Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

[Vol.4] Quest 309- Demi-Spirit Found

A month later, after traveling as fast as they could to Orario, Malion returned.

"Lady Hestia, I have returned with urgent information!" Malion said.

Malion did not convert to the Artemis Familia so quickly. There were still a few things she wished to impart to Bell. The Hestia Familia was also on her way to the Artemis Familia home.

"Did you? What is it?" Hestia said.

"Wait... where are Bell and the others?" Malion looked around. "Don’t tell me he has already left for the expedition!"

"They did." Hestia got up and walked to her. "Is the information that important?"

"We found Wu."

"!!" Her eyes widen. "Are you sure?"

"Positive, my home forest has poisonous miasma slowly killing it."

"Gah!! What luck! Bell and the others already left for the expedition a month ago!"

"Then shall I go and inform Lady Artemis?"

"Go, I will inform Hermes of this; we will meet up with Artemis."


Malion quickly made her way to the Artemis Familia home.

"What is the problem!?" Artemis quickly came down to meet her. A look of concern showed on her face as she approached Malion.

"Artemis, we have found Wu."


"Yes, Lady Hestia has already gone to inform Lord Hermes. They will be coming here."

"Hm, get the meeting room ready!" She turned to her Familia and gave out the order before returning her attention to her fellow co-wife. "Malion, are you tired?"

"A bit." She gives a slight nod. "Seems being 5 months now has taken more out of me; ah, how I miss the freedom and clothes to move about."

"Can you last till the meeting is over?"

"I can, but I would need some help going up."

"Hm, anything you want? Drink? Food?"

"Salmiak and some orange juice."

"I’ll get you them."

Artemis left, leaving Malion to rest in the meeting room.


Resting in the meeting room, a few minutes passed, and Haku and Calli entered.

"Ma!" Calli ran up to Malion.

"Little Moonbeam, you have grown so much since I left."

They both hug one another.

"How is my little sister!" she said, touching her abdomen.

"They are doing well, but do not get your hopes up if they turn out to be a boy. Haku, do you wish to feel as well?"

"Not really."

"So, what brought you two here? Is it just to greet me?"

"It was Haku’s idea!" Callisto said.

Haku’s face turned red in embarrassment.

"No, I didn’t! It was yours, Calli!"

"Do not fight." Malion cut short their little fight before it could escalate. "I am happy you both came to meet me." She pats Callisto and Hakushika’s heads.

Knock! Knock!

"Lady Dökk." said an elf member of the Artemis Familia. "I brought the things you requested."

They came in and placed it on the table. The food that Malion had a craving to eat.

"Ugh!" Haku said. The smell of the salmiak put Haku off. "I’m going now. How can you eat that?"

"I am not a fan of it either, but I have a craving for it. Your mother had a craving for pickles, peanut butter, and honey."

"Eww! That sounds so nasty! The taste and textures are all weird!"

"I don’t know. It sounds pretty good!" Callisto said.

"You two should be going, I will take a quick nap before everyone gets here."

"Are you that tired?" Haku asked. "You are usually full of energy?"

"Having a child takes a lot out of me. Maybe later we will resume your art and archery lessons."

"You can just ask Mom to teach you, Haku." Callisto chimed in.

"Uhhh…" Both Haku and Malion reclined at the suggestion.

"What’s wrong with mom’s archery lessons!" Callisto looked at the two, quickly glancing from one to the other.

"Mom is… really… uhh…"

"Brutal in her teachings," Malion said. "I can still feel the cold, sharp pain of her arrows as they lay in me."

"I still remember the pain in my fingers. They felt like if I tapped the end of a fork, they'd burst like a berry," Haku said.

"Don’t be a baby! It’s not that hard!" Callisto said proudly.

"Do not say that so boldly," Malion said firmly. "You will live to regret it."

"You will." said the elf member. "My friend Meliboea once asked Lady Artemis for a match to see who was the better archer."

"And?" Callisto said.

"I thought the result was obvious? Lady Artemis is not the goddess of archery for nothing. Now run along you two, Lady Dökk needs her rest."

The elf leads the kids out while Malion gets her nap.


A while later.

"M…. Ma…. Malion, everyone is here." Said Artemis, waking Malion up.

"Mmm…" Malion opens and rubs her eyes. "Sorry, I was getting a quick nap." Artemis, help her up. "Now, as I said—"

She informs her of what she found: how not only has Wu made her way to the Frontier, she has kicked out the Odin Familia and has been poisoning the Lionash forests for 3 years now.

"This…this is certainly a problem." Said Hermes.

"Any other day I would be laughing my ass off hearing that one-eyed jerk was kicked out of his home. It’s karma to do what he did to my ancestors, in driving from the land he calls Asgard." Malion said.

"Unfortunately, the poison the spirit drank would be the Eitr," Loki said with a disgruntled expression.

"What’s that, Loki? Something in your region of Heaven?" asked Hestia.

"It’s a poison that old bastard used to get high and, quote, ‘expand his mind’ in Heaven."

"!!" Hermes, Hestia, and Artemis were all shocked.

"That’s impossible!" shouted Hermes. "The closest thing we had was Ambrosia! Even then, that was quickly regulated! Plus, I would know about it!!"

"If that’s in Gekai, then... it seems she found a poison strong enough to possibly bring down Cirrus." Said Artemis.

"But... why is she not come for him yet?" said Asfi. "I mean, if she has it, why not come to finish him off?"

"I would assume it is because she isn’t strong enough to fully adapt it to her being." Said Circe. "A poison like the Eitr would take a long time to acclimate to, and without a contractor or a reliable source of magic stones, in her case, it will take time."

"Me and Freya will deal with her." Said Loki. "Our strongest may be gone, but we can at least hold her back till our main forces come back."

"Do you wanna go just to laugh at Odin?" said Hestia.

"Partially, but we know Odin and how to deal with his personality."

"Is it that bad?"

"Shrimp, he is like Zeus, but instead of the lust towards women, he has a lust for knowledge and an anger equal to it when he doesn’t get his way. That sword Cirrus has is proof of that."

"That damn cursed sword Hera won from him," Malion said, remembering Gram.

"Exactly, so we will head out first, Circe. Do you mind coming along as well? Maybe you could make some antidote for the poison?" Loki said, putting their hands together to garner sympathy.

"I will go if this poison is as dangerous as you said. I will take up that challenge," Circe said. "Besides, if it is said to make a god high in Heaven, then who knows what it can do to a human?"


Frontier, Lionash Forest outskirts.

"Lord Odin, the miasma has spread again." Said a Familia member.

"The dark elves have even moved out of their forest. Please, my lord, we must—"

"SILENCE!!!!" The old, one-eyed god's voice resonated through the hall. His one pale blue eye was filled with frustration and anger. "Those damn elves leaving their home!! Cowards, the lot of them!! They never had the spine to face me!! Their own royal had more spine than the lot of them!! Even more when she left!! Sigurd!! Brynhildr!! Come!!!"

Coming in front of him from the line of warriors in the hall were the captain and vice-captain.

"Lord Odin." Said Sigurd, a handsome man with pale green eyes and white hair. On his side was a sapphire and emerald blade with runes etched into it. A black and silver armor covers him.

"What is your command?" Said Brynhildr.

"I want you two to reinforce the barrier and push back the miasma. We are not going to leave, not until we slay that damn spirit!"

"Yes! Lord Odin!!" everyone in the hall shouted at the same time.

"Brynhildr! We will give you the mana potions we have, so do not hold back!! Do you understand?"

"Yes, Lord Odin!!" she said boldly.


And here is Susanoo, didn't really showed how he looked because the AI wasn't really that good and it just aggravated me so yeah.


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