Daomu Biji

Chapter 37 - Anger in the sea

I entered the cabin with her, and it was full of piles of stuff, and there was almost no place to put my feet. It seemed that they were prepared very quickly, and all the materials were thrown indiscriminately before they could move into the cargo hold. The entrance. I observed while walking, and found that it was mainly diving equipment, large instruments, food, rope, and oxygen cylinders accounted for most of them.

We walked through the goods to the back warehouse that connected to the machinery room, where several slatted beds were lined up and covered with blackened blankets. On one of the beds was a middle-aged man with a little blessing and baldness. His face was shiny and shiny. When he saw me coming in, he stood up very nervously and shook hands with me. He said, “Good luck, good luck, surnamed Zhang.”

I had a bad first impression of this person, but out of politeness, I still shook it with him. His hands were very powerful, and it seemed that he had been engaged in manual labor before.

Ming Ning introduced to me: “Mr. Zhang is a consultant specially invited by our company and is an expert who specializes in researching the Ming Dynasty palace. This time, he is mainly responsible for the analysis of this underwater palace.”

I do n’t have much interest in the orthodox archaeological community, nor have I heard of his name, but looking at him with triumphant expression, I had to say, “Long admiration.”

The bald man waved his hand exaggeratedly and said, “Experts don’t dare to be people. Everyone researches and studies. It’s just that I’m lucky. I happened to publish several papers. It’s just a small achievement. I don’t mention it.

I have never seen anyone talk like this, and I do n’t know how to take him, so I have to say, “You are too humble.”

He was very fond of this set, and he shook my hand vigorously and asked me: “I don’t know what identity Mr. Wu was invited this time? IMHO, it seems that the subject that Mr. Wu studies is relatively unpopular, or I ’m ignorant, I have never seen Mr. Wu ’s size in the archaeological magazine. “

These few words clearly want to belittle me, and I don’t know if they are intentional or unintentional. I have a bad temper, and I almost have a seizure when I hear these. But when I think that I have only been on board, the environment is not yet familiar, so I have to suppress the fire. , Said angrily: “I specialize in digging.”

My tone is already very bad, but he did n’t even hear it, and he uttered: “You are an architect? No wonder, it turns out that we are not in our circle, but we are also half of our peers, you build a living house. , I study the houses of the dead, we still have intersections. “

I could n’t help crying and laughing. It seems that although this man ’s speech is not reliable, but it is not the kind of person who is violent and violent. I patted him and said: “I am not an architect, I am a digger, the dead man ’s house you studied, want me Just dig it out first. “

After saying this, I regretted it a little bit. I had n’t promised that they would fight down in person. The situation there is unknown. I have to wait until I actually read it. Digging depends on the situation. If the situation doesn’t allow, you can’t dig if you want to dig. “

He didn’t hear my voice out of the string, and still handed me a business card, saying, “What if there is one more friend, more one way?” If there is something to go to the north, I can ask him for help. I saw him and I met in less than two minutes. The relationship has been the same for more than ten years. It is estimated that I will go to worship if I continue to chat. I will quickly divert the topic and ask the woman about the situation in the sea.

That woman is quite capable, she put a few things in a row, and I know a rough idea.

It turned out that Uncle San was unable to determine the specific location of the seabed tomb at that time. He only found four possible areas, one by one, and later they must have found them, but the last report of the missing ship was relatively short, and there was no Mention which sea area they finally confirmed, so now we have to find them one by one.

Their plan is to start with the nearest fairy reef, then supply some supplies to Yongxing Island, and then go to the other three sea areas near Qilian Island. The stopover should not exceed half an hour. As for the way to find it, the sea water in Xisha is very clear. Under good light conditions, the water can reach more than 30 meters deep, and the flow of Haiti is stable, there is no strong sea sand, so the rob hole a few days ago should be Won’t be covered up.

The fisherman of this boat is also very familiar with those sea areas. The bottom of the water we laymen look at is the same, but in their eyes, the bottom of each water area has its own characteristics, as long as the sea bottom He will be able to see some changes in the terrain.

I discovered from the woman ’s conversation that she has great confidence in the survival of these three people underwater. I do n’t know where this kind of blind faith came from. Of course, I also hope to honor her. Everything is safe in the sea fight.

The bald man saw that I had a speculative conversation with the woman and put him on the side alone. It was probably a bit uncomfortable. I went to bed and went to sleep. I think this man is middle-aged and has a temper like a child. There is really news for a hundred years of undead. I do n’t know if I will get along with each other.

I thought, the boat was shocked, the fisherman behind anchored and opened the boat, and the shaking of the boat began to violently, because it was an old boat, not only the left and right rocking, but also an irregular back and forth rocking, it seemed to be in the cradle Same as here. After ten hours of fatigue, I was screamed and tired, and yawned. The woman was very interested, so I let myself take a good rest, and I was honest, I was really tired, and I fell asleep when I lay down.

When I woke up, the boat was already in the middle of the sea, and I looked out through the window and found that it was only a gut-wrenching effort that the sky had changed. The whole sea seemed to turn dark green at once, and the sun disappeared into a large cloud Here, the light shines through the gaps of the clouds, forming a huge gold print on the sky, and at the same time, a gold scale is sprinkled on the sea, and it shines up and down, which is very spectacular.

But the good weather didn’t last long. The dark clouds quickly joined together, blocking all the sunlight. The sea suddenly turned into a horrible black. The waves rolled up and the boat swung with the waves. When we were in the valley, the sea water was on the side of the boat. The top of it, just like being swallowed by giant waves, is terrifying.

I saw the boatmen running around nervously, reinforcing the nets that fixed the supplies. Although it was very fast, there was no fear on the ship’s boss’s face.

I was used to staying in the city, and I was so excited when I saw this scene. I wanted to go to the deck to help. After I went up, I realized that I did n’t think it was what I wanted. Yes, you must be very familiar with the waves and the boat, know when the next tilt will be after this tilt, and be prepared in advance. I obviously did not have such a high level. After walking a few steps, I had to hug a protruding iron ring.

At this time, several crew members seemed to see something and started to scream. I could n’t understand the southern Fujian dialect. I followed their fingers and vaguely saw the left side of the ship, behind the high waves, it seemed that there was something thing.

Because the distance is far away, I don’t see clearly. I just thought it might be a boat. At this time, the woman walked past me, so I asked her what are these people calling?

She had wet hair on her body and was thrown by the wind. She listened carefully and said, “They seem to see a boat.”

The boss of the ship came to us and said in half-familiar Mandarin: “There seems to be a ship accident there. According to the regulations, we must go over and see.”

Of course, it is understandable that the woman nodded, and the boss of the boat quickly issued a series of instructions to his buddies in local dialects, and immediately the ship turned to the left with a full rudder.

The sea in the wind and waves is like a hill, each wave head is a mountain, and our ship rushes towards the wave head, and then breaks through the waves. Every time the person on the ship breaks, he takes a sea bath, and his body is wet. I do n’t know how many times. , I’ve never felt so excited, I couldn’t help but want to scream.

We turned over a dozen waves in succession, and finally we could see the outline of the thing clearly.

At this time, I heard the ship boss yelling in horror, and several crew members panicked. I was busy asking the woman what happened. After she heard it, her face changed suddenly and she grabbed my hand and said : “Don’t look back, it’s a ghost ship!”

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