Danmachi: Westward Cloud [Complete]

[Vol.4] Quest 383- Naraka-no-Tsurugi

Somedays later in Fuyukusa.

Hah~” Akeru lets out a deep sigh.

“Still worried about our daughter?” said Aomi.

“Of course I am. Our daughter had her husband die, and then a few days later he returned as a god.”

"Well, knowing her, I am sure she went after him. Come and sit. This is the first time in a long time that we are no longer worried about her so much. I know you were very saddened over Cirrus’—”



Akeru and Aomi heard the sounds of another’s footsteps behind them.

They turned to see Naraka-no-Tsurugi. They were taken aback by her heavenly appearance.

“W-who are—”

Hello, Mom! Dad!” She waved at them with a tone of voice so that they instantly knew who she was.

“Ai… Ai!!” Akeru quickly rushed up to her and hugged her tightly. “Ai!!!” He looked at her up and down. “W-what happened!? Your appearance!”

Oh yeah, I finished Elysium’s trial! So, um, I am a goddess.

“I see…” Aomi said, looking around her daughter. “You do have the magnificence of one, but where is your divinity? Cirrus had—”

"Mom, his name is Elysium. Now that I went through what he did, I understand why he wanted to make that distinction between Cirrus and Elysium, and now Ai from Naraka-no-Tsurugi.

“Is that your name?” Akeru said.

Yes. I am the Goddess of the Sword, Naraka-no-Tsurugi. Daughter of the god Susanoo. I also now understand why Elysium felt so off with Astraea. Mom, Dad, you both are still my parents, but now... I guess you can say Susanoo is my spiritual father.

“And your divinity?” Aomi said.

I am hiding it for... personal reasons. I came here to see you both and kind of tell you I’m fine.

“Aw, sweetie!” Aomi hugged her tightly. “You don’t have to worry about us.”

“That’s right, but we are happy you came to us.” Akeru hugged her as well. “We will always be your parents.”

Thank you, both of you.

They share a tender moment.


A while later in Amaterasu’s court.

"Hmm... Susanoo, tell me, do you think we should make our own Denatus with the gods of Chyong to help inform one another of the current situations?” Amaterasu said as she was going over documents.

“I think that would work; it would save both sides time,” Susanoo said, helping her. “Haa… Are you sure you don’t wanna ask Tsuku for help?”

“I am sure, Suu,” Amaterasu said, glaring at him.

"Work sure does pile up, huh?

“Yes, it—!?”

Both Susanoo and Amaterasu looked where the voice came from to see Naraka-no-Tsurugi.

Susanoo, upon seeing her instinctively knew who she was.


Oh, you knew upon first sight, huh?” She brushed and straightened her clothes. “Well um…” She looked a bit nervous. “H-hello… Dad?

“…” Susanoo broke.

“Oh my,” Amaterasu said, looking at Susanoo, broken. “Well um, what is your name?” Amaterasu said, retaining more of her nobility and preventing herself from laughing at Susanoo’s face. “I wish to learn the name of Susanoo’s daughter."

I am Naraka-no-Tsurugi, Goddess of the Sword. And I am the wife of the first god, Elysium.” She said it confidently.

“So…” Susanoo said. “You… you are really my… child?” He slowly began to walk up to her.

I am. Do you not see my hair and eyes? I know I am hiding my divinity, but—

“Ah.” Susanoo placed his hands gently on her face. “I see… my child. The same way Astraea and Ouranos are parents to Elysium. You… Hey!!” He looked at Amaterasu. “Ammy!! I have a kid!"

Amaterasu saw Susanoo make an equal smile, if not greater, than the smile at Ai and Cirrus’s wedding.

“I can see that. Why don’t you two go and talk elsewhere? I would rather not interrupt.”

The two of them would go into the city and drink tea with one another as if they were long-lost parent and child.

It has been nice to speak with you, D-dad,” Nara said a bit hesitantly.

“You can call me Susanoo. Being called dad is... well, I'm not quite used to it.”

Alright, Susanoo. So can I ask, where is Kushida?

“Ah, she is dealing with stuff at the border. The Izanami Familia has been really gaining land. But it’s nothing we can’t reclaim.”

I see… Hm. I should get going. I have other places to visit.

"Oh, before you go, do you mind if you do me a favor?”

Sure, what is it?


Orario late at night.

"Oh, we got here in a blink of an eye!” Musashi said.

Hm!” Nara said. “Well, Susanoo told me about you two and how you wished to come to Orario for my son, so it’s the least I can do.

“Thank you once again, Lady Nara,” Retsu said.

Not at all! Just head up the road, and you should see the Moonlight Tower! Tell them you are friends with Haku. And be sure to say Lady Ai sent you alright.

“Understood. Got it, Musashi?”

“I’ll leave it up to you, Retsu,” Musashi said, cleaning her ears with her pinky.


Don’t worry, Retsu,” Nara said, patting his head. “I know you both will be fine. I trust you both.

Nara then, in the blink of an eye, disappeared.

“Ooh!” They both said impressed.


Base of Babel Tower.

“We made good progress.” Said Mairu.

“Hm, making it down to the 8th floor in such a short time is pretty good. How are the swords?” Haku said, glancing at her sides, where she had three swords on each side of her hips.

“They're fine; these monsters were only good for me to use two swords, so the others are fine.”

“That’s good.”

They continued up the stairs, along with several other adventures. When they finally got to the top, they looked to see a unique existence under the moonlight.

She was surrounded by many people speaking with her.

Their ruby eyes landed right on him.

She got up from the bench and walked up to Haku.

Hey, Haku!” She waved at him. “How was the Dungeon?

Her voice and attitude told him everything.


“Mom!?!?” shouted every adventurer near them.

They looked back at Renard and could see Ai.

Yup! That’s me!” She put her hands on her hips. “Come!" She nods her head. "Let’s talk!


Walking side by side with Mairu following behind.




It was a bit awkward. Haku would take glances at his mother, still trying to get used to her new appearance.

Go on, ask,” Nara said. “I know you have questions.

“Well um… mom. Are you a goddess?”

I am, and much like your father, I have another name.

“What is it?”


“Can I still call you mom?”

Of course you can, and you can still call your father, well, father. So sweetie, how was the dungeon?

“It was okay. We made it to the 8th floor. It was a bit hard since we still haven’t updated our statues.”

Oh? You’re really trying to test the limits of your skills, huh?

“Hm. When we hit our limit, we will update our status.”

How fortune Artemis gave her.” Nara glanced at Mairu. “Falna.

Mairu noticed and looked a bit away in a blush.

“Speaking of her, she has more or less helped convert everyone to Astraea.”

And what of you two?

“I have discussed it with her and Lady Astraea, but I wanna convert to a different god.”

Oh? Anyone in particular?

“None. I wanted to convert to a god who has nothing so I could help build up the Familia.”

I see, I see... very well. I trust your judgment.” She pats his head to show what she means.

Mairu noticed his fox ears perked up a bit.

"So, um, Mom, did you give Father a punch?”

Well, less of a punch and more of a slash. Oh, your father actually wanted to give you one of these.” She held out her hand, and an emerald ring came out.

“A ring?” Haku looks at the ring to see intricate hieroglyphs on it.

Yes, your father made them for you and your siblings, along with Artemis, Ryuu, and Malion.

“It’s a bit big.” He said as he slid it in his right index finger.



Haku looks to see the ring glow as it fits nicely on his finger.

See, it fits just right.

“Cool! So are you going to stay here?”

No. I am only allowed to stay for 24 hours, or, well, 22 hours left. Oh, by the way, Retsu and Musashi are in town.

“They are!? How did they get here so quickly?”

I brought them. It seems they wished to come and even asked Susanoo to head to Orario.


They continued to walk back home, and by the time they arrived in front of the Moonlight Tower, Artemis was already there with the rest of the family.

"..." Artemis looks directly at Nara.

Hello!” Nara waved at them.

“So you managed to hurry and finish the quest first, huh?” Malion said, coming up and walking around Nara, admiring her appearance.

A grin grew on Nara’s face as she puffed her chest in pride.

Yup!” Her tails began to flutter. “I am now the first wife!"

“Grr…” Artemis’s look turned into a glare. “I should have taken the other option.” She said softly under her breathe, clenching her fist in regret.

I will allow you to take the option, Art,” Nara said as that grin turned into a smug smile. “Elysium gave permission to let you fight me using your arcanum if you wish to claim your former title.

Artemis's hands began to tense her hands. She wants to take her up on the fight.

“…Maybe later, when there is no one to get caught in the middle.” She relaxed her hands. “When did you get here, Nara?”

Oh? News of my name travels really fast, huh?

“I guess they must have heard you say it when we were walking,” Haku said. “Or maybe when you were sitting around in front of Babel.”

Hmm… Well, I got here two hours ago. I even brought gifts! Here you go, Malion!” Nara holds out her hand and gives her an emerald ring.

“Oh? How lovely.” She said putting it on, and it fits neatly on her right ring finger.

Come along! Your father, you all, each one!

Callisto was the first one to line up.

“Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! Me! Me next!!”

Snicker!” Nox laughed a bit. “What did I say, Calli? Daddy’s girl!!”

“Shut up Nox!"

Fufu. You act like sisters.” Nara said, making a sweet smile. “Here you go. One for you and Nox.

Nara gives her two rings, and Callisto immediately puts on a ring on her left middle finger.

“Hm ♪ Hm ♪ Hm ♪” Callisto walks back in a good mood, looking at the ring. “Here you go!” She tossed Nox a ring.

“Um… Can I get one?” said Alise by Nara’s leg.

Of course. Here is one for you and your Mom.

Alise gets two and goes back to Ryuu, where they put them on at the same time.

And here is one for you, Auby.” Nara tosses one to him.

"Oh, thank you!” He said it with a gentle smile as he put it on his right thumb.

And here you go, Art!” She tosses another to Artemis.

“Hmm…” Artemis gets it and looks at the hieroglyphs. “Interesting.” She puts it on her right ring finger.

"Alright, well, I have to deliver a few more rings! I’ll see you guys later!

She didn’t even snap before she disappeared in the blink of an eye.


“!!” Haku looked around. “Mom!? Where did you go?”


Lenoa’s shop.

“Are you alright?” Circe said.

Cough! Cough!!” Lenoa was coughing a bit more intensely. “Ugh… I’m fine.”

“You are not fine! Lenoa, how old are you?”

“Old enough to mind my own damn business!”

"Lenoa, come on! I let it go before, but now you have been coughing more seriously and frequently.”

“Mmmm… I am 139 years old.”

“Okay well… 139!?!? Y-you can’t be serious!”

“Ki-hihihihi!!! Of course not! Like I will ever tell you my age! Now leave me alone; I wanna read in peace.”

"Lenoa, you won’t—”

Let her do what she wants, Circe.

Circe looks to see Nara.

“Who are—”

"Ah, Ai,” Lenoa said. “You know your kid-in-law, Charon, paid me a visit late at night.”

Oh? Did they?” Nara kneeled before Lenoa.

“A-Ai!? W-what—did you become a god!?” Circe was amazed and intrigued by her appearance. “And who’s Charon?”

I did.” Nara nodded. “So Lenoa, why didn’t you go with them?

“Ki-hihihi! Well, I raised the kid’s father. I at least deserve to be taken by someone of Cirrus’s level.”

“W-what are you both talking about? Who is Charon?"Circe said confused.

Charon is a spirit Elysium made,” Nara said. “He made them to gather souls from around the world.

“B-but why would they—!?” The realization dawns on her. "Lenoa, are you—”

“I am. These old bones of mine are hitting their limit. My time is nearly up. So,” She looks at Nara in her ruby eyes. “Are you going to take me?”

Yes. In a little while. I still need to see Ouranos and Fels. Then a few more things.

“Very well. I’ll just sit here.”

Hm. Circle, here you go.” She gives Circe an emerald ring.

“What is—”

I am sure you can figure it out. Bye! Blink!

And she was gone.

“…” Circe looks at Lenoa. “Lenoa…” Tears began to build up.

“Come on, let it out you.”

Hic! Hic!

Circe cried into Lenoa’s shoulders.

“There, there. We all have a time and place.” She pats her back.

“B-but we have been together for so long! Why aren’t you crying?"

“Because I know I left an apprentice to take up my store.”

“!!” Circe’s eyes widen. “Y-you mean…”

“I do. I leave my shop to you. I know you will take care of it.”


Room of Prayer.

“And that is the report the Xeno gave,” Fels said. “Everything seems to be going well. How are things in the Dungeon now, my lord?”

“It has been going well. Fels, are you feeling better? When you returned, your footsteps were a lot lighter.”

“I have. I haven’t felt so light in so many years. I am curious as to why Lady Metis asked me to give Cirrus the Philosopher’s Stone."

So that was what the stone was called.

Fels turned to see Nara walking past them. Ouranos looks down on Nara, impressed by her presence.

“…So you were given the Authority of the Void, Ai.”

I do! Anyway, here you both are!” Nara tossed Ouranos a ring and handed one to Fels.

“What are—”

There are gifts from Elysium!

“Hm.” Ouranos looks at it before putting it on. “Is that all you came here for?”

Yup! Now I needed to do a few things before I went back.

“W-wait! Ai!!” Fels said. “W-what is Cirrus using the stone for!”

"Well, it’s complicated, and I am not sure how to explain it, but in short, it helps turn me into a god.

“!!!” If Fels had any eyes, they would have greatly. “T-truly!”

Yup! I am sure if you come, Elysium will show you he is putting your creation to good use. Blink!

And just as fast as she appeared, she was gone.

“Heh… Hahaha!!” Fels laughed out loud. “To think my greatest sin had resulted in the creation of a god!”


Back at the Artemis Familia home.

I’m back!!” Nara said as everyone was on the first floor of the first tower.

"Ai!” said everyone.

"Mom!” said the kids.

Hello~!” Nara said.

“So did you finish your business?” Artemis said, still glaring at her.

Almost. Haku, come here.

Haku comes up to her.

“What is it, mom?”

I am giving you something special.” She reached into her robe, and she drew out Gram.

“!!” Immediately, everyone but the kids knew the significance of the weapon.

To the kids, it looked far too different from the sword their father used, but to the others, its runes gave it away.

This is Gram. It belonged to your grandmother, Nephele. It served her as nothing more than a pretty wallflower. Then Hera, her goddess, gifted it to your father as a memento of his late mother. There, your father used it for what it was meant to do. Fight. Swish~” She swung it with little effort, but the result was devastating.


Massive amounts of wind blew through the floor and slammed the door open to escape. Hecton’s hand sprang from Alise’s shadow to cover her, while Fafnir quickly blocked the wind for Auberon. For Callisto, she stood and bore through the wind with unflinching eyes.

Haku stood before his mother, his hair messy and his eyes wide. He was in awe.

"Wow," He said.

…Haku.” Nara then materialized Gram’s sheath. “Your father wishes for you to have Gram. Not just so you can fight, but for you to protect your siblings. Do you think you can do that?

Without hesitation, he gave his answer.

“Yes! I will!!” He said it nobly and as confidently as he could. “As the oldest, it’s my responsibility to look after them.”

Fufu. I knew you would. Also, Callisto, if no one has told you, Haku is older by nine days.

“What!?” She shouted, surprised. “We are twins!”

Yeah… No.

“Mom!” She looked to Artemis.

"Sweetie, you just answered your question.”

“B-but you and she could have given—”

“Nope.” Artemis shakes her head. “I helped deliver your older brother.”


“Hahaha!!” Haku laughed joyfully. “Eat that, Calli! I’m the oldest!”

Now, now.” Nara waved everyone down to calm down. “Now the finishing touches. Hmm!!


Nara released her divinity—Sacred Energy. It rose and expanded greatly before tempering itself.

“This…” Artemis said as Nara’s divinity began to take shape.

They look at the shape of her divinity.

“It’s like a waterfall of blades,” Ryuu said, gazing at the majesty.

It had a red and black pigmentation, with its appearance resembling that of an ever-cascading shower of swords, with some white on the blade edge.

Even being around her felt as if a sword were being surrounded by several swords pointed at her neck.

Let me reshape Gram to fit your preferences.

Gram floated in the air as its shape began to slowly change.

In a short while, the sword turned into a hybrid between a Western long sword and a katana.

Here.” She sheathed it. “Know that you have to bear through unbelievable pain to wield it.” Gram floats over Haku, and it drops into his hands.

“Oof! It’s heavier than I expected.”

Yes, but it will serve you well.” She walked up to him and parted his hair. “Pay me and your father a visit sometimes, alright?

“I’ll try, Mom.”

Thank you, and I love you.” She kissed his forehead, followed by a warm hug. “Hm!” She hugged him tightly, and he did the same.

“I’ll miss you, mom.” He said it under his breath.

I will too.” She loosened her arms and leaned back to give him a loving and earnest smile.

She stands back straight up. Nara looked at Artemis before she made a grin.

I’ll see you, Art, in Elysian Valley.



Lenoa’s shop.

Naraka appeared before Lenoa and Circe.

“Ah. About time you come.” Lenoa said.

“What an impressive divinity,” Circe said with puffy eyes.

Hm. Lenoa.” Nara held her hand out.

"Well, take care, Circe. And take care of my grandson.” Lenoa holds Nara’s hand.

“…Goodbye. My old friend.”

“Try not to break my stuff, Kihihih—"


Alone in the empty magic shop, tears roll down the new owner's face.

“Heh…” She began to crack a smile. “Pft! Hahahaha!!” Tears, both sad and happy, rolled down her face. “Even in the end, Lenoa!” She wiped her tears away with her sleeve. “You still manage to add something in!”

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