Daomu Biji

Chapter 514 - After all

The oil bottle is standing on the snowy mountain with a very solemn expression. I do n’t know what kind of emotion this is, but I know that these snowy mountains have special meaning to him.

Can imagine, at this time his heart cannot be blank, everything here must have a considerable origin with him, but I have no guess direction.

Boiling oil bottles stood for a long time.

That night we did not continue to move forward, but dug a snow den in the snow, covered with tarps, lit a smokeless stove, and spent the night.

The next day, we set off again with luggage and continued to walk in the mountains.

On the way, it was only me who kept talking, saying the beauty of this world, and saying that there were other places that he had never been to, and where there were extremely attractive food. He never spoke, nor showed any boredom.

Actually, I do n’t know what he is interested in. I searched all my experiences with him, looking for something he seemed interested in. For example, he always looks out the window, and I think he may have a special preference for travel.

At the beginning, the density of my persuasion was still quite large, but later on, the road became more and more difficult to walk, my physical exertion became more and more, and I could only move silently. After walking for a few days, we have entered the snow capped area of ​​the snow-capped snow mountains without any bare surface. Standing on a high place and looking behind you, all the villages when you came were no longer visible.

At a glance, I saw that the Changbai Mountains are endless. Among them, there are thousands of peaks and valleys, many of which are inaccessible. I can’t judge whether our route this time is the same as the last route into the mountain.

I remember when Shunzi took us, I once told me the names of some peaks, Sansheng Snow Mountain and Yaozi Snow Mountain. At that time, the appearance of those peaks seemed to be different from what I see now. I remember that Pan Zi had all kinds of ridicule at the time. Today, Shan and Ren are different.

On the third night, we set up a tent for the night. This place is very close to the line I set before to be separated. It is estimated that it is only one day away.

That night, we found a relatively dry place where a fire broke out. Sitting in front of the fire, he turned his eyes to me for the first time in silence.

I also stared at him for a long time, he has been watching like this, I began to judge whether the focus of his eyes is me. But I found that he was really looking at me, I felt very strange. I said, “What’s wrong with me, is there a monster behind me?” I asked a few times, and he didn’t respond. I think this person is not particularly normal. Now, I can’t understand this situation. No need to understand. But after a while, he suddenly asked me for a cigarette.

I handed him, thinking that he would chew directly as before. Unexpectedly, he put it in the fire and ignited it, and then really pulled it up.

“Ya actually really smokes.” I was secretly horrified.

Under the firelight, he suddenly said, “When are you going to follow?”

I couldn’t help but stunned, said: “It has nothing to do with you, this is my own business.”

Said, “If you continue to follow me, I will stun you tomorrow.”

I looked at his expression and knew that he was definitely not kidding. He couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed. He stuttered and said, “You, what do you want to do? Don’t mess up.”

Said, “You will be fine.”

I am really angry and funny, saying, “I will not let you stun me.”

He said lightly: “Then you can run away now, or from now on, keep a considerable distance from me.”

I said, “How far?”

The oil bottle said: “As long as you are no more than 100 meters away from me, I can hit you with stones. I will carry you to a safe place. When you wake up, you can’t find me anymore.”

At that moment, I stayed for a while, and I suddenly realized that although such a conversation is fun, the meaning in it is very clear.

He didn’t want me to send it off anymore. He obviously didn’t believe what I said that he would give up on that line. He still followed his own rhythm. He felt that it was time to separate.

I said, “Can’t you think about it any more? Does it make sense for you to do this now?”

“Something like meaning, does it make sense?” The dull oil bottle showed little concern for the word “meaning”. He looked at the burning campfire and said, “The word” meaning “has no meaning in itself. . “

I watched him for three minutes without saying anything, and then turned and walked into the tent.

I gave up, I really have nothing to say. If I can, I want to go up and smoke him a few mouths, and I think he is not likely to turn up and burst my head. But it is likely that I can’t hit him, he is too fast. If he scolded him, it was like cursing a stone, with no pleasure. I have said what I should say, and I know that what I do now is useless.

Anyway, it’s only one day away. Instead of reaching the line I set myself, I continue to struggle with helplessness until it collapses and is finally knocked out by him. It is better to give up here. I can stay here. , Watched him disappear into the snowfield.

At this time I have decided, and tomorrow morning, I will go back. I will make a mark here, and I will come here every year and sweep the tomb.

I lay in my sleeping bag, and I was so depressed that I couldn’t sleep. After lying down for more than ten minutes, the stuffy oil bottle also came in and began to sort out his own things. After sorting out for a while, he said: “Goodbye.”

I said: “Friends, let’s go tomorrow, I won’t follow you again.” He nodded, took out the vigil equipment and left the tent.

My heart is full of despair.

You are a very good friend, determined to seek death, you look at him, but you can not stop him, you and him are separated by a layer of things that cannot be penetrated with any tools. You can touch this thing in any way, but you can’t find a gap that can break it.

After I decided, I was very sad, but I also felt that I should understand and understand the phrase “meaning” in the oil bottle, which has no meaning in itself.

I turned my face, and my heart slowly calmed down. Ignoring the outsiders, self-consciously closed my eyes.

I fell asleep unconsciously. Then, without knowing how long I slept, I was woken up by a strange sound. That kind of sound sounds like a group of strange people singing in his sleep. The song is melodious, and the number of people seems to be particularly large. It feels very strange to hear it in such a place.

When I woke up, I opened my eyes and realized that it was the sound of the wind.

My tent is shaking left and right. The wind lamp used for lighting seems to fall down at any time, and the light will be bright for a while and dark for a while. I got up and went out, and found that there was a strong wind around me, and the wind was blowing snow scraps and was pouring into the valley. The oil bottle is not around, and his luggage is gone.

Dog’s day, leave without saying hello. I touched my head to see if he had stunned me while I was sleeping. It was okay on his head, it seemed that he saw me asleep, and I was relieved even from being stunned.

I looked at the sky again and knew it was going to be bad. This weather, if you hesitate anymore, you will definitely have bad luck. The first heavy snowfall in Changbai Mountain will definitely come today.

If you go further into the mountains, it is basically a life of nine deaths. I saw that the dull oil bottle didn’t take away even a little food, and I was very emotional, knowing that everything had become a foregone conclusion.

The wind is getting bigger and bigger, and the tent is almost blown away. I looked at the time and walked back for three days, there was a place for supply. And the sooner I go, the smaller the chance of being caught up by the blizzard, so I start to pack everything up. When I installed everything, I saw that the snow on the surrounding snow **** was scraped and fluttered in the air, and everything seemed to collapse at any time.

Before that, I felt that there was still a chance of survival for the oil bottle. Even after I returned to the tourist area, if I told them that one person in this mountain had disappeared, they might even send people to search in the mountain. You can also tie the stuffy oil bottle out. However, in this weather situation, I am afraid that even if a group or a division is sent to search, there will be no chance for the oil bottle to survive.

Fortunately, he has no relatives and no worries.

There is an old saying in China: after eating scales and irons, I am hard at heart. No one can change what the stuffy oil bottle decides. When I came here, I was completely exhausted. I pressed all the sorrows in my heart and started walking back.

The wind was getting bigger and bigger, and I only took a few steps. Suddenly, the snow on the snow **** in front of me slid down a lot, and my road began to become more and more difficult to walk.

Walked a few hundred meters, I bypassed a mountain pass, and found the truffle cake. All the mountains in front collapsed, and I saw a snow pack I hadn’t seen before.

I climbed up a few meters, and I was dizzy at first glance. These snow packs messed up the route when I came here. I can’t tell which way I should go back.

I lit a cigarette and took a few sips, wondering what to do. After all, it’s still relatively close to the tourist area. Anyway, I have a way to go out. I’m afraid if I go in the wrong direction, I’m in trouble. Although I am very sad about the fate of the dull oil bottle, it is quite depressing to think that I might die before him.

Is like having someone who is seriously ill, basically after you go, it is the kind who is going to attend his memorial service. But when he arrived, the dying dying person was waiting for you with a submachine gun. When you arrived, he swept you a shuttle, and you fell in the pool of blood, and then he fell into the coffin and hung himself. You lie on the ground, watching your body soaring blood, how complicated the emotions in your heart will be.

I feel this way now.

After smoking, I continued to climb up, and suddenly I found a lot of fist-sized snowballs falling over my head.

Snowballs vary in size and are obviously naturally formed. I looked up and saw that the snow slopes above were quite severe, and the snow slopes broke continuously and fell straight down. I climbed up cautiously, and when I reached the top of the mountain, I found a way to continue.

I settled down. I went down from the top of the mountain to the other side of the mountain, where there was a sunny side. I looked up and saw that the sun was rising from behind the mountain, and the snow **** opposite was like a huge mirror. I felt a warmth rushing all over my body, and then I suddenly found that the surroundings turned pink and became very blurred.

I was stunned for a while, and I said what was going on. Immediately I realized that this is snow blindness. I immediately closed my eyes. I knew that I should never use my eyes again. If I use them again, my eyes will be completely dark and nothing will be visible.

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