of the raider’s ships. The small craft continued to evade and maneuver through each shot. The frustrated shouts of the raiders could be heard by Arry from all directions.


The prince who believed her end was nigh was now simply quiet as she observed the absurd display Bell was putting up. Her servant smiled as the ship continued to defy her logic.

“What the hell are you?...”

Arry’s exasperation wasn't caught amidst the deafening shouts and booms.


Before long, the Prydwen was able to break through the jaws of the raider ships. The cold night air returned to them both instead of the hot breeze felt under the numerous spotlights and fuming cannons.

“You did it…”

Arry could only be shocked at Bell’s ability to maneuver the ship, for he had performed a strategy designed against raider ships that she didn't think was possible.

‘Raider ships, in addition to being costly to fuel, are insanely difficult to steer… they would have no problem steering against a prey they were chasing… but if someone was able to break through their formation from the front and escape from the back…’

“They would be safe…”

Though such a strategy was thought of by numerous people, none were able to perfectly perform it due to the task requiring entering point black range of the raiders' armament.

It was a last-ditch action… but even then, most people preferred to simply surrender than enter the maw of the fearsome raider ships…

“But he did it… Bell did it… BELL YOU DID IT!”

Arry turned to the calm Bell with stars in her eyes. Her appreciation of desert ships made her understand all the more clearly how impressive the feat he performed was.

Seeing the prince in admiration of himself, Bell felt a tinge of embarrassment mixed with pride. 

“Didn't I tell you before, Arry? I would rise to any occasion you ask of me. A helmsman is not outside of my capabilities”

But before the two entered into a discussion once more, Bell suddenly shifted the direction of the Prydwen. The ship drifted across the sand as it began to face the raider ships.

“... Bell?...”

Arry felt a bad feeling erupting from within her. Her heart couldn't take all the sudden shifts in emotions Bell was giving her.

“Bell… don't tell me…”

Arry remembered what Bell had said in response to her question earlier. The prince realized what he intended to do. 

 『Trace on』

A long-chained sword that was connected to the ship from numerous points, manifested itself in Bell’s hands. A construct he began swinging as the sword slowly gained momentum.


Bell began strengthening his body. Reaching the stats equivalent to an early level three. He couldn't maintain such reinforcement for long periods of time, so he usually hovered his reinforcement around the equivalent of a level two… but for short bursts of power like this.

“It’s more than enough…”

The chained sword was now nothing more than a fierce gray blur that rotated with immense speed. 

Bell continued its momentum with one hand as he began aiming with his other. His target? The leading ship of the raider group.

“Arry… does your resistance have a navy?”

Bell called out to the prince who was struggling to process what Bell was doing once again. Hearing her name being called out, Arry took a moment to recompose herself as best as she could before replying.

“Not at the moment… all our desert ships were destroyed during the defense of Shalzard’s capitol… we do have sailors and captains, but we’ve converted them to land… forces…”

Arry slowed her voice as she realized what Bell planned to do.

Seeing the look of realization dawn on her face, Bell smiled as he continued asking her questions.

“I see… then under Isurufan and Shalzard law… what exactly is the legality of fighting back against desert raiders?...”

Bell asked and Arry replied once more. She now had an almost complete picture of what her servant was about to do.

“Under the general law formulated between numerous states of the desert… no legal repercussions will apply to a ship retaliating back against desert raiders…”

The response Arry gave Bell formed a smile on his face. He now had his eyes set on the numerous raiders he could see in the distance.

“How fortunate for us, my dear contractor. I need to pick someone up from those desert raiders… but while I'm at it…”

Bell tensed his arms as he prepared to let loose the spinning chained sword in his hand.

“I’ll bring back a navy for your resistance”


Bell said as he threw the chained sword with immense force. The throw resounded with a great boom as the weapon began to tear through the air fiercely. 

The weapon arched in the air and headed for the main deck of the raiders’ leading ship.

“Oh fuck-”

The captain cursed as he soon locked eyes with the approaching weapon. He didn't have enough time to process it before it had made impact. 


The chained sword lodged itself deep into the leading raider ship. Immense cracks on the ship’s hull formed as the sword pierced deeper and deeper until it had firmly planted itself onto the structure.

But such reassurances weren’t enough for Bell…


Sparks of energy ran through the blade as its structure began to be pulled in numerous directions. What once was a blade was now an anchor that firmly planted its position inside.


As the lead raider ship continued to move forward unabated, the chains violently straightened as it began to pull the Prydwen along the path of the galleon desert ship. Arry immediately went to hold onto the Prydwen’s rails for support. The sudden shift in momentum shook the smaller ship immensely.

“Gh-... Bell… I know that you are strong, but those raiders seem to be much more powerful than a regular band of desert pirates… they have contact with one of the four great merchants of Isurufan…”

Arry warned Bell about her observations. Though the prince wanted to investigate why Isurufan-sanctioned merchants were dealing with illegal raider groups, Arry was more concerned with Bell’s desire to hijack the entire group’s fleet for her resistance.

“Having those desert ships would help in reclaiming Shalzard, but it’s too much of a risk… you're only one man and we have a clear path to escape. Unlodge the chain and we can-”

But before Arry could continue to dissuade Bell from his path, Bell simply turned to Arry and gave her his reassurance.

“Trust me Arry, I am more than capable of handling such a group…”

Bell said with a light smile as he invoked his magic.

 『Trace on』

A pair of chained swords projected themselves onto his hands.


And a floating chained sword hung lowly as it began moving around him.

“Even if I am unable to reclaim their fleet. I told you, didn't I? There’s someone I need to pick up from them”

Bell said as he began to lower his body. Preparing himself to sprint through the chains that connected Prydwen to the raider ship.


Bell’s magic circuits began to empower his body, and as he did so, he made a small observation as power coursed through him… observations about why he thought he was nearing his natural potential.

‘I normally reinforce my body to imitate the stats of a level two adventurer… early level three if I don't mind expending more energy… middle level three if I don't care about deteriorating my body…’

Bell’s reinforcement magecraft was reaching its limits when it came to bodily enhancement. As stats rise from one level to another, the increasing of stats in the world of Danmachi became significantly harder.

‘The original Bell desensitized most people from the true struggle of increasing one’s stats the farther they progressed… and it would seem I’m reaching my limit… the limit of fast increases of power relative to the amount of time I put in…’

Bell knew he could train his body further, but it would require much more time to invest in. Time he couldn't afford given that canon will soon begin.

‘I’ve been able to fight Antares with the Orion arrow that was a divine weapon… I was able to defeat the Leviathan with the rare 『Limit-Off』that allowed a level two Bell to defeat the level four Black Goliath… I’ve been riding off of miracles for the last two incidents… the need to acquire my own falna is soon approaching…’

Bell thought as he remembered the author of Danmachi stating that the black dragon would be dealt with a year from the original Bell’s first acquisition 『Liaris Freese』

He didn't know whether he planned for the main cast to go to the black dragon… or for the black dragon to come to them… it was a fifty-fifty probability and Bell wasn't comfortable betting on spending more time training his power without a divine blessing.

‘There’s also the fact that my projections allowed me to fight better than how I would normally be able to… but even that is nearing its limits as well…’

Bell pondered but didn't elaborate on it. Focusing back on his task… It was time for his hunt to begin.


Bell drew in a breath as his armor began to manifest all over his body. His face became covered by his mask as his breath finished. 


Then he leaped off with immense force. Running along the chain that connected the two ships with great speed. 

𝘾 𝙇 𝘼 𝙉 𝙂… 𝘾 𝙇 𝘼 𝙉 𝙂… 𝘾 𝙇 𝘼 𝙉 𝙂… 𝘾 𝙇 𝘼 𝙉 𝙂…

The chains rattled as he ran across its length. His eyes turned to the nearest ship that entered his range. Lowering himself once again and leaping towards the deck of that ship.

Bell flew in the air and was soon about to land, but as he prepared to enter battle, Bell began wondering to himself about one part of his plan he didn't yet think of. 

‘Wait… how am I going to lead all these ships to Arry’s resistance?’


A great plume of dust erupted from the poorly maintained deck of the raider ship. The pirates worriedly eyed the inside of the erupted dust to spot the intruder… one pirate began approaching hesitantly towards the spot Bell landed on…


The man formed sweat as he gripped his sword tightly… but he would soon be released from his worries.



The man’s head was impaled by the chained sword that flew at him with immense speed. His body dangled from the weapon as it floated upwards before being tossed into the ground.


The pirates watched quietly as the lifeless corpse rolled onto the ground. The man who had enslaved and pillaged so many in the desert… now lay dead in front of them all.


The floating sword whipped around the plume of dust and swept it away with the wind its action had produced, revealing Bell who simply looked at the dazed crowd with his glowing eyes.

His pupils moved in different directions to fully capture how many enemies he had to deal with…

A crew of twenty on the deck, a couple more below deck, and the sound of tired slaves near the core of the ship. Such information was what he could gather through his reinforced senses. 


Bell didn't speak as he wasn’t currently focusing on what he was about to do… his body moved on instinct. His time as a vigilante enforced the movements he needed to dispatch the group he deemed as enemies.


Unable to bear the tension any longer, one person in the group of pirates began to rally his group to all charge at Bell. The singular cry erupted into a chorus as the pirates began to charge at Bell from all sides.


But Bell didn't falter. He simply moved forward.


𝙋 𝙄 𝙀 𝙍 𝘾 𝙀… 𝙋 𝙄 𝙀 𝙍 𝘾 𝙀… 𝙎 𝙇 𝘼 𝙎 𝙃… 𝙎 𝙇 𝘼 𝙎 𝙃

The raider ship began to be painted crimson. Bell moved swiftly through the crowds as he began to dispatch them all with little regard.


Pirates screamed as they moved to strike at him with their weapons. Bell simply evaded or parried their blows before delivering a swift and fatal strike of his own. 


Bell ripped through their bodies with his reinforced body and projection. Becoming lightly stained in red as he moved from one target to the next.



Another pirate far from Bell’s location screamed in terror as he was impaled. The floating sword Bell had projected began dealing with the stragglers that had escaped Bell’s movements. The projection appeared to the raiders like a cruel beast’s appendage.


Ripping through the air, the sound the blade made was akin to a predator's low growl.

𝙋 𝙄 𝙀 𝙍 𝘾 𝙀… 𝙋 𝙄 𝙀 𝙍 𝘾 𝙀… 𝙎 𝙇 𝘼 𝙎 𝙃… 𝙎 𝙇 𝘼 𝙎 𝙃

Before long, Bell had successfully cleared the upper deck of the ship he had landed on. Throwing the bodies of the deceased pirates overboard… confirming the success of his first objective he moved to descend to the lower decks but found that the door had been blocked.


Bell didn't wish to damage the ship much as he wanted Arry’s resistance to make use of it.

“𝙨𝙞𝙜𝙝… I’m sure all of you went into a life of crime out of desperation… but desperation doesn't excuse you for what you have done…”

Bell felt pity for the criminals… but he had to do what was to be done. There was no such thing as peace without sacrifice.


Planting his chained sword onto the deck, Bell began running towards the rails by the front of the ship before leaping off.


After traveling some distance, Bell’s chain began to pull back on him as he began to swing along the moving ship. Eyeing one of the holes through which the cannons peaked, Bell began maneuvering himself-


–And crashed into the lower decks through that opening.


He examined his surroundings for a brief moment.

‘Around the same number on the deck, if not a bit more… a lot of crates of magic stones… I’ll use that to power the ships to travel to Arry’s resistance base… and…’

Slaves. Crowds of them. Amounting to a number that would easily outmatch the raiders. 

They were barely clothed. Worryingly thin. Repulsively dirty. 

Some had fresh injuries… others improperly healed wounds… the rest had numerous old scars.

Men… women… eldrely… children…


Bell was quiet as the pirates soon began pushing some slaves forward with improper weapons. The fearful raiders intended to use them as cannon fodder.

“It’s useless… this isn't the first time I had to deal with criminals using innocents as meat shields…”

Bell said as he began to manifest another sword in his hand. Such sights were no longer enough to bring him a shock. But it didn't diminish his anger for them one bit.

“I take full responsibility for the path I chose… every single person I kill… I admit that I willingly take their lives for my own ends… for my own desires…”

“We are the same…people using other people to get what they want…”

“We should all be willing to face the repercussions of our choices… so step out from the backs of those people who did nothing…”

Bell gripped his sword tightly. His projection swayed behind his back as it trained itself on the pirates. His eyes glowed ominously

“And accept the consequences of your actions”



𝙩𝙝𝙪𝙙… 𝙩𝙝𝙪𝙙… 𝙩𝙝𝙪𝙙… 𝙩𝙝𝙪𝙙...

The sounds of steps resounded clearly on the deck of the leading raider ship. The sound of Bell’s footsteps as he made his way to the final target of his hunt. The captain of the raider group.

“Haa… haa… haa… haa…”

The captain drew breath heavily as he lay on the mast of his ship bleeding. He was a level two adventurer, a rarity in the Kaios deserts… but no match for the vigilante who brought so much terror into the minds of the criminals of Orario.

“Haa… haa… you damn monster…”

The captain said with hate as he eyed up Bell who looked over his bleeding self. No emotion could be derived from his expression.

“A hero to one person is a monster to another… it's been a while since I last killed so many people… my peaceful time in Altena really affected me much…”

Bell said as he made small talk with the dying captain. Talk the bleeding man couldn't even understand as his brain began to become delirious with the amount of blood he was losing.

“I really enjoyed it… a peaceful daily life with Athena and Telemachus… it's exactly that joy that I found which drives me to ensure it will never be destroyed…”

Bell said as he gazed straight into the fading eyes of the captain. He didn't avert his mind from the scene his hands produced.

“For the world, I desire… your presence will impede its fruition… and this isn't Orario where people could grow and attain their dreams by killing hordes of mindless monsters without guilt…”

Bell kneeled in front of the dying captain. The man’s eyes were able to clearly draw out Bell’s face as he neared him. His mask unraveled and a look of kindness showed itself to him, despite the massacre he had just caused.

‘Hypocritical… bastard…’

Though the captain cursed him under his breath… he was glad such a gentle sight was the last thing he saw.

“I pray this world is kinder to you in your next life… and I’ll do my best to make sure it will be better…”


Bell held the captain as he pierced his body. Letting him go once he felt he was no longer of this world.


Bell removed himself from the corpse as he turned to look at his hands. Silent as he did.

The sight awakened numerous scenes in his head.

『The bloody hands of a hero who sought an inherited justice from the man who saved him… finding only wrought iron and hypocrisy at the end of his ideals』

『The blurry outline of the hand of a former hero who wished to turn tragedy into comedy… now wandering the world as a simple blind poet alongside his sister』

『The ashen hand of an aspiring hero who wished to reach the person who captured his heart… woven with the remains of a girl who only wished to see the sun』

『The lifeless hands of a man who knew not of heroism or of sacrifice… only knowing the darkness of his room and the sensation of parchment』

Being so detached from the endless violence he had been used to as the Gray Ghost… living a life of quiet peace in Altena… and returning back to it… his body struggled to readjust.

‘... get a hold of yourself Bell… there are too many problems this world is facing without the major players knowing about it… you already spent your childhood wasting time, and you can't relapse back into it for no reason…’

Bell recomposed himself by taking in calming breaths. He wouldn't lose his grip on reality once again.

‘Ensuring the people I love can continue living happliy… and finding answers to the truth of my existence in this world… both of these things lay at the end of the path I'm walking on…’

The path was paved. All he needed to do was keep moving forward… even if where he started from was no longer in view…

“Just keep moving forward…”

Bell said to himself quietly as he picked himself up. Turning away from the now-passed captain, he began making his way to the lower decks of the raider ship.

𝙩𝙝𝙪𝙙… 𝙩𝙝𝙪𝙙… 𝙩𝙝𝙪𝙙… 𝙩𝙝𝙪𝙙...

Walking past the bloody scene he had painted across the deck… ignoring how the once roaring fleet of raider ships now stood eerily quiet in the desert night… ignoring all of it… Bell simply kept moving.



‘How am I not surprised… this type of scene… it could only be something you can make… Freya…’

Bell said as he made his way to the lower deck of the leading raider ship. 

Dispatching a few straggler pirates that ambushed him on his way down, Bell was met with a rather unnerving scene that would've brought confusion to him if he didn't know about the goddess who lay at the center of it all.


A pleasant humming rang throughout the slaves’ quarts on the ship. 

The voice of a divine beauty gently caressed the ears that heard her sound with a gentle tune.

The faint glow of the magic lanterns that illuminated the dark lower deck gave an ethereal presence to the woman who hummed nonchalantly… as the enraptured pirates stood dazed all around her. 

Still and unmoving… as if their minds were forcefully held prisoner by the bewitching goddess’ charm and melody.

‘So this is the power of Freya that led the gods to fear her… to form the establishment of the three virgin goddesses who could repel her control somewhat…’

Bell said as he began to slowly enter the room Freya currently resided in. Keeping the malicious pirates at bay with her song as the slaves fearfully stood behind her, unaware that the goddess’ divinity was at work.

‘An innocent girl feared as a monster and objectified as a beauty… no wonder her personality got so distorted…’

Bell reminisced on the memories he felt as he tried to establish a connection with himself and Freya back in Altena.

When he had met her disguised as Mardoll by the port, the goddess was unmoving. As if she were a broken doll… Bell had to force a connection with her lest she breaks herself mentally… it was a temporary connection based on the ones he had with Artemis and Athena, but it was enough for him to get a clear picture of a fraction of what she went through.

‘It’s a miracle the original Bell was somehow able to placate her by volume eighteen… she essentially trapped Orario under hypnosis in order to have him for herself, and he somehow found a way to friendzone her and continue to chase after Ais…’

Bell joked about the memories he held as he read the Danmachi light novel before making his presence known to Freya.

“♩♪♫♬~... hm?”

Freya opened her eyes slowly as she soon began to register Bell’s appearance by the entrance of the room. The goddess smiled as she began to play out the scenario she formulated to intrude upon her beloved’s current adventure.

“Oh my, it would we have been saved… do grant this goddess the pleasure of knowing the name of my savior, oh fair hero”

Freya smiled as her eyes which once shined a brilliant silver as she charmed the pirates began to fade. Her charm diminished as Bell made his way into the room.

𝙩𝙝𝙪𝙙… 𝙩𝙝𝙪𝙙… 𝙩𝙝𝙪𝙙… 𝙩𝙝𝙪𝙙…

Bereft of the goddess’ control on their minds, the pirates began to tumble onto the floor one by one. The scene was eerie as the beauty smiled as she was surrounded on all sides by unconscious bodies.

Bell could only awkwardly smile as he knew he still had much to go through with the goddess in therapy before she could return to who she originally was. Speaking back to her in reverence.

‘Freya still doesn't realize my knowledge regarding her transformation magic… so it's best I act that this is our first time meeting… now is not the time to unravel everything I know’

Bell knew that he only had one shot to bring out the real Freya. If he failed, it would only lead the goddess down a path of no return.

The same method that was employed by the original Bell had done to rescue the goddess in the light novels. For that to happen, Bell still needed more time to grow and gather allies… so for now. he would keep the distance between himself and Freya just where it was until it was time.

“My name is Gray Ghost, dear goddess… to you and the slaves that are under your protection, I have come to rescue you all… the raider pirates have now been dealt with. There’s no reason to fear for your lives any longer…”

As Bell concluded what he had said, many among the slaves were shocked and silent… but they all soon began to break down in tears. Many of them were thankful their captors were now gone.

“𝙝𝙞𝙘… 𝙝𝙞𝙘… thank you… 𝙝𝙞𝙘… thank you!-”

Many of the adult slaves began to thank Bell, while the rest thanked Freya for having protected them. In particular, the children were very grateful to the goddess and her presence in their lives.

“𝙝𝙞𝙘… thank you goddess… 𝙝𝙞𝙘… thank you so much… 𝙝𝙞𝙘…”

Seeing the children cry profusely, the goddess simply replied back with the gentleness she had developed after raising her familia for so long.

“It’s alright now… the strong hero has come to save us… those mean men are no longer here… no more crying alright?”

The scene brought a small smile to Bell’s face as he began to direct the slaves through an exit that circumvented the main deck. He didn't want to expose them to the bloody mess he had produced upstairs.

‘I'm having the other groups in the other ships waiting for me… perhaps I should upsize Prydwen… the raider ships might be too much for these people to stay on until we reach the Shalzard resistance camp… it’s also a blessing that most of these people are Shalzard refugees. The resistance will accept them, so there won't be any concerns about stragglers…’

As Bell began to open the ship’s hatch for large cargo, Freya turned her eyes away from the children who rested in her embrace to watch her Odr at work. The sight endeared itself in the goddess’ heart.

‘Aahhhh~ How blissful this is~ I can finally involve myself in my beloved Odr’s story… it took some convincing, but I was finally able to do what I wanted without having my children watching me like hawks’

Freya happily thought as she thought back on the amount of convincing and planning she had to make this singular moment a reality.

‘After Bell broke things off with Mardoll, I finally decided to immerse myself in his life… there was some pushback by Ottar and the executives, but I was able to have my way after some convincing’

Freya used her sadness for the past week as a cause for why her proposal was something needed and justified.

The concerns for her safety were dissuaded by her arguments regarding Bell’s feats and her personal abilities. 

As for the risks of failure, the goddess utilized her children’s loyalty against them by questioning if they doubted her intelligence and wisdom in formulating a plan.

‘They only wish the best for me… but the best for me right now is by my Odr’s side~’

Freya happily concluded as he relished the feeling of being in her beloved’s story. The goddess wasn’t sure just yet what he planned on doing…

‘But I will not let another woman take a spot for themselves in his heart… Artemis and Athena already have one over me… it’s now my turn!’

The goddess will make sure to enrapture Bell with her womanly wiles. She was confident in her chances to make Bell fall deeply in love with her.

‘Bell is already quite infatuated with Syr… but if he can fall in love with both Syr and myself… he… hehe… hehehe~’

Freya began to smile widely at the thought of her beloved in love with both sides of her personality. 

Though Freya had learned from Bell to lessen her reliance on masks to get what she wanted, it didn't apply much to her persona as Syr… because the mask known as Syr was quite different from the rest…

‘Having Bell fall innocently in love with me… then developing it to a mature atmosphere… then me and him in bed… taking his virginity under the moon… hehehe~’

As the goddess lost herself in her fantasies, she was unaware of Bell approaching her. The vigilante noticed that Freya was lost in her thoughts and called out to her.

“Dear goddess, I have opened the hatch on the side of the ship. Will you please accompany me and the children to disembark?”

Bell said with a patient tone that snapped Freya out of her fantasizing and back to reality. The goddess took a moment to recompose herself, she had to make sure everything went according to her plan.

“Oh, I would be most grateful to walk by your side… Bell Cranel”

Freya said as she looked into Bell’s eyes with an innocent gaze. A gaze that didn't fit the goddess who was scheming her way into Bell’s story.


Bell was silent for a moment as he began to process what Freya might be planning at this moment, but he couldn't draw any definitive conclusions… so he simply chose to go along with her lead.

“It would seem you would rather drop the pretext and go straight ahead without the masks… then I would like to say that it would be my pleasure to accompany you… Lady Freya”

As Bell spoke about what he did, Freya only replied with a smile as her eyes narrowed in amusement at where Bell would take her in this conversation.

“My~ It seems I have been recognized as well. I don't believe I ever had the pleasure of making myself known to you… do tell me, how did you know who I am?”

Freya was curious about how her identity had been exposed. Though she took a risk of unraveling her disguise for a moment as she bid Bell goodbye in Altena, she did make sure she couldn't be viewed when she had done so.

The goddess watched in curiosity at how Bell would reply rather than nervousness. Bell simply replied back to her in a similar casual tone. Neither accusatory nor apprehensive.

“Your looks are quite distinguishing, Lady Freya. Even though I’ve only met you through portraits until now… those illustrations do your appearances justice given how similar they are to real life…”

“Along with that… I would be remiss if I didn't learn the face of the goddess who has been watching me for all this time”

As Bell concluded his answer, Freya’s smile only grew more prominent. The goddess’ eyes burned with a desire to see how far her Odr had torn into her facade.

“You seem to know quite a lot… do you find yourself weirded by my stalking? I do apologize if so… you're quite enticing to observe after all”

Freya played nonchalantly to Bell’s declarations. She didn't see the need to try and deny the truth of the matter. She simply pushed forward with her current position. She betted it all on the possibility that Bell wouldn't be averse to it given that he knew.

“I find it quite the honor to have interested the goddess who leads the world’s strongest familia”

Bell’s reply miffed the goddess. She was glad he didn't seem to take personal offense by her advances… but she felt disappointed that he didn't bring it any further.


Bell recognized the look on the goddess’ face and went closer to her ear to whisper his reasoning to her.

“I would rather question your reasoning for being here than to flirt, Lady Freya… and there are children here…”

Freya was caught off guard by Bell’s reply but laughed lightly as she conceded to his blocking of her advances.

“I suppose you're right… do forgive me for getting too excited. We do have quite a lot to unpack… about things children shouldn't be privy to~”

Freya said as she guided the children by her side along with the crowd of slaves that were disembarking the raider ship.

“You said you would accompany me, did you not, Bell?”

Freya said as she extended her hand to Bell. She smiled widely at being able to call out to him so directly after watching by the sidelines for so long.

“... 𝙨𝙞𝙜𝙝…”

Bell could only sigh in compliance as the kids around the goddess watched their interaction with confusion.

‘It really is quite the task… making sure goddesses don't break the world in a mental breakdown…’

Accepting the cross he chose to bore all those years ago when he first reincarnated, Bell began to lead the crowds he had saved to the Prydwen. 

“Where is that Bell?...”

Arry spoke to herself as she waited in annoyance for Bell to arrive back. She had gotten concerned when the raider ships had suddenly stopped moving, but the prince now just grew annoyed with how long it was taking.

“Don't tell me he’s actually thinking of bringing all those ships along… wait… aren't there slaves to consider as well?...”

Arry felt a headache coming to her as she began to imagine the logistics of what such a task would entail.

“I escaped captivity disguised as a slave and came back with a fleet of galleon desert ships, refugees, and a vigilante…”

The prince still can't seem to understand just how absurd her life had gotten ever since Bell arrived. 

“I just hope nothing else gets added…”

Arry prayed desperately to the gods that no more problems be added to her life… only for it to be answered in the most ironic way possible.




Different from the once small desert ship it was, the craft was reprojected by Bell to be much larger in size to accommodate the increase in load it now carried.

“To think his highness the prince was here… Shalzard is saved with the prince and the hero by his side…”

The Shalzard refugees spoke to one another by the deck of the ship in thanks to the circumstances they had learned.

As Bell guided them onboard the fascinating ship that manifested from nowhere, he entered the ship and came out with the Shalzard prince by his side. The royal eagerly accepted them all into safety as they headed to the base of the Shalzard resistance.

“His highness seemed rather stressed when he met us… do you think we might be a burden?...”

One of the people in the crowd mentioned with worry, but their query was met with fierce opposition.

“Of course not! His highness is merciful and understanding! He must be tired from carrying the light of Shalzard all on his back!”

A wave of patriotism and camaraderie swept amongst the crowds as they began to admire their indomitable prince who never backed down in the face of surmounting odds.


But inside the main quarters of Prydwen, where the noises of the crowds couldn't reach, the prince in question was currently…


Trying her best to cope with the massive headache she was currently dealing with.

“We gained three galleon desert ships armed for battle… and we’re currently having them run on magic crystals as the Prydwen guides them with chains… right?”

Arry asked Bell who was currently standing by her side.

“Yes, Arry. That is correct”

Bell replied with succinctness. Though his lack of severe emotions seemed to annoy the prince than assure her. 

“... then we are currently rescuing around a hundred slaves that were captured and brought by the raiders… the resistance base should be able to provide for them, and it will be a benefit to have additional forces to call upon when they have recovered…”

Arry said while trying to be as positive as she could be about the situation. Her resistance had the capacity to house them all, but it would take some time to establish an increased logistics network that wouldn't expose their location.

But as much as a hurdle it was. It was surmountable, and Arry wasn't willing to give up on her citizens. So she accepted it… the problem lay with the last variable that was added after Bell’s solo attack.

“... I can appreciate the ships… I appreciate it even more being able to rescue my people… BUT WHY IS THE GODDESS OF THE STRONGEST FAMILIA ALL BY HERSELF IN THE DESERT?!-”

Arry shouted as she couldn't handle the sheer insanity of her situation anymore. Talking to Bell as Freya happily sat opposite to them both.

“... I would like to know that myself, Arry”

Bell could only awkwardly reply as he didn't know why Freya was all by herself either. He had expected the goddess to intrude once more in his journey in the Kaios, but he didn't expect her to truly be alone.

‘In the side story of Arry, Freya was accompanied by her children even when she protested against them coming along… so what has changed between then and now?’

Bell thought to himself at what had changed. Unaware that his escapades with Athena led the goddess in front of him into a bout of depression.

A bout of depression that made her children accept her request with a guilty conscience of having made her cry so profusely.


While Bell pondered on what had changed and as Arry tried her best to cope with the headache she was experiencing, Freya silently smiled as the pair wandered off into their own world… the goddess eyeing up both of their souls with immense interest.

‘My dear Bell… is this a test of fidelity?... to stand beside a girl whose soul is so appealing. It’s like you want me to devour her~’

Freya said as she examined Arry’s soul with immense interest.

‘An alluring amethyst hue as it radiates a glow similar to the endless sands of the desert… its majesty is similar to that of an ornate crown… had I not met Bell, she would surely become a person I would've considered to be my Odr…’

Freya felt immensely happy to have been blessed to witness such a beautiful soul… but it pained her just as much. Where once she was starved for choice, the goddess was now torn between the two delectable specimens that stood before her.

‘An exotic desert… a brilliant sky… this is so hard… I’m leaning towards Bell immensely, but it’s just too much of a waste to leave this prince by the side…’

Freya struggled as she tried her best to remain faithful to the man she fell in love with.

‘Would Bell perhaps be open to a threeway?’

But before Freya could fully entertain that train of thought, Arry called out to the goddess. Having found her headache bearable enough to question her.

“Excuse me… Lady Freya, right?... how exactly did you end up captured by those raiders?... you lead the strongest familia, do you not?”

Arry began to examine the goddess for any falsehoods. Though some might consider it blasphemous to question a god in an interrogation, the prince could hardly care about such beliefs at this moment.

‘It’s the same reasoning with Bell… this goddess might be a considerable boon for my resistance, but I need to first determine their trustworthiness…’

Arry began her questioning.

“How did you become separated from your familia? I doubt a high leveled familia like yours would just become detached from you…”

Freya took a moment to formulate her answer, then replied to the prince with a smile.

“I told them to leave me alone as I traveled”


Arry felt another headache coming for her.

“I apologize, Lady Freya. It must be my tiredness… I thought I heard you say you willingly entered the Kaios all by yourself-”

But though Arry tried to deny reality, Freya reminded the prince of the coldness of her reality.

“But I did though?”


Arry turned quiet as she looked towards Bell. An awkward smile was the only thing he could give the prince. 

“... okay… so moving on from that… onto the next question… how exactly did you get caught by those raiders?”

Arry turned to the next question that concerned her the most. Capturing the head of the strongest familia might turn into an international scandal between the Kaios region and the dungeon city of Orario.

‘If I’m not careful about how I handle this… and this incident gets leaked… the desert people might be scorned by the wider world…’

The prince thought carefully about what the political consequences of such a blunder would be, but Freya shattered all of her thinking in an instant.

“I gave myself up to them willingly”


Arry took a moment to observe Freya as she gave her answer. Her head began to resound in pain as she couldn't detect any falsehood.

“Why… why would a goddess such as yourself enter danger so willingly?... if something happened to you, there would've been enormous consequences?!”

Arry spoke in a louder tone. She simply couldn't understand how the goddess’ mind worked. But Freya gave her reasoning with a smile on her face. 

“It’s because I’m in love with Bell Cranel and wanted to meet him”


Arry turned her gaze to Bell. This time it was of immense anger… after all… everything that was currently causing her headache seemed to wrap back to Bell.


Bell could only awkwardly receive the prince’s hateful gaze. But the tension was broken by Freya who wished to explain herself truthfully. Motivated by the words Bell had given her in Altena.

And so the goddess began to regale the pair with her story… of stalking Bell.

How she discovered his true identity by having her children track him through Orario.

How she left her familia’s administration to a trusted aide as she spent more than a year following him through the continent of Gekai.

How she assisted him in Altena… and now… how she traveled to the Kaios desert after learning that he would arrive here.


Arry was currently resting her head in contemplation… in contemplation of whether it was a good decision to accept Bell as her servant.

“Bell… why does common sense break whenever you're involved?...”

“I'm not sure why… and I apologize for what it has caused, Arry…”

Bell and Arry could only tiredly reply to one another after everything Freya had just confessed to. Though Bell was more concerned with it than the tired prince.

‘So Freya has confessed to everything… though she left out her connection to Syr, Mardoll, and Horn…’

Though Bell was concerned that the goddess didn't reveal everything to him, it was a step in the right direction for the goddess who initially tried to observe and control everything from on high.

But Bell smiled fondly at the goddess’ behavior… despite her essentially admitting to having stalked him for the past year.

Arry on the other hand hesitated on whether or not to simply allow the goddess to observe Bell. The prince planned to incorporate Bell in her plans for reclaiming Shalzard, and she wasn't sure if it was safe to have the goddess of such a prominent familia in an active warzone.

‘Would I even be able to sway this goddess from in her decision?... something tells me she would simply continue what she's doing even if I don't allow her…’

As Arry wondered, Bell could recognize the concern from the prince’s face alone. Bending down to reach her ear, Bell wanted to give his assurance on the matter.

“I will personally protect the goddess, Arry… you saw what I am capable of, I don't believe it won't be much of a problem to leave her here with us…”

Hearing what Bell was saying, Arry could understand his line of reasoning somewhat.

‘It’s true… Bell seems capable enough… but still…’

The risk was still too high for Arry. Seeing that she still needed one last push before she was convinced, Bell asked for forgiveness from Freya beforehand… for he was going to truly become a hypocrite.

‘Please forgive me Freya… but know I'm doing this for you…’

Bell whispered something in Arry’s ear. The proposal he gave her widened the prince’s eyes for a moment. Then a look of understanding and support began to be plastered on her expression.


Freya, who was watching the pair talk, felt an odd feeling coming from them both. Especially from Bell.

‘Why does Bell look so guilty?...’

Freya wondered why her Odr was expressing such an emotion… but after Arry gave a nod of approval, Bell turned to the goddess with a bright smile.

‘Wait… why does this seem familiar?...’

Distant memories began to spring up in the goddess’ mind… memories of a certain god of lightning who had tricked her so many years ago.

“Lady Freya… would you like to become our mascot for the greater good?”

Like grandfather… like grandson…




The Black desert.

The Desert of Death Ash.

The remains of the great monster.

The Behemoth’s grave.

A land of dunes forever cursed by the taint of ashen remains of the great beast that once roamed across it.

A black cover of ash that inhibited all life from growing from where it lay upon. A curse that turned the land forever barren.

A black stain that would never fade. Even if the gods were to intervene themselves.


Ominous black sandstorms lay on the horizon as a cold and chilling breeze swept across the area.

The land where no light shined… the land where no life grew… the land where even shadows were not permitted to exist.

“How unfortunate such a curse wasn't placed in a populated area… you really are no fun Zeus…”

A black hooded figure said to himself as he trekked through these forsaken lands… but perhaps it was his calling to venture into such a blasphemous site… some might say it was fate that connected this vile existence to a repulsive location…

“Desperately trying to continue the legacy that fool Argonaut started… it's getting boring seeing your struggle… but it matters not Zeus… because someone much more interesting has caught my eye”

The figure said as a wicked smile erupted from beneath their hood. 

“Gray Ghost… I just love seeing how he struggles… he has been having nothing but success… even in our first encounter, he triumphed over the black beasts and Leviathans I had painstakingly prepared…”

“Seeing him continue to win time and time again… it might make others feel disheartened to be his opponent… after all, nobody likes losing…”

The figure’s slow walk halted to a stop as he soon began to spread his arms in the ecstatic exaltation of the truth he believed in.


The figure spoke in ecstasy as their breath quivered. Recalling how much joy he had derived seeing the Zeus and Hera familias fall… knowing he could have that once more… Angra Mainyu couldn't handle it.

“The better the despair when you fall”

Angra Mainyu declared in exuberance as a large shadow began to loom over him… fierce… brutal… beastly…

“What a turn of fate that you traveled to the Kaios, Gray Ghost… perhaps like Freya and Artemis… you are my fated lover?... ha… haha… HAHAHAHAHA-”


The ground shook violently as the evil god fell to insanity… the shadow of a large beast grew closer and closer to him as he continued to laugh with abandon.

“How quaint we can have a rematch so soon! But it’s sad really… because you didn't give me enough time to prepare for this stage… so sadly… you have already lost…”

Angra Mainyu spoke in regret that he couldn't play with Gray Ghost just as he did with the uptight Zeus who loved humanity way too much for his liking. 

“After all… a hero needs cannon fodder to allow them to grow… how is this supposed to be a good story if the villain intrudes so early?”

“The age to bring down the gods is nigh… so I hope you manage to live to see it, Gray Ghost”

“The day I defile the gods is still in the process of becoming actualized… but for now… I hope this will suffice… my defiling of my people’s favorite children~”

“Great black wanderer of ash, Behemoth… mixed with the remains of a spirit I played with, Hesperides… a true demi-spirit that Enyo couldn't ever seem to get right…”

The vile god turned to greet the true success his faction of Evilus strived for… turning the divine into the horrors of the planet.

The beast loomed viciously over the god… the remains of a spirit resounding in its magic crystal as it wailed in agony… calling for its sister to end her agony.

“Turn the blazing desert into an eclipse…”

“𝙈𝙮 𝘽𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙩”







Thank you for reading this chapter!

Just wanna start this with the power scaling I mentioned in this chapter. Because I know you guys will question it a lot. 

Firstly, I imagined Bell’s reinforcement would be the equivalent of all stats reaching S per full level. 

It might seem small, but SS and SSS stats are glitches in the falna system produced by Liaris Freese. For everyone outside of people with excelia skills, S is the absolute limit.

As to why I believe level 2 to early three is justified for what Bell did, the original Bell was able to briefly go solo with Antares when he was just a new level 2. He was also able to face a small demi-spirit in Sword Oratoria as a high-level two.

Level 2 with full S stats is quite impressive and gives a person quite a lot of capabilities. Fanfics tend to make level 3’s and 4’s seem common

You also have to keep in mind that stats are much harder to train with each level up. 

More progress is needed for smaller increases and simply pumping more power into his body isn't going to be enough… Bell’s body needs to increase its capacity before his stats can increase, otherwise, he would just explode as he did with Antares.

In order to attain such a body, he would need to train for a ridiculously long amount of time, or make the process shorter and easier with falna.

I plan to write a similar explanation for UBW in the next chapter.

As for what he performed with Antares and the Leviathan….it all came down to three things. Projections, Orion Arrow, and Limit Off.

Projections simply allow Bell to fight in a way that was highly flexible and adaptable. Giving him a general advantage in most fights.

Antares was defeated due to the sheer power Orion Arrow has as a divine construct. Bell simply fired the arrow and created the opportune shooting moment. The arrow did most of the work.

Leviathan was defeated due to a Limit off. It was essentially my way to have Bell defeat the monster without it feeling out of place. I don't plan to have Bell rely on Limit off in the future, just like how the original Bell only had it occur to him once and never again. It’s a rare miracle that barely occurs in the long history of adventuring.

Bell’s skillset and circumstances are what have allowed him to succeed so far. 

TL;DR Bell is still weak if looked at purely from his bodily attributes. His circumstances and adaptable powers allowed him to accomplish what he did.



Just wanted to get that out of the way before the endless comments about power scaling. But I feel like I will still have to respond to comments regardless HAHAHA.

(This will mostly be talking about the comments I receive for this fanfic from Webnovel. U guys in scribble hub have been articulate and composed with your comments, and I genuinely appreciate it)

Moving on from that, I would like to take this moment to talk about some things I’ve been feeling.

I posted this fanfic knowing I would receive a lot of criticism given what I wanted to write and my general inexperience. I have been able to hold on well enough until now, but recently the comments have been getting to me.

I want to maintain the integrity of this fanfic and not tamper with the negative reviews and comments, but the negative stuff has been affecting me in recent times…so I want to distance myself from writing for a bit.

It won't be a long break. You guys may or may not notice any changes in how much I write depending on how quickly I can resolve this…but most of my recent free time has been centering around writing this fanfic, and I think it’s unhealthy for me and my mentality to let this story become the focus of my life and become so affected by it.

I know they're just a vocal minority in comparison to all the people who genuinely enjoy my work. It really brings a smile to my face seeing my story regularly reach the top 10 of the fanfic category every week, and u guys really motivate me…I guess I’m still a bit immature as an online creator.

I would appreciate it if you can maybe like some of the positive reviews for this fic because I'm having some doubts HAHAHAHA.

TL;DR Gonna take some time for myself. Will come back. May or may not affect the update schedule. But if it does, it won't be by much.



Anyway…quite the long authors note for this chapter HAHAHAHA.

Thank you once again for reading this chapter. Hope you look forward to what comes next. May you have a nice day!


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