Dao Fruit

Text Chapter 846 An urgent letter from the palace summons Qiu Yan!

"It's actually here so quickly, it only took a few days!"

He sighed secretly in his heart, but Qiu Yan's face remained calm, but he calmed down and a cold light flashed in his eyes. .


The ground just trembled but stopped moving, and the sound of thunder swept away from the palace, creating a wave of wind and waves, centered on Xingjing, blowing in all directions.

Even the villages and towns where Qiu Yan and others were located were affected.

In the field, the supervisors' clothes were blown by the wind, and they looked toward the city following the sound, all showing doubts. Some people just saw the dark thunder that flashed and disappeared, but now there is no sign of it in the city, so it is assumed that it is an illusion. Just seeing the actions of the people around me, I felt a little strange.

However, such strangeness is not as important as the encounter before them. In addition, in the field, the ground tremors are not very obvious, so the supervisors are only slightly distracted and their attention returns to Qiu Yan and Lu Han. body.

Qiu Yan said a few words to Lu Han, who turned red in the face. The two people sitting not far away who lowered their heads said that they wanted to come over to smooth things over.

But before the two of them could speak, Qiu Yan shook his head and walked back to the ground to continue working.

Lu Han finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then remembered that when Qiu Yan spoke, he was not just talking to himself, but looking around at everyone, and now he was able to step down.

"It is true that I did not consider these things, but these two soldiers are too unreasonable. They stand here and watch us work. We have experienced it, but they feel that they are superior to others."

In the midst of muttering, Lu Han turned around and was about to return to Tianzhong. He had lost all his energy due to Qiu Yan's few words, and if he could continue speaking, it would only end in an anticlimax.

Unexpectedly, this sentence, which was similar to a complaint, attracted the words of the soldiers who stopped him.

"Bah! Who are they, saying that we watch them do farm work. Relaxed and comfortable? A joke! It's so taken for granted. No wonder others say that scholars think they know everything, but most of them are self-righteous and think they understand, but in fact they don't understand at all. It doesn’t make sense! We endured a lot of hardships during the training. Compared with the physical exertion, the farm work is much easier. Does this person think he is the most tired person in the world just because he does the farm work?”

As the soldier spoke, he noticed Lu Han's expression, frowned, and sneered: "What? If you are not convinced, you can follow me back to the camp and give it a try!"

Lu Han looked at the other party's thick arms and could only lower his head to hold back. The supervisors around him who heard his complaints and the soldiers' replies only glared at the two soldiers. Just keep working with your head down.

From beginning to end, neither Lu Han, Chen Feifan, nor other supervisors showed any dissatisfaction due to Qiu Yan's ridicule. Instead, the focus of the conflict fell on the soldiers.

Sometimes things are like this. As your status increases, your attitude towards people also makes sense. For example, now, Qiu Yan uses sharp words to judge the behavior and thoughts of the prison students. In the past, when he had not achieved the classics and was recognized by the great scholars, speaking like this would undoubtedly offend the person he was talking about. Maybe the powerful ones among the supervisors would label him as an enemy or rival and fight to the death. , use various means to deal with him.

Now, even if Qiu Yan said those words, the prison guards not only do not hold grudges, but are reflecting on their actions. They are also trying to get rid of Qiu Yan's accusations against them, but not by eliminating Qiu Yan, but by trying to improve themselves. .

This is authority.

“Personality, luck, and identity, these things mark a person’s value and determine other people’s attitude towards that person. They are similar to the territorial division and force deterrence of wild beasts in the jungle, and they are also an important part of humanity. "

There is no doubt that Qiu Yan has a profound experience of this change. This is also the realization that the flesh and blood body brought him along the way. It is an experience that cannot be deeply understood simply by relying on the feedback of believers and supernatural perception.

At the same time, Qiu Yan also noticed that after his words, many people among the supervisors had calmed down. It was obviously because of Lu Han's actions that they realized the importance of knowing and doing, not to mention whether there would be a future. Achievements, simply leaving flaws in words will inevitably make people wary.

As the minds of these people changed, traces of literary and ideological luck appeared above their heads, which was combined with the luck of the school of knowledge and practice in the void.

However, these literary fortunes are still very meager, it can be said to be insignificant, and they play a minimal role in the growth of the entire school of fortune.

This is also conceivable.

A school of thought cannot be supported by just a few people, but must undergo generations of management and improvement, and withstand the washing and eroding of the long river of time before it can take shape.

However, at the beginning of the establishment of a school, it often needs a little luck and backing, otherwise it will lack a foundation and have an unstable footing. Among these, the administrative methods of the imperial court and the trend of the Imperial College in the scholarly community are good choices.

Now Qiu Yan is starting from these two aspects and taking a two-pronged approach.

At the moment, the supervisors' thoughts changed, and Qiu Yan immediately felt an inexplicable feeling rising from the bottom of his heart. This feeling originated from the luck of the school, and it was felt from a distance, like the ground carrying the luck, suddenly sunken, and the Qi suddenly sank. As the luck falls, slopes appear around it. With a slope, the scattered luck around it rolls down.

"This is the trend. When the trend is high and falls, my luck will increase and I can get twice the result with half the effort."

Thinking like this, the sound of horse hooves suddenly came from not far away, and a rider was seen galloping over. He kept waving his whip and whipping the horse recklessly, urging it to speed up. It was obvious that he was impatient.

When he reached the front, he yanked hard, and the arm pulling the reins suddenly swelled, and immediately strangled the neck of the galloping horse, stopping its momentum. Then he turned over, and fell off the horse. , followed without stopping, came directly to Qiu Yan, bowed his hands.

"Sister Qiu, there is an urgent message from the palace, asking you to come over quickly!"

"I know." Qiu Yan glanced at this person and felt the surging energy and blood in his body. He didn't show any surprise and just nodded.

The rider was quite surprised. He originally planned to respond with a prepared explanation if Qiu Yan pressed him. This matter was quite involved and could not be revealed at will. He was told repeatedly when he received the order, and organized an organization for this purpose. These languages ​​are of no use.

After Qiu Yan agreed. He gave the two direct instructions: "The message from the palace cannot be refused, but the supervision of students and farming is a matter that His Majesty has approved. A group of Ouchi Yulin came to protect Zhou Quan. Even if Qiu leaves, it cannot be abolished. I hope you two can take more care.”

"Of course, doctor, feel free to go ahead." The two men still had something to say, but when they heard Qiu Yan sacrifice the emperor, they had no choice but to stop talking.

"Thank you. Qiu's two disciples have also asked you to be strict with them. Don't let them slack off." Qiu Yan said, looking around at everyone, "Everyone, Qiu said a lot before. If you can remember it, In your heart, that's the best, but don't follow it blindly. I don't let you experience this to prove that everything is right for the people. You have to distinguish it for yourself when Qiu returns. Confirm what you have learned and say goodbye!”

After saying that, he didn't even bother to clean up the dirt on his body. Just leave.

This happened quite suddenly, and all the supervisors felt like they had no time to react, waiting for them to realize what had happened. Qiu Yan had already gone far, and everyone could only look at each other a few times, working reluctantly, but their thoughts had changed a little.

Some of them were chewing on the words Qiu Yan left behind when he left, while more people were thinking about another question——

The palace was so anxious to summon Qiu Yan, why did he come?

Soon, someone remembered that the dark thunder from before was like a hallucination.

"Did something happen in the palace?"

"Why did Dr. Qiu's words when he left seem like he was entrusting him with instructions? Did he know that it would take a lot of time to get there?"

"How long do I have to stay here?"

People were excited, but the heavy farm work quickly wiped out their other thoughts. The only thing left was the fatigue on their bodies.


On the other side, Qiu Yan galloped along with the rider and arrived in front of the palace gate.

The rider brought a message from the palace and had brought another fast horse with him. When Qiu Yan agreed and returned to the village, he got on the horse and went with him.

If Qiu Yan relaxed his pace and galloped with his cultivation, he would definitely be faster than a horse, but he knew that at this time, he might not be able to enter the palace alone.


In the distance, there was a small yellow gate waiting at the palace gate. When he saw Qiu Yan, he immediately shouted. When Qiu Yan got off his horse, several people gathered around him. They explained the situation to him and led him to the palace. .

This time, he did not go to the Jinluan Palace and the Royal Study Room, but went straight to the harem and bedroom.

Outside Li Kun's palace, several prime ministers frowned and waited outside the door, their faces full of sadness. They talked from time to time, and they all looked a little uneasy. While talking, Zhang Zhan turned his head and saw Qiu coming from a distance. Yan, immediately frowned.

"Why did you call Qiu Yan here if you didn't recruit some ministers at this time?" Zhang Lian shook his head and was about to stop him when the white-faced old man Wei Eunuch had already walked out of the palace and was the first to greet him.

He had just received the news and took action immediately when he learned that Qiu Yan was coming.

The two of them didn't talk nonsense, just said hello and walked to the palace.

But when he was about to enter the palace, he was stopped by Zhang Lian.

"Eunuch Wei, what do you mean by this? Your Majesty has fainted and his body is restless. It is enough for the imperial physician to go in, but he cannot disturb you. We and the prime minister have to wait here, why can Qiu Yan come in? This is unavoidable. It messed up the etiquette.”

Not only Zhang Lian, but also Wang Fu and others gathered around him. Although they didn't say a word, looking at their eyes, it seemed that they were thinking the same thing as Zhang Lian.

"Well, Zhang Xiang Dezhi," Eunuch Wei responded calmly, "This matter was ordered by His Majesty, and I just followed the order. The reason for this should be explored after His Majesty wakes up."

At this point, although the several prime ministers were unwilling to do so, they could only watch Qiu Yan walk into the palace. Then, a thought flashed in Zhang Lian's mind.

"The emperor is about to die soon. The master has already given instructions on this matter. All parties are waiting, so they must have their own moves. Is this Qiu Yan also someone's chess piece?" (To be continued...)

ps: Thanks for the reward from "Playing with Drop-Down"!

Thanks to "x-laws" for your monthly vote!

The network was under repair this morning. Because I didn't know when it would be repaired, I asked the deputy editor to help post an announcement. It has just been repaired. I checked the time and it was not too late, so I posted it again.

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