Daomu Biji

Chapter 477 - The finale, the mystery in the ancient mirror

The fat man is right. At this time, the basic knowledge I learned before is very critical. If you do not understand basic physics, many people often only pay attention to how the building appears in the mirror. But I know that the most bizarre part of this mirror is not here.

The mirror needs to reflect things and needs a light source. Where there is no light source, the mirror will not have any reflection point.

But the ancient building in the mirror is shrouded in a bleak blue light, this light is not our light source, but the light source emitted by the ancient building itself.

The light source comes from inside the mirror.

That is to say, as long as I turn off the flashlight, the only light source of the whole cave is these blue lights, and the blue light will see through the mirror and shine here in the blue.

But when we first came in, the hole was dark, and no light radiated from the mirror.

“Turn off the light.” I said to the fat man, and immediately turned off his flashlight after finishing talking.

The whole cave darkened at once. According to normal physical conditions, the blue light in the mirror should become the main light source.

But now the whole mirror is dark, and the cave becomes absolutely dark, only the fluorescent sign on the fat man’s flashlight glows.

“Pap!” The flashlight was turned on again.

Looking in the mirror again, it is still what we saw before. The bleak old building is as quiet as a fossil.

The fat man asked me what I was doing, and I told him about my theory.

He did not understand, but understood the purpose of my experiment, he said to me: “Straight to the conclusion, naive, don’t be polite to me like an illiterate.”

“This shows that this phenomenon has nothing to do with the spread of light. As long as a light source shines on the mirror surface, the mirror will start to display the image. But as far as I know, there is no light-sensitive technology in ancient China. There are records in ancient China that use light to The organs that are turned on are generally short-acting organs that use the phototaxis of animals. They are generally just handicrafts used for amusement. “I said,” It is also due to the lack of this technology in ancient China, otherwise it will only be black in the ancient tomb If the fight is over, the organ will die as soon as the ignition is turned on. “

“What you said is equivalent to saying nothing.” The fat man touched his chin. “You don’t mean to tell others, this is a mirror, you don’t understand what is going on?”

“That ’s not the same. I ’m pushing back from the principle, so that many wrong thinking directions can be ruled out. You let me think, I believe that the great proletarian warrior will not be defeated by strange powers, all the phenomena are There is a natural principle behind it. “I was a little annoyed by him, so I told him not to talk.

“Grab my lines.” The fat man groaned, “Yes, you think, fat man, I’ll click one.” Then he shrank on the stone beam and smoked.

Finally, it’s time to get fat! I smiled and looked at the mirror again.

To tell the truth, I really think this mirror is too powerful, but with my understanding of some ancient Chinese craftsmanship, this must still be understandable by us.

The craftsmanship of some skilled craftsmen in ancient China has reached the point of magical craftsmanship, but they are still craftsmen and will not become real spirits. Therefore, what our eyes see is often like a miracle, but to say broken is often just the word “obscurity”.

The first thing to consider is what method I would use if I were to make such a mirror myself. I glanced on the mirror surface with a flashlight, looked at the points of the light source, and suddenly thought of an experimental method that the teacher said when I experimented before.

A phenomenon must have a starting point and an ending point. Sometimes the starting point and the end point are not important. What is important is how the starting point reaches the end point. As long as you constantly change the parameters and carefully observe the changes, you can know many clues.

I raised the flashlight and started to twist the aperture of the flashlight. We had only two parameters, bright and dark. Now I want to see how this mirror changes from the brightest to the darkest.

Fat guy turned off the flashlight to cooperate with me. I slowly darkened the flashlight, and immediately found that the blue light in the entire mirror surface was slowly darkening, and the slowing rate was exactly the same as the darkening rate of my flashlight.

I slowly twisted the light source again, and the blue light in the mirror also slowly became brighter.

I can’t help but smile, the overestimation of the mirror technology just now disappeared. I immediately said to the fat man: “Look, it’s not that magical. The blue light in this mirror is the light source of our flashlight. Our flashlight is bright, the inside is bright, our flashlight is dark, and the inside is dark.”

The fat man also saw clearly on the beam and nodded: “Can our flashlight light pass through this mirror and shoot into this building?”

I shook my head. Although our flashlight is a “wolf eye”, it can blind people, but it is impossible to illuminate such a large building.

I can’t completely speculate on the real situation, but since the problem of light in this mirror is so simple, I don’t think it will be too difficult in other situations.

Second Uncle taught me that everything depends on the purpose, and the purpose can speculate on many aspects that cannot be predicted from the front. This is the most useful sentence I learned from the older generation. I touched the numb legs frozen in the cold water and began to think, what is the purpose of this mirror here?

“You said that this mirror is placed here, is it related to Feng Shui?” I asked the fat man.

The fat man said: “Some gossip mirrors are used in some Yangzhai feng shui, but this is too big. This mirror can be hung on the balcony and can shake the plane down. You and your mother will watch the plane on the balcony all day. , An Airbus dropped today, and a Boeing dropped tomorrow.

“Flying and shaking the plane again, you **** and the plane are on the bar, right? We have no time, we just thought about it seriously.”

The fat man finally took a few cigarettes, pinched the buttocks into the water, and ordered another one: “I would have figured it out as long as I could figure it out, and then I killed him in the ancient building and rescued them all, then Now that we have eaten roast duck in Beijing, and still use it here to smoke cigarette butts? Think about it, don’t rely on me. “

“Aren’t you a feng shui master, still ask me?” I asked him.

He shook his head: “I’m sure that he’s the deepest of the goddess. Besides, you didn’t understand anything at that time, and I said nothing. Now that you have improved, I have to take some points.”

My heart says I rely on it, it turns out that those are all your nonsense. The fat man continued: “I think it’s useless to think about feng shui. This feng shui can be understood at a glance, or you can’t understand it if you are blind. If you really want to hear my opinion, I can tell you that I was ‘S first reaction thought it was the reflection above. But look at the above-“He pointed the” wolf eye “flashlight towards the top of his head. The depth of this cave is very deep, and you can see that it is all rubble, but it is not clear.

I took out a cigarette, pulled it from the mouth of the fat man, and stuffed him back. The fat man’s flashlight shook back and forth above his head.

“It’s full of stones and nothing, so I thought that the **** man in this building is in the mirror.” The fat man stepped on the mirror. “If the image in the mirror is reflected from there, I’ll go Above the mirror, it will definitely block the image in the mirror, but obviously not. Compared to you, a college student, although I have no culture, I understand the basic truth. “

I looked at the rock above, and watched the fat man scratching his head on the mirror, and looked back and forth several times. I thought the fat man was right, but I felt something strange in my heart.

Maybe because there are too many deceptions and designs around me recently, so I have a sensitive intuition about the flaws of many things. I suddenly felt that this hole was not rigorous enough.

This is like a magic. When it comes to magic, the most powerful magic is street magic. The magician performs without any cover in front of you. Magic masters often give people a sense of special functions, which is the most powerful.

Followed by stage magic. Many of the most basic bridge sections in stage magic need to be covered by cloth, or use boxes. The principle of stage magic is that the use of cloth and boxes does not change this thing, but because we know that magic is mostly illusions and traps, smart people will immediately know that the stilt must be behind the cloth or inside the box, It’s just cleverly concealed, we can’t see it.

Now this feeling is the feeling of stage magic. If the design artisans here want to make the Zhangjiagulou in the mirror real, then should we look for a shorter cave, so that if we look up, we know that it is impossible to do things on the top of the cave? .

But the top of this cave is too high, some of them are not clear. Although we basically judge that there is probably nothing but stone on the top of the cave, but because of its high height, it makes me think that if there is a 1 in 10,000 possibility, then the organ will also be hidden on the top of the cave because of the situation around us Too obvious, there is no possibility of any organ.

That possibility must be in a place that we cannot see or have not seen.

Of course, this may just be my temporary illusion. If someone tells me that you have to dismantle the stage magician’s tricks, otherwise you will lose your friends. The first thing I want to do is, of course, kick the magician’s box to see if the grotesque is inside.

“We have to climb up and see.” I said to the fat man.

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