Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

[Vol.4] Quest 322- 5 Years Later

5th floor of the Dungeon.


Callisto’s spear cuts through a swarm of Killer Ants.

‘Faster!! Sharper!! Come on!! Come on!!’




She did not relent, her swings and thrusts were as precise as they could be as with each one she steadily perfects her form.

"Huff! Huff! Huff!" Callisto looks behind her to see several magic stones and monster drops. "Yes!!!!!" she cheered in celebration.

Callisto went and picked up all the magic stones and Ant Eyes—

"Nice!! They're in good condition!"

—and began to return back up the Dungeon.

"Hm♪ Hm♪ Hm♪,"

She hums up the stairway with some adventurers, humming along with this girl with white hair and fox ears. Her fairly long hair was sprinkled with monster blood, along with her armor, which had very little damage.

"Hm♪ Hm♪ Hm♪,"

Even on the streets of Orario, everyone looks at the child as she goes about her day. But over the years they saw this child grow.

She walked to the Guild, where everyone glanced at her.

Being stared at was a common occurrence for her.

"Here is everything I got, Antallagí." She hands her bag of magic stones and the drop items to the exchanger.

"Here you go, kid." They said, throwing in a few extra Valis unbeknownst to her.

"Thank you! See ya tomorrow!" she then skipped away.

As she skipped back home, she could hear faint whispers about her.

"That’s the Heavenly’s daughters."

"She’s really inherited her parent's looks."

"I heard she already reached the 5th floor!"

"Really! It’s only been a month since she started!"

"I guess she got more from her parents than just looks, huh?"

‘I wonder what’s for dinner?’ she thought, skipping away, paying no more thought to their whispers.


While skipping, she spotted a familiar set of white hair walking with an Amazoness with medium-length black hair with a strip of cloth around her chest.

"Uncle Bell! Aunty Tiona!" She shouted, running up to them.

"Hm? Oh, Calli!" said Tiona with a big smile, picking her up. "How was the dungeon?"

"It was fun! I finished mapping out half of the 5th floor! What are you two doing?"

"We were looking for books," said Bell. "It’s our day off, so we're book hunting."

"Has your dad gotten any new books? I’m willing to work and pay for them!" Tiona said eagerly.

"Sorry, Aunty Tiona, but you know how much work he has. Speaking of Uncle Bell, when do you think you’re going to marry Aunty Tiona, Hestia, and Syr? My dad said he married Mom at 18. You should be 22 now, right?"

"Yeah, when? I heard from Ais you had Cirrus marry you guys in a private event, so when?" Tiona said, eyeing Bell.

"Ha-ha um…" Bell looked a bit nervous. "W-well I… I-I don’t know, Cirrus has been busy, and well, I wanted everything to go well. Syr also said she is waiting for something but never mentioned what."

"Hmm. These days, things have been hectic. Especially when Finn is spending time with Sis and your vice captain's kids. I was surprised he convinced Sis to do it."

"Luckily for Lili, Cirrus was her guardian... When Tione found out, she tore through everyone trying to calm her down. That was a very worrisome day."

"Oooh! I remember that!" Callisto said. "Dad had to jump out the window that day, and he came back with a bunch of woodchips in his clothes!" Calli chuckled a bit.

"Ha-ha. We had to buy a lot of new furniture that day," Bell said, looking a bit traumatized by the experience.

"Well, I need to get going!"

"Alright." Tiona puts her down. "Do you still wanna go skateboarding on the weekend?"

"Yup! I can’t wait! Goodbye!" Calli then runs off toward the Moonlight Tower.

While she ran off, the two of them saw a slight movement in her shadow.

"Haa… I wonder if our little girl would be as cute as her." Tiona said, glancing at Bell.

"!!" Bell felt shivers run down his back.

‘Grandpa, having a harem is really hard!'


Moonlight Tower.

"How was the dungeon, Calli?" said Bree.

"It was good! I got a nice haul! Do you know what’s for dinner?"

"Hmm, it should be stir-fry today; yes, I saw some bags of rice missing today."

"Yay!" she said, running into the tower.

"Hey, was I ever like that when I was her age?" Bree asked one guard.

"You were way more weird!" said the guard.

"Hahaha!! I remember when Cirrus gave you those special boots, you would just jump off buildings and bounce back up! Hahaha!! Do you remember when you jumped out of your room and cracked the bones in your legs because you forgot to put them on? Hahaha!!!"

The guards all started laughing together.

"I shouldn’t have asked."

"And do you remember when she confessed to the captain?"


"NOOOOOO!!!!!!! Be quiet!!!!" she shouted in embarrassment, covering her ears.


Walking up the tower, Calli glances at the locked door and continues walking up. She arrived at her room.

Her new room, which she picked, was one closer to her father’s room. She wanted a room for herself since she wanted the space to practice her spearmanship in her own time.

"Hmm… I need to ask Eupheme for some maintenance on you." She said, looking at her 3-sectioned spear. "For now, I need to go and take a bath!"

She gets her things and heads to the third tower.

When she arrived, many of the Familia were already there.

"Ahh, this is so good!" She stretched out her limbs and enjoyed the warm bath.

As she enjoys her bath, she notices her necklace. A silver, intricately designed necklace with hieroglyphs.

"What’s wrong? Is your necklace broken?" asked Phi, who was next to her.

"No… I was just looking at it."

"Hmm... it’s good it isn’t broken or anything; you've had that since you were born. It would be a shame if anything happened to it."

"Don’t worry, I always take care of it! Dad made it just for me!"

"Then better hurry and get ready. Lady Artemis is updating the first 30 to get to the updating room."

Callisto’s eyes widen, and she stands straight up.


"I need to hurry!" Calli quickly got out and rushed to dry herself and get changed.

"Ha-ha. It’s always fun to mess with her."


She arrives at the updating room breathing heavily.

"Huff! Huff! W-was I in the 30 range?" she said.

"Calli, what are you talking about?" Artemis said, reading a book while on a couch. "I’m updating those who wish for it until dinner."

"Grrrr!! Phi!!!!!!!!!" she shouted at the top of her lungs.

"Seems she tricked you again, sweetie." She put down the book and took out a needle. "Now hurry; dinner is coming up, and I want you to grow up to be big and strong!"

Calli moved her hair and took off her leather jacket to show Artemis her bare back. The shirt she was wearing had its back exposed. She started wearing it when she saw Ais wearing one as well, and she liked its practicality.

Callisto Age 8


Calli could feel a warmth fill her. She could see the light from her mother updating her status, and when the light glowed down, she knew it was done and, with it, her new status.

"Here you go, sweetie!" Artemis hands her the updated status.

Calli grabs it and looks through it thoroughly.

Callisto Zephyr

Lv. 1

Strength: G279→ F324      Endurance: E413→ 487

Dexterity: C645→ B700    Agility: A899→ S948

Magic: S969→ SS1000


[Agrotera Vélos] (Aim, Fire)

  • Super Short chant.
  • Sacred Magic.

"Yes!!! Look, Mom! Dad said I can do harder training with him now!" Stars were in her eyes, brimming with joy, as she showed Artemis the paper.

"I know I was the one who updated."

"But..." she looked at the paper again. "Still no skills." She looked a bit disheartened.

Artemis purposely left her skills out of the paper.

"One day, sweetie; for now, you have to take it one day at a time."

‘Although I’m sure when Cirrus was her age, he already had a few skills.’

"Oh, where is my little brother? Auberon?" Calli asked. "He didn’t come and greet me when I got back home."

"Oh, he’s at the archery range with Malion. It seems he has reached a breakthrough. You should see him at dinner."

"Okay! I’m going to go get Dad!"


Calli put her shirt back on and ran up the tower.


Arriving at Cirrus’s office, she finds a small pile of papers, with her father leaning back and sleeping.

She moved his swivel chair back, moved him in front of her, and jumped.

"Dad!" Calli said, jumping into his gut.


"Gah!" He suddenly wakes up.

"Dinner time!!"

"Ugh… God dammit. Calli, I told you to stop doing that to wake me up."

"But you’re a heavy sleeper! The last time I didn’t do that, it took me and Ron 10 minutes!"

"Well, whatever." He picks Calli up and gets up, putting her on his shoulders. Let’s go eat some dinner."



Arriving at the second tower, several Familia members were eating. A majority of the Familia is still female, with very few men in the Familia since they married into the Familia.

"Father!" said Auberon, running up to Cirrus.

The youngest son of Cirrus, Auberon Dökk Zephyr, Currently, he is 4 years old, with hair as black as his mother’s, emerald eyes, skin tanned like his mother's, and pointy ears. 

His usual attire is a bit more on the nicer end. Malion dotes on him and spoils him a bit. Yet despite it, many would and will consider him a gentle soul.

"Auby!" Cirrus picks him up. "How was your day?"

"I got 25 bullseyes today, Dad!"

"That’s great!"

"Yes, he has a knack for it now that he has his own groove to it," Malion said, walking up.

"That’s good. I’m proud of you, Auby." Cirrus puts him down and pats his head.

"Thank you, Father!" He then turned to Callisto. "Hey, big sis, how many monsters did you beat today?"

"I beat 67!"

They talked about their day as Cirrus went over to where Malion and Artemis were sitting and placed the kids in their seats.

They all enjoyed their dinner as the hall broke out into cheering and celebration for another day well spent.



"Hey, Vesta," Calli said, looking out the window of the locked room.


Vesta formed out of a wisp of fire.

"What is it, Callisto?" she said, sitting before her.

"Why do I see these… scenes in my head when I touch you? Does it have to do with me being able to wield you?"

"Something like that. You see, those memories belonged to your father’s best friend. She sacrificed her body to form this weapon."

"I know, but her memories... They're so full of her lying around, and I haven’t seen Dad in any of them."

"In time, Callisto, I told you when you reached the end of the memories you would have full rights to wield me however you see fit to."

"Hmm... okay, but how much longer? It’s boring watching memories of her eating, watching clouds, and walking around with a bunch of spirits."

"Trust me, you are close to a vital point in her life."

Callisto holds onto the handle of White Night, and she closes her eyes.


I also added into the glossary Callisto at a younger age.

As for the time skip well I wanted to have the kids grow up, that and most of what happened in-between the years was just slice of life stuff with Cirrus and the others diving into the Dungeon, chipping away as they go deeper.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.