Daomu Biji

Chapter 164 - Genting Temple · The only exit

The tomb is inclined downward, and the angle is getting steeper. Our flashlight shoots straight down, and we can’t see any sign of reaching the end. At the end, it is always dark and dark.

I was a little flustered. We have walked a long distance down the road and have penetrated into the interior of Changbai Mountain. If we go on like this, where will we go? Geocentric?

But even if it is the center of the earth, we must go down, because the guide sign left by the dull oil bottle unequivocally instructs us that he is going in this direction. Every step we take is close to the truth of the truth.

The fat man said to me, “Xiao Wu, have you noticed that this tomb is a little warmer?”

I nodded and said, “Maybe, our destination is close to the volcanic strata activity area, where there are lava or hot spring activities, the temperature will gradually increase, Wang Zanghai that year, where did he dig?”

Fat people can’t answer this question.

For a while, the fat man suddenly turned around and asked me, “You honestly told me, did your kid feel that you have a special relationship with that little brother?”

I was choked by the fat man, and I did n’t know how to answer it. Then I thought he had misunderstood. He asked not the kind of relationship I thought. The fat man should be wondering why my blood can be so magical. Effect.

A series of things happened just too fast, I actually did n’t fully react. Now think about it, fat people do n’t know that my blood has already appeared in the Qinling Mountains. How can you not be surprised. In order not to show short in front of Aning, so I did not ask at the time, now we are only two of us, he naturally has to ask. However, with his character, it is impossible for him to ask him in earnest. The relationship between me and the oil bottle he asked should be just strange, why my blood can also “exterminate insects.”

According to Master Liang, the peculiar ability of my blood should be related to the Qilin blood that has eaten the corpse. He, and I was just an accident myself just now, and the unconscious behavior at all could not be determined solely by my blood.

The fat man did n’t answer me when he saw me, thinking that I agreed with his thoughts, saying: “He might be your brother, brother or cousin who has been separated for many years, or your father ’s illegitimate child. Your family has inherited this kind of special ability.”

I scolded: “Don’t talk nonsense, my dad is just my son. If he is pedantic and has illegitimate children, there really can’t be a man in the world.”

Fat man still thinks that there must be something wrong, I really don’t want to discuss this with him, so I divert the topic.

After a long walk, the tomb finally came to an end. When I walked out of the tomb, a sudden warm wind blew me up. I hurriedly turned on the flashlight and looked around. I found it was a gallery built on a cliff. The sacrificial platform of the false spirit palace we saw in the ice dome when we came.

The floor beneath the feet is raised on the cliff with a gallery column. A huge black tripod stands in the middle of the gallery. The tripod’s foot has fallen into the stone floor, showing a posture of dumping. Obviously this platform we You have to be careful when walking around, the stones underneath are aging.

And the edges of the platform are cliffs, and the top is dark, and the top of the head is not visible.

The fat man grumbled: “Why again-at the end, there is no way to go, or there is no coffin, where did the king of slaves hide?”

I said, “This is not the weirdest. We came along the mark of the little brother. There are very obvious clues along the way, but you see, there is no one here. Could it be said that these people found this to be a dead end, Did they all go back? Or— “I looked to the darkness on the side,” Fly away? “

The fat man said, “Maybe the cliff here can go down.” He said he took out a signal gun, filled it with a signal flare, and fired one forward.

We walked to the side of the gallery, and the flare suddenly burned in the high altitude. In this extremely dark space, it was like a small sun, which illuminated the situation in front of us at once.

Through the glare of the signal flare, I saw that this is actually a huge mountain crack. Our gallery is built on a crack cliff on one side, and we are more than two hundred meters opposite. It is a cliff on the other side of the giant slit. On the other hand, it feels like being on a cliff in the huge rift valley of Africa. We can not help but exclaim.

The flare gradually fell and fell under the gallery, reflecting the situation below us, and another shocking scene appeared in front of us, only to see the bottom of the rift valley, the thick and thick bronze chain across the mouth On both sides, the Rift Valley is connected.

With the falling light source, twenty meters below the gallery, to the depths of a chaotic rift valley, I do n’t know how many such chain racks are there, and almost no sparse places can be seen, but on the deep chain There are many things hanging densely, like a lot of bells, it is too far to see clearly.

At this time, the fat man found a climbing rope at the end of the gallery, hung from the end of the platform, and hung down to the nearest bronze chain below, tied there.

The fat man frowned and said, “Enough choking, the younger brother is also persevering. It seems that he has climbed down. Do we have to follow along to learn monkeys?”

I said: “Look at the density of the chains below, I think it will not be difficult to climb, but what is the place here? Why is there such a strange setting? Could the king’s coffin be under this rift valley? Have you I thought, how could they transport that huge coffin back then? “

The fat man said: “It’s really possible, but the ancients always have their own ingenious ways. Do we go up and inform the foreigners, or do we go first?”

I said: “I don’t know if I can come up after going down. We can’t commit to be a pathfinder for them and call them down. Their equipment and technology are better than ours, and they are also good. Moreover, Pan Zi is still on the top. Anyway, the third uncle has also been found. Spend more time and spend more time. “

The fat man remembered Kirk’s covered muscles and agreed with my statement. We returned from the same way, because we knew that the road was quite long, and when we walked, we accelerated the speed unconsciously.

Anin, they had been waiting anxiously for a long time, and thought we had something wrong. When we came back, we were relieved. I took Pan Zi’s water, took a sip, and said what I saw.

As soon as I heard there was a bronze chain below, Aning quickly took out the photo she took from the seabed tomb and pointed to one of them. I saw that in the mural in the photo, many East Xia warriors were carrying bows and arrows, climbing Climbing on a cliff, the background is countless things similar to chains, obviously depicting the situation of the Dongxia people exploring the giant underground rift.

I said: “It seems that those chains were not set by the Dongxia people. They should also be curious at the time. What is the situation under these rifts sealed with chains.”

Fat man said: “Will these iron chains be the defensive measures of the ancestors who built here to prevent the following things from climbing up? For example, the giant black soft stuff depicted in the murals.”

I nodded and said, “It is possible.” He asked Aning again, “How many are this mural? What is the next one?”

Aning said: “According to the general law of narrative murals, this should be the penultimate mural, followed by five, followed by ──.”

Aning spread out the last five photos. I saw the mural in the last photo. It is a situation where many Dongxia warriors took bows and arrows. It seems that there was a fierce battle, but the enemy was not seen on the mural. I do n’t know. What are they fighting? I think of that kind of strange bird who can’t see his figure when he is flying in the air, and my heart is tight, and I said there is such a thing underneath?

And the next one is the case where many evil spirits drilled out of the stone.

There doesn’t seem to be much connection between the mural and the mural, but it seems to give people an infinite association and a very conscious feeling.

Aning asked me, “Did you see something wrong again? Wu Chaoren?”

I smiled self-deprecatingly: “It’s not that I saw anything. You see, behind the mural on the cliff is the picture of the battle. I feel that this may be telling us what we will encounter when we descend into the rift valley. Dangerous, people with weapons have their weapons ready. “

Several people regarded me as a spiritual leader. What I said was what happened. Kirk quickly picked up his own M16 and made a gesture of wrapping it around him. We packed up our bags and walked towards the tomb in the Changbai Mountain.

I followed at the end of the team to see how the uncle was, but he was still unconscious, and he did n’t know what horrible things he saw here. Pan Zi reassured me that he said that even if he was climbing, he also Uncle San will crawl out of this ghost place.

Walking in the tomb, looking at the nervous people in front of me, there is also a strange feeling in my heart. When Chen Pi’s fourth and third uncle are not there, I have to act as the leader of these people. This feeling is mine Never felt before, there is an inexplicable pleasure. But are my ideas and my decisions really correct? Will I be pushing all these people to death?

Thinking of this, I felt hesitant again.

Soon, everyone came to the gallery, and the fat man hit another signal flare to show the spectacular scenery around the rift valley. Pan Zi and I pulled out the rope and prepared to climb below. This was an extremely risky decision, but Our path has been completely blocked, and there is no other choice.

I do n’t know what the following scenario is. The group of people in Aning are not good. After I pulled out all the ropes, I pulled the fat man and told him to be careful. Now we are in trouble, everyone looks very good Cooperation, once you reach the way out below, you must be careful.

The fat man patted me on the shoulder and gave me a glance, meaning that he had left his hand for a long time. Fearing that I was not worried, he pulled me off the corner of his clothes and let me take a look. The remaining ten detonators were tied around his waist.

We tested it, and the rope of the stuffy oil bottle was very strong. Pan Zi was still a pioneer. After climbing down the first one, he hung down his body like a horizontal bar athlete like a horizontal bar athlete and jumped easily. Going to the other chain below, repeating it five or six times, it has been down for more than ten meters, and gave me an OK gesture.

Aning’s equipment is much better than ours. Kirk brought divergent headlights and turned himself into a moving light bulb. The second climbed down. We followed Kirk’s head as a guide and climbed down. The gallery, came to the world of hanging chains.

Felt that the wind was not very strong on the platform, but it seemed that the wind blowing from the bottom of the chain on the chain was particularly frightening. I stood on the chain and felt like I was pulling a sail on a sailboat, the boat was moving, and the sail was also moving. However, the density of the chain is quite high, and it is still very convenient to climb. No matter what the original purpose of the bronze chain is here, it is a convenient ladder for people like us. After climbing for a long time, all kinds of movements are proficient, and I have mastered some tricks, and I feel like Spiderman is reborn.

Like a spider, more than a dozen people walked down slowly, no unexpected things happened along the way, and the strength of the chain was also amazing. After four hours, the gallery above the head had become very small, and we entered the depths of the rift, which was beyond our eyesight. Bronze chains hung like giant bells that could not be seen clearly appeared in my field of vision.

To be cautious, I blew the bat whistle to stop Kirk and Pan Zi at the bottom and looked down with Aning ’s night vision telescope. In the faint green field of vision, I saw those hanging on the chain It turned out to be some dead people hanging there, a black hair-like silk thread extending from their necks and hanging on the chain. Looking at the number, the chains underneath are so densely packed that it is almost impossible to count.

Wang Zanghai ’s secret text of the dragon fish reveals that we encounter strange monsters that ca n’t be seen when flying in the air and only appear when they land. They like to hang their prey on the branches and dry them for spare. Here are With so many corpses, are they their nests below?

No wonder the oil bottle keeps us from going down, but we have no other way to go now. If we don’t go down and fight, is it not the same? I suppressed the fear in my heart and made a gesture to signal everyone to be alert and continue down.

Has come here, even if it is **** below, we have to bite the bullet and go down.

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