Daomu Biji

Chapter 14 - Qixing Luwang · Boiling Oil Bottle

The kid coughed with a voice: “Comrades, I’m exhausting you. It looks like we’re going to see Marx. My fat man really has nothing to fear, but I never expected to die like this.”

He was wearing a black mouse suit, so he couldn’t see his figure in the dark. Let me take a closer look. It turned out to be a chubby person. I can’t imagine that such a fat person can be a gold thief.

Pan Zi scolded: “Dead fat man, where the **** did you come from, I really want to **** you!”

I watched the Zhezizi almost run out, and almost cried out, saying, “Come on, think of a way, otherwise no matter who smokes, everyone will take advantage of the bugs!”

Pan Zi looked around, handed the short gun to the fat man, and then handed me the fire fold, saying, “Originally, we burned our clothes and could hold it for a while, but the fire fold is too small, and it may not be light yet. We are already hanging, I count to three, I come to attract these bugs, you desperately ran to the root of the wall, climbed up as a personal ladder, time is sure enough, I move fast, wait for you to go up, I ran again , No time can be delayed! “

Before I refused, Pan Zi jumped into the heap of corpses. Immediately, the corpse tide flooded up, and there was a way before us. I yelled and wanted to save him. The fat man grabbed me and said, “Go up!”

He dragged me to run a few steps in a row. After a while, I climbed up and took the opportunity to pull him up.

When I looked at it, Pan Zi was covered with corpses, and he rolled on the ground in pain. I almost cried out. The fat man shouted, “Get up, just a few steps! Quick!” He might have gotten up, and he ’s got corpses crawling in his mouth. He tried to stand up several times and was thrown to the ground. I really did n’t expect these insects to be so aggressive. Pan Zi curled up and looked at We shouted at it, and he shook his head in misery.

Finally, his face was covered with corpses, and I saw that he extended his hand and made a gun gesture. The hand was full of wounds, and I knew he wanted us to kill him.

The fat man couldn’t bear to look down, and once he gritted his teeth, he shouted, “Brother, offended!”

At this moment, suddenly there was another sound on the top, and another person jumped from above. Note that this person jumped, not fell, so he fell very steady when he fell, but the weight of the landing was very Heavy, he cushioned with one hand, supported the ground with one hand, and exhaled. The corpses were first stunned. Suddenly they crashed everywhere like crazy, desperately trying to stay away from this person, which was originally like a tide The big insects that came over at this time also receded like tide. It disappeared in the depths of several hook holes on the wall.

I take a closer look, can’t help being overjoyed, isn’t this person just a stuffy oil bottle? The fat man also screamed, “Oh my god, this guy is not dead!” However, when I fixed my eyes on it, I felt bad, but I saw that his upper body had all been worn out, and there was blood all over him. Suffered a serious injury. The sullen oil bottle glanced at the dying Panzi on the ground, and we hurriedly picked him up. When we saw that there was a rescue, we quickly reached down. One person held the Panzi, and the other took the sullen oil bottle, and pulled them up.

This is really a sea of ​​turmoil, a life of desperation, a life of ten deaths, and now the situation is suddenly reversed. We hurriedly want to check Pan Zi ’s injury, but the sullen oil bottle waved his hand and said, “Go away, it came over . “

Although I haven’t understood the meaning of his words, the fat man has jumped up and looks very empathetic. He lifted up Panzi. I picked up Panzi’s miner’s lamp and opened the road in front. The four of them ran directly to the depths of the stone road.

I do n’t know how long I ran. I ca n’t tell how many bays I turned. The oil bottle pulled the fat man and said, “Okay, the stone path here has a weird design. It should n’t be able to catch up in a short time.” We stopped. Only then did I find myself sweating, I was busy asking what they said, and the sighing oil bottle sighed, and did not answer me, just put Pan Zi flat on the ground, I thought right, the most important thing now is to look at What is Pan Zi’s injury?

Pan Zi was really seriously injured this time, almost covered with mouth. If he was wrapped in bandages, even if there were enough bandages, he would become a mummy. I looked at it. Fortunately, most of the wounds are not deep, but there are several places in his neck and abdomen that are almost deadly. It seems that these bugs are very good at attacking people’s soft places. I remembered the previous one that I touched my hand. The corpse is also the most severely bitten in the abdomen.

The oil bottle pressed with his hand on his abdominal cavity, and pulled out the black gold ancient knife around his waist, saying, “Help me hold him.”

I was shocked and had an ominous hunch, and asked quickly, “What are you doing?”

He stared at Pan Zi’s belly, like a butcher watching his victim. He used his two oddly long fingers to move around his wound, and said to me, “One got into his belly. “

“No?” I looked at him suspiciously, and then looked at the fat man, who had held Pan Zi’s feet: “From your performance, I believe he has a little more.”

I had to hold Pan Zi’s hand, and the stout oil bottle lifted the mouth on his stomach with a knife, and then inserted his finger into his wound with lightning speed, a probe, a hook, and caught a blue corpse. The speed of these movements was already very fast, but Pan Zi still bowed and the whole person arched. He was so powerful that I could hardly hold him.

“This suffocated died in his stomach,” the oil bottle threw the worm body: “The wound is too deep. If it is not disinfected, it may be infected and very troublesome.”

The fat man took out the glorious bullet from the gun and said, “Whether we learn the advanced experience of the American people and use this glorious bullet where it is really needed, we unscrew the bullet and burn him with gunpowder. wound?”

Pan Zi grabbed the fat man’s foot and gritted his teeth in pain, scolding: “I’m not getting a gunshot wound! You **** think-I want to burn my intestines?” He took a bundle of bandages from his pants pocket, There were still blood stains on it. It seems that the wound on his head was removed. He said, “Fortunately, it still didn’t fall. I’ll tie it up first. Tighten it. This injury is nothing!”

The fat man said: “This time there is no fashionable personal heroism, comrade, I have seen your intestines, and you don’t have to die.” After that, you must start, and I and the oil bottle are busy stopping him, I said: “Don’t When the chaos comes, the bullet is burned to the point of his internal organs. It is still wrapped first. “

The fat man was right about it. We hurriedly helped Pan Zi to wrap up the wound, and then tore a few pieces of cloth on my clothes, and wrapped another layer on the outside. Pan Zi almost fainted after the pain. I think he leaned Gasping on the wall, I couldn’t help but feel very touched. If I had to get rid of the tumbler, he might not get it like this.

At this time, I remembered one thing and asked the fat man: “Oh, who the **** are you?”

The fat man just wanted to speak, and the dull oil bottle made a gesture not to make a sound. I immediately heard a gruesome gurgling noise, which came from the side of the aisle.

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