Daomu Biji

Chapter 104 - Qinling God Tree · Approach

Master Liang pointed at me with his chin, with a look of contempt. I scolded in my heart. You are the only one who has eaten the food. Lao Tzu can take care of you all the way. I never thought that he would treat me like this. To avoid future troubles.

The fat boss took out the solid fuel wind lamp from his backpack, lit it and placed it on the ground. This thing was used when climbing high-altitude snowy mountains. It can be used for both lighting and heating. The entire cave lit up at once. Then he took out some compressed biscuits and threw them to me. When doing these things, the muzzle of the short rifle in his hand was always facing me.

I took the cookie he threw over, and felt inexplicable. What did I say is this? He threw the cookie back to him at the moment and said, “Buddies are both on your hands, kill if you want to kill, so much nonsense?”

Master Liang grinned a bit, turned to the fat boss, and said, “Let me say, green head is green head, and I can’t figure out the situation yet.”

Boss Wang shook his head and threw the biscuits to me again, and said, “Houshengzai, come out to run in the rivers and lakes. You have to lighten your head. I will give you something to eat, but you are not going to move you. Is it to beg for death? “

Compared with that old Thai, this man has completely different temperament. At first glance, this old Thai looks like a kind of murderer who does not blink. The fat boss is kind of gentle and looks a lot of relaxation, but he just kicked me just now. The foot is very powerful, not the kind that the antique boss can kick, what is the identity, I can’t understand at all.

Boss Wang glanced, as if reading the doubts between my eyebrows and taking a breath of smoke. He continued: “I am different from Lao Thai. I am a businessman. There are no friends forever in the business. There is no permanent enemy. “

Master Liang said: “Boss Wang, why don’t you just talk to them? These two boys can’t turn their heads. The boy named Wu is better at talking. When the sleeping boy wakes up, I’m afraid he will have some trouble. “

Boss Wang laughed and said to me again: “Well, when the real person doesn’t tell lies, I’ll be straightforward. As for me, I’m a business person who doesn’t like to use a knife or a gun. Now this In this situation, you have seen it yourself, even if it does not fall into my hands, it is difficult for you to get out. Laotai is dead. It is meaningless to deal with you. You consider whether you should cooperate with me. I keep it You do n’t lose, you still have to make a profit. “

Isn’t this what I said to Master Liang? His mother turned me here after a few hours, it was really a feng shui turn.

Seeing nothing from me, he handed over a cigarette again and said, “It doesn’t matter if you don’t agree, I will give you some equipment to let you go down, but you carry a sick number by yourself, how to go this way, Have you thought about it yourself? “

What he said was true. I even heard something moving, but I thought about it, he is equipped with weapons, why do you still want to cooperate with me? Does n’t this mean paving the way for people to make money? There must be a conspiracy. They are too scheming to run the rivers and lakes. Look at Master Liang, who has followed us all along with a flattering face. As soon as he finds a chance, he will give him the anti-guest role. We are really too tender. If they look for me to cooperate, there must be some targeted purpose.

My thoughts flashed in an instant, and I already had a plan in my heart. I must agree to this condition for them. Just like Master Liang followed us, I will try to escape later. Moreover, as he said, to take the old itch down safely, at least one person’s help is needed. I am alone, it is too reluctant. These two people despised me obviously. This is the same mistake I made at that time. I can definitely find an opportunity to be a guest and at least get a gun.

Thinking of this, my face eased down, pretending to be hesitant, and asked him, “Okay, even if what you said makes sense, I can cooperate with you, but you must let me know, what do you need me to do?”

Boss Wang was relieved and gave Master Liang an applause. The latter patted me and said: “The time-conscious person is Junjie, little Angkor. Since you nod, we will still be our own. What will naturally tell you what you know, but this is a long story, how about we talk while eating? “

I saw him leaning over, and I really wanted to strangle him, but when I swept the corner of my eyes, I saw the muzzle of boss Wang’s hand, still pointing in my direction. I suppressed the internal fire in my heart and grinned reluctantly, saying, “Please . “

Master Liang looked at the copper tree outside and said, “Speaking of this thing, it’s amazing. According to the records in” He Mu Ji “, this copper tree was first discovered in the thirteenth year of Emperor Xiaowen of the Northern Wei Dynasty– “

After Li Pipa’s death, in a short time, Master Liang has carefully studied the chapter about this tomb in “He Mu Ji”. “He Mu Ji” is a kind of note, written very casually, sometimes I use dumb text, sometimes in Chinese, and a small part is written in a text that no one knows, and most of this paragraph here is written in dumb text, and now the mainland can read it There are no more than twenty people in dumb text, and Master Liang is one of them.

There are three things recorded in muted text:

The first thing is that the 13th year of Emperor Xiaowen of the Northern Wei Dynasty was reported by the mine supervisor of an official mine in the Taibai Mountain area. Some prospectors found an ancient bronze pillar, whose roots seem to have been dug into the bottom of the mountain. I do n’t know the depth of the sign.

This matter is in full swing in the local area. As soon as you say that this pillar is spiritual, the more you dig it, the longer it will grow, and you will never dig your head. Dig again to dig out the axe. Some Fengshui masters even said that it was the nail laid by the Jade Emperor, which was used to nail the dragon veins of the Qinling Mountains, otherwise the earth dragon would fly to the sky. This copper pillar has a distance of 800 miles into the ground. It can no longer be dug, and it will be unlucky to dig all over China.

Soon after, the dumb army received a secret order to go to Taibai Mountain to confirm the authenticity of the legend, but the dumb army disappeared strangely (it may be killed by the guards in Shouling). Four months later, the dumb army of another battalion received a secret order again. This time they found the bronze tree and led three thousand death row prisoners to let them take over the Taibai Mountain, seal the camp and continue to dig.

The second thing is the eighteenth year of Emperor Xiaowen of the Northern Wei Dynasty, saying that this digging took four years and three months. Three thousand dead prisoners dug up the karst cave where we are now, and dug down to the bottom of the mountain, without digging the root of the copper tree, but digging out a dragon-shaped stone box with a hollow inside. There is a thing hidden, but there is no gap, and it can’t be opened any way, they dare not move, and sent the box into the palace.

The third thing is very short. At the end of the eighteenth year of Emperor Xiaowen of the Northern Wei Dynasty, “He Mu Ji” wrote, the emperor gave a reward, sealed the second-class title, each rewarded two hundred gold, reward the whole camp, everyone was drunk The owner of “He Mu Ji” and several familiar soldiers were confused, betting to climb the ancient bronze tree.

(At the end of the article, all of the following are unknown characters. I do n’t know if there is a special intention. Master Liang ca n’t understand it. It ’s a pity.)

Master Liang told us that another boss, Li Pipa, could understand these things, but asked him what he wrote below, he would never say it, mysteriously terrible. This, I do n’t know why.

At the end of “Hemuji”, there is a Chinese character that records the climbing process. When we go up this position, there will be a boardwalk around the rock wall. They were prepared for the last time the emperor came to see them. When repairing the top, you can’t repair it, and when repairing the plank road, there are often people who fall cliff for no reason, and then it’s gone.

We climbed out of the low hole. Boss Wang handed me a telescope and illuminated it with a strong flashlight. After adjusting the focus, I saw that it was not far away. It seemed that there were several sections of wood along the cliff. Go up, a few circles all the way up. The power of our flashlight is so weak that we can’t take photos so far, so we didn’t find it at the time.

Boss Wang means that if you can reach the plank road, climbing along it can save a lot of energy, but there must be a sway on the plank road. Master Liang is a literati. Let him study things and fight, so it wo n’t work, so We still have to go this way.

I ’m not as optimistic as he is. I took a telescope and looked at it for a long time. I did n’t see exactly what these plank roads look like. Here, the light is too dim, and the edges of the plank road seem to wrap some plants with the same roots. The kind of steel walkway that the zone climbs is very different. “Hemuji” was written in the Northern and Southern Dynasties and passed to the present millennium. It is unclear whether these plank roads are complete, let alone strong or not.

Boss Wang said that repairing this thing was for the emperor ’s excursion, not a temporary roadway for excavation, so it must be very particular about materials and workmanship. Now many ancient buildings in the Han Dynasty are very strong, so he thinks the problem It ’s not big, it ’s not good. We still have a lot of ropes. With these planks, it ’s much more convenient to climb.

He spoke very decisively, and did not give a tone of discussion at all. He discussed with Master Liang again, and decided to let me rest for another 15 minutes, and then the fat boss took me up, Master Liang and Lao Itchy stayed here.

Just fell asleep, I recovered a lot of energy, and ate something again. Boss Wang also sat down and chatted with Master Liang Liang in Cantonese. I didn’t understand it very well, but I probably knew what they were talking about. It had something to do with the unicorn that the fat boss said. I have always had a pimple in this matter, and I thought that the relationship with them now seems to be easing on the surface. I just took the opportunity to ask a clear question and asked Master Liang, what is this unicorn exhaustion? Will there be any harm?

Master Liang said, “Don’t worry about this at all. I didn’t tell you everything just now. I kept it for myself, just in case you run away and leave yourself a life-changing capital. Now that we have formally formed an alliance , I also say it, lest you feel uncomfortable. “

Kirin is a blood clot formed by the blood of Kirin. It is a very precious Chinese medicine, but it is not the blood of the real Kirin, but the juice of a plant. This plant is called Kirin Blood Vine, also known as Blood Snake Vine. Only in the south.

The longer the Kirin is placed, the better its effect. At the beginning, it had only some common functions, which are generally used for medicine, but in Chinese medicine, there is also a rare usage, which is to smoke the corpse. In ancient times, some ethnic minorities and customs in some mountain villages put a piece of unicorn on top of the belly button of the corpse to enter the decay, which can remove the yin of the corpse. Although the corpse will rot, it will not attract maggots.

Kylin exhaustion will gradually change from dark red to black with the gradual growth of the age, and the darker the darker the longer the age. At a certain time, the nature will change, and the entrance will become instant. After people eat it, the evil insects are not close, and even the mosquitoes dare not find you in the summer.

Of course, this is just a legend. Master Liang also only heard from others that I saw this situation for the first time today, and I began to believe that there is such a thing. As for whether there will be any side effects, there is no relevant record. However, the toxicity of traditional Chinese medicine is generally low, so he did n’t have to worry about it: “Instead of thinking about it, I think the most troublesome ones are the guts. When he was excavated in“ He Mu Ji ”, he did n’t dig up any such masks. The doubts laid down by the ancients were still the manual hands and feet that killed thousands of people outside. I am not sure yet. When you go up, you still need to be more careful and not careless. “

We rested for a moment, and the old itch was still not sober. The fat boss took down the equipment and gave me. I took the tactical headlights, carried the rope on my back, and continued to the edge of the upper plank.

It is not far from the boardwalk according to common sense, but in reality there is always a trace of helplessness. The visual distance is always much shorter than the actual distance. We expect to climb to the top in an hour, and the result will barely climb below the boardwalk after half an hour.

I just found out that the fat boss was right. The plank road was very well preserved. It was not because the emperor was going to take the plank road, so it was fixed, but the plank road was being repaired, so there was a layer of oil bamboo sticks outside. Tripod, this kind of thing is very moisture-proof, after hundreds of years of corrosion, it is still very strong. You can still hear the crunch of toughness when you walk up.

It should be very close to the surface, and the roots of many trees hang down from the cliffs on the sides, as if winding plants, winding the side rails. Some of the roots are very thick, just like octopus tentacles blocking the plank road, the more these things go up, it is very difficult to walk. There were a few sections wrapped in roots, and there was almost no place to stand, so I had to use a machete to open the way, or simply climb over.

Because of the intrusion of the tree roots, the rocks here cracked, and stones fell from time to time. While holding our heads, we also had to be careful about our feet. We felt more tired than walking.

We just looked at it and didn’t know how many times we went up. There was a very large gap in the path along the front, with a distance of nearly ten meters, because the rock on the side burst and collapsed. I drew a distance and said to boss Wang: “No way, I can’t jump over, I’m going to get on the rope.”

It was almost an hour away from us at this time, but looking from the top down, it didn’t seem to be far away. It seemed impossible to reach the top of the tree in an hour. We climbed too quickly before, and our physical exertion was so severe that we had to take a break for the time being. This vertical cave is very cold and very humid. I walked this section. All the clothes on my body were sweat, and it was very uncomfortable to stick to my body. It will not dry completely in one and a half. It is easy to get sick. A warm job.

We found a hole in the root of the tree where the roots and path were wrapped together. Boss Wang took out the solid wind lamp and hung it on the root of a tree with a dagger. I took off my clothes and dried my underwear first, and then ate a bit of food. Boss Wang looked very serious. While talking to me, he used a bright light tactical flashlight to take a picture of the opposite copper tree. Tao: “Look, here you can already see the top, what is above?”

I picked up the telescope and observed that there was only about a dozen meters above it. It was already the top of the copper tree. Many roots hung down from the top of the hole, blocking the whole area. I could barely see that it was wrapped in a big ball. In the root system, a lot of root hairs have been entwined along the copper tree, and there is nothing in it that is really unclear.

The plank road surrounding the cave wall is much higher than the top of the copper tree. This is different from the record in “Hemuji”. After years of excavation, the heavy copper tree may sink into the rock layer again. After hundreds of years, the height has dropped below the plank road.

These roots hanging from the top of the cave may be the big banyan trees that were surrounded by a few dozen people from the top of Jinyu Mountain when we came. It seems that their root system is more spectacular than their branches and leaves. These pale ghost claws are twisted together like a twist, like a giant hand, grabbing this copper pillar, trying to pull it out of hell, like a giant wrecked fossil The huge totem of python makes people goose bumps.

I was seeing God, but the fat boss said to me: “You see the tree roots grow so densely, it means that the top of the rock shell here should be the topsoil layer. This is a natural karst cave. The ancients could not come to sacrifice to come through the mountains Yes, there must be a hole system on the top to get outside. If it does n’t work, we do n’t have to go back. ”

I heard what he said, and I was very happy. It would be a beautiful thing if I did n’t go back in the same way, but this natural karst cave is definitely not a place of peace. Boss Wang pushed me and said, “This is the situation on the top of the copper tree, but if you look at the piles, there seems to be a bronze statue. It’s too far away to see clearly. Let’s go to another place. careful.”

I looked in the direction of his finger and saw below the top of the column, there seemed to be two bronze-carved arms in the root winding, similar to the trace of the enchanted statue we saw in Jiaogou, but At that time, his face was blown up by tomb robbers. I had a very strange sixth feeling at that time. I always felt that this face would be inappropriate. Now I just look at what this guy looks like.

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