Danmachi: The Blind Swordsman

Chapter- 5 Information

sorry guys for the delay, my health condition is not good this month and also exams are going on this month, I wasn't able to write that much but here is the chapter and pls forgive me if u see any mistakes.




"Can you tell me about other basic abilities and how to level up?" Yuno asked this as he doesn't know the basic power system of this world.

"Leave it to me," Hestia said while puffing her chest.

She sits down on the bed and says "Alright, now listen to me carefully, ok?"

Yuno also sits down on the couch while he focuses his attention on his Goddess.

Hestia then started to explain "A level shows the rank of an adventurer". 

"The status of an adventurer is considered to be secret information, but the level of an adventurer is required to be reported and is shown to others".

"Most people with a status are Level 1, and currently the only Level 7s are Ottar of the Freya Familia and one other unknown person". 

"When the Zeus and Hera Familias were still active, they had Level 8 and 9 adventurers respectively. Just defeating monsters doesn't lead to a level up".

"To level up, one must have at least a D rank in one basic ability and accumulate enough high-quality excelia that it overflows one's container, thus enabling them to level up".

"Levelling up is not automatic; one's God has to consciously decide to level up a familia member".

"Holding off levelling up is a strategy some might do for such reasons as to raise one's basic abilities higher or to unlock development abilities". 

"However, most families restrain from doing so due to the great boost in one's overall abilities granted by a level up, which has led it to be a practice performed only by strong families"

"Levelling up is hard to do outside of Orario due to the only dungeon being located there, and Level 3 outside of Orario is considered to be excellent". 

"Although levelling up is generally a hazardous task, those who have gained combat skills before receiving a falna are usually able to do so without difficulty"

Hestia stop and looks towards the yuno and then nodded her head looking satisfied as she continued "Now let's talk about basic abilities"

"The Basic Abilities are Strength, Endurance, Dexterity, Agility, and Magic". 

"Each one is shown with a rank and a number from 0-999. 0-99 is I, 100-199 is H, 200-299 is G, 300-399 in F, 400-499 is E, 500-599 is D, 600-699 in C, 700-799 is B, 800-899 is A, and 900-999 is S".

"Though their ranges have not been specifically stated, they are assumed to be 1000-1199 for SS and 1200+ for SSS".

"Basic abilities can be raised through excelia gained from training and battles. Basic abilities reset to I0 at every level up, although those gained before each level up will remain as an invisible base".

"Now let me tell you about Excelia"

"Excelia is gained through actions, such as by fighting monsters. There are two types of excelia". 

"The regular type is used by Gods to improve upon their followers' status other than level".

"Examples of this are unlocking certain development abilities that can be chosen to be obtained when levelling up, or to raise an adventurer's basic abilities". 

"The second type is called 'high-quality excelia' and is used by Gods to level up their followers after enough has been accumulated".

"High-quality excelia is gained by accomplishing things that even the Gods would be impressed with, such as defeating stronger opponents".

As she finished her explanation she looked toward yuno and asked "did you get all of it?"

Yuno put his hand on his chin and said "I guess, I get it"

"Good, if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask," Hestia said while she lay down on the bed.

Yuno then stands up and said "Hestia-sama, I am going to the guild for notifying them that I have joined the familia"

While he picked up his cane and prepared to leave.


"Wait, let me go with you" Hestia suddenly said as she stood up and came down from the bed.

"Let's go," Hestia said while she grabbed his hand and guided him towards the exit.

Yuno helplessly let himself be pulled.

Hestia thought of something suddenly as she stopped and looked back at yuno and asked "can you use your skill to see?"

Yuno thought for a while and then answer "I can see the outlines of the objects but I can't see them properly, maybe I need to develop that skill to properly see"

Yuno knows there are three levels for haki's - normal, advanced, and mastered.

He has an intuition that, if he somehow manages to make his observation haki to Mastered level, he might finally be able to see.

That is also one of his reasons to become an adventurer.

"Is that so, at least we have hope that you might be able to see one day, right?" Hestia said to encourage yuno.

"Yeah," Yuno agreed with her since he believed that day would come.

Then Hestia continues to guide him through the whole journey to the guild while yuno also focuses his attention and summons his system interface to see if there is any difference after getting the blessing.

[ Name- Yuno ]

[ Current template- Blind Admiral ]

[ Template progress- 30.20% ]

[ Abilities- Gravity, Observation Haki, Armament Haki, Conqueror Haki ]

[ Daily task- 100 push-ups, 10 km run and 1000 vertical slashes ( completed ) ]

And he was right, his template progress has been increased, as he inwardly overjoys and a small smile forms on his face.

After a while, they finally reach the guild, they enter and then yuno guides Hestia toward the same counter, where yuno registered before.

"Miss Eina, I am back, look, I joined the familia," Yuno said, seeing that Eina was still there.

"You come back very faster than expected," Eina commented, seeing him back after nearly 2 hours.

"Good evening, Goddess Hestia, I guess you got your first dependent" eina seeing the goddess, politely greeted her.

No matter which god or goddess, every mortal has to respect them.

"Good evening, thanks for giving me such excellent dependent for my familia" Hestia also greeted her back and gave her gratitude.

Because on the way to the guild, yuno told her about how he came to orario and it was eina who recommended him to her.

Eina has a doubtful face hearing goddess gratitude since she knows yuno's condition is no good.

Even though she had her doubts, she replied with a professional smile on her face "no worries Goddess, it's my duty after all".

"Can you register me as an official adventurer?" Yuno asked impatiently as he wanted to enter the dungeon as soon as possible to increase his template progress.

Eina looks at yuno while she releases a tired sign "..ok, I will complete your registration now"

Then Eina took the registration form and started filling it up.

"Done, congratulations on becoming a full-fledged adventurer," Eina said as she put down her quill.

"Since you become a new adventurer, I will give you basic details about the dungeon, you can decide whether now or later" eina, said as this guild is responsible for giving new adventurers knowledge about the dungeon.

"I will take it now," Yuno said as he wants to go to the dungeon tomorrow morning and so he wants to acquire more knowledge about these things.

Also, his brain capacity increased, since he got a template system, so he got no worry about overloading his brain with so much information.

"Alright then come with me to the private lounge," Eina said while coming outside of the counter.

"Goddess will you come with me or will you go back," Yuno asked Hestia since it may take time.

"I am free anyway today, so I will come with you," Hestia replies while she takes yuno's hand and follows eina.

"Alright," yuno said as he got no problem with it.

They all reach the private lounge, and as Hestia and yuno sit down on the sofa while eina brings the one book they also take the seat.

"Alright, let me tell you about the dungeon first," eina said as she open the book.

Yuno focused his all attention on eina.

Then eina started her explanation "The dungeon is a complex labyrinth located under Babel". 

"Orario is the only place in the world that has a dungeon and many people of different races gather from across the world to explore the dungeon".

"In history, it has been said Before the Gods and Goddesses came down to the lower world, heroes fought against monsters with the help of Spirits".

"Once the Gods began to come to the lower world, the Gods bestowed the Falna upon them and gave them status to better fight monsters". 

"Ouranos was the first God to bestow a falna upon a person".

"The dungeon is seemingly alive, spawning monsters from walls and ceilings and repairing itself on its own". 

"It has an immense hatred of the Gods, immediately sealing the exits of a room if it detects one"

Eina stopped for a second to see yuno, seeing yuno listing to her, she smile in satisfaction as she continued "there are different floors in the dungeon"

                                     Edited by- huma-bot


By the way, there are a few new members who recently joined our familia here are the names-

our first level 5 member- Xhaustedhero

level 4 member- Z3kChrome

thank you for the support guys...

and if you haven't joined our Shinigami's familia on discord where I am always active with other members, then quickly joined now here is the link-


and also many thanks to server supporters- Mudae and Silverash

if you want to read advanced chapters and discord benefits here is the link to my patreon-

https://www.pat reon.com/6Shinigami9

thank you for reading this chapter....

see you guys soon.....

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