Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

[Vol.4] Quest 325- Push, Part 2

Taking time off to travel to Yamato, Ryuu didn’t realize how far it was.

"How long until we reach Hóngsè?" Ryuu asked.

"A few days off; are you heading there or Yamato?" responded the carriage driver.

"Yamato, is that particularly long?"

"It depends on the weather and services you buy. I recommend heading to the harbormaster’s office. They should set you up with a good crew to get you there."

"It’s not a scam, is it? I am a level 6."

Ryuu has gone up in levels over the years. Her alias, Gale, hasn’t changed since technically she isn’t in the guild records anymore.

"A level six, huh? I feel safer already! Haha! Not to worry, it’s a way to help organize the ships, the crews, and other logistics."

"Is the office big?"

"Oh, no, the office is rather small. The actual work done is hidden somewhere in the city, and the person in the office is just the mouthpiece to receive and send back information. For that, there are several other locations near the port."

"That’s a bit much, don’t you think?"

"Considering Hóngsè is a very, and I mean very, important port between the nations of Chyong and Yamato, its preservation is very important, and the goddess who runs it, Lady Chang’e took Lord Kyūjouno, er, you know, the Heavenly Crown from Orario? Cirrus Zephyr?"

"I know of him. Why does he have a different name?"

"Well, the rumor was that the god who rules Yamato, Lady Amaterasu, tried to forcibly make the Heavenly Crown her subject, and in an attempt to not have him usurp her throne, she offered to him a Family name and even the sole authority to disregard her authority if they found it not to their liking."

‘I should ask him about that; that seems a bit too much for Cirrus... Maybe not if it was around the time he left Orario after the Great Feud.’

She would eventually arrive at Hóngsè and get a ship to Fuyuhama for a quicker way to Fuyukusa.


It would take a collective time of nine days for Ryuu to step foot on Yamato.

‘So this is a port town Cirrus helped make.’

She looked around the town of Fuyuhama. She finds it looks similar to Melen, aside from some clearer design choices such as sea breaks and most of the buildings being a couple of feet away from the sea aside from the ports. There were also a lot of drainage grates throughout the streets, with each one being about 10 feet from one other, along with other drainage methods in case of a flood.

‘They really considered safety with the construction of the town. From what Chloe said, Melen has rather tepid weather with harsh rainy seasons now and again during the summer and spring.’

She walks around a bit more to see a shopkeeper selling fish. She didn’t know where to go.

"Um, hello miss I just got here, but do you know where Fuyukusa is?"

"Why, it’s 10 minutes that way." She points Southeast. "Just follow the path, and it should lead you to Fuyukusa unless they made another road I wasn’t aware of."

"Thank you, ma’am." Ryuu bows and heads in that direction.

Walking by the road, the amount of traffic surprised her, coming and going like a nonstop line.

‘It’s a good thing Mama Mia never asked Cirrus for advice.’


When she arrived in the city, it amazed her. The sight alone was enough to rival Orario.

"Whoa… I can see why Cirrus has no problem with funding the expeditions."

She walked around the city a bit, taking in the sights. Looking at it, Ryuu realized how much work Cirrus had done.

‘I wonder how long it took him…’ she thought, marveling at the construction of stone and concrete. Each building is a work of art, with each one having a unique look and color.

Cirrus made sure the city had not one piece of Brutalist Architecture. Each building looked and felt alive so that the common person could see it and want to enter it. Yet within the corner of Ryuu's eyes she saw a familiar sight of a beggar, a homeless person.

'Guess even in with how much work Cirrus puts in these things still happen.' She breathed a heavy sigh and kept walking.

As Ryuu walked away the homeless man she saw looked at her with a soft gaze.

"... This is SB-414." They moved their hands to the side of the ear, pressing a magic device. "An elf noticed me. A foreigner most likely, probably has a high level. She has short blonde hair, blue eyes, a fair build, just seen 30 seconds ago from my point."

Little did she know the homeless within Fuyukusa had a home, in fact they were part of the organization Cirrus made to help him find spies, find corruption, and ensure the city is safe from threats that enter it. The people in the organization are very well paid with tons of benefits for not just the member but their family as well to ensure a high, unwavering degree of loyalty towards Cirrus.

Ryuu continued to walk around, taking in the sights, before realizing how late it had gotten.

"I should have found an inn."

"I thought I smelled a familiar scent."

"!?" Ryuu turned to see Ai. "A-Ai!"

"Hello!" She waved at her. "I didn’t expect to see you here? Did something happen? If something had happened, Cirrus would have contacted me."

"Um, I came here to—"

"Wait! Before that, do you want to stay at my place? There is plenty of room there, and you wouldn’t have to sleep in an inn."


"Great! I still have some leftovers, in case you’re hungry!" She turned and walked away in a good mood.

Ryuu followed along as Ai led the way.


Arriving at her home, she found it beautiful. It had a distinct look to it that set it apart from the city.

"Do you like it? Cirrus built it with Lady Aphrodite! It was a tradition in my village that the husband must build their home."

"It is beautiful. I can see you two really put a lot into it. Is the tradition still around?"

"It is, but now they have to learn how to build a home so it won’t collapse and stuff. The material is also free!"

"Isn’t that expensive?"

"Not really. In return, the city gets a new construction worker."

"Do they want to be construction workers?"

"No, but if they join the work, they will get paid for their services and the amount they would have made if they went to their actual job. Uh, the job is entirely optional. It’s only mandatory if there is some emergency."

Ryuu didn’t know where to ask or begin to ask. The social systems of Fuyukusa were entirely foreign.

"Mom! Can you spar with me again?" shouted Haku, walking from the side of the home.

"Haku, your aunt Ryuu came by to visit!"

"…" Haku simply stared at Ryuu for a moment. "Even you, huh? Mom, I’m going to train a bit longer. Retsu is meditating in the woods."

"Hakushika, don’t be rude!"

"Did I say something insulting?"

"You could at least say hello!"

As the mother and son shouted at one another, Ryuu realized Haku must have seen the same sight as Malion.

‘If that’s the case, then... He knows why I’m—'

"Well, come on in!" Ai said, taking a deep breath. "Sorry about Haku. He is growing up! You can finally tell me why you came all the way here!"

They go in, take their shoes off, and sit down in the living room. The scent of the food Ai cooked still lingered in the room.

"Ai… I came here to tell you something."

"What is it?"

"Um… I love Cirrus."

"About time."

"I’m sorry if… What?"

Ryuu was a bit taken aback as she looked at Ai’s calm expression.

"I know. I’ve known since he gave you that hug when we returned. I mean, you rarely let people touch you, so when he hugged you, I felt he was special to you. I kept it to myself since I figured you needed to work through whatever you were feeling and come to your own decision."

"Aren't you angry that I wish to be with him?"

"Well, not really for Malion; neither I nor Cirrus had ever met her before Olympia, and the first thing she wanted was Nox. You, on the other hand, had worked and fought with Cirrus during the Great Feud, so I have no real problem if you decide to pursue a romance and eventually become his fourth wife. In fact, I think you may be the only one I never had any problem with getting his affection."

"What of Lady Artemis?"

"Hmm… Well, I knew there was something there, but she used the whole moon incident to marry him, and if not for Aphrodite’s help, I wouldn’t even be married to him. I’m sure you heard how she fell for him, right?"

"Simply rumors, but some adventures said it was during his slaying of the ancient monsters."

"It was his first hunt of the Nuckelavee. They met when Cirrus was investigating the village and one of the Evilus Familia used as a sacrifice. While exploring the dead village, Cirrus was actually shot by her. It seems she was also on the hunt and suspected Cirrus to be the cause."

"That is some first meeting... Reminds me of when I first met him during the War Games."

"Hm! Hm!" Ai smiled brightly, remembering that moment. "That was an excellent entrance! And one similar to how Cirrus captured the Virgin Goddess' heart."

"So he saved her when she was about to die, huh?"

"Well, more or less, that and the fact they traveled together for the rest of the monsters aside from the one near Telskyura."

This came out better than she expected.

"Then you truly have no problems if I wish to be with him?"

"Not at all! I hope things go well and you find a place in his heart so our family can grow bigger! Now, do you want some dinner? I’m sure you wish to return to Orario as fast as you can." She gets up and heads to the kitchen.

"O-oh yes! If it’s not too much?"

"Not at all!"

As Ai was in the kitchen heating the food, she pressed her clam earring.

"Hey Cirrus, do you think you can pop up here?"

"Why? Did something happen?"

"Something like that, just come over."

"Hmm…. alright when you want me?"

"The next morning."

"Geh! Y-you can’t be serious! I still have paperwork and—"

"Very, now hurry." She said it in a serious tone.

"God fucking—Fafnir!! We’re heading out! You suck, Ai!"

"I love you too!" she said warmly.

"Uuuuugh! I love you too."

After getting the food for Ryuu and leading her to her room, Ryuu would wash up and head to bed early.


Later that night.

"Hey, Ryuu?"

"!!" Ryuu opens her eyes and turns to see Ai next to her in bed. "W-why are you in bed with me?"

Ryuu was flustered and surprised to see her.

"I figured I would help you get used to it; you didn’t think you would sleep with him alone, did you?" She then got closer to her.

"Um, I-I figured he would sleep with you separately." Her eyes darted around a bit, trying to find something to look at. That wasn’t Ai’s calm indigo eyes.

"I thought that as well, but it’s nicer to sleep together. It’s very comforting." Ai then got close enough to cuddle up next to her.

Ryuu could feel her breath near her lips and the softness of her body.

"U-um, you’re not going to try and do something lewd, are you?"

"Would you want me to? I prefer Cirrus, but I’m fine with the other gender. Cirrus said that after our first night with Artemis, a part of me woke up that I never knew I had."

"!!" Ryuu felt even more flustered as her heart was beating faster as the situation she found herself in had changed.

"It's fine." She grabbed her head and placed it on her chest.

Ryuu could hear her heartbeat. It didn’t slow or increase its pace; it was steady.

"Did you know his heart is like this? When he finally falls asleep, his heart beats at this pace."

Ai then softly strokes Ryuu’s hair gently.

"Isn’t this nice? To feel safe and secure. To be in the embrace of another who loves you?"

"…Yes." Ryuu slowly closes her eyes. "Warm and… soft."

They lay there quietly; Ai’s strokes slowed down, and eventually, the two went to sleep.


The next morning.

"…" Ryuu opens her eyes and sits up. "That was… I feel refreshed." She looks to find that Ai isn’t in bed. She could smell the scent of hibiscus on the sheets and even on her skin.

Ryuu gets up, gets changed, and heads down to the kitchen.

"Ai, are you here?"

"Ryuu, quick, come in for breakfast!" she shouted.

As she entered, she found Haku and Retsu eating.

"Hello, ma’am." Retsu bowed his head.

"Morning," Haku said while eating.

"Good morning to you two, as well." She nods.

"Ryuu, go and sit down. I’ll bring yours soon!" Ai shouted.

Ryuu sits down with the two boys, eating next to each other. It was awkward.

After a bit, Ai brings her a light breakfast.

"Eat up! He should be arriving soon."



"It seems he got here a bit early." Ai then walks out.

Ryuu follows behind to their backyard to find a cloud of smoke.

"I’m here." A familiar voice cut through the smoke.

As it fades, Ryuu’s eyes widen.


"Hm? Ryuu? What are you doing here?" Cirrus said, looking at her.

"I called you here so you can help bring her back to Orario! You know how Mia gets."

"How did you get here so quickly?" Ryuu said, shocked.

"Fafnir. Anyway, did you make breakfast?" Cirrus walked inside, leaving his boots outside. "I skipped sleep and breakfast to get here."

"I did! Haku and Retsu are already eating."

As Cirrus enters the home, Ryuu eyes Ai.

"Why did you contact him? And how!" she said quietly.

Ai merely places her fingers on her earring.

"It’s pretty handy." She then walked up to Ryuu. "And I did this so you can ask him out to the Goddess Festival. I also contacted Artemis."

Ai walked back inside, leaving Ryuu with no other option.


After breakfast.

"Have a good day! Haku, try not to get into trouble!" shouted Cirrus.

"Worry not. I will try to help him!" shouted Retsu.

"I promise I won’t get caught this time!" Haku shouted back. "Tell Calli and Auby that I miss them and that I wish them well!"

"Hm." Cirrus smiled as the two went to school. "So shall we get going, Ryuu?"


"Safe travels!" Ai leans over to Ryuu’s ear. "And good fortunes to you as well." She patted her shoulder and gave her a wink. "Well, I’m off as well!" She goes over to Cirrus and hugs him. "See ya, honey!" she then runs off after Haku and Retsu.

"Well, let’s get going. (Theïká Panoplía: Aethon.)"

The armor covers Cirrus, and he kneels.

"…" Ryuu gets on his back, and he flaps his wings, flying high into the sky and then again towards Orario.


During the flight, Ryuu was having second thoughts.

‘Come on, ask him! Ai set this up, so I need to—‘

"Can I ask why you’re in Yamato?" asked Cirrus.

This was the moment to go for it and take that step.

"W-well, um, can we land first?"


They land in the middle of some woods.

Ryuu gets off and faces Cirrus with as much resolve as she has left.

"I came to Yamato to talk with Ai about something." She clenched her fist, gathering the resolve for her next set of words.

"Oh? Then you don’t have to—"

"I love you." Her face flushed red with shaking hands.



"…Hm?" Cirrus was stunned. His mind was blank from her words.

He could see the embarrassment on Ryuu’s face. She had turned her head back, but he could tell she was blushing. Her ears were bright red, and she was messing with her fingers, tapping them quickly.

"Can you say that again?" Cirrus felt he misheard her. "I think I misheard something?"

"I-I said I love you!" she shouted again with embarrassment in her voice.

Cirrus didn’t need to see her face to know she was bright red.




Several birds fly away from her shout.

"…" Cirrus looks up into the morning sky and closes his eyes.

He searches his mind and his heart for what to feel.

Cirrus never felt a romantic interest in Ryuu simply because, by that point, he was already in love with Ai, and they didn’t get along so well. Their relationship also didn’t improve or grow for 7 years, and only when Cirrus returned did their relationship begin to improve over the loss of Alise and the other’s deaths and subsequently the raid in the Knossos.

"…Ryuu I like you but—"

But, when he said that word she could feel her heart begin to break. More than any word that three letter word was a prelude of pain to what comes next.

"I would need time to see you as a woman, so for now,"

Yet if she felt this way for him, he should at least attempt to reciprocate those feelings.

Ryuu turns to see Cirrus with his hand extended and a smile on his face.

"Let’s take it one step at a time. I assume you already talked with Artemis and Malion about this, right?"

All of those negative emotions were gone as quickly as they appeared.

Tears fall from her eyes as she reaches out and holds his hand.


The second she held his hand, she felt the world click into place.

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