Daomu Biji

Chapter 377 - Qiong cage stone shadow

We have been in Guangxi for quite a long time, and we must return to our respective places to see. So we made plans at the time of the farewell. The fat man is responsible for the preparation of equipment. I continue to collect information.

After returning to Hangzhou, I started to implement my plan.

When I made a plan with the fat man, I had n’t figured out how to collect this information. Later, I thought about it carefully. To understand the life experience of the oil bottle, you may need to start from a formal channel.

The previous investigation showed that the people on the Tao didn’t know him. They may have participated in the archaeological team in the 1980s, and the organization should have records. At that time, participating in this kind of project required a clean family. I might be able to find clues in Changsha’s old archives, at least to find his organizational relationship, and then to find one or two people who knew him, or any trace of clues.

However, the city archives, especially the personnel files, are kept secret, and the old files are not available without red-headed documents. This archaeological team was formed in the early 1980s, and something happened, which may be classified as confidential. Category, it is not so easy to see.

In addition, the best way to find an archive is to start with the research institute that sent the archaeological team back to now. It has only been more than 20 years, and it should not be too long.

I do n’t know which research institute in Changsha, but there would n’t be so many names at that time. There may be only one research institute related to archaeology. At that time, most of them were students, so it is likely to be a unit in the university, and it should not be difficult to verify.

Several times of searching, and as I expected, there is indeed an old research institute in the same situation as I thought. It has now been merged, and the old site is on the campus of a famous university.

The university is about to relocate. When Wang Meng and I passed by, the outside world was completely dismantled and the land was estimated to have been sold to the real estate company. If you are a few months later, you may only see a flat ground.

Even if there is a clue, the research institute merged, the archives may be merged into the new research institute, and there is a great possibility that they will remain in the archives room of the old university. I am well aware of the organization, and I am not convinced that the archives more than 20 years ago will still be popular.

But this matter is not easy to inquire. I entrusted my relationship. I took a few bends in the old relationship of the third uncle and found a person who worked in the institute. The surname is Du, and the name is very interesting. , I sent two Chinese cigarettes, asked the situation, he said that the office has changed places, but the files are still in the school, the institute and the university have nepotism, many of them are lecturers in the university, I want to think See, he can take me in. In addition to the inconvenience at the door, the inside is relatively loose, but the old files are difficult to check, so I do n’t have too much hope.

No more gossip, I went that night.

The old building of this university can be seen to have been changed by the previous hospital. The archive room is on the ground floor of the auditorium. There are hundreds of square meters. It is simply a warehouse. It takes no effort. Dujuan Mountain and I follow the low and narrow Go down the corridor, there are no lights below, it is completely dark, a flashlight, all rows of rows of wooden shelves, above are kraft paper file bags, thick and thin, completely broken, horizontally and vertically Yes, most of them have a layer of ash on them, and it smells like a damp paper tip.

Tjuju Mountain told me that all the files that were used frequently after 1995 have been removed, and the rest are left untouched for many years. It is estimated that no one will turn them when they are destroyed.

I looked at this situation and felt eerie. But this is also just right. The temperature in Changsha in August is quite high, and it will feel cooler at night. With this shade, the coolness is very comfortable. I bit the flashlight and fanned it, rummaging through the old wooden shelves.

Speaking of it, I know that Tsinghua University has a library management department. It was strange at the time. What else is good for library management? Seeing the size of this archive room, I realized that people who can manage these things are also called geniuses. Looking at these bookshelves, ordinary people must have black eyes. This is only a unit archive room of a research institute. If it is the National Archives The amount of trillions, how many people have to deal with it in order to play?

Azalea Mountain is afraid that I will run into him and keep looking at him. He has been watching from the side, help me find it together, and ask me some detailed questions to help filter.

Because of some special reasons, China’s archive system is very perfect, as long as it is in accordance with certain rules, as long as the archive is still there, it will definitely be found. Unfortunately, I am like a headless fly now. I only know the approximate age. I do n’t even know the number of the archaeological team.

Searched for a long time and found nothing. My idea is to find by year, and all the files here are sorted by year, so as long as you find similar investigation files from 1980 to 1985, you can get the participants’ information from it. message. Changsha is located in Chudi. Although there are relatively many archaeological activities, the absolute number is not much. One shelf is full. I didn’t want to go through the five-year archives, and I didn’t see any document bags related to Xisha archaeology.

My heart is strange, ask Azalea Mountain, are there any other places?

He shook his head and said that if it is gone, it is basically true, unless the file is in the confidential archive room, then it will not be put in this place. Otherwise, it was specially destroyed.

I think it’s unlikely, even if the archaeology is a secret, there is no such thing as a secret.

He comforted me and said that this is a common thing. Perhaps as you said, the archaeological team disappeared afterwards, which is considered a major event. For the sake of confidentiality, the files were disposed of.

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