Daomu Biji

Chapter 474 - The finale, a strange shadow in the wall

The situation inside is exactly the same as that of the fat man. Although ghosts do not explain the operation of these tunnels, I can also guess that these organs must have been ingeniously designed using human psychology and natural cracks in the mountain. Maybe after we go deeper, we can find more clues.

Using this tunnel entrance, you can enter the tunnel where the fat man had gone through many struggles to find a way out. We went in at the waist of the cat, because both ghosts and fat people said that there would be no danger in it, so we walked fast and had no worries. We used a flashlight to shine on the stone wall of the tunnel, looking for the one that ghost said Different shadows.

The walls of the entire tunnel showed a translucent green color, and our flashlight was wrapped in green cloth given by ghosts, like a X-ray lamp that could see through. Obviously, the stones here are particularly suitable for the penetration of green light.

In this light, we can even see the skin of some shallow silhouettes. I have n’t looked at this thing carefully. At this time, I see only shadows. I just think that the face of this thing is very strange. The smaller the shadow, the more similar the face is. But if it is a larger shadow, the face It will be very long. Among the green stones, they all closed their eyes as if sleeping.

The fat man told me not to be too close to the stone. The ghost has said that these things will gather in places with high temperature, so we can’t stay in one place for too long.

Going all the way, almost all of us try to concentrate all our energy on watching, for fear of missing a shadow, but we haven’t seen the “abnormality” that ghosts said when we walked far away.

“Do you think this is not the same?” The fat man pursues a policy of killing and not letting go by mistake. When he sees something strange, he says, “Look at this shadow, like Zhao Benshan, will it be this?”

“I don’t think that ghost can have the opportunity to know Zhao Benshan, so he can’t think there is a problem with this shadow.” I said.

“What about this?” The fat man poked his mouth at the other. It was a shadow showing a swimming gesture. “Is this like a dog crawling?”

“I think it ’s definitely not like looking at pictures and talking. It must not be that simple, otherwise all the shadows here will be problematic.” I said, I could n’t help but worry about whether it was the ghost ’s ability to judge us too. Overrated. The fat man shook his head and said that he felt that under such circumstances, ghosts would not make such a mistake. The guy was a secret agent. “Inaccurate narrative” was impossible for him.

I had to believe it. The two of them continued to look forward one by one, and soon our activities became a test of imagination.

“Look, this shadow seems to be skimming.”

“Look, I’m leaning, this chest is huge, hey, why is there a tail underneath?”

Was actually quite interesting at the beginning, and it also eased our anxiety. Later, we saw too much, even the desire to speak was gone, just mechanically looking at it shadow by shadow.

I don’t know how long I walked in, neither saw them nor found the shadow, and the tunnel seemed to be endless. Just when we were about to enter the state of sleepwalking, we saw a shadow!

Me and the fat man were awakened almost at the same time, and they couldn’t help but shivered and looked at each other. I realized that the ghost was indeed quite right, we found it. And indeed, as long as we pay attention to finding the shadow, this shadow will never be missed.

This is definitely a very strange shadow. The shadow we saw in the rock wall, the hands and feet on the body are very long, and even longer than the height of the shadow, if according to the proportion we see, it is like a shadow formed by five snakes intertwined , Also like a dancer in long sleeves.

“Both hands are over the knee, Liu Bei.” The fat man muttered, “Twenty heads, the figure is really good for his mother.”

“Why is this shadow different from the others? Is it a deformity?” I murmured in my heart, holding the flashlight a little anxiously forward. The shadow of helplessness is quite deep in the rock. The flashlight shines past, and there is only one dark shadow.

“What next?” The fat man asked me, “What did he say? I forgot.”

“Use the oil at the core of this shadow. What about our oil?”

The fat man took out the kettle and gave it to me: “Here, save it.”

“It’s okay, don’t you still run out?” I said. I took the pot and immediately fell to the ground.

“Neuropathy, fat man, my gods, are you used to do such low things?” The fat man scolded, “and we don’t have the equipment to boil oil.”

Oil came to the ground and immediately began to penetrate. I found that the rocky surface on the ground seemed to have been roughly chiseled. In fact, the lines on it were learned. The oil immediately began to spread quickly and ran to a place.

“There is a door.” Said the fat man. We walked slowly along the direction of the oil spread. After a few steps, we saw a tunnel entrance in the front of the tunnel wall. It was very small and could only be bent down to enter.

“God, why didn’t we see it just now?” Said the fat man. “How did this hole come out?”

I reached in front of the fork and found that the tunnel mouth was wet. I touched it for a while and found it sticky. I felt strange in my heart. A flash of lightning flashed in my head. I suddenly felt as if I understood the working principle of the institution here.

But if I think about it carefully, I don’t understand. When I was in a daze, I suddenly saw a white light shining through the fork, as if a flashlight appeared.

I was shocked, and I went to see it immediately. I saw a white light source deep in the tunnel. It was not as bright as a flashlight. The distance was far and the backlight was pressed.

I went with a flashlight to cancel out the white light, and shining in all the way for more than ten meters, but found that there was no one inside. The fat man also saw it and yelled into the hole: “Who?”

When I removed the flashlight, the white light dimmed.

“What was it just now? Fireflies?” I asked.

“The fireflies are amazing, the light is so bright, how big should the bugs be, at least they are about the size of my shoes.”

“What was the light just now? Was it the ghost fire?” I said, “The white light was just too real just now, I feel like it is an artificial light source.”

“You have no imagination,” the fat man said. “Judging from my life experience, the light should have been a mobile phone just now.”

“Mobile phone? Is it a little flower?”

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