Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

[Vol.4] Quest 373.5- Elysium’s Collection

Following Gemini, Malion was amazed by all the paintings decorating the halls.

“Oooh!! Did my husband paint these?" She came up with a painting. “He was never a painter, but could he possibly improve when he ascended to godhood?”

“Nope, boss said these were recreated from his memory. But he did collect a good amount on his travels.”

The paintings, in particular, were famed works of art from Elysium’s past. Sadly, Elysium felt disappointed in them as they lacked the textures of the brush strokes of the originals. Even using his powers to replicate it down to its brushstrokes, it was still not right in his eyes, each time he would look at them he only saw them as cheap copies.

“I see,” Malion said touching them. Her artistic spirit quickly plummeted upon noticing they were as smooth as the ground. “Tell me…” Her mood dropped. “Does he like these copies more than the art he collected?”

“No. As for the art he collected, he put them all somewhere else. He would have decorated them through his halls, but Proanthos said he wanted the art of his home world to be what paints his home.”

“I… see…” Malion smiles and remembers these copied paintings. “Can I see the art he did collect?”

“Sure thing. This place has several rooms. Boss said it was something, something, dimensionally transcendental, or something.”

“You mentioned his travels. Does that mean these paintings are from other worlds correct?”

“That’s right. He had quite a vast collection. I’m sure you would enjoy it.”


Malion followed Gemini to a decadent door. They engraved it with such detail that it was a work of art in itself.

“This is the boss’s collection,” Gemini said. “A spirit takes watch over it and maintains it; they are very serious and careful about it.”

“Do they love their job so much?”

“No, it’s because most of the items the boss got are very dangerous or delicate. So she takes it seriously. Oh, you’re an artist, right? Boss mentioned you did various forms of art.”

“I do. Is this spirit also an artist?”

“She sure is. Is she any good? You may ask. Personally, no. But the boss likes her paintings, each and everyone.” He leans into her ear. “Between you and me, I think she is a favorite for the boss, given who and what she does.”

They enter the museum, and the first thing Malion sees is the white of a canvas.



Paint sprinkled around the spirit, yet she remained untainted.

A nice shade of white that went down to her lower back, kept in a low ponytail. Malion could see she was barefooted with only shorts that stopped midway off her thighs.

“Oy! Caesar!” Gemini shouted out.

“?” Caesar stopped to look at her visitors. “Gemini.” She then looked at Malion. “Malion Dökk Zephyr, you interrupted me while I was in the mood.” In her hands she had a paintbrush; it was still dripping paint.

She was wearing simple white attire with long sleeves and blue suspenders. Her eyes were a lovely shade of blue that matched well with her hair kept in a ponytail, even more so with two beauty marks on the sides of her eyes.

Despite her painting her clothes were immaculate.

“Sorry, but the boss’s wife wanted to see the museum.”

“Hm.” She turned around. She looked at her painting, an assortment of colors, and Malion could see something beginning to form. “In a second. I am almost—”

“Do you mind if I assist?” Malion stepped forward, looking at the painting. “I could vaguely see what you are painting.”

“?” Gemini looked at the painting but couldn’t see anything. “You could see something?”

“You are as good as my creator said.” Caesar glanced at her. “Come then. I wish to collaborate with someone who can see the truth in my painting.” Caesar took a step back and gave a basic bow. “I should introduce myself. I am CaesarUnique Spirit of Nascent. I am the caretaker of Creator Elysium’s museum, which is an assortment of items that he has collected on his long journey. After this is done, I will show you around.”

Nascent. The title is only ever given to two spirits, Proanthos and Caesar. Both were given the title for different reasons. Proanthos was given it since she was his first spirit, one who had been by his side for so long. Caesar was given it because she is like a young child. She can still grow and learn. Thus, she will always grow, learn, and be better than the day before, something Elysium saw in her before she made her request.

Malion tied her hair, rolled up her sleeves, picked up a brush, and helped Caesar.

Gemini watched as the two painted. Their strokes were wide and precise, short, and frantic. They wielded their brushes as master swordsmen wield their swords.

With each stroke of paint, Gemini could see what Caesar was making and what Malion could see with a single gleam.

“Ooh.” Gemini looks at the finished art piece.

It was a portrait of Elysium with his back turned; the colors and lines made him look fantastic, and the only reason it was him was his star-touched clothing. Next to him was Proanthos, and around them were several machine-like things with smooth, soft features.

“I ask, do you also wish to be a wife?” Malion said this to Caesar. “Painting him like some sort of messiah?”

“No.” She shakes her head. “Today I felt like painting him. This was the image of when I came to learn of the existence of God." She looked at Malion with a small smile. “I do not see Elysium in such light. I see him as a guide, a bright star on a moonless night. I asked him if I could come with him to escape my world, and he agreed with little issue. From there, I thought if he could give a new body to that forest king, then he could do it for me as well. Thus I became his child, to learn and grow, free from my A.I. parameters and any influence YoRHa had on me.”

“She was a real angry piece of work,” Gemini said. “She gave Leo a good fight.”

“I have tempered myself with knowledge and wisdom.” Caesar then flicked her wrist, and the painting was gone, along with every other item used to paint. “Now then, shall I get to showing you, Malion, the gallery of Elysium?”

“I would love that. But before we go, I wanted to ask you, Caesar. Are there more spirits who watch over a section of Cirrus’s domain?”

“There are.” She nods. “Come along; I will show you around.”


Malion followed Caesar with Gemini right along.

They entered through a door on the right.

Entering, Malion walked into an array of flora, each separated into their own section and environment, from the blistering cold to the blazing heat of volcanoes.

“Ooh!” She was taken by the abundance of it all.

“These are the flora given to Elysium or flora that he collected on his travels.” She walks over to a section of water with several different lotuses. “These are lotuses given to him by those of what he calls the Indian Pantheon, minus one. Gemini, do you remember the name of the god and lotus they gave to Elysium?” She glanced at him.

"Yeah, it was Asura. He gave him the Wrathful Rebellion Lotus,” Gemini answered. “How could I forget that it’s right on top of that volcano.” He points in the distance to an active volcano.

“Ooh! What are the names of these flowers, then?” Malion asked.

“The blue one with the skull is from Shiva. Its name is the Destructive Grace Lotus; the lovely brown one with gold lining is from Durga. It’s called the Blissful Earth Lotus…”

As they walked ahead and through this section of the museum of flora, Malion was always amazed by what she saw.

“A god of plague gave this tree to Elysium. Elysium said his name was Nurgle. The tree has been sealed off with a powerful set of barriers to ensure its diseases won’t spread. Yes, we even considered the roots and the spacing.”

“Ooh! It’s so disgustingly macabre of horror! The way the flesh blends in and out with inorganic material with poison-like qualities really drives it home with the tropophobia." Malion was very impressed and inspired by a tree.

"Well, I guess someone had to like it,” Gemini said softly.

No one besides Malion liked it.

“The one next to it is another sealed one.” Caesar kept going. “This is Eris’s golden apple tree.”

Looking at it, Malion wanted to pluck one and eat it.

“It’s very tempting... Can we get one?” She looked at Caesar and Gemini.

“Fraid not,” Gemini answered. "Only the boss can pluck them to be used for food. Had you gotten here about two days earlier, you could have gotten some golden apple pie.”

“Gr!” Malion reeled herself back from temptation. “Can you keep me updated if or when they can be plucked?”

“Sure thing!” Gemini responded.

They kept going into the next section of the museum.

“This is the art section. Painting, sculptures, murals, frescoes, automata—just anything creative is here.”

Entering, Malion’s eyes immediately fall on a figure that looks almost identical to Caesar. That figure was standing nobly with threadbare clothing, and she held a futuristic sword.

“Who made this?” Malion asked. “Was it you or Cirrus, Caesar?”

“No.” Caesar walked up to it. “It’s my original body. Elysium found it very impressive and beautiful, so I exchanged it for the body I am in now. He even gave me a new weapon that fits my style perfectly. So I left the Type-40 Sword behind. Anyway, come along; there are better things to look at besides my old and aged android body.”

Malion was shown several pieces of art from various master artists.

“Ooooh!! This is like paradise!" Malion said, starry-eyed.

“Yes… Hm.” Caesar stops walking and looks at Malion. “Malion, do you wish to see Elysium’s secret gallery?”

“Secret gallery?” Malion and Gemini were surprised.

“I didn’t plan on it. But, as you are his wife, I think it’s fine to show you. It’s in the sculptor's area.”

Malion followed closely as they led her into the sculptor's area to find it full of more masterpieces.

“Ugh!! I wish I could stay here forever and indulge in all this fine work." Malion lamented.

“If you make it to level 9 and pass boss’s test, you can stay here as long as you want,” Gemini said.

“That… Hm. I am not so sure I can,” Malion said solemnly. “I have long hit a wall. A wall that I cannot see the top of.”

“In time,” Caesar said. “You are a level 8 High Dark Elf. You have plenty of time to make it over that wall. When you do, we will still be here.”

“Fufu.” Malion smiled earnestly. “Unique Spirit of Nascent, huh? It seems you possibly inherited my love’s way with words.”

“Hahaha!” Gemini chuckled. “That’s a pretty big compliment, don’t you think? Caesar.”

Caesar's lips rose slightly, and even more, they could see a warmth in her eyes.


They kept going to a plain wall in the corner.

Caesar placed her hand on the wall.

“*Un secreto.” She spoke in Spanish. The wall glowed in circuitry before forming a doorway. “Come.”

They entered to see a room filled with several more sculptures.

“These are merely rough drafts for the maids, or, I guess, the housekeepers,” Caesar said.


“Oh, so these are the supposed helpers that the boss has been working on, huh?” Gemini said.

“They are.” Caesar nodded. “You can call them whatever you like—maids, butlers, housekeepers, whatever. They are still a work in progress.”

Malion looked around when something caught her eye.

“Hold on?”

Malion walks over to see a section of even more statue-like creations. They were all walking in a circle, each one made from a different material and different clothing.




“So are they always marching?”

“They are. Their automata that Elysium made for his domain.” Caesar said. “They're supposed to be used as helpers with no real mind of their own. Elysium called them Hydras.”

“Is he still working on them?”

“Given how busy the boss is, I am sure he barely has any unless he puts off vast amounts of work,” Gemini said.

“Are there any more unfinished works, Caesar?” Malion looked at her.

“Aside from this, he is working on the other floors, but I am sorry to say I am not even allowed entry into those areas without his permission. Only their corresponding caretakers, Proanthos, and the boss himself are allowed in. Granted, I have no reason to go currently, but… hm.”

“This seems like a good time to tell me about the other spirits?” Gemini said.

“Very. Gemini, why not tell her? You are fairly well acquainted with them.”

“Fine.” Gemini scratches his head. “Let’s see it’s been a minute, but there is Acheron, who is taking care of the 2nd floor, Acheron’s LakeCocytus, who is in charge of running the Cocytus Shire; Phlegethon, who runs the Phlegethon Meadow; and lastly, Lethe, who runs the Lethe Forest, which is actually a floor above.”

“What is it like?” Malion said.

"Misty and scary."

“What about the other floors?”

“Well, I can’t say much. I mean, from the looks of the spirits themselves, I would say Acheron is the most normal one.”

“And Cirrus made them all? Do they refer to him as different as you two?”

“Yes. They refer to him in some form or fashion of their choosing. I call him boss; Caesar calls him Elysium, but say like Charon calls him father.”


“Ah yes, they are another Grand Spirit. They aren’t in the boss’s domain. Currently, they should be gathering souls.”

“They are a very quiet person.” Caesar thinks about them. “The seldom times they come here, they sit while eating something or read in silence before returning to work.”

“…By gathering souls, you don’t mean killing them, right?” Malion said, wanting some clarity.

“Of course not... possibly?” Gemini said, unsure of the methods they use. “I am not familiar with their work. The few times I met them, they had delivered a few souls to help test the floors.”

“Ah, I see. Can I mess with these automata? Oh, does that bother you, Caesar?”

“Not at all. These automata have no essence in them. They work off simple mechanics and not complex algometric parameters. So, by all means, Elysium nor I have any issues. Oh, there is another area he made.” Caesar said, walking to the right.


Malion followed her to find a room in the corner.

“What is this place?”

“Elysium’s special room. He made it when he was feeling a bit sad. Take a look.”

Malion opens the door to the room to see her and the rest of the family.


She looks at the sculptor Elysium made of Ai, Artemis, Malion, Ryuu, Hakushika, Callisto, Auberon, and Alise, with Nox, Circe, Hecton, and Fafnir, and even Lenoa, Fels, Astraea, and Ouranos.

Malion walked around to see several more sculptures.

She saw one of her and Auberon, one of Artemis and Callisto, and one of Ryuu and Alise.

There are so many of them in different situations.

Seeing all this really hammered in how much he missed them and how lonely he was.


One sculpture caught her eye, tucked away in the far back.

She walked towards it to see a woman over a basket with a baby inside.

Malion got onto the floor to see the woman’s face.

“Oh. It’s you, Nephele.”

“Ah. So that was who she was.” Caesar nodded.

“Oh, I wanna see!” Gemini laid down as well to see Nephele. “… Oh.”

Gemini and Malion could see the emotion on Nephele's face. It ached in their chests; it pained them so that if they kept looking, tears would drip down.

“Boss must have been in a particularly bad mood when he made it.” Gemini gets up.

“… Has he been doing well?” Malion gets back onto her feet.

“Fine enough, but... Well, you being here brightened his mood up significantly.”

“That’s good.” Malion smiles.

“Very.” Caesar nodded. “Do you still wish to see the rest of the museum? With what we saw, it was only 9% of his collection.”

Malion felt her strength sapped.

“I… I think I will need a break.” Malion was overwhelmed by the masterpieces that awaited her.


So I gave A2 the name Caesar as her name was a reference to the last words of Julius Caesar, "et tu, Brute?".  But in story A2 was reading up on history from the books within Elysium's collection and made her way to the Roman Empire and read the last words Julius Caesar said found they sound similar to her name so she took a liking to the Roman general who shared a similar fate to her own, minus the literal stabbing of the back.

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