Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

[Vol.4] Quest 342- The Raid, Ruler Of The Seas- Part 1, The Deluge

Thank you again for sticking around this series for it to reach 1 million views! So this week you all will be getting double chapters!


For two days, they sailed through the storm and arrived in the eye.





The entirety of School District moved with life.

"Hurry up to the safety shelters!!!" Shouted some students.

Several of the non-competitive students rushed to designated safe areas.

"I am really regretting this," Haku said within a safe area.

"Remind me to punch you when we get back to land," Retsu said nervously.

"If we even make it back," Mairu said.

"With Sensei and Lord Kyūjouno, I am sure we will make it," Musashi said.

"Where are they, exactly?" asked Retsu.

"They're up on the central tower," Haku said.


On the central tower of the Hringhorni, Cirrus, Ai, Leon, and Lance stood.

"You have your earpieces?" Cirrus spoke with a magic tool developed by Asfi of his and Fels' magic tools.

The device works by holding it with your finger.

"They fit well," Leon said. "Lord Baldr, Lord Poseidon, can you hear me?"

"We can hear you loud and clear," Baldr said.

"Ay!" Poseidon said. "The helms room is well equipped to ensure this ship won't go down without a fight!"

"Our weaponry are state-of-the-art with magic cannons at the ready and improved propulsion devices that will allow us to quickly avoid the beast."

"The staff must be at the ready," Lance said. "I can feel the Leviathan lurking around." He glanced around the sea. His weapon, Unfading Light, was in hand.

"Maybe I should have commissioned you for a long sword." Leon looked at Cirrus.

"Your long sword is already well made." Cirrus looked at Leon’s weapon. "In either case, shall we begin the hunt?"

"Hm." Ai nods. "Cirrus, go and draw it out."

Cirrus walks to the edge of the tower.

"Everyone, get ready. (Theïká Panoplía: Aethon.)"

His armor adorns him as he walks off the edge and soars into the sky and the dark clouds.

"You heard him," Leon said. "Prepare for battle."

"Roger that! Everyone begins the Raid!!!" Poseidon commanded.


The ship's arsenal bore its fangs. The combat students and staff were ready for the weapons, and the non-combative students were at their stations, ready to fix or get the ship moving.

"Do we have a reading on the beast?" Poseidon shouted.

"We have detected something about 600 meters east, at a depth of 587 meters!" shouted a student, looking at a radar to detect monsters.

"Keep an eye out! Cirrus, you got that!"

"Clear as crystal. I’m heading over now. Brace for impact; I am gonna get its attention."

Everyone looked out at the reinforced window to see the dark gray clouds swirl. Lightning courses through the clouds like keys on a piano.

Then a flash of light, along with a crack,


Followed by a thunderous boom that falls from the heavens.





The waves crashed into the ship, rocking it slightly.

"Ooh…" Many were in awe of how powerful it was.

The attack then slowly dwindles, leaving behind a large hole in the stormy sky that enlarges the eye of the storm.

"Gotta say if I didn’t know it was Cirrus, I would have the mind that it was Zeus," Poseidon said.

"Sir! The reading is getting closer to the surface!!" shouted a student. "Depth 500!! 400!! 350!! 100!!"

Everyone looked at the whirlpool that formed from Cirrus's attack as a massive, deadly, spear-like headshot out of the sea and into the surface.



It roars, announcing itself as the lord of the sea.

Its three eyes, trained on Cirrus and its third eye on its forehead, were ablaze with a purple-black flame.

"Well… you're rather big."

Lance and Poseidon looked at the beast to see it was not the same beast; the flame had mutated it and enhanced its ability, size, and strength. Its scales held a black, purple luster to them, and its fins were like ungodly sharp blades that cut through the sky as it does the sea.

The Leviathan was big enough to bite half of School District.

"Lance," Poseidon said solemnly.

"I understand. Leon, do not hesitate." Lance said over the earpiece.


Those within the control tower could see Lance and Leon jumping toward the Leviathan.

"School District!! Attack with everything!!" Poseidon ordered.

"Roger!! Fire at will!!!" shouted a student, giving out the order.

The magic cannons all trained on the ever-expanding Leviathan and opened fire.

Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!!

Watching them, Ai looks as the Levithan goes in to bite Cirrus. It could reach the clouds, yet its body was still in the sea. Even the cannon fire did nothing but leave a light, barely visible scratch.

"Fuu~" She gets into her stance.

Up within the clouds, Cirrus is flying high, with the Leviathan glaring at him intently.

"Did I strike a nerve with you!?" Cirrus said.


Its roar deafened Cirrus’ ears.

"Jesus fucking Christ, it’s like you have... right, the flame."

‘It would seem the flame has a particular bias towards you.’ Vesta said.

"Well, it should have fucking stayed with its former CHAMPION!!! (WAKE UP, NOX)!!!"

White Night activated, and Cirrus and his armor were bleached white.

Instead of flying up, Cirrus flew down.


He reeled his arms and thrust White Night to the very point of the Leviathan’s spear-like nose.



The attack sent out a shockwave, halting the Leviathan’s pursuit.


The Leviathan began to be dragged back to the sea by gravity.

It glares at Cirrus through its flaming eye bursts.


Covering its body in a flame-like liquid.


It roared once more as it tried to impale Cirrus.

"It can fly now!!" Cirrus reported that he flew out of its attack and past its eyes, falling down. "Vesta!! Suck out as much as you can!!" Cirrus then thrust White Night into the Levithan through its liquid and scales.




The Leviathan bellows in pain and fury.

The fire-like liquid substance slowly thinned while Lance and Leon attacked from below.

"[Arondight]!!!!!" Lance shouted with Unfading Light draped in water.

He swung his arms as fast and as powerfully as he could, sending out a pressurized slash that broke through the thinning fire and broke the scales.

"[Secace]!!!!!" Leon shouted as his long silver blade had an edge of light.

He swung his arm downward, using the work Lance did, and cut into the body.


The Levithan dived into the sea as quickly as it could.


It dove into the sea, and Cirrus hung on as White Night drained the Corrupted Flame.

‘Vesta!!! How much left!!!’



‘Halfway!!! Keep holding on!!!’

The Leviathan slowly grew smaller.

‘I am—’

"Cough!!! Bubble!!!" Cirrus coughed. "Grrr!! (Sing)!!!!!"

Crackle!!!! Crackle!!!! Crackle!!!! Crackle!!!! Crackle!!!! Crackle!!!! Crackle!!!! Crackle!!!! Crackle!!!! Crackle!!!! Crackle!!!! Crackle!!!! Crackle!!!! Crackle!!!! Crackle!!!! Crackle!!!! Crackle!!!! Crackle!!!! Crackle!!!! Crackle!!!! Crackle!!!! Crackle!!!! Crackle!!!! Crackle!!!! Crackle!!!! Crackle!!!! Crackle!!!! Crackle!!!! Crackle!!!!

Electricity rampages through the monster's massive, slowly shrinking body.

Yet it is strong enough to begin to slam Cirrus into the ground and move at even faster speeds under the water.

‘Vesta!!! I am running out of breath!!! My arms are even more heavy! My eyes are straining; I need air!!’

‘I got 96% of it! Go back, and then we can get it again!’

Cirrus lets go of White Night.

"(Vesta)!!" He shouted underwater while swimming up as White Night appeared in his hand, deactivated.

The Leviathan noticed Cirrus had let go and turned back to get him.

Its speed easily allowed it to catch Cirrus.

"Hecton!!! Fafnir!!!" Cirrus shouted again as air bubbles left his mouth.

From the darkness of the ocean, Hecton emerged.

His arm brute-forced its way through the water to grab the Leviathan, which was just big enough that Hecton couldn’t wrap his arms around it, but it didn’t matter.

"HRRRRRRRRN!!!!!" With his veins popping and bursting from the strain, Hecton began to swing the Leviathan around as if it were a whip.


Up above, they could see a whirlpool beginning to quickly form.

"It’s starting to drag us in, sir!!" shouted a student.

"Start up the propulsion devices!!" Baldr order.

"Lance!! Make the whirlpool even stronger!!! The Leviathan is not gonna get out of this easily!!!" Poseidon ordered. "Get every kid to help power the propulsion!!!"

While Lance heads to the center of the whirlpool and uses his magic, Leon returns to the ship. Ready to move again when the Leviathan resurfaces.

"Huff!! Huff!!" Leon was catching his breath. "My. Heavenly Crown, you sure are scary." He looked as if the whirlpool was getting bigger and stronger.



Leon looks to the side to see Cirrus on the side of the ship.

"Ugh!!" Cirrus gets onto flat ground. "Fuck…"

He was drenched in water, exhausted.

"Are you fine?" Leon asked.

"You try being slammed underwater and nearly drowning."

Under the surface of the water, the Leviathan emerged once more.

"Well, it certainly looks weaker. Catch your breath and drink some potions to regain your mana." Leon kicked off towards the Leviathan.

Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!! Boom!!!

The cannons of the ship fire on it.


It roared out again as Lance and Leon go deal with it.

"Ugh…" Cirrus slowly picks himself up as Hecton and Fafnir return to his shadow. "Huff!! Huff!! Huff!!" His arms felt heavy, even more so now, as if lead was pumping through his veins. "(Vesta)." White Night formed in his hand from his shadow. "Extend." The weapon grew to help him stand back on his feet.


Vesta appeared next to him.

"How are you feeling? You don’t look so well?"

"I—Cough!! Cough!! Cough!!" He covered his cough. "Ah..." He looks at his hand to see his blood is blackish, and some red remains.

"Cirrus," Vesta said.

Fafnir opened one of her eyes to see his blood.

"Master." Fafnir formed her mouth. "Your Mind Palace has changed once more. Hecton is investigating it."

"… This is bullshit." Cirrus softly says this, looking at the Leviathan. He turns back to see Ai still on top of the tower. "Fafnir, Hecton, Vesta, no one will know about this."

"Understood." They all said.

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