Daomu Biji

Chapter 117 - Genting Tiangong · The first shot in 2007

Unconsciously winter came, nested in an air-conditioned room, the servants were too lazy to doze off all afternoon. I lay on the lounge chair in the inner hall of “Xiling Yinshe”, my feet were cold, I didn’t know what to do, I was doing Between half a dream and half awake, Wang Meng came in and said to me, “Boss, someone will find it.”

I barely reacted, yawned, and said three or nine days, and there were people visiting antique shops, this one was considered positive, but no matter how he said it was business, got up and patted his face, and walked out of his spirit. .

The air conditioner outside was small, and the cold wind blew, and the man gave a shock. At first glance, it turned out to be the little girl under Uncle Jinan Hai who was trembling in the cold. I thought it was estimated that I brought a cheque for me. I was very hot and asked Wang Meng to make tea. I asked her, “Why, girl, Uncle Hai let you come?”

The little girl is called Qin Haiting. He is a relative of Uncle Hai. He is only seventeen years old and is already a veteran of the antique industry. She nodded and said, “Oh my mom, why is Hangzhou colder than our north?”

Wang Meng smiled and said: “It’s dry and cold weather in the south, it feels bitter, and you Jinan is not too north.”

I see Qin Haiting hitting her teeth straight, and quickly took her to the inner hall, where the air conditioner was warm. She handed her the hot water bag and asked, “You are too afraid of cold, so, is it warm?”

She took a few sips of hot tea and came back slowly, still stomping her feet in the room. “It’s a little better. People say that Hangzhou is so beautiful and beautiful. My uncle won’t let me come. I’m still rushing. Who knows how cold it is?” “Oh, I won’t come again next time.”

I asked, “What did your uncle tell you to do? There was no phone notification.”

Qin Haiting took off his scarf and took out a thing from his purse. He said, “Of course it is the right thing. Give it, cash check, and the fisheye money.”

As soon as I heard it, I took a glance, the price was good, I put it in my pocket and said, “Thank him for me.”

She took out another invitation and handed it to me: “My uncle Hai also came to Hangzhou the day after tomorrow to attend an antique appraisal meeting. He said that he would let you go too. There are important things to talk to you about.”

I asked, “The day after tomorrow? I don’t know if there is time. Why don’t you say it on the phone, God is mysterious?” In fact, I don’t want to go, antique identification, too boring things, for insiders, say yes A bunch of old men were chatting there. In fact, there are so many allusions, whether they are true or false, which can be seen in a few seconds.

Qin Haiting leaned over to my ear and whispered, “My uncle said that it has something to do with the bronze fish, and I don’t regret it myself.”

My relationship with Uncle Hai is not good enough to talk about nothing. It is usually some business communication. After getting acquainted, I called him Uncle Sheng to give him a face. He suddenly wanted to be close to me. I felt some strange. However, the little girl did not show me well, and agreed with her casually, asking her, “How do you say? What did he find out?”

Qin Haiting grinned badly, “My uncle said, I will tell you later, I don’t know what happened, don’t ask me.”

I scolded secretly in my heart, this old profiteer, it is estimated that I want to knock on my stick again.

The third day Lao Hai really arrived, I picked him up from the train station, took him to the elevated hotel to book, I asked him in the car, in the end I heard what news, if I was blinded, I would not spare him.

Laohai shivered coldly and said, “Dragons don’t press the head snake, they are all at your site. How dare I hoodwink you? But let’s not say here, I’m almost frozen to death.”

I brought him to the hotel, put down things, went to the dining room to find a box, burned the jug of wine, a few glasses of lower belly, and finally got out of breath. I think he’s been up to his neck, knowing that it’s almost the same, and asking him, “Okay, you drank and drank, and you ate and ate. Let’s talk, what did you find?”

He touched his mouth, smiled, took a stack of paper from his bag, and shot it on the table, “Look at this.”

I picked it up and saw it. It was an old yellowed newspaper. The date was 1974. He circled a piece of news with a large black and white photo. Although it was not very clear, I recognized it. , The picture is taken of a snake eyebrow copper fish, there are many small artifacts on the side, like things like Buddha beads.

However, this fish looks different from the one in my hand and the one in Sanshu. There are three fish reliefs on the forehead of the graveyard statue in the seabed tomb. This one should be the top one.

In this way, it can be said that all three fish have appeared.

I asked Lao Hai: “How do you find this newspaper? Is there any hidden feeling behind?”

Lao Haidao: “I am helping a big boss to tinker with old newspapers. You know, rich people collect everything. You see, this is the Guangxi Cultural Evening News in 1974. He wants me to go from January to December. I found it for him. It took me two months to get it together. The delivery is due in the next few days. After checking it, it happened that I saw this news. What happened? This newspaper is July 4th. It ’s one year after the year, and it ’s closed in seven or five years. It ’s hard to find in the world. If you are lucky, my eyes will be gone soon. ”

My eyes glanced down, there are about 300 words of news under the photo, saying that the fish was found in the pagoda of a Buddhist temple in Guangxi. The pagoda collapsed because of its age and was dug out when the rubble was cleaned up. In the underground palace, there are some scriptures and treasure letters that have been soaked, and one of the treasure letters contains this fish. Experts speculate that it was the relics of monks in the late Northern Song Dynasty.

Northern Song Dynasty? I lit a cigarette and leaned on the back of the chair, murmured in my heart: this snake-browed copper fish, the first fish appeared in the tombs of the princes in the late Warring States Period, and the second fish was on the seabed in the late Yuan and early Ming In the tomb, the third fish is in the stupa palace of the Northern Song Dynasty. What kind of plane does it have?

I flipped through the other parts of the newspaper, only this piece of news was about this fish. In fact, there is nothing new about these contents, which means that there is nothing to say. I still know nothing about this fish, thinking about people Depressed.

Lao Hai looked at my expression and said, “Don’t be discouraged, I haven’t finished it yet, the story behind it is still brilliant.”

I frowned: “How to say? Is there anything else this newspaper can derive from?”

Laohai nodded and said, “That’s it, if I just find a newspaper, I don’t have to come to Hangzhou to find you, do I? I have to start from the beginning. By the way, you are also a mixed bag, Do you know a person called Chen Pi A Si? “

I was shocked. Chen Pi Asi was a famous Tufu in Changsha when he was old. Lao Lao Zi, a character of the same generation as my grandfather, heard that he is now in his 90s and was blind during the ten-year catastrophe It has n’t appeared since, and I do n’t know if it ’s dead or alive. But his name is still in my grandpa’s mouth.

However, this man is different from his grandfather. He lives on the edge of a knife, not just stealing graves, killing people and setting fires, as long as he can get the money, he does everything, so before the liberation people called him to shave his head. He murdered like he was shaving his head without hesitation.

Laohai mentioned this person. I was a little surprised because he was not the same character as ours. I have never been in contact with him. Could this fish be related to him?

The story behind this fish, even if it has nothing to do with me, is definitely worth listening to.

Laohai looked at me without talking, thinking that I did n’t know, and said, “It ’s not surprising that you do n’t know about Mr. Chen ’s thing. You are not the same generation as us, but I have to tell you, this copper fish in this newspaper, He brought it out of the stupa, and things are not as simple as the newspaper said. “

Said, he briefly told me the things of the year.

It turned out that in 1974, Chen Pi’a was almost sixty, and his eyes were not blind. At that time, it was a decade of turmoil. He was a platoon leader in the Kuomintang army because of the early liberation. He became a bandit for a few years, so he had no legal status. At that time, he was arrested to kill him, so he could only operate in minority areas around Guangxi, and even the county did not dare to step in.

In the early years, apart from the Sijiu, many monuments were almost smashed. Chen Pi’a went to many places in Guangxi, because Guangxi was not a Central Plain in ancient times, and there are not many ancient tombs. But, unfortunately, that year, he happened to be passing goods in Jiaoqiaoling and chatting with a few Miao people in the local area. Those people drank too much, so he talked about the collapse of a temple tower in Maoer Mountain The thing was that there was a lot of movement and even the ground fell, and a big pit collapsed. On the night of the collapse, many people also heard a very strange scream.

Chen Pi’a felt wrong when he heard it. Maoer Mountain had been there many times. The temples in that place were very strong. How could it be said that it collapsed?

Asked carefully, only to realize that this tower is not on Maoer Mountain, but on the side of a mountain center called “Wofoling”. This place is very strange. It is surrounded by villages. It is a basin of about ten square kilometers in the middle. The altitude is very low. The vegetation is dense and the trees are covered by the sun. The village is above the cliff and the forest is below the cliff. Rice is two completely different worlds, and there is no way to go from the village. To get to this basin, only ropes are used.

The locals said that there must be other imports and exports in this basin, but the underground vegetation is too dense and it is difficult to walk. Miao people who went down below to hunt and collect medicine often disappeared inside, so it is generally okay , No one wants to go down. That ancient pagoda was built in such a place, almost in the center of the basin. When people look down from the cliff, they can only see a very small pagoda with a dense canopy and full of plants, what is below I can’t see clearly. Miao Min said that they knew there was a tower here more than a dozen generations ago, but no one had expected to watch it, and now they are used to it. Recently, one day, there was a sudden loud noise. When they came out and saw, the spire was gone. Too.

There are many legends about the mysterious ancient pagoda. According to some old people, this tower was built by a senior monk in ancient times to demolish the town. Now that the tower falls, the monster will come out and do evil. The strange cry is the cry of the monster breaking away from its bondage.

After listening to Chen Pi Asi, he found it very interesting. He vaguely felt that the location of the tower construction and the sound heard by Miao Min in the middle of the night were a bit off.

Anyone like them may have a peculiar instinct to find information instinctively from other people ’s narratives and some legends. This is very difficult to find in our generation.

Chen Pi A thought about it for a moment and decided to go and see it.

There are many mountain ranges in Guangxi, which can be called the first in the country. Maoer Mountain is one of the important sources. It spans the three counties of Xing’an, Ziyuan, and Longsheng, and is the birthplace of the Lijiang, Zijiang, and Xunjiang Rivers. The Great Water System, where there is a large area of ​​primitive jungle, is the first big mountain and old mountain boundary crossed by the Red Army Long March. During World War II, several bombers of the China Flying Tigers mysteriously disappeared here, so this place has always been a bit mysterious.

After many twists and turns, Chen Pia came to a village on the “Wolf Ridge” and stood on the dirt hill to look at the basin in the middle of the mountains. I fucked, the tower was bigger than he had imagined, and it fell when he fell down Several trees fell, so a gap appeared in the green tree cover of the forest.

On the “Wolf Ridge”, I couldn’t see anything in the gap, but Chen Pi Asi discovered it almost immediately. During the week when the tower collapsed, all the trees were very messy because of the ground sinking. It looks like, under the tower , Really there is something, and the volume is bigger than Taki.

I heard here, I already know that it is a “mirror palace”. “Jing’er Palace” is a dialect before the liberation of Changsha, that is to say, there are underground parts of the same size as the ground buildings below the ground buildings. It looks like the reflection of the ground buildings on the lake, and the upper and lower ends are symmetrical.

This is also called “yin and yang shuttle” in the Northern School, which means that the whole building is like a shuttle inserted in the ground, one side is the yin and the other is the yang, but such ancient tombs or ancient buildings are rare, most of the ground The ruins of the city have been destroyed and cleaned up, so almost no one mentioned it in the ten years before liberation.

Chen Pi’a only looked at the arrangement of the trees, and he knew that there was a “mirror palace” buried underneath. This kind of judgment is impossible without extremely rich experience. I couldn’t help but sigh and calm down. , Listen to Lao Hai to continue.

After Chen Pi’a made up his mind, there was greed in his heart. There were only three things in the stupa of the stupa, either the relics, the golden body of the monk, or a large number of Buddhist scriptures, whatever It’s all worth the price.

But a foreigner like him is not very convenient for activities here. Once he has a special status and a bad background. Secondly, the Miao and Han tribes were arguing at that time. Several villages here are Miao villages. Will cause others to doubt.

Thinking again and again, he came up with a strategy. He found a local Miao guide at a high price. He told the guide that he was an old intellectual from the branch who came from outside. When he came, one of his students fell off the cliff. . The Miao people have a simple style and are not familiar with the world. How come they thought there was a trick in it. When they heard someone falling off the cliff, they immediately notified the people in the whole village. The young Miao man tied the hanging basket with a rope and helped Chen Pi Asi with a few others. The youth was placed under the cliff.

According to Chen Pi Asi ’s own recollection afterwards, the drop of more than 100 meters was a hell-like experience. The cliff is very steep, the weight of the person is completely stretched by a vine rope, the buttocks are wrapped in a basket, the wind blows, the whole People go around like a gyro and are extremely unstable.

By the time he passed through the thick tree cover and descended to the bottom of the jungle, only half of his life was left.

There is almost no sunlight inside the forest, the light is extremely dim, and the air is full of the smell of methane. There are many types of trees here, but without exception, all places have green moss, the mud is very soft, and it can hardly stand. .

After Chen Pia got down, he pretended to be physically overdrawn (actually it was really frightening), sitting there and panting. The Miao chief looked at him as he was not too young. He looked like an old man and left him in place When they came back, they set fire and greeted others to search in the direction he pointed.

As soon as they left, Chen Pi’a took out the compass immediately and drilled into the depths of the jungle according to the directions noted in advance. He estimated that in such a large area, the Miao people would also need to spend one night back and forth. With his own ability, it should be enough to find the entrance of the “Jing’er Palace” and come back and forth.

It’s a pity that he didn’t have enough equipment this time, so whether he can enter the palace or not depends on his own character.

After walking for four hours in the jungle headlessly, relying on the compass and his courage to go south and north all these years, Chen Pi Asi finally came to the area he planned on “Wolf Ridge”. Temple ruins around a tower.

As he went deeper, Chen Pi’ai saw more and more ruins and ruins. Obviously, the ancient buildings here are gone, only some foundations and broken walls are left, almost mixed with those vegetations, and I can’t see Know exactly what it is. But looking at the scale, this monastery has a huge area. Although the pagoda falls within this large area, it is difficult to see exactly where it is.

Chen Pi A was not young at all. He walked around and felt a little short of breath. He was about to sit down and take a rest. Suddenly, he blinked in front of him and suddenly shrank in the grass surrounded by the whole wall. It seemed to be wrapped in something.

Chen Pi Asi was startled. He rolled over and rolled out. At the same time, he turned over an iron bomb. When he looked back, he saw that there was a dead body in the vine quilt wrapped around the wall, which was almost dead. , But the belly of the corpse, not knowing why, is agitating slightly, as if there is something in it.

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