Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

[Vol.4] Quest 311- Surprise

Okay so I fucked up the order and put out Quest 312 as 311, sorry for the fuck up, this just got past me.


Two weeks later.

Lionash Forest Outskirts, the home base of the Odin Familia.

"My lord!! My lord!!" came in as a Familia member.

"What is it?" Odin said upon his wooden throne.

"G-gods! Two gods have come!!"

"Did you get their—Slam!!!"

The doors to the hall slammed open.

"Hey!! Hey!! Long time no see you one-eyed pain in the ass!!" said Loki, entering with one of her children.

Right behind her were Ottar and Freya, Freya walked in with a smug smile.

"It certainly has been a while, you piece of shit."

Freya's words caught everyone but Loki off guard, as this was the first time she had so easily shown her dislike of the one-eyed god.

"Loki, the flat-chested fool of a god, and Freya, the hopeless whore of heaven, what have you two stool gods been doing here in my land?"

As sparks flew off, the room became tense.

"I would feel offended if not for you being back so far and so stubbornly deciding to stay behind on your idiot pride," Freya said with a gaze that can cut a mountain, yet it was full of delight as she looked at the God-King of Asgard be reduced to such a state.

"That is none of your fucking concern!!!!" his voice boomed through the halls.

"Seems you built this hall the same way to make your voice echo through it better, you old dick-eyed bastard," Loki said with her eyes opening like a snake finding prey after a long hunt. "But unfortunately for you, it is our business that the one who kicked you out and drank the Eitr was a spirit."

"I knew that the moment I laid my eye on her putrid form! But how are you going to deal with her? The miasma is enough to even kill that boar of yours, Freya." He said, looking at Ottar.

"That is why we have brought a special person."

Walking into the hall in red witch attire. Circe meets Odin’s eye.

"Another Spirit… what’s your name, girl?"

Odin could see Circe’s soul. It was as radiant as the sun going down over the horizon. Around her soul was a red thread that fades off.

"I am Circe, Spirit of Witchcraft, and Spirit of the Goddess Hecate. I am here to try and see if I can make an antidote to combat the miasma."

He looked at her, his eyes widening a bit.

"Very well, you seem very capable."

"Thank you." She then quickly left the hall.

‘That Spirit...who is her master?’ Odin looked to the children Freya and Loki brought, but none held the bonds that wrapped around Circe.

"Tell me, Loki, Freya, is that spirit contracted to any of your children, be it as unlikely as it may be?"

"No," Freya said. "Her master is a cut above our children."

"What say you, Boar." He glared at Ottar. "Is your goddess word true?"

"If they come from her lips, then they are real." He said it calmly.

"You have raised him well, but you, Loki…" Odin looked around her. "I do not see any particular strength?"

"They're busy on their expedition to the dungeon. It just so happens that it was my Familia’s time to go down."

"What bad fortune, as always. I was hoping my child could crush your strongest, but… oh well."

"Truly unfortunate. We will be leaving first. I don’t wanna stay in this gaudy place." Loki takes her leave first.

"And you, Freya." He said, glancing at her. "You better not use your charm on my children."

"Of course not. Why would I try to take your children when mine are far better? Come Ottar, we are leaving as well. Staying here, I fear the stench of sweat and the old man will cling to my skin and clothes."


As Freya was going to take her leave, Odin shouted.

"Tell me, you hopeless romantic!! After a hundred years of walking through Gekai, have you come any closer to finding your Odr?"

Freya only turns her head enough to glance at him from the edges of her peripheral.

"I did, and his brilliance outshines the souls of that silver and black child, and that emerald child."

"Heh…I will see about that."

Freya and her Familia leave the hall.


Sigurd and Brynhildr enter the hall and kneel.

"Lord Odin, what shall we do?" asked Sigurd XXI (21st).

"Nothing, Freya’s pet can crush you both as if it were blowing a candle out."

"Even with Gram II?"

"Yes…" Odin stroked his beard. "Even you who achieved level 4 cannot hope to try to even cut that mountain. You may have stood a chance with the prototype of your blade. Albeit you would die cutting off a mere finger, less even now, you would be lucky to even graze his skin."

Sigurd looks at the blade, and hope and anger flare in him.

"What of me, Lord Odin?" asked Brynhildr, the captain of the Odin Familia.

"You are my favorite daughter. It would be a battle that would be fought long and hard, but even with your flames, that boar would still trample you, still thinking it was a playdate."

"Then we do nothing?"

"For now, yes, but keep an eye on that red spirit, Circe…" His eye sharpened. "She is one not to keep tabs on."


Walking through the village, Circe walks to the barrier and examines it.

"…What a shoddy barrier, but." She notices the runes resemble those of Cirrus’s Gram. "These are interesting." She takes a step out of the barrier and immediately chants. "(A myriad vapors obscure the light; The stars of the night interrupt their course.

Astonished rivers retreat to their source, and even death's god trembles in the dark.

But though the earth is shaken to its core, Love is not to be commanded in this way and the wintery fields come back to life.) [Atéleio̱tos Voyage]."

A barrier forms around her as she walks into the miasma-filled forest.

As she walked, she could feel the miasma whittling away at the barrier, faster and faster as she got closer to the source.

"Well, that certainly is something." She walks back out and drops her magic.

‘I will need to have it in a very controlled space and be very careful with it.’

"Circe," Freya said, coming up to her. "What do you make of this stopgap?"

"It’s shoddy. But seeing what the miasma can do, it’s shoddy for a reason."

"Hm~," She walked to the barrier and saw the runes. "The runes are well made, but they are slowly eroding."

"Do you think you can improve them? Ensure they don’t suddenly break?"

"I am afraid these are the best runes one can make. Even if I remake them, they will still end up like the ones placed now."

"Hmm…" Circe pondered.

"Anyway. My Familia’s best healer, Heith, has gone and set up a tent for you and her."

"Does she wish to help me make a cure?"

"Yes and no. She doesn’t care about this place, but she does respect you as an alchemist. Your potions have made her job significantly easier. She even gets a full night's rest."

"That’s nice. Care to show me where it is?"

"Of course. By the way, how has the work on my special request come along?"

"It’s steady. I still find it heretical."

"Then it’s best it never sees the light of day before results can be made." She smirks while walking away.

"… A real deal with the devil she is," Circe muttered under her breath, following her.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.