Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

[Vol.4] Quest 319- Gal & Cal

The next day, Cirrus left to go and quickly finish the work piling up. Haku and Retsu left with Artemis, while Calli left with Ai, walking around the city. While they were out, Malion stayed back at home.

"I know you’re mad. Dad has worked, but he’ll quickly get it done alright," Ai said to Calli, who is being held firmly.

"Hmph! He promised to spend more time with us!"

"He knows that. Which is why he left early to get it done as fast as he could. Look, why don’t I show you around the city? Your dad helped build it, after all."

"Fine… What was Dad's favorite place to go?"

"Hmm. That would be three places: our home, the top of the Emerald Pavilion where your dad is working." She points to a tall Japanese castle-like building with a bright green tile roof.

"And that last one?"

"I’ll show you."

Ai held her tight and ran on the rooftops and off to the northwest of the city, running along the paved roads on the side to Fuyuhama.


The port town of Fuyuhama is Fuyukusa’s port. Its creation was solely for more jobs, commerce, and just general space to live and work, with the ride to and from Fuyukusa being about 10 minutes.

"Oh, hello, Lady Kyūjouno!" said a town person.

"Lady Kyūjouno! Would you like some free samples?" said another.

The people brightened up a bit as they walked through the town.

"Wow, they act like the people from Orario, but even more frequently," Callisto said, glancing around.

"Why wouldn’t they? I am technically the owner of this place and most of the northern area of Yamato."

"So… technically I also—"

"Oh, look at some Takoyaki!"

Ai goes over to the stand.

"Greetings! How much would you like, Lady Kyūjouno? And is this…" The man looked at Callisto.

"She is the second oldest."

"Ah! I see. Is your oldest around or…"

"He is with Artemis at the moment. Six, please!" Ai hands him the money.

"Hm! Here you go, young lady." He hands three to Callisto and three to Ai.

"?" Callisto didn’t understand why he made a solemn yet accepting expression.

They ate them as they walked away.


The town of Fuyuhama is to Fuyukusa what Melen is to Orario and vice versa except that the best way to arrive to Fuyukusa is not through Fuyuhama but through Hinata for the common folk as the water’s around the country aren’t worth the extra travel unless it’s something valuable that needs the protection of the Poseidon Familia thus only very important people and or wealthy merchants pay for the escort.

Cirrus does not do this, as with his luck at sea, it’s very much not worth the extra money. There was also the fact that the less quickly they arrive at Fuyukusa, the more time he could not get dragged to work.

"If there was a port here, why did we go to that other one?" asked Calli.

"Your father doesn’t like to announce his arrival, as then he would catch whatever people were doing while he was away, and he just likes to travel slowly and enjoy the view. Anyway, we are almost there."

They walked through the Greek and Japanese-styled town to the port. Ai went and sat on a bench overlooking the sea.

"…Is this it?" Calli said, looking around.

"Yup, this is where he would always go to empty his head and look at the sea."

"Can I sit on the bench?"

"Of course, let me just clear out the snow."

Sitting down, Calli leans back.




She looks at the cold sea with her mom next to her, keeping her warm from the frigid winter ocean breeze.

"It’s kinda nice… can we—"

As she turned to her mother, someone else came along.

"So you returned, Lady Ai!" said an Amazoness in revealing sailor attire. She had black hair and light purple eyes. At her hips were two swords, one with a red hilt and one that loosely hung on her belt.

"Ah, Gala!" Ai said, waving at her. "How have you been? You turned 16 this year, right?"

"I did, Lady Ai!" She came and stood before them. "Is this your daughter?" She looked at Callisto with an inspecting gaze. "She’s so cute!" she said, kneeling to match her height. "What’s your name, little one?"

"I’m Callisto Zephyr!" Callisto said proudly.

"My name is Gala Lac and Zephyr?" She turned to Ai. "Does that mean she’s the second-born?"

"Hm." Ai nodded. "Her older brother is named Hakushika."

"Hmm…it’s a shame I would like to see Fuyukusa under this cutie’s rule."

"The city is what he gets!!" she shouted. "Why! Just because he’s older!"

"That is how it works, sweetie, but you know he would have to do what your dad does. Do you wanna do that?"

"Maybe! Considering he cares more for fighting than stuff dad likes!"

"I don’t think the boss likes it as much as he has to do it. My old man said it was mind-numbing. He even let me help him one day, and I called it quits. I was not meant for paperwork I was meant for action!" Said Gala. "And if your older brother is, as you say, he will probably hand down the right to be the heir to you."

"Then you should call me Callisto Kyūjouno Zephyr!"

"Then, as the future boss, why don’t I show you around? If that is alright with you, Lady Ai?"

"Not at all! But make sure everything is kid friendly alright." She glared at her.

Gala nodded with a drop of sweat coming down the side of her head.

"I-I will do my best, ma’am!"

"Good. I’ll meet back with you at your Familia home. I’ll go around and check the town a bit."

"Very well! I’ll keep her safe!"


Ai goes off into town for some personal business and Gala carries Calli with her.

"Can I ask what your level is?" Calli asks Gala.

"I’m level 3! I’ve been asking my dad if he would let me go to Orario, but he’s a bit doting. I hope your dad isn’t like that."

"No, he usually lets me go where I want."

From their shadow, a pair of rainbow eyes glowed before fading into the shadow again.

"That’s pretty… hm? I'm not sure how to feel about it. You are rather young and you’re the daughter of two very famous adventurers."

"My dad says it’s best not to linger on it. Oh, what’s that smell!"

"Oh, our pastries! We have a lot of them here. They're good for long voyages out on the sea unless they're made with fruits and stuff."

"Can we get some!"

"Sure thing!"

They bought some small pastries and continued the tour of the town. Gala showed her the shops, recreational buildings kids go to have fun, and last but not least, the harbor.

"So many ships… Hey, what’s that big thing over there?" She points to a folded collapsible bridge.

"Oh, that’s just an extension for School District."

"What’s that?"

"Nothing you need to concern yourself with, considering you have a similar school back at Orario, the one run by Lady Quetzalcoatl?"

"Oh yeah! But I’m home-schooled!"

"And how is that?"

"Well, my other mom, the goddess, teaches me and my brother various things like math, English, and history, while dad would every once in a while teach us moral ethics and philosophy."

"And what of Ai?"

"Usually how to fight and stuff. Oh, but our new mom, Malion, teaches us art!"

"And how is that? Are you a good painter?"

"Hmm… I’m not very good with color, I am good with sketch art though! Haku isn’t that good either. He just does calligraphy."

"Ugh. I can’t stand it. My arms get so stuff."

"Right! So!" Callisto looked around the dock. "Which ship are you on?"

"Sorry, but it’s gone. It went out for a job, so I’m just helping around."

"Is it because of your dad?"

"Yeah, well, I’ll show him one day! I’ll beat him and find a good man!!"

She finally showed that Amazoness blood.


Ai at the time.

"So, as you can see, the fish have started to get smaller and fewer." Said a fisherman.

"It’s good you kept it recorded," Ai said, reading through the ledger.

Ai and the fisherman are currently in a special room meant for one thing: analytics. The amount, on average, a haul of fish one could get from a range of ships Ai, Poseidon, and Cirrus made this system to tax people according to the maximum of what they can get, and should they haul in little fish, they won’t get taxed. It also serves as a way to see the fish population and know when to stop fishing for the population to increase.

Of course, the fishermen are compensated for the lack of work.

‘What Lord Susanoo and Cirrus said was true: the number of fish is decreasing slightly; even their weight has dropped a slight bit over the past 3 years. We will need to find the reason soon.’

"Thank you, sir! I’ll send in a report to have a sum be exempt from this year’s taxes, considering this situation."

"Thank you very much, my lady!"

Leaving the special room, three guards were in front of her.

"Has anyone but the fisherman entered before?"

"No, no one of suspicion has entered, and we make sure to check the ledger ourselves with our own," said one of the guards.

"Hm, there have been no cases of fraud since the inception of this system, my lady." Said another.

"Good, I’ll be sure to pay you three a bonus for your work."

"Thank you, my lady!" they all said together.

‘It may be extra, but you can’t be too careful with stuff like this.’

Ai looks at the sun as it’s close to setting.

‘Seems I need to head to Poseidon’s Familia home.’

She quickly jumped from roof to roof, eventually arriving at their Familia home, which resembled their previous home but was bigger and more polished.

"I’m here. Where is my..."

Ai watched as Callisto was listening to some of the Familia sailors' stories.

"And so there we were! Firing off cannon balls after cannon balls at the blasted monster! Lance and your old man ran across the water!"

"Really! Dad can run on water!" Callisto said, listening closely to the Poseidon Familia member.

"Well, he made these special boots that froze the water under him; now, Lance, he can actually walk on water!"

"Ooh! That’s cool! Gala, can you walk on water?" Callisto turned to Gala.

"Afraid not, but I can walk on air!"

"Ooh! Really!"

"Yup! But it is a bit hard for me to get the hang of."

"So anyway, back to the story. They fought the disgusting beast off with all of their wits! But the beast was not so easily killed—" The member saw that Ai was there. "Oh, I was just telling your girl about one of Cirrus’ adventures!"

Everyone turned to see her.

"Hi, Mom!" Callisto waved at Ai.  "They were just telling me about that time Dad killed this sea monster!"

"Oh, don’t mind me going on." She said, walking over and picking Calli up onto her lap. "Once you’re done, do you mind if I tell another one?"

"Of course! You want a drink before we resume?"

"I could go for a drink!"

"I want one too!" Callisto raised her hand.

"Alright, one rum and one glass of milk!" Gala said, going to get the drinks.

"Ahem! So, as I was saying!"

They resumed telling stories.

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