Dao of the Bizarre Immortal

Chapter 131 - New

Chapter 131 - New


A large tongue licked Li Huowang's reddened cheek, pulling off a large piece of his newly-grown skin. The intense pain caused by this was akin to being scrubbed by a steel brush, forcing Li Huowang to open his eyes.

Li Huowang looked around in a daze. He realized he was still in the ghost town; however, many of the buildings around him had collapsed. It seemed that a lot had happened after he had passed out last night.

At this moment, it was already daytime, and judging by the position of the sun, he had been lying here for the better part of a day.

“Mm~” Bun circled around Li Huowang and barked. It seemed like it wanted to approach him, yet was afraid to do so at the same time.

It was only at this moment that Li Huowang noticed something unusual about his body. Logically, given that those flames had burned him from the inside out last night, he should be completely and utterly dead. But he was very much alive right now. Not only that, his charred exterior had fallen off, and had been replaced by a thin layer of skin.

From the looks of it, my ability to recover from injuries has increased yet again. No, it's more than just that; it's a qualitative enhancement.

Li Huowang thought as he looked down at his flushed-red body. All the clothes he had been wearing had been burned away.

Fortunately, the Profound Records, his long sword, and those torture tools made of iron had not been damaged by the flames.

After a while, he stood up unsteadily; at this moment, even the gentle wind brushing against his body caused him to feel pain.

Completely bare, Li Huowang led a dog and wandered through the entire ghost town. After circling around a few times, he found some new clothes in an abandoned clothing store that was filled with cobwebs.

After he passed by the counter that was manned by a headless skeleton, he found himself a green Taoist robe to wear. At the same time, he also tore off a large piece of fabric to wrap up the items he was carrying around.

His newly-grown delicate skin was damaged quite easily by the rough fabric, causing “peach blossoms” to start blooming on his robes.

Currently, his flesh and his skin were just stuck together. Every time he moved, it felt like a knife was scraping against his body; it was akin to torture.

He soon found a long bench in the store and sat down on it, still trembling. He had decided to patiently wait for his skin to heal completely.

As time passed, the entire clothing store grew darker. Within this gradually darkening environment, the old clothes hanging from the rafters seemed like rows of hanged ghosts.

At that moment, a gentle breeze seemed to blow past from nowhere, causing those clothes to start swaying gently and give the room an eerie feeling to it.

“Woof! Woof woof!” Bun barked at the swaying clothes before timidly cowering under Li Huowang’s bench.

“Shh, don’t bark. There are no ghosts in this world. When people die, they are gone. Otherwise, they would have come to claim my life a long time ago,” murmured Li Huowang as he stroked Bun’s head.

Bun gradually quieted down and started licking Li Huowang’s palm with its tongue.

Unexpectedly, Li Huowang’s skin was once again pulled off by this. Due to this, Bun did not dare lick anymore, and looked at Li Huowang remorsefully.

However, Li Huowang did not bother with his injuries; instead, he began to examine Bun’s condition. First, he carefully pressed down at the abdominal region where Bun had been kicked.

The blood stains around Bun’s mouth proved that it was indeed injured. However, it had still managed to make its way down from the mountain, and to the town, suggesting that its injuries were not too severe.

If Yingzi had really wanted to kill the dog, it would have been quite easy for her to do so. There was only one explanation for why Bun had not died—she wasn’t truly evil. She did not want to kill Bun, even if its owner was her enemy.

“Yingzi...” In the dimly-lit clothing store, Li Huowang stared at the swaying clothes with a blank look.

At this moment, he was thinking of many things.

Suddenly, he ignored the pain from his skin and stood up.

Then, Li Huowang walked over to the headless store owner of the clothing store, picked up his body and carried him outside.

Today, that sharp sword of his was once again used as a shovel to dig a hole.

After he was done, Li Huowang went back into the clothing store to find the skull of the store owner. Then, he arranged the skull and the headless skeleton inside the pit, before covering it up with soil.

He dismantled a door frame with the intent to carve something on it, yet found that he had long since forgotten how to write. In the end, he used the tip of his sword to carve a design that resembled a pair of clothes, and stuck it before the grave.

Next, Li Huowang turned around and walked into another house before carrying out the skeletons of a mother and her daughter.

One by one, he buried the skeletons, and erected makeshift tombstones with designs.

As his skin had not yet healed completely, it was once again torn apart due to the constant friction between the clothes and his skin. With his heightened senses of pain, this level of pain was almost on the level of death by a thousand cuts.

However, Li Huowang did not hesitate at all. The more pain his body felt, the clearer his conscience would feel.

As Li Huowang constantly moved, the robes on his body gradually turned a crimson red once again.

When Li Huowang entered another house, he was momentarily stunned upon encountering a bamboo cradle.

For a moment, he was hesitant, not daring to approach it.

“Hehe... compared to you, am I not a Saint?” At that moment, a familiar voice rang out in his ears almost like thunder.

Immediately, he turned around, only to see the three-headed Dan Yangzi standing atop the rubble of another house.

At that moment, as he looked at the three heads smiling mockingly at him, Li Huowang felt like he had been dropped in a cave of ice.

After just a moment, Li Huowang moved. He completely ignored Dan Yangzi who was standing opposite him, and instead turned to walk toward the mountain in the distance.

He started off with a slow walk, which turned into a jog, and then finally into a full blown sprint as he gritted his teeth. All along the way, a trail of blood dripped down from his body.

“Explain this! What the heck is going on?! Why is Dan Yangzi still around?!” roared Li Huowang.

Within a bright cave, a group of disciples from Ao Jing Sect watched as Li Huowang panted heavily, his face full of blood. At this moment, he was facing a wall with several large caves as shouted loudly.

After a moment, an elderly voice rang out from one of the caves, “Little friend, everything between us is over. Your Master has been expelled, and we can’t see any trace of him on yourself.”

Hearing this, Li Huowang’s pupils shrank, and then he pointed toward a particular direction with a trembling finger. “Then tell me what that is? What is that?! Are all of you blind? What nonsense?! His influence on me is even greater now! He can appear at any moment! That thing had not been eradicated at all!”

Suddenly, Li Huowang paused and seemed to see something else as he sucked in a breath of cold air. “No! Even Jiang Yingzi is here! She is standing right beside Dan Yangzi!”

These words bewildered the members of the Ao Jing Sect. Even Li Huowang himself felt that something was amiss.

Dan Yangzi could exist because of his cultivation to Immortality, but what about Jiang Yingzi? She did not practice cultivation!

Li Huowang continued to stare fixedly at the woman who was covered in mangled flesh and had a few limbs missing, his mind buzzing continuously.

Currently, her eyes were filled with intense hatred as she locked eyes with him.

“Little friend, we had already told you that we would only deal with your Master, and not with those strange illusions of you Strayed Ones; we cannot do anything about them.”

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