Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

[Vol.4] Quest 350.5- Messenger

Sitting down on a rock, Cirrus looks out to the horizon and sees dragons in the distance.

"How many potions do we have, Hecton?" Cirrus kept his gaze on the horizon.

"Hmm… You have one day's worth, sir," Hecton said behind Cirrus.

"It seems I will need to ration it well. We can’t ask Circe; she’s already—"

"On the edge," Fafnir said, looking at the horizon. "She will need time to get her footing."

"I hoped she wouldn’t have to make it again, but here we are. Fafnir, Hecton, can you both gather material?" Cirrus reached into his shadow and pulled out a bowl full of pomegranate seeds.

Cirrus took one and ate it.

"Got it." Hecton then left, while Fafnir stayed behind.

"Master, I loved your song. I had hoped you would have sung more in the last couple of years."

"… Maybe I’ll sing one last time, my swan song."

"A swan song…" Fafnir walks to the edge of the cliff. "Master, I will take care of him, so do not worry."

"I know you will, Fafnir."

Fafnir then takes her leave, jumping down the cliffside.

Cirrus takes in the air for a while.

Finding peace within himself again.



A breeze brushes past Cirrus and, along with it, a voice.

"Well, it’s nice to finally meet you."


He turned to see a hooded figure.

"…Who are you?" He placed his hand on Gram’s pommel. "What are you doing here?"

"Me?" She removed her hood to reveal a beautiful woman with red hair and ruby eyes. "My name is Metis; Nyx sent me down."

"Metis? You’re a goddess? Why did you come here?" Cirrus looked around to find no one else around. "No Familia?"

"I’m here for a special reason, and one of them is—HEY! GET OUT HERE!!" Her sudden shouting startled Cirrus and was enough for Fafnir and Hecton to come back.



"Come on! I don’t wanna—Oh?"

Cirrus' and Hecton's eyes both widened.

Coming out of the shrubbery was a familiar face.


"Oh, um, hey there kid..." He rubs his neck and scratches his head. He looks at Cirrus from top to bottom and grimaces. "You look like shit," Zeus said, looking as good as a guy on the run can be.

"…Hecton, Fafnir, go back to what you were doing."

"…Very well," Hecton said.

"…" Fafnir glared at Zeus before leaving.

"So... what brings you here?" Cirrus said, returning to his previous sight. He eats another pomegranate seed.

"I didn’t come here because I wanted to. Metis forced me."

"I found him and brought him here. Despite being a playboy, he knows how to survive well in the wilderness. Albeit, he tried to eat a few poisonous mushrooms here and there." Metis said.

"I know enough to get by!" Zeus said, trying to make himself seem tough and knowledgeable.

"I’m surprised Hera hasn’t found you yet. You know she took up a place in Meilstora using Aphrodite’s connections to look for you."

"Hah! She’ll never find me! I’ve known her for eons! She’ll—"

"Anyway." Metis cuts Zeus off. "I came here to simply meet you and to shake your hand."

Metis walked up to Cirrus.

"Oh?" Cirrus glances back. "A handshake? Is that true?"

"Of course!" She has her hand out.

"…You know something I don’t, Metis." Cirrus turns his head, and his gaze sharpens. "Nyx told you what was going to happen, didn’t she?"

Zeus looked at Metis, and she held a strong poker face.

"..." she smiles. "I don’t know what you could possibly mean!"

"Hm." Cirrus grunts. "What of the string of fate Ananke put on me?"

"None at all!" She continues with a smile.

"…" Zeus remained quiet, looking at the horizon. "If she has her strings on you… I am afraid—"

"I know that. Odin and everyone I talked to about these strings of hers." Cirrus expression sours. "I want to know the full details of it."

"Well, that is not my job!" Metis said, still smiling.

"Hm." He extended his arm and shook her hand. "Is this all you wanted?"

"Yup! Now I’ll see you later!" She turned and walked away. Come, Zeus, or else I’ll go to Hera."

"I know! I know!" he said, coming up to Cirrus. "Kid, some last words of advice. You must not fear. Fear is the killer of the mind. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration."

"…They don’t sound like your words, Zeus."

"Read it in a book! Haha!" He chuckled a bit. "Anyway, sorry, I could not give you better words or any new information you sought."

"Heh. I would like it better if it came from yourself, and... I still have hope that Nox comes and bails me out."

"Hmm… Then how about this? Every moment free from fear makes a man immortal. I said that to one of my kids when they went into battle, and you shouldn’t wait on a girl to save you; that is a hero's job, your." He put his hand on his shoulder. "job."

"…I see. I’ll keep that in mind." Cirrus nods.

"Come on, Zeus, let's get going," Metis said.

Zeus followed Metis.

"See ya, kid! Oh, and remember what Nyx said! Head westward!! Good luck!"

Cirrus watched as they walked away.

"… Fate. Tch." He takes another pomegranate seed and eats it. "Westward? Why… Hm. There is nothing westward of here." He looks west to see nothing but a sea of trees.

He reached into his shirt and pulled out the locket his kids gave him and the charm Ai made him years ago. The locket and charm were tied together.

"… I’m sorry."


While walking away, Metis spoke slightly.

"Heaven cannot have two suns, nor the earth two masters."

"Yes. We will soon see the earth’s master." Zeus said. "Can I ask, will it be a tragedy?" Zeus's voice was low and a bit painful.

"The stage is set. The actor just needs to get on set, so the final act begins."

"Metis. This isn't a—"

"I know Zeus. But can you not say that is what he is? Until the strings are snipped—burned, shall I say—he has no choice but to play the role he was given."

Zeus stops for a moment and looks behind back.

"... I hope your luck pulls through, kid."

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