Daomu Biji

Chapter 168 - Genting Heaven Palace Siege

Countless human-faced strange birds surround us like sculptures. They are silent when they land, and there is no sound when standing there.

I suddenly remembered the gargoyles in foreign horror movies. The kind of monster that is a gargoyle during the day and an animal at night. Is it based on this bird?

And from the eyes of these birds, it seems to be wise. Is there any weird purpose to surround us like this?

Soon my hunch was fulfilled. Suddenly a bird flew over us, and something was thrown away. The sound of “bang” landed in front of us, and blood was suddenly splattered. At first glance, it turned out to be Ye Cheng. His neck had been bitten off and he was coughing constantly, but his eyes were loose and he was helpless.

Then another body was thrown down, I don’t know who it was, but my head was gone and my body was covered with blood.

Chen Pi Asi broke up with us and rushed directly into the emperor’s tomb. Obviously they were also attacked by this strange bird. Ye Cheng should have been captured by this giant bird in the center of the emperor’s tomb. Without the guidance of the third uncle’s secret code, these people had such a desolate end, I really can’t think of it.

I thought Chen Pi Asi could not be spared, but the next few bodies were thrown by Aning. Obviously not all of them escaped just now. Fortunately, I did n’t see the bodies of Sanshu and Pan Zi. I finally feel a little relieved.

The fat man was really a little scared at this time, and asked me, “What do these birds want to do with us?”

I said to him: “It seems that the prey is being collected. I am not an expert in this area. I don’t know what they want to do. Do you still have explosives? We may have to learn from Dong Cunrui.”

The fat man shook his head: “The king of all slaves is gone, and you haven’t said that there will be more left.”

My heart said that this is troublesome, and I can’t even count on it. I can even die like Wu Xie. There are birds all around, there is no space at all, there is no chance to even run, is it really that I will die here and become a bird manure?

While I was in a hurry, the fat man suddenly pulled me back: “This is so unfavorable to the enemy, there is a rock gap here, we hid in, one person blocked one side, and these dead birds could not be so cheap to die.”

When I looked back, it was the angle between two giant rocks under the rift valley. There was a gap between one person and both sides. It was inconvenient to move in, but the defense was a first-class place.

Immediately dying and resisting for a while and then dying, of course, resisting and dying for a while is cost-effective. We now remove the bullet belt on the corpse and quickly drilled into the gap, the space inside is very small, I can still do some moves, the fat man is reluctant, It is estimated that these birds are choking enough to get in.

The fat man has experienced many scenes of life and death hanging on the front line. At this time, he behaved more calmly than I did. Once inside the gap, a few stones were piled up as a bunker and said to me: “They can only come in one by one. As long as a few are killed, the entrance can be blocked, and we can last longer. “

I smiled bitterly in our heart, we didn’t have many bullets at all, and in fact there was no time to change the bullets. If the bullets in the magazine were finished, it would be the end of the dead.

However, there is still a chance of luck before dying.

The brain was still thinking about it, and suddenly I heard the birds outside start to scream, and through the gap I saw a strange bird head suddenly opened its mouth disproportionately, exposing its full fangs, and then from its mouth, Suddenly spit out a macaque-like creature with extremely agile movements, and immediately jumped to the ground, first looked around cautiously, then ran into the pile of corpses and began to bite. I took a closer look and found that the monkey had no skin and was covered with blood. It seemed to be an organ of the strange bird.

Then other strange birds began to spit out this creature. Countless “monkeys in the mouth” jumped out of the birds and rushed to the middle of the corpse. It seems that there is no class, and they swarmed and ate, everywhere in an instant. It’s blood and flesh, fighting for food, and conflicts from time to time.

Both the fat man and I frowned, almost sickening, thinking that if we waited for the same kind of ending, we couldn’t accept it.

The number of “monkeys in the mouth” is extremely large. Soon the corpses were eaten and cleaned, and the **** smell in the air reached an unacceptable level.

The fat man’s eyes were red, knowing that it was our turn to take the next step, he took a sip of white wine and said, “His grandma’s, want to eat fat man, see if you have this iron plate tooth.”

I was a little trembling with disappointment, and took over half of his wine to drink, and suddenly my throat was burning. Wine is indeed a good thing. Men feel really different with and without wine.

Outside, the “Monkey in the Mouth” searched around the wreckage. Suddenly, one of us noticed us in the gap and made a weird scream. Then the other “Monkeys” came around curiously and looked out face by face. we.

Only then can I see clearly that the “monkey” has no lips, no wonder that the ape teeth are so sharp and terrible. What surprised me the most was that all the monkeys in the mouth had a bronze hexagonal bell hanging on their necks, some were intact, and some had only half left. However, these bells did not sound at all as the monkey moved.

I was very scared at that time, and did not consider what it meant, but afterwards I thought that these bronze bells must have a great relationship with the entire mystery, although it seems that these bells do not belong to the same culture.

“Monkey in the mouth” was still very cautious at first. After spending a long time at the entrance of the cave, the fat man and I did not dare to come out, waiting for them with a gun. After a while, a few of them couldn’t hold back, suddenly hung from the top of the gap, jumped into the gap at once, and rushed towards the fat man tentatively.

The fat man was caught off guard, almost shot at the monster’s head, and the bullet traversed out, and at the same time, he took the body out and dropped it into the heap.

Then his gun went off, the bullets swept, and the horror screamed from the monkeys, and several monkeys suddenly flew flesh and blood.

Suddenly all the monkeys noticed us in the gap, and the scene was out of control. The headed “monkey in the mouth” made a sharp cry, and all the monkeys began to dig into the gap.

I swallowed and knew that my nightmare was coming.

Before I prayed, the two monkeys jumped into the gap like lightning, and opened a huge mouth towards me on the top of the gap. The five or six type was too long to be smashed with a butt. I had to fly one. He kicked one out of the foot, and then killed the other with two shots. Then the blood exploded and burst into my face. Then another rushed in. I had no mental preparation to shoot again, started the gun and started to sweep.

For five or six minutes, I did n’t know what I was doing. I only saw one and another fierce monkeys rushing there, and I swept it out again, and there was flying blood everywhere. The monkey went crazy and didn’t have any fear at all. Sometimes a few of them even squeezed into the gap together. They stuck themselves and were kicked out with my feet. However, more monkeys came over like a tide, and the bullets swept through. Even if only half of the body remained, as long as it could move, it still drilled straight into the gap, which was extremely vicious.

Soon I was all covered with blood. Both the fat man and I found it impossible to stay here. We all pushed back the monkeys that rushed in. Finally, our backs leaned together, and we kept firing. Reclaim a little space.

Soon the bullets ran out. I originally thought it would be no problem to insist on keeping all the hours, but in fact fighting, the consumption of bullets is beyond your control. I still have a lot of bullet belts, but as long as the monkey does not stop charging, we have no chance to change the bullet.

Fatty M16 got stuck first, he had red eyes, he scolded and dropped his gun, he took out his saber and wanted to go out for a fight, but people did n’t give him this opportunity at all, and five or six monkeys had jumped to him The body was biting loudly, and the fat man yelled in pain, knocking two of his hands to death, but four more fell on his face.

My five or six were no longer bullets, and I clicked the trigger and clicked several times. My heart suddenly became cold, and then a few red lights rushed in front of me in an instant. I hadn’t had time to draw the knife. The shoulders and inner thighs made a stroke. I subconsciously scared it with my injured hand I didn’t use it, and I had only one thought left in my mind: I, Wu Xie and Wang Fatzi, could never walk out of the secret realm of Changbai Mountain. Our lives are as hard as ours, and we will eventually die.

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