Daomu Biji

Chapter 140 - Genting Temple · Sandwich

This is a situation that can never be imagined, and everyone is panicked.

Pan Zi turned up his folding shovel around his waist with one hand and jumped into the pit. When he got up, he chopped up, but the fat man’s feet flicked around, but he didn’t chopp. The fat man looked at Pan Zi’s effort so much and yelled, “You punctual cut, don’t cut my fat feet!”

Pan Zi also yelled: “You don’t need to move your motherfuck, or I will count from your thigh!”

The fat man yelled, “Substitution and substitution, this kid doesn’t look good to me, and wants to publish his private enemies.”

On the one side, Ye Cheng and Chinese monk jumped down to help, trying to hold the fat man’s leg, but unexpectedly, Ye Cheng did not stand still. Suddenly, the person collapsed, the whole stone corridor underneath collapsed again, and he shrank. .

This mother-in-law was simply chaotic. The monk Hua was busy grabbing him, but he didn’t stand still. One stumbled into my hand holding the fat man. My angle was not good enough to use my strength. The fat man dragged on.

Things happened too fast, and the light was not good, so it was so panic. Several people rolled into a ball. The fat man fell into the bottom of the pit like a meat ball. Panzi and I brought him heavily and fell on the **** of the brick pit. At that time, I felt a little bad, and before I stood up, I heard a series of “thorn” sounds coming up from under the brick floor.

My face turned white as soon as I heard it, and I was too familiar with this sound. This is the sound of large-scale longitudinal cracking of frozen stone materials when we were doing construction stress experiments.

Before I could understand it, there was a sudden shock all around, and the whole pit collapsed suddenly. The stone corridor underneath the pit collapsed. Everyone did n’t react, and suddenly lost his balance, like sitting on a slide The same rolled down the slope, wrapped in bricks and fell into the hollow of the wooden gallery.

I have n’t had time to thank myself for foresight. My buttocks are numb and have fallen on a slope. Then the person went straight down. Fortunately, there was a rope tied up, and I did n’t slide down after being stretched out. The bricks smashed their heads and fell on their heads.

My **** fell badly, and I covered my head and wanted to sit up, but the **** under the **** was too steep, and my feet could not get any strength. I blocked the brick with my hand and asked other people if there was anything wrong. No one answered me. I only heard a series of cursing and brick collisions.

Finally, the bricks stopped, and I was able to raise my head and looked around. There was a lot of wolf. Several flashlights were all wrapped in bricks, and some fell along the **** into the darkness below. Fortunately, these mountaineering The German goods are strong and not broken. However, a little light penetrated through the gap between the man and the brick, and it was still unclear. The edge was dark, and a big hole could be seen vaguely on the head. It was the breach of the stone corridor, and we slid down from above.

This should be under the Ling Palace hall. In the space above the steep **** of the rock, we are falling on the steep slope. If there is no rope, we will have rolled down to the end.

Ye Chengcheng hung my head, and it was not too bad. I held him and asked if there was anything. He replied that I had eaten lunch and was stupid.

The Chinese monk called in the dark: “Be careful, there may be a dumpling here, copy the guy, and take the hooves out! If you are fat, where are you? Is the thing that holds your feet still?”

The fat man is at the bottom. We and the bricks all fell on him, and we heard his moans coming from the pile of bricks: “Still holding it, I’m almost touching the root of my thigh. I caught him, he Niang’s hurry to pull me out, otherwise your fat grandfather and my second son can’t keep it! “

“That’s my hand!” Pan Zi scolded on the side!

“I rely on!” The fat man said angrily: “Will your **** rogue not pick a time?”

There was no flashlight in the mezzanine. Some unpressed people had to touch the black bricks and pull the bricks down the slope. Pan Zi dug it out for me first, but his hand caught the fat man, he could n’t pull it out, we continued to dig Soon, the fat man dug out, relieved, and panting, he said, “You guys are really willing to crush me with a thousand knives. Fortunately, I will take the **** with me, otherwise I will be back this time.”

Pan Zi didn’t have time to fight with him and said, “What about your feet?”

In the dark, the fat man moved his feet, and he seemed to feel a little, saying, “It’s gone! It’s impossible to fall into such a position, and it’s impossible to catch it. It might hit us under the slope. How could there be dumplings in such places as his mother?” “

The Chinese monk said: “It must be still nearby. Be careful. Take the black donkey hoof and find out the flashlight first!”

I was busy going to touch the flashlight under the brick. I couldn’t feel it. I touched Ye Cheng on one side, and pulled out the pile of bricks. It suddenly lit up all around. He picked up and immediately shot down.

I was under him, disgusted to block the flashlight, just wanted to dim him a little, suddenly, I saw Ye Cheng’s face turned green instantly.

As soon as I looked at his expression, I suddenly began to sweat, did I say it was by my side again? He gritted his teeth and turned his head. He suddenly saw the edge of my shoulder, only one foot away from my nose, and a blue and purple dry face was suddenly detected.

I was frightened, “Oops”, the person shrank back, took a blue brick in his left hand, and shot it. I didn’t know if it was shot, so I turned and climbed up.

At this time, several other flashlights were dug out, and all around suddenly turned on. I crawled up a few steps, because Ye Cheng was on the top, couldn’t let it go at all, and slid down again. Looking at the side, I could not help but take a breath.

I saw that on the steep **** underneath the main hall of the Ling Palace, a layer of simple terrace-like protrusions were built, and above these protrusions, almost neatly filled with such frozen blue-violet ancient corpses, layer by layer, it looked like The Arhat Hall in the temple, shrunk together, densely packed, with a terrible look, obviously all of them were frozen to death, all of them were sitting here like monks and nirvana, and the shadows were not enough to see their heads, nor did they know that How many.

Ye Cheng was the least courageous here, shivering and said, “Fuck, this is a corpse pavilion where the monk’s body is piled with gold?”

Chen Pi Asi held him, waved his hand, and said to him: “Don’t be afraid, it’s just a corpse.” He pointed to my feet.

I looked down and saw that there was a mummy that had been crushed among the bricks under our feet.

“The dead people here are frozen like stones and shattered at the touch.” Chen Pi’a said four times, “These things can no longer be changed. There should be no dumplings here.”

“Then what grabbed my foot just now?” The fat man asked.

Chen Pi’a said four times: “Your feet may have just happened to be hooked on the hand of the corpse. Otherwise, if you have dumplings, do you think you still have legs? Don’t believe you look at your pants.”

The fat man looked down at the trousers he had just scratched. Sure enough, there was a hole, a dry hand with a hook shape. It was in the brick pile not far from his feet. I picked it up. It was extremely hard and impossible. Stretch to grab someone’s leg.

Suddenly, everyone was relieved, and Pan Zi also exaggeratedly exclaimed: “The courage is so small, you will see it wrong.”

The fat man was furious and could n’t find a reason to refute it, so he sulked there and murmured, “That hand really grabbed my foot just now. I was hooked and caught. I still ca n’t tell? Mother’s unbelief pulls down. “

We looked around with a flashlight. Here is under the hall. The space is very large. Because the corpses are densely packed, we ca n’t see the end, but there is nothing suspicious except the corpses.

Pan Zi asked Monk Hua: “How come there are so many dead people here? I haven’t even heard of it.”

“Looking at the situation should be a martyr’s compartment, this-I don’t understand it at all, no emperor’s tomb looks like this-who are these dead people?” The monk Hua said to himself.

I suppressed my fear and photographed one of the dead with a flashlight. I found that the facial features of the corpse were well preserved, my eyes were closed, my face was wrinkled, but I did n’t have a beard, and my body was covered with a thin layer of ice. The skin of these ancient corpses is bluish-purple, with a wide open mouth and fangs growing inside.

“These may not be humans.” The fat man looked at it. “You see this tooth, you can take someone’s face off with a kiss.”

“Not a human?” Ye Cheng’s face turned white again: “What’s that? Monster?”

“It may be the legendary snowman, but these are hairless.” The fat man started nonsense.

“Fart,” the Chinese monk shouted. “What monster snowman? The teeth of these bodies were sharpened by themselves. This is a custom of ancient Shamanism. Later, because it was too troublesome, they were replaced with masks. These are certainly not from the Ming Dynasty. Nuchen, you see the clothes of these corpses are very primitive, not in the style of Jurchen or Mongolian, and you see, some of the corpses are still wrapped in burlap. This is the mummy formed by the ice burial. “

I remembered the ice burial pit I watched that night when I camped in Xiaosheng Valley, saying, “Are these corpses the remains of the ice burial ancestors dug up when Wang Zanghai dug a mountain to build a tomb?”

The monk Hua nodded: “It must be right. This fetal-shaped cave may have been a cemetery before. The local ancient ancestors used to bury the ice here, but the land of Wang Zanghai was planned as a false burial mausoleum. These corpses must have been excavated during the excavation of the cave. from.”

The fat man asked, “If it is really like what you said, why not just burn it, what is the role of putting these bodies here?”

“Who knows, you see these mummies are so terrible. Shamanism has a lot of primitive and strange witchcraft rituals and curses. It is said that they need the help of corpses. The arrangement here may be related to shamanic witchcraft. Maybe something strange happens Maybe we can’t get out of it because of these bodies, we have to be careful. “

I think of the corpses in the Qinling Mountains. It seems that there are a lot of corpses. This kind of thing like a ghost hitting a wall will always happen. Is it really a magic trick?

Shamanism is not a complete religion, it is actually a primitive witchcraft, that is to say, it has practical value, and has a lot of connections with pharmacology and spiritual worship. My understanding of shaman is limited to the shaman mage dancing in the Qing opera . However, it is said that shamanic witchcraft, like the Chinese Qimen Dunjia, has been lost in stages in history. Some good things were introduced into Tibetan Buddhism, and some evil things suddenly disappeared. It can be seen from ancient books that many rituals of shamanism in the early ancient times were extremely evil and arrogant, with a lot of content about curses and corpses. They are inextricably linked to Gushu, and the Sheren believe in Gushu. Is there anything in common between the two?

The fat man listened to the Chinese monk, and suddenly realized: “No wonder, when I walked into this palace, I always felt my feet burned, and I felt uncomfortable. There were so many dumplings buried underneath. . “

Monk said: “I also speculate that the most important thing now is how to get out. Let’s split up and find out if there are exits around.”

Said after the Chinese monk: “But be careful, how to say here also looks a bit evil, there will always be hidden dangers, and the cliff here is too steep, once something goes wrong, I can’t run.”

Everyone agreed. The fat man could not wait for a long time. Several people untied the carabiner, picked up the flashlight, and dispersed them, and began to search carefully on the steep gorge wall.

It is not a pleasant thing to travel among so many corpses, but it is a bit strange that the more corpses, the more you do not feel panic, maybe you will be afraid of having a reverse emotion after a certain degree .

The corpses are very densely packed. There is no space for people to walk in the middle of each row. Almost all of us are squeezed through the gap between the corpse and the corpse.

The bodies are old and young, and all of them have been frozen like blue-violet rocks. I saw some people still carrying copper artifacts, which are completely rusty green. Almost all the lower bodies of the bodies are fused with the rocks below. Together, you have to move him unless you break him.

After searching for a long time, I did not gain in this direction. Watching myself getting farther and farther away from others, I always felt uneasy. I just wanted to pretend that I was finished and went back to the hole to ask the results of other people. Suddenly: “Dead fat man, what are you doing?”

We followed Pan Zi’s voice and looked in the direction that the fat man was looking for. I saw that the fat man stopped searching somehow. Instead, he squatted there in the corpse below, facing us shamelessly, squatting facelessly. The mouth, at first glance, had a bluish-purple look on his face, no different from the corpse on the side, and I didn’t know what the **** was going on.

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