Daomu Biji

Chapter 24 - Seven Star King Lu

We all stepped back a few steps in awe. Although we had long thought that this coffin would definitely have a problem, but actually encountered it, we could not help but take a breath. This movement clearly indicated that there must be an active Lord inside, and the things in the coffin were active, which is definitely not a good thing.

Da Kui turned pale and shivered and said, “It seems there is something alive in it? Sanye, this coffin, I think we still don’t open it-“

Uncle San looked closely at the seam of the coffin and shook his head: “It’s impossible. The coffin is well sealed. The air can’t circulate at all. No matter what living things are in it, even if he has a life span of three thousand years, he’s already stifled. This is just a coffin, and there are several layers of coffins in it. Let ’s pry off one or two layers and listen carefully. “

I probably estimated the weight of this thing. In my memory, the heaviest bronze casket should be the giant coffin in the tomb of Zenghou Yi, Denggudun, about nine tons. This one is almost the same shape, but Zeng Houyi The tomb was only made of bronze inlaid with wood. This whole bronze, I am afraid that the weight is far more than nine tons. I ca n’t even estimate the specific number.

Da Kui and San Shu scraped the seam at the seam with a knife, then snapped the pry bar in, shouted, and pressed down, only to listen to the Karma bounce, the bronze casket rose up, I was busy to help, and pushed the bronze plate out. This plate weighed more than 800 pounds at least. It took a long time to push it out and moved out half of the way. We were tired and we did n’t breathe. With one shoulder over, he turned the board to the side, and finally revealed the coffin inside.

It was an exquisite jade-lacquered coffin covered with jade. The jade was arranged very neatly, and it was arranged in two ways: diamond and circle. It summarizes the saying that the sky is round. The jade nested in the coffin, It was a painted lacquered wood coffin, because the outside was covered with jade, and I could n’t see what was painted on it. Pan Zi saw the coffin, and his eyes were about to fall. He cried half of his face and cried, half of his face. Laughing: “Damn, there are so many jade, it will be okay to walk sideways!” He said he would start with his teeth clenched, and the third uncle hurriedly called: “No! This is Xinjiang Manas jade, you need to put the jade You can only sell a few hundred thousand if you take it apart. We are not enough for so many of us. You have to nest the jade to get it worth it! “

Pan Zi has been in trouble. When his uncle stared at him, he dared not make an order and scratched his head to the side.

The third uncle knocked on the painted lacquered wood coffin and said, “General kings of the Warring States period are double-layered coffins. If the tree is counted as the first layer of coffins, now we have removed the two-coated two coffins. The lower layer should be the most expensive. “After that, the third uncle carefully plucked all the gold thread from the lacquer coffin with a knife. In order not to damage the jade nesting coffin, he dialed carefully. After half an hour, the whole set of coffins was finally taken out.

As soon as the jade nesting coffin was removed, I saw the colorful painting on the wooden coffin. These things were easier to understand than the inscriptions. I highlighted a miner’s lamp and looked closely. There were several narrative paintings on it, the one on the coffin board It may be the scene when the coffin was just in the mortuary. I saw a huge tree with a hole in the middle. The bronze coffin was being lifted by many skeletons and had not been covered. Then there were many people on the side, kneeling respectfully There.

Sanshu carefully folded the jade nesting coffin and put it in his backpack. I tried to carry it back. The thing was dead and heavy, and it seemed to be choking enough.

Encouraged by this thing, Da Kui got excited all at once. Without saying anything, he continued to open the painted lacquered wooden coffin inside. The third uncle pulled him and scolded: “If you **** see a ghost, you will faint. Do n’t kill yourself when you get the money. There ’s only one layer underneath. Do n’t be sloppy. ”Squat down and put your ears on the coffin board, making a gesture that we should not speak.

We held our breath, afraid to disturb him. He listened for a long time, turned around, and said pale, “His mother seems to have breathing sounds inside.”

We are all stunned. If we hear ghosts in it, we might accept it, but now there is something gasping in it, which is too bizarre. Da Kui stuttered and said, “Isn’t it a living dead!”

The third uncle said, “Fuck ─ fart! Don’t **** give me **** here, it’s already here. Isn’t it the case that he covered the coffin board back?” He said, grabbing the black donkey’s hoof and holding it in his armpit, right I made a gesture, I picked up the gun, Da Kui lifted the crowbar in his hand, and stood by the coffin, ready to jump out of anything, give it a black one first.

Three uncles spit two saliva in his hands, first move his active body to brave himself, and then he will insert the pry bar into it. At this moment, a voice behind him shouted, “Stop!”

When we looked back, it turned out that the fat man did n’t know when he woke up, and he was touching his head while waving his hand to us: “No, no, this is what happened in the meeting. You **** want to come down with his experience. . It ’s a **** flashlight in the pit, looking for **** (dead). “

The third uncle snorted, “So what do you say?”

The fat man shook his hand and let the third uncle walk away. He reached into the gap between the lacquer coffin and the bronze coffin. He closed his eyes and groped for a long time. Suddenly his hand exerted force. Come on. At that moment, we all seemed to hear an extremely miserable cry from the coffin. My scared hand softened, and the gun almost took off.

The fat man jumped back immediately, spread his hands, and said, “Retreat!”

I unconsciously lifted the gun, aimed at the coffin, and quickly backed away for a few steps. The lacquer coffin rose from the coffin like a lotus flower, and then the left and right split coffin lids turned over. This ingenious design It’s really amazing, we can’t help but stare.

At the same time, we saw a man in black armor sitting up from the coffin. I lifted my shoulder and almost shot. The fat man grabbed my hand and said, “Don’t move, he is wearing Baby, do n’t break it! “

At this time, I finally saw what the mysterious King Lu Lu looked like. It was a rare wet corpse. The skin on the whole body was white to a transparent feeling. Both eyes were closed, and it seemed that he was dead. It was very painful. The facial features were almost distorted. I was very surprised. Since he had a way to keep the girl ’s body from being corrupted for thousands of years, why could n’t he keep his body.

Uncle walked to the side and said, “I **** thought it was a dumpling again. Look, there is a wood behind him. No wonder he can sit up.”

We all walked over. Sure enough, it was a very delicate organ. As long as the coffin was opened, the body inside would be held up by a wooden stick. If it were an ordinary grave robber, I would be scared to death.

Now we are all relieved, saying that this King Lu Lu is really deliberate, but he should also think that those who are afraid of ghosts, who are not afraid of ghosts, dare to open others’ coffins tonight, are all desperate. Just like this, the trick of scaring people is too much to underestimate us.

We all went around. I have seen that the armor he wore is actually the last coffin, the scientific name is Jinzhiyuxun, but I do n’t know why the jade pieces on it have all turned black. I took a closer look , And stayed there again, only to see that the chest of the corpse was still undulating, as if still breathing. The breathing sound was very obvious now, and I could almost see moisture squirting out of his nose.

Dakui opened his mouth in surprise: “This … this … this thing is **** alive!”

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