Daomu Biji

Chapter 441 - The Finale · Wu Sanxing\\\'s Return

This teahouse felt very strange when I entered the door. I walked in and went upstairs. I found that I still have a little impression in my memory. I seem to have been there a few times before. But at the time, I was very young. I just remember that the room was often full of smoke from the room. The adults played mahjong in the room and laughed, and I was taken by my dad and asked several people to take the New Year’s money and leave.

I couldn’t think of killing. In the same place, the same people, I will experience again in this way.

The second floor of the tea house is a corridor with private rooms on both sides. However, unlike the crescent hotel before, the interior decoration is much worse. Many of them are made of bamboo partition walls. There is a color of oil bamboo, yellow and white. The tent is close to the smell of a cigarette, and I do not know how many years it has not been changed. The old smell of smoke has not been washed away.

Pan Zi walked ahead and led us to the private room at the end of the corridor. He lifted the tent and we walked in. The private room has a lot of space, but there is only a mahogany table in the middle of the room. There are six chairs with Panlong silk cushions on both sides. The window is behind and you can see the view downstairs. I glanced at it, and if it was pierced, I would jump from here and run away

But when I look down further, my heart is cold. The following are all hustle and bustle, all of them come with all markets together. The road is full of cars on both sides, and there are all types. I do n’t know. I thought that the train tickets for Spring Festival were sold here.

A set of tea set was placed on the mahogany table. Xiaohua moved up and removed five chairs, only let me sit down, and the chairs were all pulled against the wall. Pan Zi sat down and started smoking. I saw his hands trembling, and my heart was straightening tight, I wonder if he can still carry it. I dare not ask questions, but I can only touch the surface of the table, pretending to be somewhat nostalgic and thoughtful.

Xiu Xiu on the side started to make kung fu tea for me. Her method was very special. She untied her bun bun, washed the hairpin with tea, and then stirred the tea with the hairpin.

I watched her movements, and while praying that she washed her hair this morning, I realized that the material of her hairpins was strange, like a light-colored emerald, and like a bone, with extremely detailed patterns carved on it. There is something to come.

I smelled the brewed tea, it should be Biluochun, but at the same time there is a fragrance that I am familiar with but cannot remember. I took a sip and it tasted very good, with a feeling of tranquility.

I was shocked by the scene at the entrance of the tea house just now. What I just experienced left me in a muddled state. Although my heartbeat was not fast and people were not very nervous, all my feelings were dull and numb. Until the tea was drunk, all the erratic feelings were recovered. My thoughts began to be clear, but my mood started to get nervous again.

While we came in, a large number of people came in outside, and now we are not outside the tent. Obviously we went to other boxes. I can’t hear a trace of conversation, everyone seems to be waiting for something.

Perhaps I found that my expression was wrong. Xiaohua waved my hand to make me not anxious. I whispered something to a few of my men. When I reached the key point, I basically gestured and did n’t even need to move my mouth.

I had to wait patiently and take a deep breath to stabilize my mind. Xiu Xiu held my hand to express comfort, but I was even more anxious. If Xiuxiu can see that I’m uneasy, then others can certainly see it, but I just can’t control my anxiety.

Finally, Xiaohua and his men finished talking before he started to bother me. He put the curtain down and drew the curtains behind me, and the whole room went dark. He leaned over and said in my ear: “Wang Baqiu didn’t come. It seems to know that things have changed. He took the approach of retreating. But there must be his eyeliner outside. If the situation is not right, he will definitely lead people to appear. People outside see that Wang Baqiu is afraid to come, and he is just about to move. The situation is not good for us. I think I will be ready to fight hard. “

“That …” I just wanted to ask him, he immediately made a gesture of not speaking, and took out his mobile phone to show me.

I saw an unsent text message on the screen of his mobile phone. He used this as a writing board. The words on it were: “There are at least three people with good ears next door, and it is useless to speak softly. It ’s true, I ’ll tell them later. You just act your way, we ’ll get the rest. ”

I nodded, he immediately deleted the words on the screen, the speed of his fingers was extremely fast, and then gave Pan Zi a wink.

Panzi was pale, but he nodded, and he heard him yell: “Grandpas, please call me, please.”

As soon as the sound fell, the sound of pulling the chair sounded in all the boxes on the side, a mess. After a while, I saw the curtains lifted up, and the bulls, ghosts and snakes walked in one by one, and soon the room was full of people.

Before the chaos, I just vaguely had an impression on them. There has always been a wrong prediction in my mind that the boss should be the most ferocious of them. Looking closely now, the tall, short, fat, and all ages come in, but they are all very ordinary and unremarkable.

Some older people do know me well, and some are very young. Overall, these people are very difficult to remember. I remembered my uncle and I said that people who do things in the field ca n’t look like they ’re crooked. It ’s okay to look at them for a lifetime. The kind of person you can see. It is convenient to take things from the dead, and the most difficult to take money from the living.

Huahua’s men moved the four chairs next to Pan Zi. This was for the four big heads. The system of the third uncle is very clear, it is necessary to introduce here.

In Changsha, there was a system of stolen tombs and stolen goods. This system was established in the last year of the Republic of China. Why do you say that? Looking back further, there must be the same system, but the history is turbulent, and various systems have been destroyed in the turmoil. We don’t know what it looks like. Today’s system is inherited from the Republic of China.

The sale of antiques is divided into domestic collections and foreign smuggling. As the saying goes, “the antiques of the prosperous age”, only in the prosperous age of the Taiping period will someone concentrate on collecting antiques, but this old saying is one-sided and only works in a closed world.

The first period of Kang Qian was a prosperous age, but the Qing Dynasty closed its doors and closed the country. In the twelfth year of Shunzhi (1655), the sea ban was not opened until the twenty-three years of Kangxi (1684), and it was banned again in the fifty-sixth year of Kangxi (1717). After that, the ban was opened like a clapper board, although the overall time is not counted Long, but very strict control of shipping. At that time, “Shengshi Antiques” manifested itself, but because of the oppression of the sea ban and severe punishment, the tomb robbing activities did not reach a rampant level.

Only for some time after the Republic of China, there was a lot of demand abroad. Secondly, the domestic gates were opened, and the government was overwhelmed, so the peak period of tomb robbing in modern history appeared.

The market is huge, and no one is in charge, and things are getting bigger.

The first system formed at the time was the smuggling system. The source of smuggling is tomb robbers, and then “guests”. These “guests” are all antique connoisseurs. They bought the artifacts from the tomb thieves and brought them to Beiping and Shanghai for digestion, especially Beiping. But in those days, most of the good goods were still abroad.

Later, when the People’s Republic of China was established, customs inspections became more and more stringent, and smuggling overseas gradually converged, but the system was already formed. The group of my grandpas grew up in that era. They successfully survived the reform and opening up, so the system continued. After the “Cultural Revolution” ended, smuggling activities began to appear on the borders and seas of southern China, and a large number of hidden artifacts hoarded and hidden in these years began to look for exports. The third uncle was to use the older system to start the old business and carry forward. A member of the group.

Of course, now the domestic rich and collectors are already rivals of foreign smugglers, which is why the local antique trading market is prosperous.

In this way, we can understand the industrial relations of Sanshu in Changsha, Hangzhou, Huo and Xiaohua in Beijing, and the various potential purposes of the marriage of Wu and reconciliation.

From the general structure point of view, all uncles in Changsha are mainly responsible for two businesses: one is to pick up the goods and the other is distribution.

Under the market to take goods, we generally call it “Lama”, and the distribution market is called “horse plate”.

This system works like this:

People such as Sanshu, known as “iron chopsticks”, are exploiters of the industrial chain. They monopolize the best resources, including information on ancient tombs, knowledge on tomb exploration, and identification of peninsula.

These iron chopsticks handed over the location of the ancient tomb and the information of the dynasty to the lama tray below. Then, the iron chopsticks will produce a “chopstick head”. With the information, they will lead the lamas caught in the lama tray to take them down together Goods, this is commonly known as the Lama folder, Pan Zi is the famous chopstick head of the uncle.

At the same time, the lama plate will have a familiar “horse plate”. It has been waiting for a long time. When the thing has just been out of the pan and it has not been “cold”, the horse plate has contacted the buyer and designed the transportation route. Local direct transactions. As soon as things were cold, the horse dish was taken away directly, and the entire tomb robbery was over.

This system sells stolen goods extremely fast. As long as it is not caught, only the horse plate will die, and the iron chopsticks and lama plate will not be affected in any way. It is not only because of this that the tomb robbing activities are repeatedly prohibited. As for iron chopsticks and lama plates, the number of roles like horse plate is as many as the number of dead ones.

Sanshu has a large number of distribution horses. The only one who came to this room was the big one. The most terrified of the third uncle was the heads of the four lama discs who went to the ground, and now it is those four people who are sitting on the chairs.

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