Daomu Biji

Chapter 386 - Qionglong Stone Shadow · Memories (Part 2)

Although I am not entirely sure that it is the same thing, the color and the carving above are at least very similar. I believe that even if they are different, they must be of the same category.

I once suspected that this thing is the ghost seal mentioned in the Lu Shu King’s book. In front of the bronze door, the stuffed oil bottle should not hold the thing in the concave shape. This thing should have a special role. I didn’t expect to see a similar one here.

I lean, I said in my heart, it ’s better to be a coincidence as soon as possible, thinking of me to give the fat man a wink, he lowered his head, I whispered to him: “Go and ask, who is this seller?”

The fat man nodded, and the old Huo Huo took a sip of tea, and said quietly: “Don’t ask, if the seller here doesn’t want anyone to know, then no one can ask.”

“Hey, old lady, you look down on people, don’t you?” Fatty said: “Although your fat man, I don’t mix with this Crescent Hotel, but how can I say that there is a person with three acres of face in Beijing City, I tell you “It’s not your fat man, I’m bragging, I want to inquire about someone, I really can’t inquire.”

The old lady never looked back: “The boss here was very expensive during the Manchu Dynasty in Beijing. It’s been hundreds of years. It has been passed down for generations. It has never happened. Fishing for you. This year, the price of fishing for corpses is expensive. I think you should save some money to deal with the things to be done later. “

The fat man was sullen and wanted to go out immediately to prove to the old woman that she was doing it. I immediately grabbed him, knowing that the old woman was not false, and it should not be an exaggeration, and that the fat man said bad things, even if he choked on him If I ca n’t really go out and ask questions, I ’m sure I wo n’t come back. Maybe I ’ll catch a man who will severely punish the confession and force me to fight back for my face. He said to him: “Give her a face.”

The fat man actually gave me a face, whispered, and stopped talking. I looked at the scene that was gradually quieting down, and I started a new year in my heart. I said that the easiest way to see the seller may be to buy this thing. Come down, but is this feasible?

There is only one auction item here, everyone has a clear purpose and they are all big guys. I guess the price of the fight is not overwhelming. If the default is taken, the penalty will at least make me bankrupt, and this is a black market. Chopping a finger, digging an eye or something, you have blood mold.

Even if it is really taken, it hangs. In this kind of black market, the seller may keep the whole process secret. Even if he buys his things, he may not show up. At most, an agent will be sent to sign a contract with you. Moreover, I estimate that the rules of the auction process are different from the formal ones.

For today’s plan, there is only one step at a time. First determine who bought it, and then discuss it from the long side. The uneasiness in my heart has turned into confusion, and I foresee that there must be some tricks here.

The following was intensive, and it was arranged soon. I looked at the glass cabinet in the middle of the table. The contents in the picture book were not clear. The cheongsam woman began to speak: “Boss, now start shipping goods, you are optimistic. It ’s no longer possible to shoot again. “

Say, a buddy came out from one side, holding a very long bamboo pole in his hand, there is a hook on the head of the bamboo pole, there is a ring on the glass cabinet, the man hooks with the hook on the head of the bamboo pole. Lift the glass cabinet like fishing, and then stick the bamboo pole to lift the glass cabinet up, as if hanging clothes with a fork, and fork it into the air to send it to the box.

The man’s craftsmanship was extremely stable, and he held a bamboo pole upstairs without shaking his hand, and delivered one by one along the outer edge of the box gallery on the second floor.

No one picked it up, just looked a few times in the air, and went to the next house in less than half a minute. Soon I came in front of me, and the fat man immediately approached. I also stretched my neck and looked very close. I discovered at a glance that the material of this thing must be the kind of meteorite stone like the jade figurines.

In an instant, I really wanted to grab it, and then told them to run away with their legs shit, and I could hardly hold back the idea.

Soon the thing was taken away and put back in the center of the stage. Then, as the same fellow, he began to pick up a bell with a bamboo pole. The little girl next to the old lady took it and placed it next to the old lady, and all the people in the box took it, but I didn’t.

I thought that the bell should be the one who participated in the auction, and I didn’t care. I thought that the bell would start after the split. I didn’t expect that in the end, the guy, fork a thing for me.

It was a small lantern, only the size of a small watermelon, with a small candle inside, and the mask was cyan, very dark, and it was not used for lighting at a glance.

As soon as that thing appeared, there was an uproar suddenly in the whole scene. I saw all my eyes focused on me.

I was stunned. The fat man took it inexplicably, put it on my side, just put it down, and suddenly there was a burst of warm applause in the whole venue.

I looked at the fat man, and it was even more ignorant. The old lady said quietly on the edge: “I have n’t paid tribute to your admirers. This restaurant has n’t dared to light this sky lantern for a long time Parents, in the future, no one on the rivers and lakes may know, and no one knows the reputation of your little uncle Wu. “

I looked at her, and I still didn’t understand what it meant, but I don’t seem to have heard the three words of the sky lantern.

She looked at me with a sneer and continued: “However, this mighty moment, I am afraid that your old Wu family will be burned out by your prodigal lamp this time.

I am an agitator and immediately understand what will happen next.

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