Daomu Biji

Chapter 512 - The finale, goodbye to the stuffy oil bottle

I found a table by the window with the stuffy oil bottle outside the building. The sky is very cloudy, the cloudy weather is overcast, the dark clouds are suppressed, and it seems that it will soon rain.

The dull oil bottle remained silent as always. Fortunately, I was already used to his indifference. After finishing the order by myself, I saw him silently looking out the window.

I know that if I do n’t speak, his state may continue until he leaves, and he will never speak first because of the cold.

Blowing for five or six minutes in the cold wind of the West Lake, when the first dish came up, I lit a cigarette and asked him, “Your business, are you done?”

“Well.” He nodded. I realized it was true. In his eyes, the persistent aura was gone, replaced by a deeper indifference. Unlike the time when he lost his memory, this deeper indifference is an extreme peace of mind.

“Everything is done?” I asked him.

He turned to look at me: “It’s over.”

“So what do you plan to do afterwards? Is there a place you want to go? Or, live in Hangzhou?” I asked, thinking of my own property in my heart. Recently, housing prices in Hangzhou have been rising rapidly. If you want to buy a house in Hangzhou, you will definitely ask me to borrow money! He didn’t know where he spent his money. He had never seen a big ticket in his pocket. Dog Day, my money is not enough. If he really borrowed money from me to buy a house, I would still advise him to rent it for a while.

“I have to go back to where I should go,” he said.

“Where should you go? Far?” I asked him. He picked up chopsticks, silently took a bite of the dish, and nodded.

“Then you are here …” I rarely chat with him so seriously, and I feel very embarrassed, so I have to ask him one after another.

“I’m here to say goodbye to you.” He said, “It’s all over. I thought about my relationship with the world. It seems that I can only find you now.”

“It’s okay, you can call me or write to me in the future. You won’t type, will you always write?” I said, “Modern society, there is no real distance in the true sense.”

He did not respond and continued to eat.

The movement of the stuffy oil bottle is very light. It seems to be so light that it does not need to use any force. This is actually the reason why he has great wrist strength and extremely accurate control of his movements. When I had dinner with him before, there were always all kinds of people around. I didn’t pay much attention to him. Now I look at it and feel very wonderful.

The atmosphere was very silent again, and I began to miss the fat man very much. It turned out that the reason I never felt cold was that the fat man silently paid so much for the atmosphere. Now that we are only two of us, I really have no way.

“Speak, where are you going to go? We have experienced so much, and we must be friends for a lifetime. It is enough to keep in touch.” I continued. “What do you need, even though you speak with me. Although I am not rich, basically I can still support you in my life. “

“I’m going to Changbai Mountain.” He said.

“Oh, that’s a very cold place.” I said, “How good is Jiangnan, with four distinct seasons and a humid climate, it’s a good place to raise people.”

“I can only go there.” He said and put down his chopsticks.

After he said this, we had no decent conversation. In the quiet, we finished eating in silence, I have no embarrassment. He put down his chopsticks, looked at me, and said to me: “Goodbye.”

Finished, he stood up, took his bag and walked downstairs. I was a little surprised and shouted there: “We haven’t finished our food yet.”

He had already come downstairs. I took a few breaths of smoke, stood up and leaned against the window, and saw that he had gone along the Gushan Road.

I sat down and said, what is the situation? Is he afraid of embarrassment because he has no money to pay? I used to go a lot when I had no money. I didn’t see him seeing it like that. After tasting what he said just now, I find it a bit strange. I always feel that there is a particularly inexplicable feeling in his words.

“I’m here to say goodbye to you.” “It’s all over. I thought about my relationship with this world. It seems that I can find it now, only you.”

Suddenly I got up from my seat, remembering one of his titles-Missing Professional.

He had to leave and to go before, he never said a word, and he did not say anything when Banai said goodbye to us. It seems unlikely that such a thing would happen to a professional missing person, and this time he had traveled thousands of miles and rushed to me from other places to say goodbye to me.

This farewell must be different from his previous departure.

A strong sense of ominousness makes me feel like sitting on a needle felt. Is he going to leave this city, my friend? No! Then what is he going to leave, is this world?

“Changbai Mountain?” I dumped all my cash, told the waiter to send the money to Xiling Yinshe next door, and then grabbed the clothes on the chair and went to chase.

I chased Beishan Road all the way, and I ran sweaty and did not catch up with him. On Beishan Road, there are only countless empty taxis shuttled back and forth on the road.

I ran back to my shop again, simply packed my luggage, and when I carried it on my back, I said to Wang Meng, “I’m going out.”

Wang Meng immediately paled and pulled me. I asked him why, he said: “Boss, in the past, there was a person in the shop, and you hurried to leave, you must leave for a long time. You have to explain.”

I said in my heart that I had no time to explain, so I said to him: “When someone comes to me, I say I’m going on vacation, everything is yours to take care of. If there is any big deal, if you don’t have special insurance, you won’t leave. Wait until I come back. “

“Are you really coming back?” Wang Meng asked.

I asked him: “Why do you ask?”

Said: “Don’t you say you don’t want to go away anymore? On general TV, all seniors are dying if they are called out again after retiring from the rivers and lakes. Take care of your boss.”

I patted him, and said, “God’s day, come back and tidy up your crow’s mouth. I don’t care about him anymore, I turned around and ran out.

The oil bottle doesn’t have an ID card and can’t take a plane. He must take a car or a train. There are trains. I was in a taxi and used my mobile phone to check the timetable of the train. Immediately I found that it was impossible for him to take the train. The train to Jilin only runs late at night. It seems that he should take a long-distance bus.

So, I let the taxi take me to the coach station. In this way, even if I can’t find him at the long-distance bus station, there is still time to go to the train station. He can’t possibly go on foot? Thinking of this, I think my plan is quite secure.

All the way to the bus station, I do not know what is the peak season of the transportation period, crowded. I squeezed into the crowd and kept searching. I felt like I saw it several times, but I found it was not.

Then I ran to the entrance of the car and continued to look around, but still no. I was sweating a lot, and I said to myself, Is it because the taxi driver is speeding at a fast speed? I surpassed him and arrived here first? In other words, the younger brother really has no money, he did not come by taxi, but walked. Then he can walk to the intersection of Yan’an now.

After squeezing a few laps, I found it impossible to find him in this situation, so I went to see the car’s departure timetable, and I only found that there was no car going to Jilin. It seems that this line is too far. My heart settled down at once, and I just wanted to say that he seemed to have only the train line to go. In a trance, I saw at once that he was sitting in a car parked outside, and the car was already moving, driving past the window of the waiting room.

I sighed, and said what happened, there was no car going to Jilin. I immediately went to ask the duty officer, the duty officer said, this is a car to Beijing.

I rely on it. I said in my heart, no matter what kind of car, as long as it is in one direction, go ahead and talk again. This is the logic of the oil bottle. Only he himself knows all his actions, and it has nothing to do with reason.

I chased out of the station. The exit of the car was far away from the waiting room. When I arrived, the car could not see the taillights. I gasped and told myself to be calm. I do n’t believe in dog days, in this city, I will lose to a person with a disability of grade nine.

I took a taxi and went back to the shop. Wang Meng was playing “Minesweeper” happily. As soon as I entered, I almost scared him off the seat.

“Boss, you came back so quickly this time.”

“Less nonsense.” I kicked him off the seat, booked a ticket online, and then quickly checked all the itineraries on the Internet. The place and time of the bus to the station, he may continue the journey. After all the records, I ran all the way to the airport.

After flying to Beijing, I arrived at least five hours earlier than the arrival time of the car. I bought a few tea eggs at the exit of the bus station to eat, waiting for the arrival of the stuffy oil bottle. I was thinking, how should I persuade him?

Can’t beat him at all, and he can’t run. If his mind is decided, I can’t do anything at all, it’s just a waste of tongue here. Either I took advantage of it and attacked him from behind. I looked for a brick on the side, weighed it, and looked at the tea egg seller next to him. His height was similar to that of a sullen oil bottle.

The picture of a stagnant oil bottle turning back and kicking me directly on the wall appeared in my mind. His alertness is too high, I think the probability of success in attacking him is too low, and, in case I succeeded, I shot him dead, and I had to be shot in jail. If you go down to see him again, I don’t know how to explain to him.


I thought to myself, I don’t know whether modern sleeping pills have any effect on his physique. If it works, I will deceive him to go to a place to rest, and then say that I have a particularly important thing to discuss with him, I hope he can help me. After that, I put a sleeping pill in the drink, and when he passed out, I tied him strong, asked Xiaohua for a car, and sent it back to Hangzhou.

A boring oil bottle appeared in my mind again. When I heard that I was looking for him to discuss things, I turned around and showed no response. At this time, I must go up and drag him, and then he turned back and kicked me. Go to the wall.

I have a headache, and I can’t do anything about it. Even if I tie it back to Hangzhou, I can’t keep him. Unless I make him an iron cage and shut him up, he will go away when he says. If he was put in a psychiatric hospital, maybe it was possible, but his skill is so good, I think it is impossible to trap him anywhere, and it will still affect the doctors and nurses in the psychiatric hospital.

Thinking about me made my heart cold. I found it impossible, and I couldn’t change his mind.

However, I still have to try my best. I also thought, is the stuffy oil bottle just going to settle in the village under Changbai Mountain, looking at the snow mountain every day, smoking old cigarette bags, preparing to spend the old age in that place?

It doesn’t matter, even then, I’m ugly at most, it doesn’t matter.

When I recovered my thoughts, I saw the person selling tea eggs looking at the bricks in my hand and hurriedly collected the people away. Maybe when I thought about it, my expression was very strange. I quickly got rid of the bricks and made a decision in my heart. This is the last persuasion. If I can’t persuade, I won’t force it.

However, the stuffy oil bottle will never make me happy. I kept waiting at the bus station. When the car arrived at the station in the early morning, I found that there was no boring oil bottle on the car.

I watched everyone get on the underground cars one by one, then left, looked behind them for a long time, and finally determined that there was no stuffy oil bottle. I immediately got on the bus and directly grabbed the driver and asked where the oil bottle went.

After a long time, the driver realized what I was talking about. He told me that the oil bottle got off at a toll station halfway. I shook the driver’s head and asked him: “Are you sure you got out of the car instead of falling on the toilet for too long?” The driver said that the oil bottle told him that he was absolutely wrong.

I asked about the location of the toll station, and then I found an internet cafe nearby, opened all the maps, and checked it myself. I found a small town not far from that toll station, where there is a car that can lead to Erdaobaihe.

I called Xiaohua and asked him to arrange a car directly for me. I paid all the expenses and rushed directly to Erdaobaihe. In my heart, I am really underestimating this little brother with a level 9 disability. Obviously, his brain is quite clear about shortcuts to certain places, whether in the ancient tomb or in modern society.

Gossip is not on the way, the next morning, I have reached Erdaobaihe. Immediately after getting off the bus, I asked the local people about the drop-off point of the black car. When I arrived at the drop-off point, I just saw the stuffy oil bottle carrying luggage in one direction.

I called him immediately, and he looked back at me, slightly surprised. However, he did not ask me why I followed, but continued to turn around and walk forward. I had to stumble and immediately followed.

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