Daomu Biji

Chapter 128 - Genting Heaven Palace · Gap

Changbai Mountain is a potential active volcano. According to historical records, the last small-scale eruption should have been a thousand years ago. Although the volcano is silent, the nearby geothermal heat is extremely rich. Many geological fissures and lava mouths in the volcanic period are maintained Extremely high temperature. Behind this plate of dragon seal stone, a hot seam might be pressed, and then the smell of sulfur would come out.

This is undoubtedly good news for us. In such an environment, a stable heat source is definitely more economical than a bonfire, but a huge black panlong seal stone is pressed on it. We do n’t have any mountaineering equipment, so it ’s a bit difficult to turn it over.

The fat man is an activist. He lifted his arms and greeted us to move the stone. Several people tried to carry it twice. A group of people were sweating and blushing, but the stone was still.

The fat man panted and scolded: “No, sir, I said earlier that we can’t equip. You see, in this situation, it’s better to have some explosives.”

The monk Hua said, do n’t talk nonsense if you do n’t understand. Our father crossed more bridges than you did. It ’s right not to bring explosives. You said that we are now at the bottom of the valley and you are covered in snow. Blasthole, shocked the snow above, and buried it alive.

The fat man had nothing to refute. At this time, I saw the lower edge of Panlong Stone, with a lot of stones of different sizes stuck in it, and said to them, “Maybe I don’t need explosives, let me come.”

I said that I took a masonry hammer from my luggage and walked to the side of Panlongfengshi, carefully inspected some of the larger stones below, and then knocked hard at one of them. With a pressure of more than a dozen tons, I was hammered sideways, and immediately split a crack, followed by a series of rock rubbing sounds, and the Panlong seal stone above began to slide along the stone **** because of the sudden change in supporting force.

We quickly backed away, Panlong Fengshi slipped a few inches down, and began to tilt again, but this stone was too heavy, and it stopped after sliding a little bit. However, we still saw the back of Fengshi, A crack in the mountain was exposed.

The seam of the rock has a wide head and people can barely pass. Looking at the edge of the hole, the rock layer was torn and there was no trace of artificial excavation. A burst of sulfur smell came from inside.

The fat man turned on the flashlight, reached in and looked at it, turned his head and said: “It’s very warm inside, but the angle is too uncomfortable, there is nothing to shine, and there seems to be words on the stone wall inside.”

“What is it written?” I asked.

The fat man narrowed his eyes and looked carefully. He said, “I can’t understand, my mother doesn’t know what to write.”

Said that he tried to get into the cat’s waist, but the fat man was indeed too fat. This hole was obviously not suitable for him. He squeezed a few times and couldn’t squeeze in. At last he took off his overcoat and barely got into it.

Chen Pi A Si let Ye Cheng, Lang Feng and Pan Zi stay outside, there is something to take care of. We followed the fat man and got into the gap.

The whole area here is a rock crack that was split during the movement of the mountain. After entering, it was found that the gap was a steep downward trend, and it was very dark inside. It looks extremely deep, I am afraid that it has reached the inside of the mountain.

There is not much space at the opening of the gap, two people cannot stand side by side, and it is very difficult to walk inside the gap, all underneath are large stones, sharp edges and corners, the sulfur smell in the hole is very strong, the temperature is at least 30 degrees, touch , Even the stones are hot.

We walked a few steps forward with our hands and feet. The fat man took a photo with a flashlight and said, “Look, what are these words?”

I turned my head. The words were not carved on the wall of the gap, but on a horizontal bottom of the rock. They were all a few strange words, a bit like Chinese and a bit like Korean, and they were very messy.

Monk Chinese monk looked over and confirmed: “This is Jurchen script.”

“What did you write?” The fat man asked.

Monk Hua said: “Wait, I’m not so powerful. I need to look at it to find out. I will describe it first.”

We waited for a moment, and the monk Hua copied these words into the book. Fats started. We lined up and continued to go deep in the hole.

Speaking of walking, in fact, there are more opportunities to use hands than feet. The entire gap is almost thirty degrees down, and there are no steps. Almost all of them are crawling down. The width is narrow when the inside is high, and the height is low when there are some people. You have to sit to pass.

The only thing that makes people feel comfortable is that it’s a lot warmer. We crawled and started to sweat, so we had to unbutton our clothes. At this time the fat man asked: “Senior man, would you say that the stone is blocking this gap, is it not accidental?”

Chen Pi’a Si pondered: “The mountain was built to build a tomb, and the materials were taken on the spot. There are so many messy stones outside here. It should be the quarry used for quarrying when the tomb was built. Perhaps this seam was discovered when they were quarrying. Finally, use the stone seal. “

Less than a hundred meters down, the smell of sulfur is getting stronger and thicker, the rocks are getting darker and darker, and they are beginning to show the brilliance of glaze. That is the trace of the mica melting at high temperature. I groaned, I was already thinking, here It should be a lava mouth of a volcano. Changbai Mountain is a potential active volcano. If it suddenly erupts and magma erupts from the inside of the mountain, we will not die.

Thinking about it all of a sudden, the two of the head starters stopped and took photos with a flashlight. The cracks in the front suddenly shrunk and the rocks overlapped, leaving only a tiny gap to go down.

I squatted down and took a photo of the inside with a flashlight. This is caused by the collapse of the gap. The gap inside is very small. It seems that I need to crawl to enter.

Chen Pi Asi looked at the hole and knew that his physical strength could not climb in. After discussing it, I asked the Chinese monk to accompany him to wait for us. I, the fat man, and the stuffy oil bottle went in to see what was inside.

We took off our coat and made our volume as small as possible. This time it was the beginning of a stuffy oil bottle. The three of them went back and forth and squeezed into the gap little by little.

I thought that this collapse was only temporary. If you climb a few steps forward, there will inevitably be an exit. If it is true, we can also turn around in time. I did not expect that this gap is very long. After climbing for a long time, it can still pass in front. Unexpectedly.

The tip of the stone inside was very sharp. I climbed a few steps, and the clothes on my body had been broken by hooks. The rocks squeezed my lungs, and as the temperature got higher and higher, I gradually felt difficulty breathing.

The fat man at the back felt the same as I did, pulling my feet: “No, the air quality here may be problematic. We came in without exploring, it was too rash.”

I want to look back. The space is too small, there is really no way. I thought that I had climbed a long distance just now, and I was reluctant to go back. And in this situation, crawling backwards may be more painful than when I came, so I said, “We A few steps further, if you haven’t finished, then quit. “

The fat man responded. At this time, suddenly, the stuffy oil bottle in front of him called out: “Huh?”

I turned my head to look forward, the front was empty, and the stuffy oil bottle that was still blocking me was gone. There was only a black-painted stone gap channel, and I didn’t know where it was going.

From when I heard the stuffy oil bottle talk, to find that he disappeared in front of me, absolutely no more than five seconds, even if it was a mouse, it could not disappear so quickly in front of my eyes in this environment, let alone a person.

I suddenly felt bad. I took a step back subconsciously and wanted to take a closer look. In a trance, I saw that the oil bottle appeared in front of me again.

The fat man was right behind me. I was taken aback by the step I took back and asked, “What’s going on?”

For a while, the second monk was puzzled and said to me: “No-nothing.”

It seems that the oil bottle didn’t know that he had abnormity, he paused, greeted us, and started to speed up and climb forward.

This moment came out, although I felt very real, but when I saw the scene in front of me, and suddenly I was completely unsure, I was very puzzled, could it be that the air here made me hallucinate?

The situation didn’t allow me to think about it. The fat man pulled my feet behind to urge me. I was crawling for a while while wondering. When I climbed the period when the oil bottle disappeared, I paid special attention to look around. Any depressions and places that can make me illusion vaguely feel inappropriate.

Through this passage, I went on for another ten minutes. The oil bottle suddenly became loose, and the whole person went out. I saw that the front became spacious and I knew that the exit had arrived.

At the end of the gap is a lot of rock. After crawling out, several oil sticks were taken out of the stuffy oil bottle and thrown around. The yellow warm light illuminated the whole place.

I turned around and found that it should be a relatively spacious place in the crack of the whole mountain, about four or five gold cup minivans, about one and a half basketball courts long, all under the gravel, all It was when this crack was formed that it tore the geological activity.

The fat man expanded the aperture of the flashlight and looked around and said, “Strange, there are even frescoes here. It seems that we are not the first people to come here.”

We walked up and found that the cracked mountain wall really had large color murals, but the preservation of the murals was very poor, and the colors were dim.

The entrance to this place pressed down a huge seal stone, and there were still murals in it. Where is this place? I was puzzled again.

Walked back and forth, between the gravel, we found several small hot spring eyes, all very shallow, but steaming, full of inexplicable temptation, but found no trace of other people’s activities.

Going inside, the gap gradually closed again, and it became a small gap of two people wide, going deep into the mountain rock, blowing hot air from the gap from time to time. , Do not know where to go.

We exchanged opinions and thought that there is no need to go in again. This is already a good place to avoid snowstorms.

The fat man tested that the air was not too big. He lit up a wind lamp for long-term lighting, and notified the outsiders of the small gap when the stuffy oil bottle climbed back.

Soon, the Chinese monk and Ye Cheng came in one after another, and Shunzi was also pulled in by Pan Zi.

I immediately checked his condition and found that because of the temperature here, his face had already started to turn red, but his hands and feet were still cold. I wonder if I could survive it.

The way up is taken by him. If he dies, although he will not say no, he will always have a lot more difficulties. In addition, I like this person very much. I really do n’t want him to be so innocent because of us. Die.

Monk Hua checked his heartbeat and pulse, then let me let go, dipped the towel in the hot spring water, put it on the stone to cool slightly, and wiped his body straight, until the whole body was rubbed with red blood before giving him After getting some hot water in, Shunzi began to cough violently, his eyelids beating.

We were relieved a little, and the Chinese monk said, “I can do it, I can’t die.”

The atmosphere calmed down, and the fat man and Ye Chengcheng took out their cigarettes and started smoking. At this time Chen Pi Asi was also helped by Pan Zi.

After this series of accidents, we were all exhausted and had no energy to speak, and each found a comfortable place to lean down.

The snow on the body melted into water because of the temperature change, and the clothes and shoes began to become wet. We took off our clothes and dried them on dry stones. Ye Cheng took out the compressed can and threw it into the hot spring water to overheat it to everyone.

While eating, I went to see the murals I just discovered with the Chinese monk. It is obviously naturally formed here, and the space is narrow. Why should I paint murals here? Just now the stuffy oil bottle suddenly disappeared in front of me, and the huge seal stone at the hole gave me a very unnatural feeling.

People who deal with antiquities are always very interested in things such as murals and reliefs that carry a lot of information. Others see us watching and gradually come over.

However, there is not much information on the murals. The murals of the flying fairy are mostly above the magnificent palace or ceremonial vessels, just to show a beautiful scene of singing and dancing, which has no practical significance.

Most of the fragments of murals here are such things. Here are the people who crawled out of the ancient tomb. I have seen more, and I lost my interest at first sight.

I was thinking about going back and rubbing my toes. I sweated a lot along the way, and my toes were freezing and numb. At this time, I heard the fat man “tuck” and stretched out his thumb. Peel off the mural with your fingers.

I asked him what was going on. Although this thing is of little value, it is also a relic of a predecessor, and you cannot destroy it.

The fat man said, “What are you talking about, my nails are worthless? I don’t even peel off normal things. Come and see for yourself, this mural has two layers!”

“Two floors?” I yelled, frowned, what did my heart mean?

The crowd gathered around again and walked over to see what he was talking about.

He showed us his fingers and saw that the red cinnabar was scraped off, and then looked at the place in front of him. Sure enough, there was a composition in the corner of the mural that was obviously different from the side It is also different, but this place is extremely unremarkable, and if it is not the sharp eyes of the fat man, it can never be seen.

This was obviously caused by someone repainting a layer on a mural to cover up the original mural.

The upper layer gradually fell off due to exposure to the air, exposing the mural behind it. This is a common thing in oil paintings.

The fat man continued to scrape with his fingers, and where he scraped off, some bright colors began to appear.

I also scratched the mural with my finger, and found that the surface layer did not seem to complete all the processes, so the fat man can simply wipe off the color as soon as he scrapes, otherwise if you follow the complete steps, the murals after Tang With a special layer of clear material, this layer will protect the mural like varnish, making the color less faded and peeled off.

Chen Pi’s brows were very tight. Soon, a large mural with large washbasin was peeled off. After the mural, a half-carriage painted with multicolored paint appeared.

The carriage was obviously floating on the cloud. Several women in Mongolian costumes served around the carriage, and the owner of the carriage was a fat man. I have never seen this man’s clothing.

This is a narrative mural, and I suddenly got nervous.

Obviously someone first drew a narrative mural, but for some reason, he hurriedly replaced it with another one, and the time at that time may be very tight, so the outside mural did not even complete the final process .

Chen Pi’a looked at the whole mural and the surrounding environment, and said to us: “This is related to the Tiangong. Clear the entire wall and see what the mural says.”

I have long wanted to get started, and now with other people, I sacrifice my nails, start fine work, and peel the mural on the stone wall. The murals peeled off in large pieces, and soon, a colorful and magnificent picture scroll gradually opened up in front of us ─

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