Daomu Biji

Chapter 521 - Wu Xie\\\'s Private Notes · Three Doors

The three old masters of the three gates are all well-known old ladle handles. Saying that they are Tufuzi, it may be a little succumbing, because the power of their family was already similar to a small warlord.

Since the autumn harvest uprising, most of the three families have devoted themselves to the revolution, and one of them is a hero of the founding country, but this is not convenient to say more.

Lord Buddha

Big Buddha is called Zhang Qishan, Changsha No. 1 everyone. Because there is a big Buddha who doesn’t know where he came from, he got this nickname.

Zhang Qishan’s feng shui attainments are very advanced and very different from the style of the Nanpai tomb robbing. He is a northerner who moved south. According to the legend of the rivers and lakes, Zhang Qishan can see three generations of soil, stand on the mountain, and see at a glance what the mountain looked like three hundred years ago, and what it looked like three hundred years later. Therefore, the Otsuka issued by the Zhang family can’t be found by others, and can often get Qibao.

The bracelet on Zhang Qishan’s hand was taken from the dumplings, called the second ring, and knocked, this solid jade bracelet can ring twice, precious and tight. There is a mark on the ring. He thinks it must be a pair of bracelets, and there must be a pair, so he spares a lot of money to ask for a bracelet and wants to make a “three consecutive rings”.

The most legendary story of Lord Buddha is the escape of his family from the Northeast to Changsha during the Anti-Japanese War.

Before the fall of the Eastern Three Provinces, Master Zhang Dafo was still a young man with a hairy head. His father had already foreseen that the situation was not good. Earlier, he sent the female family to Changsha ’s father-in-law ’s house. Go down the Yangtze River.

Unexpectedly, he hadn’t waited for the boat. The Japanese called and the group was trapped in the countryside between Liao provinces. In order to break out of the encirclement, they stole the border. As a result, Zhang Dafoye and his father were killed by machine guns. He and several men entered the concentration camp.

At that time, entering this kind of place meant to be taken to Heilongjiang to dig a coal mine. It was a never-ending day and would definitely die. However, the Japanese are very strict. Most of the people who escape will be caught and stabbed to death directly. Few people can succeed.

Big Buddha Zhang was lurking there. After careful observation, the main reason why those people could not escape was that the Japanese dogs were too powerful. Concentration camps are in the mountains. There are sentries on and off the mountain. It seems to be good to escape and hide, but there are many bushes on the mountain, which will leave a very heavy smell along the way. As long as the wolf dog is released, how to hide will be found.

He also found that the Japanese only chased for two days. If they couldn’t catch up in two days, they would give up, because this time is enough for you to run into the mountains, the forests are towering, the area is too large, and it is useless to put dogs.

He wondered, if he wants to escape, he must find a place where he can hide for two days and the dog can’t find it. And if the dog cannot find it, one condition must be met, that is, there is stagnant water. Water is a blocking medium that can isolate odors.

Where should I find a place to hide a person’s water? Too shallow water can not completely cover the smell, too deep water is not on the mountain. Seeing that the people in the concentration camp were transported away one by one, he was so anxious that he couldn’t help it.

One day, while transporting materials, he found an ancient tomb on the hillside west of the concentration camp.

This ancient tomb is shaped like a ghost’s claw, and it was built in the mountain. The form is extremely poor. The tomb owner must have offended many people during his lifetime. Looking at the terrain around the tomb, it is well preserved.

Big Buddha Zhang thought about it, and thought about it. If you can touch the edge of the ancient tomb, pierce the top of the tomb and it will accumulate water in the rain. In the future, as long as they fled to the ancient tomb and lurked in the standing water, those wolf dogs could not be found.

However, the ancient tomb is located on the hillside outside the concentration camp. Once you climb out, you may be found dead. How to reach it safely requires design.

He thought hard and meditated and discussed with a few men. It takes two hours to smash through the top of the tomb, the time is too long, and there are no tools in hand, so this thing is not very secretive, you must think of a way for the Japanese to take them out and put things under the eyes of the Japanese Dry into.

Later they thought of an adventurous method, poisoning a wolf dog while the Japanese were not paying attention, and detached the dead dog, throwing it from the wire fence in that direction, and throwing all the dead bodies near the ancient tomb.

Several days later, the Japanese found that there were fewer dogs and started to wonder. At this time, the dog corpse was already covered with maggots and centipedes. Of course, the Japanese soldiers refused to deal with it personally, so Zhang Dafa took the shovel to bury it in the ground, and looked at the gun from afar.

Master Buddha went out and picked the area beside the tomb, carefully digging down to dig a deep pit. The ground in the mountain is full of tree roots. From time to time, he deliberately made the sound of a shovel chopping the tree roots. At the bottom of the pit, it is estimated that the Japanese could only see his upper body, and immediately slammed hard against the tomb wall on one side, knocked a dozen times, and finally cracked.

The Japanese suddenly became alert and came to watch. He responded quickly, immediately shoveling a piece of mud to cover the crack, and then came up to shovel the dog body. After that, he pryed the crack a little bigger, piled up the dog corpse, leaned against the mouth, patted the mud to plug the gap, and filled the hole.

Induced by the sky, three days later, there was a heavy rain, and the whole day and night. Lord Buddha Zhang felt that the time was right, and told the guys to be ready to escape. Rainy weather is the best time, the smell of your body will be washed away by rain.

One day in September, after a heavy rain, seven people disappeared. The Japanese took the wolfhound all the way to the mountains and found no traces.

Since then, those seven people have never appeared in the Northeast again. Soon after, in the remote Changsha, the people suddenly set off a wave of resistance against Japan, and a great man stood out from it, changing the history of modern China.

Is this also related to Lord Zhang Dafo? unknown.

February Red

The second-ranked man named Er Yuehong is a star of singing, and he is also a famous player in the Changsha Huagu Opera.

February Yuehong’s handicap is a typical tomb-robbing handicap in the old society. The surface is a master. He took the troupe to go everywhere. In fact, he sang in the daytime, and he did the tomb-robbing at night. Martial arts foundation. Fighting is also a wonder. My grandfather said that he had seen it once. The group of people poured a small bucket and did n’t even touch the bottom of the tomb. How to practice it.

February Hong is not only beautiful in singing, but also stunted, and is said to be a beautiful man, so she has a romantic affair and has ambiguous relationships with many ladies. She likes to be in a brothel.

His most famous thing has nothing to do with tomb robbing. It is the story of his redemption for a “daughter” when he was young.

At that time, selling prostitutes, from the rules of Yangzhou area, all traffickers carried their maidens and walked around the downtown area. This is to tell the world that this girl is going to be sold. If anyone wants to fight, he will stand up in this circle, take out the money if he wants to intercept it, and we will not push people into the fire pit. Once in the brothel, I’m sorry, it’s not up to you.

In addition, this is also to tell those dignitaries and nobles that there will be a big girl with a big yellow flower tonight, ready to play for Yuanyuan to fight that golden branch!

At that time, February Yuehong was not the class leader. This kind of drama group was hereditary. His dad was still there. He was just a lesser class leader.

One day, he was drinking morning tea upstairs in Kuaihuo, and saw a teenage girl being carried on the street by her back. He knew the situation was cold, and this kind of thing is not strange. At that time, the girls of the poor people were sold into brothels. To be honest, it is not necessarily a bad thing. Anyway, at least you can eat enough and meet a good customer. , Maybe I can be an aunty wife with a few rooms and have the opportunity to turn over. It ’s common to be left outside and being spoiled by others.

But when she looked at the girl, Er Yuehong was shocked. She even knew that she was the daughter of a noodle shop who often visited. He was five years younger and grew up watching her like an older brother. Why did it fall to this point at once?

Watched the little girl crying on the back of the trafficker with pear flowers and rain, and February Yuehong could not help but sigh.

The girl was born with a lot of water spirits, and there were many people watching around. Soon, these people may all become his overnight guests. As she cried, she looked into the crowd, trying to find a trace of sympathy and pity in the various faces.

At that moment, she saw Er Yuehong on the teahouse, recognized it at once, seemed to see the only hope, and shouted with all her strength: “Brother!”

The eyes full of despair and begging made February shudder, and immediately recalled the little sister holding the small hand behind him that year.

Can I just stand by and just bury some of my memories?

Most of the people at that time had cultivated a pair of iron hearts. It is not necessary to do so, but people are ultimately emotional animals, and passionate people like Er Yuehong often do many things because of one look.

He knew right now that he had to save her.

However, his father could not agree, he could not have money to redeem her.

Er Yuehong was also a young boy at the time. He took off his hat and performed a stunt with his companion. He walked down the wall like a gecko from the teahouse and stopped before the trafficker.

The trafficker was surprised, and it had been a long time since I had met the people who blocked the street. Naturally, he did not want to encounter such a thing, because in order to show a meaning, the money collected from the street was 20% lower than the money collected from the brothel, and he could not help but curse. This early morning, where is the mourning star blocking the road to wealth? But looking at the skill of these grandpas, the momentum of climbing down, he knew that these people can’t cause trouble, so he had to accompany with laughter.

Er Yuehong also knows that this is also one of the eight outer lines, and they must have a relationship with their own home. The outer eight lines can’t conflict with each other, otherwise, they might be stalemate with the entire Lao Jiumen, so they dare not directly commit this man trafficker.

Said on both sides to pick up the price, the trafficker gave a high price, meaning you get out! You can’t save this woman.

February Hong had no other choice. He could not get money from his dad, and he could not cut off people. To save this girl, he only had to pay the price. However, he certainly couldn’t get it out.

The trafficker said: “This girl is the same thing as the old bustard. If this man can’t get the money, then please let it go. If you are really good to this girl, you may wish to light the lamp tonight. Be soft, it’s her blessing. “

February Yuehong was already on fire, and he said to him, “I have money! I also want to persuade you that this money is unjust money, such a large pile of wealth, you have to think about whether you can afford it. You If you want to be able to afford it, then I will get it for you.

Human traffickers don’t believe that someone is willing to use so much money to buy a little girl, and it’s time to respond. He will swim in the downtown area again, and February Red must prepare his money during this time.

Er Yuehong left the man guarding the trafficker, and hurried home, wearing all his equipment, and stepped on the fast horse to the western suburbs. Not long afterwards, the horse quickly ran back, and there was an extra loess and three gold hairpins.

This girl later became Er Yuehong’s wife, had three sons, and died at the age of thirty-two. In the happy time of just ten years, she has been in the arms of her husband and has never suffered a little.

After that, February Yuehong became unrestrained.

As a woman, in the society at that time, I think she can already be called happy. It is precisely because of this that other women are eager for February Red, but no one can touch the emotion of the dead, and the one who lives in his heart will always be the little girl of the noodle stall. Where is this feeling born? Others had no way of knowing, maybe it was in the sound of “brother”, maybe it was flying quickly into and out of the city.

Meet such a man, it was the girl’s great fortune, but also the great misfortune of other women.

Er Yuehong did not remarry for life. He lived to 102 years old and was buried with his wife after his death. His coffin is a bit taller than his wife’s, in order to allow the girl who has been waiting for years in the ground to lean on his shoulder again and listen to his playful singing.

Half Lee

Half of Lee, Sanye Li, is the most doorway in Shangsanmen.

He is a disabled person. His two calves interrupted his colleague in a fight when he was young. After a week of sleep, he survived by drinking coffin water. After that, the feet were scrapped, so I had to put a pad underneath, holding two bricks in my hand.

It may be that this experience caused no small excitement, so he is the cruelest one in Jiu Men, who is extremely suspicious and extremely distrustful of people. There are even rumors that he slept in the ancient tomb at night, accompanied by rice dumplings, saying that living people are much more terrible than death.

Despite this, half of Lee’s tomb-robbing skills are a must. His hands are extremely powerful, and he is very flexible. He has a short stature. He climbs trees with bare hands faster than normal people. He can enter places where many people cannot get in and get things that are hard to get.

However, it is very strange. Like Er Yuehong, he is most talked about. It is also not a matter of fighting, but a relationship between him and his sister-in-law.

His eldest brother died early, his parents died, and he was taken care of by his sister-in-law since she was a teenager. At that ignorant age, the sister-in-law is both a sister-in-law and a sister-in-law. Life is hard, in order to pull this young uncle and his child, his sister-in-law has suffered a lot. Half of Lee’s sensitive heart and extreme personality may also result from this.

Once, his sister-in-law was doing laundry at someone else’s house, because she had broken a cheongsam and was beaten and deaf. Not long after that, the house was burned out. It was an unsolved case, but everyone was telling it, it should be half of Li Gan.

Uncle and sister-in-law were under the same roof, and as half of Lee grew up, gossip began to increase. Indeed, in that kind of room, just pulling a curtain, you can always see something you shouldn’t see, not to mention that his sister-in-law is not much older than him.

The atmosphere became more and more strange, and the eyes of half Li’s sister-in-law were gradually changed. His sister-in-law was a man who experienced men and women, how could he not understand? The widowhood for many years also made her afraid of the strange reaction of her body, so she sent half of Lee to be an apprentice elsewhere, but he always came back anyway.

Half-cut Lee knew very clearly at that time, what was wrong between him and his sister-in-law, but he thought naively. Sister-in-law’s life is hopeless. You must strengthen yourself to make her no longer suffer. After that, he can marry her into the door and take care of her brother. This was the best ending he was thinking about.

For this reason, he secretly went to learn craftsmanship with the fight, and like many imps at that time, he had a dream of becoming rich and rich overnight. As a result, his legs were broken and he almost died in the fight.

After hearing the news, his sister-in-law was heartbroken. A man between husband and son is now disabled, and the pain is twofold. She thought she was about to get out of her head, but the days fell into deeper darkness, and she was even more ashamed of her husband’s death.

However, at the same time, the intense emotional twists and turns also broke through the psychological defense line, which was unexpected by both of them.

After, she took care of half of Lee more carefully, wiped him and helped him to urinate, and there were more and more skin love between them, more and more frequent, and more and more uncontrollable. Later, even half of Li himself could find out that his sister-in-law’s eyes changed.

Finally, the big straw of a certain year became the last straw that crushed the camel. There was heavy snow outside the house, and there was a panting sound inside. After many years of backlog of passion, everything went crazy.

A year later, half of Lee returned to the ancient tomb where he was trapped and retrieved his secretly hidden objects. At this time, he is not what he used to be. The hatred betrayed and the guilt for his sister-in-law made him extremely cruel, and left no room for others. Next, he found several of his associates at that time, broke their legs, and dragged them one by one to the tomb where he had stayed, starving to death.

Gods and ghosts are afraid of wicked people. Half of Li developed, bought a house, opened the market, and gradually settled down. Most of the guys he collected were disabled people, one of them was dumb, and later became a faction. I will skip it here.

After he developed, half of Lee wanted to marry his sister-in-law, but she refused to think that she was already dirty. She promised her dead husband to take good care of her uncle.

Because she insisted very much, this matter would later disappear, but half of Li also refused to marry. In order to completely cut off his thoughts, his sister-in-law wanted to find a honest man to remarry, but half of Lee was Changsha’s famous ruthless person at that time, and no one dared to climb this rich man.

Rumors, his sister-in-law finally gave him a son.

I really want to write a tragic story, for example, his sister-in-law was forced to death, or dystocia, but there is often no such reality in the world. There have been too many misfortunes in the world, no matter how fierce half Lee is, I still hope he can live for a hundred years. To maintain a little kind of happiness with extreme evil, although it is humiliating, is still a big husband.

Women will hope that this abnormal love will be a positive result, and men will want to know more details about that year, but this is also the case. The only thing I can be sure of is that my grandfather has seen half of Lee ’s sister-in-law. It was when she was on her fortieth birthday, and she was a very beautiful woman. If you have such a sister-in-law, you will certainly not be willing to let other men marry away.

I asked him when I heard it. Does Grandma know what you think? The result was a hundred dollars of pocket money.

Well, this is gossip. But this finally tells us the truth: if men want to protect their love, please be strong enough not to let women sacrifice for themselves, or at least make their sacrifices pay off.

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