Daomu Biji

Chapter 33 - Nuhai Qiansha · Sea Ghost

Uncle was surprised, if there is one or two people behind, he can understand, even if all the people disappear, he can understand. But there was one more person, which was incredible. He thought that the number of Wenjin was wrong. When he looked back, he counted it again. He was the first, Wenjin was the second, and then went on in sequence, three, four, five, six, seven, first Eight is Li Sidi, the first ──

He took a breath of gas suddenly, because he had seen the ninth extra man, who was hiding behind a long line of vagueness, and even his figure could not be seen clearly. There must be something wrong.

Uncle San began to sweat coldly. He was n’t afraid of monsters, but he had no experience under the water, and he did n’t know what was behind it. The dumpling should n’t swim. Then again, the dumplings in the sea bucket did n’t know what to call, Is it called Hai Zongzi? Should I call dumplings?

He shook his head, and said that Li Sidi’s mother was really dull. He didn’t find such a thing behind. Now, no one can count on this situation. He can only rush over and look at it. He secretly took out a dagger, hid it behind his hand, and went back.

The ninth man stood there motionless, and Li Sidi saw the third uncle swimming towards him, and realized that there was something wrong behind him. After a busy look, he moved, and the man suddenly moved, as if imitating him. same. Li Sidi was frightened and took a few steps back. The man suddenly took a few steps back. It seemed that he was completely learning Li Sidi’s movements. The third uncle found that this person’s movements were not only strange, but also Something funny, take a picture of the searchlight on the head, the thing was stimulated by the light, and hurriedly fled back. The third uncle saw a huge, scaly giant face flashing across, scaring the dagger capital in his hand. .

Li Sidi was so scared that he was going to swim forward, and he dared not stay here to rest again. Uncle San grabbed him quickly. He yelled at Uncle, and the shape of his mouth seemed to be “good boy, good boy.” .

He already had an accent. He usually had a hard time speaking, and his mouth shape was even incomprehensible. The third uncle saw him almost hysterical, and even wanted to take off his helmet and pressed him against the wall. It didn’t matter this button, as soon as the four slits of the wall were loose at the same time, they actually shrunk in. Suddenly the surrounding water rushed into the wall. The uncle said badly, it was too late, they were like Like cockroaches in the toilet, they were caught in the hole in the wall.

The third uncle did n’t know how many circles he turned. He just felt that all his internal organs had been thrown to the side. He suddenly bumped into something hard. Fortunately, the helmet was strong. He pedaled a few times, and suddenly looked up and found out I got out of the water myself.

The others were about the same time as him, and several girls vomited in the helmet, let alone the nausea (how to sing that song, the most disgusting thing is not to see the rotting corpse, but drowning in your own vomit ──), a few good physiques are busy to support them, not let them sink.

The third uncle also hugged Wenjin. He used the searchlight to take a picture and found that he seemed to have reached the Hades. He took out a windproof lighter to start the fire. The fire could burn and there was oxygen, so he made an OK gesture to indicate that the air was OK. Several of them lifted their heavy helmets and just took a first breath. Several of them shouted at the same time: “It smells good!”

There is a very good smell in the tomb, very light but very refreshing, and I do n’t know what the scent is from. The third uncle has encountered countless strange odors in the tomb. This is the first time that there is a fragrance. I ca n’t help but wonder. He swept the searchlight and found that the tomb was not the main tomb, it might be an ear room, because there was no coffin in it, only rows of porcelain burial objects. These things should have been used by the tomb owner before his life, and they are now In the eyes of a circular fountain in the middle of the ear room, the third uncle looked at the decoration again, and the more he looked at the more puzzled. There are murals on the walls. Because of the moisture, they are corroded so badly that he can only vaguely see that the paintings on the murals seem to be all human shadows.

These shadow-like patterns come in all kinds of poses, long, short, fat, walking, dancing, each one is very realistic, as if it were a photocopy of a real person, but all the shadows are very strange, their The belly is very big, like a pregnant woman, Wen Jin has a good attainment of mural research, but she can’t see one reason.

It was Li Sidi. When he saw these murals, his face was blue, and he yelled, “Sea ghost! There are sea ghosts! This is a sea ghost tomb.”

The third uncle remembered the monster that he saw just now, and he said that the thing is a sea ghost? He was n’t sure himself, and now he hastily proposed this, which might cause panic, and he decided to keep it secret.

That Li Sidi had been screaming there, because he had a strong accent, and they all listened to as turtles, and a group of people laughed, making Li Sidi crying, and laughing too. The third uncle looked at his watch and let They all got out of the water, and some of them dared to the door near the ear. The door was not high, it should have been through the corridor. The third uncle pulled them back and said, “Now we have no archaeological equipment and no preparation for ambulance. You can stay here for me honestly, where Not allowed to go. I do n’t know if there is an institution in the tomb inside. We are here to take refuge in this hour. Please be grateful. Do you understand? “

Although the kids were not reconciled and had no choice, the cat had to study the porcelain in the ear room. Upon seeing it, the third uncle knew that these were things from the early Ming Dynasty. He wondered if this was really the grave of Shen Wansan’s clan?

But he has seen too many antiques and has no interest, but now he is more worried that the air in this space is not enough. He checked the number again, and now he was right. He was relieved. He was so tired these days that he didn’t take a good rest. Now he just took a nap.

He sat down against the wall, Wen Jin leaned on his shoulders, kissed him, it was a reward for his outstanding performance this time, the third uncle flew away in a hurry, was originally caused by the gang of grievances, now look When Wen Jin gave a sweet smile, it felt worth it, really **** worth it. He was willing to let him go backwards again.

They rested for a while, and anyone who has dived knows that if there is no long-term underwater operation experience, a dive is very exhausting. Although the uncle has good physical strength, the body has not adapted to those people. Relaxed, he started yawning, and the aroma seemed to have a calming effect. At one time he felt very very sleepy. He said to Wen Jin, “I will sleep for a while. If the time is up, Call me. “

That kind of sleepiness seemed abnormal, but the third uncle had no time to think about it, only to dimly see Wen Jin nodded gently, and his nose was all faintly scented. I do n’t know whether it was Wen Jin ’s body fragrance or the unique tomb. In short, he almost fell asleep almost instantly.

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