Daomu Biji

Chapter 380 - Qionglong Stone Shadow · Found

These are really old files. They were bitten by rats, and they were all covered in rat shit. Randomly picked one, it should be the old file at the time, shaking, gray. If someone flipped it, there must be a difference. I hurriedly ordered Wang Meng to look carefully. Is there anything suspicious?

Crept around in the pile of documents, and Wang Meng soon found out that in the past, there were a few stacks of documents on the ground neatly arranged. Four stacks are placed side by side to form a square.

Wang Mengdao said: “Boss, do you think it means that? This person looked here and stood too tired, so he used these documents to make a stool.”

I nodded, indeed, almost can imagine the situation at that time. The man sat on the file stool and could see it more carefully.

Turned 360 degrees in situ, and wanted to determine which direction the person was facing when he was sitting. When he found that he was facing the back, the shelf on one side could just use a flashlight as a light. As I reproduced the situation in my head, I put the flashlight up and looked down at my feet. Away from the dust, there are several old cigarette butts in front of me, and there is a stack of documents in front of me.

A large envelope here weighs at least four or five pounds, and scattered documents cannot be seen in your hand. The pile in front of me may be used by him as a table. This is what he looks at. Watching while smoking, his mother’s kid is quite leisurely!

Is still useless, surrounded by documents. In the end, what he was looking for could not be guessed. Maybe he found what he needed and took it away.

I did a few tricks to turn the document a bit, and suddenly a thought flashed in my mind, thinking of the handwriting on the seal, I couldn’t help but have a ghostly thought-for the time being, if nothing else, if the article is really written by me Yes, how would I read the file?

I asked Wang Meng to hand me an envelope, opened it and placed it on the “table” in front, picked it up and turned it over. Then I recalled my usual habits. While pondering, I used my right hand to stack the pages I saw on my hand. When it reached a certain thickness, I set it aside far away and put it very well.

This is a habit of mine, because when I do the finishing of this book, the whole table is often made of paper, which is very messy and well-organized. I like to let it go far and distinguish it from other documents. The distance must be within hand’s reach.

Looked around to see if there was any place within this distance that I could use to put things. I saw a stack of paper heads stacked on a box on my right, and reached over, the distance was just right.

I froze in my heart, a little resisted, if even this is guessed, wouldn’t it prove that the person who reads things here is really me?

But I only hesitated and took the paper. who cares! I’ve died once anyway. What’s so worried about this kind of thing?

I put a stack of files on the stack of documents in front of me. The first one is a form, which seems to be a subsidy budget. There are several names. The maximum subsidy is 447,92 yuan. I was not very clear about the wage system at the time, but so many allowances were definitely astronomical at the time.

This kind of allowance is generally given to the Soviets. I am not interested in this. I soon noticed that there is a line in the corner of the table: the allowance table for expatriates from the archaeological project of Shangsi Zhangjiapu site in Guangxi.

correct! This is it!

Turned over, all the pages have been disturbed, the following is an extension of the table, are some names, there is a chapter at the end, is indeed a stamp of this archaeological institute. I saw a date in this stamp, which was a file from 1956.

Following is a summary of the data, not mimeographed, all handwritten records, what number room. Length and width: There is also a schematic diagram, and the handwriting is scribbled. Because there are things just now, I subconsciously looked at the notes. The words are completely strangers, and there are a lot of differences. Obviously, it is not a person who is recording.

Quickly opened, and only after seeing pages 14 and 5 I saw different things.

It is a floor plan of something, but it is not a modern professional floor plan, but it is still drawn with a brush. I knew it by looking at it myself. This is a “style mine” of the Qing Dynasty.

“Style Thunder” is a pronoun, referring to a family of Qing Dynasty royal designer surnamed Lei. They were in charge of the design work of almost all royal buildings, but at that time the status of artisans was low. Even the world’s first artisan family remained silent in the eyes of ordinary people. Most modern people don’t even know that there is such a family. Only those of us who are engaged in architectural gardening know how many “style thunders” are.

Five thousand years of history in China, the style mine has only existed for two hundred years. However, one-fifth of China’s world cultural heritage is made by style mine and has to be served.

After the construction of the Summer Palace, the style of thunder suddenly fell. Some people speculated that this was related to the inability of the Qing Dynasty at that time to build giant buildings. However, the decline of the style of mine is very strange. I have read a report saying that he abandoned the officer overnight, the speed is very fast, I don’t know what has changed.

After the decline, the descendants of the style of Lei sold a lot of “hot drawing” of their ancestors, these things are the crystallization of the masterpiece of Chinese architecture, and the number is extremely large. Some are lost overseas and private, and domestic officials also have a considerable number, so it is still a relatively common thing. In our department, anyone who studies gardening and planning can no longer be familiar with this, so I recognized it at once.

This picture should be related to the Zhangjiapu ruins. So, the ruins should be things from the Qing dynasty, and may still be works of style.

This is a copy, the original must be in the museum.

I am interested in these things, so I took a quick look. The drawing shows a large courtyard, which should be a house, depending on the scale, it is quite large in length and depth. Looking at the structure, it should be a residential house.

Style Lei is a royal designer. There are few opportunities to design a private house. The owner of this house must be a big official, or someone with a long history.

Looked if there was a small letter on the side that marked the name of the house, but I saw nothing.

The next few pictures also killed the same pattern, most of them are “scrapping” pictures. The design map of the style mine is extremely fine. Various angles, a single building, and the decomposed parts are recorded, including the surrounding feng shui, landforms, and even a giant meridian grid square lattice map of the entire ground of the “flat leveling”.

Turned over, there are more than a dozen pages, and finally the index page of the document, indicating how many things are inside, I moved in my heart, holding the information inside and matching it, and found that only six pages were lost by the number of pages.

If you guessed right, it was taken by that person. Everything in my hands is the key now, but even so, for me who has no clue, it is a great breakthrough.

Sorted out the documents in his hand, and then looked around, knowing that there would be no gain here, so he greeted Wang Meng who was still rummaging back.

Called a few times before he recovered. I went over and asked him why? He shone the corner of the warehouse with a flashlight and asked me, “Boss, what is that for?”

I looked up and saw a cage welded horizontally and vertically with iron bars behind the debris over there.

Looking in the past, the cage is half a man tall and rusty. Wang Meng shone a flashlight towards the inside and hit a broken bowl. “Is it a dog cage?”

I shook my head. The iron bars in this cage were very tightly welded. There is no need to weld a dog like this! Maybe it’s the steel scrap left over when I built the house. This is not something I can control. Immediately let Wang Meng do not spend time, I was anxious to verify something.

The original road went directly back to the hotel, he went to take a shower, I went directly to the Internet, and started checking things in my hand.

First looked for the so-called “Shangsi Zhangjiapu Site Investigation” message, and found nothing. I thought that things in the 1950s were not likely to be posted on the Internet. Even if there were, it was estimated to be only a few words, and then I checked the place names.

Engages me in this business and doesn’t care much about the Guangxi generation. Although there are ancient tombs there, the climate is very different from those in Hunan, Shaanxi, and Shanxi. After staying there for three days, I poured the soup medicine before going to the ground, let alone into the local virgin forest. Moreover, customs, ethnic distribution habits are different, and it is not a place where normal people are mixed. In the old society, for the Central Plains people, it would only go if there was really nowhere to go.

I was quite surprised by this survey, but the local mountain landscapes are too different. Although many Han people from the Central Plains also set the Yin and Yang houses in accordance with the customs of the Central Plains, the concept is completely different.

This kind of place is dominated by those new folk tomb robbers. I heard that someone robbed the tomb in Guangxi and used an excavator to dig directly, which is much more than the southern one.

The information on the Internet was limited. I was sweaty on my body. I checked it. The air conditioner blew and people calmed down. So I took a shower first and thought while washing. I was n’t wearing underwear when I came out. Wang Meng was startled. I found my thoughts very chaotic, these things are too scattered, with my own wisdom, it is obviously difficult to think through all the problems in such a short time.

‘S pattern of thunder is a good clue, but there are many such patterns in the world, and there is not a good complete index. Looking for clues from above is like a needle in a haystack, and even more unreliable.

I fell asleep after thinking about it that night, and my mind was in a mess.

In the morning, I got dizzy, washed myself with cold water to wake myself up, then scanned all these things, sent them to some people I knew, and went to visit some relatives, all of them walked through the road, thinking at the same time Who can I ask about this? Suddenly I thought of a man who was my grandpa’s year-end friend and liked me when I was a kid. This guy and I are traveling together. I used to love the Garden Design Institute, and I specially repaired ancient buildings. So I bought some small wine and small dishes and went to visit.

I haven’t seen it in N years. I thought about the old man’s presumed temper. The old man opened the picture and looked at it, only a few seconds later said: “Are you sure this is the house where people live?”

I heard what the old man said, so I asked him what to say? He said: “You have studied architecture for so many years, don’t you see it? Look at the lighting of this house.”

I said that I would look at the design drawings, but I would n’t look good in the style! It was not drawn by national standard software. After a brief look at it, I suddenly realized that it had nothing to do with the design, the problem was the layout of the house. Pour a few times to determine the southeast and northwest, push it carefully, there is a stir in my heart, there is indeed a problem!

This house is designed in such a way that almost all the houses under the eaves can’t get sunlight, and there is no reflected light. When the sun is shining outside, it may be black and messy inside.


“This is a dark room.”

How can “style thunder” design this kind of house? I pushed it again carefully, and found that the house was very cleverly designed, avoiding light deliberately. Although that doesn’t guarantee that you won’t be able to take photos at all, at least it is definitely an intentional layout.

Could the people living in this house not see the sun? vampire? This is nonsense, and I thought of “the eyes of black glasses”. Isn’t the person in this house the same as he can’t see the bright light? Or did the emperor have a whimsy and want to build a house to hide cats and cats?

“Have you seen this house before?” I asked the old man.

He frowned and shook his head: “The opposite is true. There is no way to live in this house! But I know there was a place in ancient times that had similar requirements to this, but it was not so strict.

“Where?” I moved and asked.

“Yi Zhuang.”

“Yi Zhuang? Is this a big house full of dead people?”

Impossible, Yizhuang will not be so large. I can clearly see that this house has many different structures, and it should be an ordinary residential house in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

“Where did you get this thing?” The old man asked me.

I naturally ca n’t tell the truth. I said it was bought from the market. The old man is obviously very interested, so let me transfer it to him and let him study it carefully.

I naturally refused, but thinking about it is not very useful here, so I asked him if he could go to the industry to help me inquire about the situation? If there is any progress, this thing can be sent in vain.

This ceremony was done in a more authentic way. The old man readily agreed not to mention it. I was left at night and asked me to drink.

The old man lived alone, and was relatively lonely in his old age. I came here at that time and thought about staying with him for a while and chatting with him, so I stayed.

Two people drank half a catty, he and I talked about the style of thunder. He told me that the style of Lei was actually a family of craftsmen at the end of the Ming Dynasty. In the Qing Dynasty, the first generation of palace entrants was Lei developed.

At that time, Kangxi rebuilt the Temple of Supreme Harmony. On the day of the Liang Dynasty, Kangxi led the Minister of Civil Affairs and Martial Arts to pay homage in person. Lei Fang was found and awarded the crown suit.

Lei’s well-developed sleeve axe softened his body. He hurriedly climbed the beam and raised the copper axe. He only heard three sounds of “Dong, Dong, Dong”. Suddenly the drumming sounded, and the civil and military Baiguanshan called “Long live”. Shang Liang Licheng, Emperor Kangxi, Dragon Heart Joy, immediately summoned Lei Fangda, and gave a face-to-face lecture to the director of the Ministry of Industry and Construction. Therefore, the people left the ballad that “there is a Luban on the top, there is a long class on the bottom, the Ziwei is ordered, and the Golden Palace is closed to the palace.”

After, Style Lei has been flying to Huang Tengda. When Lei Jinyu, Lei’s son, was already the leader of the style director. It is said that Lei Jinyu’s craftsmanship is even more superb. He can imitate Western precision clocks and integrate Western machinery with Chinese tradition. In addition to the large-scale buildings, many of the kiki’s toys in the palace are also made by him.

I am quite familiar with style thunder, and I am not interested in these, so I asked the old man, do you know how style thunder has declined?

The old man said that no one knew, there were multiple sayings. It is said that the last style of mine offended the queen mother, and said that the late Qing Dynasty was weak and unable to build large buildings. But there is another saying, I don’t know if it is true or not.

I would like to hear the details. The old man drank a little too much and was very serious. He lowered his voice and said, “We all know that the Manchus came from outside the customs. Nomads, the roots are outside the customs. It is a custom to have the roots outside the customs. After the death of the Mongolian emperor, the corpses must be transported outside the customs. Go to the burial. It is said that at the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, Dorgon, the regent, did not know how long the regime could last, so he transported all the jewelry and jewelry to the outside of the customs, and the emperor was buried outside the customs. Later, the situation was stable and there were only things to be built. Within the customs. “

“However, this is just a guise. The royal family has always been unsettled. The Dongling Mausoleum is only a false mausoleum. The emperors and maids are buried. Most of the Emperor Manqing was buried in secret places outside the customs. The style of Lei is a lot of strange. I do n’t know what the design is, it is presumed to be the part used by the tomb of the emperor.

“Although Style Lei did not participate in the construction of the specific emperor’s mausoleum, most of the interior design came from his own hands. When the dynasty fell in the late Qing Dynasty, it would naturally be persecuted. Fortunately, the situation was chaotic at the time, and the court had no time to take care of too many things in this regard. Otherwise, the style thunder may be more than this end. “

I heard stunned, “The East-West Tomb is huge, can there be fake?”

“This is the power of the Qing Dynasty. Rather than worrying about every emperor’s tomb, it is better to engage a huge fake target to attract everyone’s attention. I estimate that if there is such an emperor’s tomb outside the customs, it must be in Changbai Mountain or Xing’an Mountains . “

I listened, and I felt a sudden, thinking of the Jurchen characters and the huge underground mountains that I saw in Changbai Mountain in the past.

“These are all dictated by Tu Dao, and basically can’t be verified.” The old man said again, “You haven’t found it as the Mausoleum of Gijs Khan! The possibility of exploring the tomb outside the customs is too low, that is, one hundred of you three Uncle, I ’m afraid I ca n’t find it in my lifetime. “

I nodded, but that was also a bit cold.

I have n’t heard of all this. Manqing searched for many years in the customs. Many researchers have found that the weakness in the late Qing Dynasty is not normal. I do n’t know if the emperor buried the property. In this sense, this customs may be a larger tomb group than the mysterious Mongolian tomb.

After talking about this, the old man drank almost, and soon he was confused, and I left and went back to the hotel immediately. I checked the information about the lighting of the house for a long time, but unfortunately I did n’t get much.

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