Dao of The Demonic Cultivator

Chapter 35: A Sword Immortal?

The trio, led by Tang Jinchuan, entered the bus company. The bus company looked no different from any other place nowadays, with weeds growing everywhere. It was a mystery how these weeds had managed to break through the hard concrete. Perhaps even the weeds were affected by Psionics.

The bus company was eerily quiet. It felt like a spider's web, waiting for the unwitting to stumble into it. Tang Jinchuan instinctively felt uneasy. Not a single zombie was in sight, which was very odd.

"Holy shit!" Suddenly, one of the men behind him exclaimed in shock. Tang Jinchuan turned around and saw that the man had just squashed a palm-sized spider. "Damn, a spider just dropped down in front of me, scared the hell out of me," the man said, still shaken.

"A spider scares you like that, what are you going to do if a high-level zombie shows up? You'll probably die of fright," the other two men scoffed.

The frightened man's face turned red with embarrassment. Tang Jinchuan sternly said, "Didn't I tell you to keep quiet when we came in? Have you forgotten?"

The three men immediately fell silent. "There are three buses here. Each of you check one. I'll check the warehouse over there," Tang Jinchuan pointed to three relatively intact buses on the square. These buses, weathered by the elements, were unlikely to be operational, but they had to be checked anyway. What if they could still run?

The three men got to work, each heading to inspect one of the buses. Tang Jinchuan headed straight for the warehouse, which was supposed to have a few spare buses.

However, he had just reached the warehouse door when he heard a scream from behind. Tang Jinchuan's heart tightened, and he quickly turned around. The other two men also rushed over.

"Help me... help me..." The screaming man staggered out of the bus. On his neck was a blood-red spider the size of a washbasin. Its eight thumb-sized eyes rolled wildly. Its sharp fangs were already embedded in the man's jugular vein. The man's face was turning a ghastly shade of purple as if venom was being injected into his body from the fangs.

The two men standing by Tang Jinchuan turned pale. A spider as big as a washbasin was enough to terrify anyone. They had never seen such a monster before.

Tang Jinchuan's reaction was swift. He suddenly pulled a small knife from his waist, slicing through the layer of skin on his belly. Instead of yellow fat flowing out, it solidified under his control into a spear over a meter long. With a roar, Tang Jinchuan hurled the spear with all his might.


The spear tore through the air at high speed. The giant spider, still busy injecting venom into its prey, hadn't anticipated such a tactic. In an instant, the spear pierced through its head. The corpulent body fell to the ground.

The man who had been bitten went limp and collapsed to the ground as well. The other two men hurried forward to support him. However, the bitten man's eyes were vacant, and he could no longer speak.

Tang Jinchuan sighed lightly, "The way a spider preys—injecting digestive enzymes into its victim—means he's already mostly an empty shell. Let's end his suffering now, rather than let him endure more pain."

The faces of the two men were somber, but they could only pull out their knives to grant their companion an early departure.

Tang Jinchuan rummaged through the abdomen of the basin-sized spider but found no Psionic core. This meant it wasn't even a level-one superhuman creature. Tang Jinchuan's heart sank. If such a creature could easily kill a strong adult male and wasn't even level one, what would happen if there were stronger spiders in this bus company? They might all perish here.

"Tang, that bus can be started, but it's missing some parts. We need to check the other buses for replacements," said a man, taking a deep breath. "I've already brought the toolbox for repairs."

Tang Jinchuan nodded, "I'll help you find the parts; you two stay here. There might be more spiders hiding around, so stay in the open area and don't get close to the buses."

"Okay." Both men immediately nodded.

Tang Jinchuan quickly inspected the other buses. Sure enough. As he was checking the second bus, a basin-sized shadow suddenly pounced from a dark corner, aiming straight for his neck.

Tang Jinchuan was prepared. He immediately picked up a broken plastic seat nearby to block it.


The fangs collided with the seat, making a loud noise. The spider, failing to bite him, emitted a sharp screech that seemed to carry an intense penetrating power.

Squeak, squeak, squeak!

Soon, responding calls came from every dark corner of the square.

Pfft! Tang Jinchuan, his face ashen, thrust the spear, skewering the spider. He immediately got off the bus.

"Run! Run!" Tang Jinchuan yelled.

Now was not the time to keep quiet. He hadn't anticipated that the bus company was a spider's nest! Had he known, he would never have come here. This place was too damn terrifying!

Seeing this, the two men also sprinted with all their might. Now, the mission was the least of their concerns. Survival was what mattered most!

The next moment, palm-sized spiders surged out from every dark corner like a tidal wave, among them a multitude of basin-sized blood-red spiders. Tang Jinchuan glanced back and saw two spiders as big as desks, their multitude of compound eyes, sharp fangs, and bristling hairs chilling enough to raise goosebumps.

Suddenly, a massive shadow descended from the sky. With a loud crash, it blocked the exit of the bus company. Dust billowed everywhere. Tang Jinchuan strained his eyes through the dust and shockingly discovered that it was a mass of spider silk.

He quickly turned around and saw strands of spider silk as thick as an adult's thigh stretching from the warehouse of the bus company. It wasn't hard to guess that this large bundle of spider silk had been violently flung from the warehouse, smashing into the door.

Tang Jinchuan immediately used his fat to conjure a spear and hurled it towards the web of silk.


The spear collided with the spider silk, emitting a sound like metal striking metal. The spear was flung far away, landing softly as it reverted to fat.

Undeterred, Tang Jinchuan continuously converted his fat into weapons like a greatsword and a battleaxe, attempting to sever the silk. However, after expending two-thirds of his fat reserves and bleeding from his palms, the spider silk remained unscathed, showing no signs of damage.

"These spider silks are incredibly tough! It must be the Spider Queen!" Tang Jinchuan exclaimed in fear. The silk was harder than metal chains—it had to be the Spider Queen!

He even felt a bit of relief. The warehouse was clearly the Spider Queen's lair. It was fortunate he hadn't approached it earlier; otherwise, he would have likely been killed instantly.

Just then, another huge spider web shot out from the warehouse, enveloping the three men completely. The web covered a vast area, leaving Tang Jinchuan with no chance to escape.

Thump! The web instantly stuck to the three men. The more they struggled, the more securely they were bound.

"Damn it, we're done..." Tang Jinchuan felt a surge of despair.

Suddenly, a sword's hum echoed through the sky. Tang Jinchuan focused his eyes and saw a figure standing on a flying sword, hovering in mid-air!

His eyes widened in disbelief.

What? A Sword Immortal?

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