Daomu Biji

Chapter 153 - Genting Heaven Palace · Dead Man in Gold

This burial chamber is nearly ten times lower in height and width than the burial chamber we just saw. Four large relief columns covered with reliefs stand in the four corners of the burial chamber. There are many things piled on the ground of the burial chamber. As soon as the cold fireworks lit up, we found that they were hill-like gold and silver wares, precious stones, glazed pearls and beautiful jade. Our flashlights were shining up, and they were full of brilliance.

“My grandpa-” The fat man’s eyes were bigger than the cow, and his face was twisted.

I was so shocked that I could hardly stand. Pan Zi murmured: “What am I talking about, the real treasury of the woman, the confession of the Southern Song Dynasty, am I wrong with his mother?”

I have been involved in this business for so long, and I have seen broken copper and iron. I thought this time I could n’t escape my fate. I did n’t think that there would be so many treasures in the emperor ’s mausoleum in this small and weak country. Is it true? As Pan Zi said, all the treasures after Daikin’s annihilation have come here? Then just take out a few things here and eat for a lifetime.

The fat man wanted to roll into the heap of gold and silverware. I had the urge to roll up, but there was still a sense of reason in my heart. He held the fat man so that he would not be smug. Many of the goldware in the tombs were sprayed with poisonous poison and rolled inside to be punished. Toxic, so stupid, these things are best not to touch.

But I grabbed the fat man, but not Pan Zi. He had rushed into the heap of goldware, grabbed a large number of goldware, and looked at him in amazement. The gold reflected reflected his face all golden. All over, shaking all over. Then he let go of his hand, and those things fell from the cracks of his fingers, making a metal crash.

I saw that Pan Zi grabbed a few of them and it was safe. I knew that the goldware was not poisonous. I relaxed at once and couldn’t help but also grabbed a hand. The heavy feeling almost made me laugh out of control. I do n’t know who said it. Human love for gold has been written into the genes, and it has become an innate and irresistible instinct. He is right.

Even like me, although the appearance on the surface is calm, but the throb of seeing gold is sent out from the heart, I want to deceive myself and I can’t deceive, I like these things.

Several people forgot everything at once. We ran into the pile at once, picked up a pile of things, and ran into the pile again, took out a headband studded with gemstones and looked carefully. These things are really superb, as long as there is one, it is the treasure of the town hall. Now there are so many here, just take it and step on it, don’t feel sorry.

On one side, the fat man had already started to load things into his bag. He poured out his equipment, and nothing was needed. He stuffed it into the bag, stuffed it up, and felt it was wrong. Pour it all out, and then stuffed it. Other things emit meaningless sounds while pretending.

But soon we all found that no matter how we installed it, we couldn’t take away this treasure. In case of these, we will immediately find that better and more precious things appear under him. If we install that more precious thing, we find that never I haven’t seen any treasures that I can’t start.

Crazy for a long time, until we were exhausted and calmed down from the extreme excitement, I did n’t feel right. Why did n’t I hear the straight voice after coming in?

I wiped the virtual sweat from my head, got up from the pile of jewelry, and looked around with a flashlight. I saw Shunzi standing on a pile of goldware, and I didn’t know what I was looking at.

I walked over and asked him what he was doing. Are you excited about seeing the gold?

He did not speak, but pointed to the bottom. I followed the flashlight with his flashlight, and found that in the middle of the piles of gold objects, surrounded by countless treasures, there were several people curled up in it, motionless, and seemed to be dead. Too.

I was suddenly taken aback, the excitement just now suddenly disappeared, and I got goose bumps.

Fat man and Pan Zi saw me and Shunzi standing there, thinking that we had found another baby, and flew over to look at it, but it was a few dumplings.

We walked down the depression in the pile of goldware, held the flashlight in our backhand, and took a careful photo. We found that it was indeed a dead person, and had been dead for some time. The skin of the body was frozen and dehydrated into orange peel. A few people were wearing rotten woolen coats, modern clothes, and some rotten old marching bags around them.

The fat man said strangely, “What’s going on? Who are these people? Our colleagues?”

I shook my head, put on gloves and turned over those people ’s backpacks and clothes. This kind of dress should be the more popular clothes in the 1980s and 1990s. Now people in the northeast rural areas are about 40 or 50 years old. We I have seen many such half-old men in Yingshan Village.

Depending on the degree of decay, these people should have died here for five to twenty years.

Pan Zi asked: “Will it be the medicinal or hunter of Changbai Mountain who entered here by mistake and could not walk out and die?”

“Impossible.” I ripped off a corpse’s clothes. It was a female corpse. I looked at the female corpse’s ears again. There were old-style earrings on it, and there were watches on my hands. “You see, this is a plum watch, an old style. Even people at the mayor level may not be able to get it. The woman’s origin is not small, unlike the people in the countryside.”

“Will that be the lost tourist in the 1980s?” Pan Zi asked again, “They are the marks we followed along the way?”

I shook my head, the mark was impossible for them to engrave, because the mark I saw in the seabed tomb was definitely engraved by the person concerned, either Aning or the dull oil bottle.

It may be that the tourists are lost, but can you really get lost in such a place? There is not much guts in the underground palace tomb, and ordinary people dare not go down.

However, if the woman came a bit, for example, the child of a leader, or had some contact with the local bureaucracy, the disappearance may have a great impact on the local area, and Shunzi is not young. Ask him if there have been any sensational missing incidents between them in five to twenty years.

Turned his head to look, but Junzi didn’t run down with us. He stayed on the pile of gold tools, his expression was very stiff.

My heart is strange, is Shunzi like a fat man who has also been hit by the tongue of the corpse? Didn’t see anything on his neck? I think he was shaking a little, but I felt wrong.

The fat man said to him: “What’s wrong, afraid of the dead? Why didn’t you see you just now?”

Shun Tzu ignored the fat man and walked down step by step with heavy steps. Before coming to one of the corpses, he squatted down. I found that he was almost nervous and fell. I suddenly thought of what was going on.

The fat man still wanted to shoot him. I stopped the fat man and waved at him. The fat man asked me softly, “What’s wrong with him? Is it evil?”

I shook my head. These corpses, if I guessed right, may be mentioned by Shunzi and me. His father brought him into the team of Changbai Mountain ten years ago, and the corpse Shunzi is looking at may be his. Father, so he acted so nervously.

Unexpectedly, I really expected him to follow us, and we can really find his father’s body ──

But is this a coincidence or something? Did the ten-year team stumble here, or do they have other secrets we don’t know about?

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