Daomu Biji

Chapter 158 - Genting Heaven Palace · Inverted bucket and quantum mechanics

Went back to the treasure tomb and sat down again. The atmosphere was completely different from the previous one. Everyone didn’t speak, and his face didn’t know whether it was white or green. The golden light reflected from the smokeless stove began to make me feel very disgusted.

No one asked any more questions. Everyone was in a contemplative look, but I know they are all like me, and there is absolutely nothing in my mind.

Things have exceeded our control, even I think this is the assumption of the agency, and now it does not exist anymore, we have entered an unspeakable state. After such a simple experiment, any scientific reasoning is declared completely ineffective.

Because there is no human power, it can make a bullet turn such a huge bend in a few seconds.

To explain this phenomenon with science, I am afraid that moving out of quantum mechanics may not necessarily be even.

“This is a real ghost hitting the wall!” Shunzi’s face was extremely ugly, and he looked at his father who was aside, showing a very sad and terrified expression.

I know what he thought of at this time, and he also understands why there are such desperate expressions on the faces of the jewels in these jewels. Under such circumstances, I tried again and again and returned again and again. Starting point, until the food is exhausted, how can we not despair? I’m afraid they had lost all their thoughts when they died, and they still didn’t think about it.

And we may be the next batch. Soon there will be four more shriveled corpses, which is also a deep despair, and let the victims behind guess what we thought before death.

The reason why I did not despair before, did not expect this step, because I think that with my own wisdom, as long as it is an intelligence such as an organ trap, I will not be trapped, but now things are different, obviously we are facing The situation is much weirder.

“Do you want to continue?” After about ten minutes of silence, Pan Zi asked in a dry voice.

But no one answered, but several people’s eyes turned to the fat man.

There are still two assumptions left on the ground in front of the fat man. The third is my casual idea: space folding.

The reason why I think about this is that I suddenly remembered that when the volcanic crevice, the stuffy oil bottle once disappeared in front of me for a few seconds, I was puzzled at that time, now I want to come, maybe it is really folded with space relationship. Because the experiment just now was so terrible, it was a pseudo-science experiment. At once, my mysterious and mysterious space collapsed and became the most likely explanation.

If it wasn’t for the fat guy to list these things, I am afraid that after seeing this experiment, I must have panicked and forgot everything.

Silent for a long time, the fat man said: “Well, we have seen it with our own eyes, and we will not talk nonsense, how can we prove the third one?”

“No! No proof.” Suddenly Pan Zi said again.

Pan Zi is very thorough in seeing the problem and can always directly see the essence of the matter. Just like the fat man just hoped that the tomb road would appear, Pan Zi immediately denied it completely. This is also related to Pan Zi coming from the battlefield. He thought The problem is that there is no hint of fluke, so as soon as I heard him, I was very scared. I was afraid that he would say a lot of facts that should not be said.

He only listened to him: “There are only six bodies here. Let’s assume that a total of eight people came in. Two of them must have gone out. Although they don’t know how they went out, if they are like the third Article is definitely not going out alone, so we do n’t need to think about it, considering Article 3 is equivalent to admitting that we are dead. “

All the people who said this were cold all over, and the fat man protested: “How can you be sure that there are eight people coming in, maybe only six when his mother came in.”

Pan Zi sighed: “Fat fat man, you still don’t understand, it doesn’t matter how many people they come in.”

This could n’t prove it, and it ’s useless. I thought, “Now they ’re in. How many people are in is not important to our situation, but it ’s very important for our ambition. If two people successfully go out, Then our state of mind is completely different, and we can think about the way they go out, at least with a little hope. “

Thinking, I don’t care about them. I walk to the corpse to read their notes and see if there are any clues, maybe someone will write a diary or something.

But when I looked at the notebook just now, I roughly turned it over. There was no large text, and most of the small text was for accounting, or short messages, and I could n’t see anything famous.

I wonder whether these people will write when they die. Thinking of me, I suddenly thought that when they were dying, I am afraid that even the lights were gone, the battery had been exhausted, and there was no heating, so they would curl up in the dark and huddle together. If eight people came in, when would the last two people go out? Certainly not when they are awake. If that is the case, other people should be able to go out. Is it when they are so hungry that there is no light and there is no light? So when two people left, the others didn’t know?

The key to going out is darkness, do n’t walk with lights?

Thinking of my chill, I remember that this is an ancient tomb. If it is in the dark, taking such a narrow tomb in the ancient tomb, this is really a death.

Other people looked at me for information, and they came around and started to help find it. It was always a way to sit there and dream, and sometimes I needed something to stimulate.

I thought about the last thing that there was no light, so let them not waste electricity, turn off the flashlights, the remaining heating stove can also be illuminated, we are in front of the stove, three notes and a novel, everyone turned Opened, and found clues word by word.

The font in the notebook I turned over was supposed to be written by a woman. I turned it over several pages. It was all about names and phone numbers, and there was a list of guests for dinner, and the phone of the Changbai Mountain Hotel, some places I also drew some simple maps, as well as some addresses and memos. I saw that in 1994, it seemed that this woman had been sick and had been hospitalized. It was written here that she needed a follow-up consultation.

Turning it back is blank, but I still turn page by page. I hope she can write something. While turning, the fat man on one side said, “There is a clue here.” He said, “Today, I sold the last thing I brought out of the sea, took 3,000 yuan, and returned it to Lao Li for 1,500 yuan. The debt was paid off. It seems that this guy is fishing. “

I smiled and shook my head, and then looked at Pan Zi on the side. The notes he saw were the thinnest and had almost nothing. After reading it, I went to see Shunzi. I saw that he was reading the novel with relish. I read the passion page.

The fat man was uncomfortable, and snatched it out at once, scolding: “Let you look for clues, look at the yellow book, your conscience is greatly broken! Confiscated!”

As soon as I snatched it, the novel broke up and the paper flew all over the place. While counting the fat people, I turned on the flashlight to pick it up. Several people picked it up and suddenly Pan Zi said: “Hey, there is a Photo. “He said, picking up a yellowish black and white photo from the paper.

I took it for a look, and suddenly my head buzzed, almost suffocating-this picture is not other, it was the uncle, they took a picture at the pier before they went to Xisha!

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