Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

[Vol.4] Quest 345- Hakushika & Cirrus

After returning to Fuyukusa, the city erupted in celebration. They filled the streets and sidewalks with dancing, drinking, eating, and all the above. The students of School District all went into the city and celebrated.

Walking through the streets were Cirrus and Haku. Haku was leading Cirrus through the city to a small shop tucked away within the city.

"Here it is, Dad."

Cirrus looks at the small, a bit run-down building.

"It’s…" In an alleyway, he could see a homeless man leaning against the wall. Well, it's small and a bit run-down."

"Yeah, but the food is delicious! Just like that restaurant, you took me to when I was a kid!"

"Hm... then I’ll take your word on it."

They walk in and are greeted by the owner.

"Hello and—! L-Lord Kyūjouno!" It shocked the shop owner to see Cirrus. "Young Master Haku, you never informed me your father was coming! Oh, my, hold on for a second. I’ll go get things ready!"

"Take your time," Cirrus said, taking a seat. "I don’t want something rushed."

"You're so very kind, my lord! I’ll go get you the menu, and then—"

"I’ll just have your best dish, Haku. You’re a regular here, right? So he knows what you like, right?"

"Yup!" he said, taking a seat to the left of his father. "Don’t be so nervous, Shokumotsu!"

"Oh, and bring two cups of sake while you're at it, along with your best bottle!"

Haku looked at his dad.

"D-dad, why are—"

"What the fuck do you think I’m doing?" Cirrus looked at his son and smiled. "I’m sharing a drink with my oldest son. Now don’t be a little narc and tell your mom, okay? This is between us."

He smiled, ear to ear.

"Not a word!"


Shokumotsu brought out the food and drinks. Cirrus could tell how delicious it was from the smell alone. It filled the small restaurant with deliciousness.

Cirrus then poured Haku a small amount of sake into his cup, which he filled to the brim.

"Why do you get more?"

"Cause I paid for it, and I doubt you can hold your liquor like me just yet, so—" he gently pushes the cup that’s barely even a quarter full to him. "Baby steps before you can run." He then downed his drink in a single gulp. "Ah~!"

"…" Haku looks at his drink and downs it as well. "Ahhh!!! It tastes awful!"

"Hahahahaha!!! Yeah! You get used to it!" Cirrus pours him another with the same amount as before, and then he fills his back up.

They would continue to eat and drink, but Haku only sipped his.

Haku asked him a question while his father had a few more drinks.

"Hey Dad, um… Am I your heir?"

"You are the oldest, so technically, yeah, you are the first in line to inherit the Kyūjouno Family."

"But… what if I don’t want it?" He looks down at his almost-eaten food, a bit sad.

"Then you won't get it. I won't force anything onto you, but if Callisto, Auberon, and Alise want it, then they could inherit and run the Kyūjouno Family."

"R-really!" Haku looked at his father with starry eyes.

"Of course. Gulp!" He downs another cup of sake. "But now that you've asked a question, it’s only fair if you answer one of mine?" Cirrus glances at him with his emerald eye.

"Okay, ask away!"

‘Hah! I bet it's something like, How are you in school? Or something!’

"That girl, Date Mairu," A smirk grows on his face. "You have a crush on her, don’t you?"

"Pffffffffffft!!!!!!!!!!" Haku spat out his food as his face turned red. "W-what!?!? No!?!? That’s gross!!"

"Don’t be that way, Haku," Cirrus said, swirling his sake. "You’ll hit puberty, and then you’ll find the opposite sex very much, not gross. Isn’t that right, owner?"

"Indeed, many boys are like you, Young Master, but once they reach that age, there is always a girl on the mind."

"Grrr!! No!! I don’t want to end up like you or Uncle Bell!"

"Tough titties Haku, you're going to have to grow up and shed your adolescence one day… Wait, have you yet? I hit mine when I was 10."

"!!!" His face was beat red.

"You know, from what I saw, she has the same toughness as your mom."

"S-so! What about it?"

"Just saying tough girls could be your type, I know it’s mine, and this kind of stuff more or less is also true to the children."

"So what!? Are you saying I’m going to be hopelessly attracted to tough girls!? Ridicules!"

"Who knows Haku? But know that if you wish to pursue a relationship with her, you have my blessing. She’s a smart kid, from what I got from her while we sailed back. I can’t really say that about your mother when she was... hm, actually, she may have been? I was gone when she was around that age."

"Dad, I! Um... I…my head is a bit fuzzy."

"Ah, it seems 3 half-quart cups are your limit. Oy! Keep the change!"

Cirrus handed him a bag full of Valis.

"Thank you for the patronage, sir!"

Cirrus picks his son up in his arms and leaves the shop.

As he walks out, he walks up to a homeless man across the way in a dark alleyway.

"Here." Cirrus tosses them a large bag of Valis’s from his sleeves. "Thank you for your hard work. You can take a break and have fun."

The homeless man looks up at his boss and nods.

"Thank you, sir."

He gets up and disappears into the darkness.


Carrying Haku in his arms, Cirrus rubs his back gently as well as his head.

"I wish I could share more drinks when you are older, but... well, today was a good day, huh? Haku." He smiled a bit bitterly under the celebratory lights and fireworks of his city.

As he walked home with Haku in his arms, Cirrus quickly used his magic to get rid of the smell of alcohol from Haku.

When he arrived back home, Ai was none the wiser—

"Cirrus, why did Haku have the scent of alcohol on his breath?"

Ai’s sense of smell was as sharp as her blade.

"Some spilled in his mouth when we were walking home! Some guy accidentally spilled some from way on top!"

"…Cirrus." She said it with a bit of anger in her tone of voice.


—Well, almost.

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