DanMachi: The Strongest Support In Labyrinth City

Chapter 100 Dreams are still real

Is it a dream?

Under his feet is the barren land, with a landscape like the moon.

There is not the slightest vitality to be found on the gray-white land, and only inorganic substances exist as far as the eyes can see.

But there is also a riot of colour here.

It was the indescribable infinity hanging above his head.

It is larger than any cosmic celestial body, and even surpasses the framework of the universe.

Noel looked up at the existence that all the brilliance could not reach, and felt as if he had become transparent at this time. All the light passed through his body directly. At the same time, some obscure and difficult things naturally appeared in his mind. Wonderful spell to understand.

Just because he murmured the incantation subconsciously, the starry sky suddenly flowed.

A beautiful blue planet was constantly enlarged in his eyes, and the planet with a diameter of more than 12,000 kilometers appeared in front of him like a painting~.


At the end of the spell, Noel's consciousness fell silent for a moment.

The starry sky also returned to calm here.

It wasn't the little fox's gentle push or gentle call that made Noel wake up again.

but an unpleasant smell.

Frowning, the teenager woke up from the darkened cell.

Looking at the shackles on his feet and the poor sleeping environment, Noel was a little confused about the situation at this time.

"Where is this?

Why are there chains on his feet?

Even if he didn't need to be an absurdist, he who had been dealing with steel for many years could see that this chain was only made of the most common pig iron, and it was not impossible for him to break it with his strength.

But, what exactly is this mental exhaustion?

Just like the mental exhaustion that occurs when the magic power is exhausted, the stinging pain in the brain is endless, is it a symptom of the depletion of the magic power, that is to say, he used magic?

What was that wonderful experience that seemed to be outside the dimension just now?

Dang bang one by one.

Dang bang one by one. .

The sound of chains coming from outside the cell interrupted his thoughts.

Listening to the frequency of the chains, obviously not from walking, Noel raised his head curiously and quietly observed the narrow passage outside the cell.

After a few breaths, a figure appeared.

It was two burly men with masks on their heads, and they were on one side, holding someone and dragging that person toward the depths of the passage.

Noel glanced at the man being dragged, a man who looked to be in his thirties, covered in wounds.

The ringing chains were at his ankles.

Noel, who has many adventurer experience, can understand just by looking at the wound on his body that the man's enemy is a swordsman, and he is completely ignored.

Let every attack avoid the key points, and specially just cut the skin to let the blood seep out, but not cause heavy damage, the opponent's strength far exceeds this man.

There is a huge gap in strength, but he was simply playing with the mentality of playing until he collapsed due to excessive blood loss.

Judging from the treatment he received at this time, 80% is to be locked in a cell to fend for himself.

What a strange place.

He clearly remembered everything that happened before, so he still thought that this place should be a dream that was very close to reality, but he just didn't know how to wake up.

For half a day, Noel watched at least a dozen groups of people go back and forth outside the cell.

Some people were fine when they went out, but were dying when they came back, or even turned into dead bodies.

The wounds on their bodies were all caused by weapons made by humans.

Most of them are wounds caused by cuts or punctures by sharp objects, which means that the enemy is the type of weapon used.

So it looks like this is a fighting arena, right?

People in cells are taken out to fight other people, and the losers are either put back in the cell or die.


Finally, his prison door was opened.

Noel looked at the several men wearing masks who came in from outside and remained silent.

"No. 3, it's your turn, this time the opponent is a big man, as long as you win, then you are free." Although the man was wearing a mask, Noel could still detect the sarcasm in his tone.


Although it can be guessed based on his current treatment, in this dream, his identity seems to be a slave.

Number 3 is how people here call him.

He had also heard numbers 16 and 43 before.

If the numbers start at 1, that means there are at least 43 slaves here.

In terms of the Arena, the scale is not too small.

Taking an iron sword in the hand of the follower, Noel didn't need to weigh it to judge that it was a little stronger than scrap iron, and its enchantment was more terrifying than lethality.

One slash of tetanus, two stabs to see the ancestors.

Looking at the gap above, this is not as simple as a few hand-made goods. Maybe it will continue to work diligently until the day when this thing is broken.

Following the suspected "guard" out of the cell, Noel finally walked to the place where the batches of slaves went.

He walked in the passage, looking to the sides of his body from time to time.

All you can see are prison cells.

Some are empty, some are closed.

As a faint light source appeared at the end of the path, Noel began to hear a slight noise, the closer he was to the light source, the more clearly he could hear it.

It turned out that it was the voice of the crowd shouting loudly.

Stepping into the sun-drenched field, Noel walked out of the passage, and the scenery in front of him suddenly became brighter.

In the huge circular field, he was the only one who occupied a corner of it.

All around the venue was surrounded by high walls, and at a place higher than the horizontal position of the high wall was a circle of auditoriums, which were already overcrowded at this time.

Those shouts were made by the audience.

Because he was used to the darkness, when the sun fell on his face, the teenager couldn't help raising his arms to cover it slightly.

After getting used to the light, he walked towards the center of the venue with a calm expression.

"Everyone in the audience, the adult who played this time has a special identity, so betting is not allowed in this game! The voice from the heights echoed throughout the arena.

Listening to this familiar broadcast method, Noel raised his head in surprise and looked at the top of the arena.

........ ask for flowers .....

As a result, when he saw it, he was stunned for a while.

"Is that... a broadcast?"

Above the arena, there are actually four huge screens facing the four directions of the arena, and his figure is actually reflected on them.

Coupled with the occasion at this time, even if he was suddenly told that this is the NBA scene, he might believe it.

There is no such thing in Euleri, and the voice of the person just spoke, no matter how you hear it, it is the effect of the microphone, so this is really a dream world?

It's because of the connection of his past memories that...

"Call one by one.

Hearing that no bets were allowed, the audience immediately booed.

And the host shouted: "Don't be in a hurry to be disappointed, everyone, because the identity of this adult will be shocking to all of you, everyone who can be here has made a lot of money today!"

Hearing what the host said, the audience in the arena began to discuss fiercely again. They guessed the famous sword fighters they knew one by one, and even quarreled about it.

The enthusiasm of the atmosphere rose by a stage.

Preheating is complete.

The host shouted: "Then it's revealed now!"

He pointed to Noel: "First of all, the blue party! The newcomer of this arena! The code name is No. 3, well, let's introduce these, anyway, no one cares.""

"Then let's introduce another one right away! Red Fang!

"She is the second princess of this country!!

"His Royal Highness Stella Familia!!

As the host shouted loudly, Noel noticed the figure walking out of the passage on the opposite side.

At the same time, the crowded arena fell into a strange silence in an instant.

This made Noel naturally start to imagine what kind of character the other party would be, who could instantly calm down such a chaotic situation. What kind of monster could have such a terrifying deterrent effect?

In fact, Noel has already made a lot of associations about the enemy.

A famous mercenary?

Heinous criminals?

Or a well-known adventurer?

But he never thought that the identity of the opponent would be the princess of a country!

Look at the girl who emerges from the passage.

Noel found that the other party seemed to be only a little older than him, and probably not even a few years older.

With long red hair like a flame, red eyes like a burning flame, the girl has amazing beauty, worthy of the identity of a princess, and the girl has a development that does not meet the level of violence that should be expected in this age group.

Just breathing can cause a noticeable wobble in the upper body.

"Both come forward!"

Noel looked at the girl with an indifferent expression, stepped forward and approached her within five meters. At this distance, both sides could clearly see each other's appearance.

At this moment, the girl suddenly narrowed her eyes and frowned.

Looking at her clenched fists and clenched teeth, you can see that she is very angry now.

Accompanied by the girl's widened pupils, a little flame overflowed from her side, and Noel felt the surrounding temperature rise a lot in an instant.

This also made him open his mouth in surprise.

That is, magic? Loss.

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