Daomu Biji

Chapter 57 - Nu Hai Qiansha · Continue Untitled

The fat man coughed a few times after speaking, and even spit a few saliva. I was anxious and quickly asked him to continue. The fat man scratched his back and said, “Hanging also has to catch my breath. This happened too quickly. Let me take a look I ca n’t speak, you have to wait for me to organize the language. “

I look like him. His face is really pale, and his speech is yin and yang. It seems that there is still water in the trachea. He hastily helped him take a few shots of his back. A lot of sticky things came out and said, “Okay, you will be shot to death if you shoot him again!”

I hurriedly said, “Hurry and say, what the **** are you doing?”

He blew his nose and briefly recounted the events they encountered with me. The things happened very quickly, so his narration was also chaotic, but I still probably knew the ins and outs.

It turned out that when he saw me looking at the porcelain paintings there dumbly, he urged me a few times, but I was so attentive at the time that I didn’t hear it at all. Those precious jade accessories ran back to work first. What he thought at that time was that I would naturally come over after I picked it. The two ear chambers are only five or six steps. There must be no accidents. .

But what he saw next attracted his energy completely, so that he completely forgot my existence, and did not notice when the stone door disappeared.

He returned to the side of the coffin, and the two scooped the water together. Soon the corpse surfaced. The fat man took a closer look and couldn’t help but look amazed. The original ones that he thought were sarcomas of the head were actually fat women. The **** were so fat that they hung down and dragged on the twisted torso. The fat man was stupid at the time. He really didn’t expect this to be a female body.

However, since there are twelve hands, there should be twelve breasts, but there are only five on the front. Is there still on the back? They thought about how to lift the body out of the coffin.

The fat man first tried to hook the corpse out with a gun as a hook, but the corpse was too soft, the body was almost all waxed, and the greasy body had no place to put effort. It is even more impossible to put on the hand with gloves. Oil is terrible. Finally, the oil bottle came up with a solution. They took off their clothes. They put their heads on their heads, and their feet on their own. When they wore a gun, they made a pole. When the two men lifted them, they lifted her out and put them on the ground.

Under the strong light of the searchlight, the body quickly dries and turns black. Now they can see clearly. The other **** have been cut off, leaving a few scars on the sides of the body. Her body is not twisted, but because of the fat on her body, piled up like a mountain.

At that time, they did not think why the female corpse’s belly was so big, only that it was too fat, and she didn’t even see that she actually died during childbirth, and there was something else in her belly.

After the body was lifted out, the stone tablet below was exposed. The dull oil bottle said that this was a coffin pressing, in order to prevent the coffin from floating once the air-tight structure of the seabed tomb was destroyed. The pressed coffin was very rough, with only a large row of characters carved into it.

After a few glances, the fat man remembered me. Until this time, the two talents discovered that the door on the wall was gone. The fat man panicked at first glance, not worried about me, but worried that he could not get out. The dull oil bottle made him not afraid, saying that the door will naturally appear at that time, and it is useless. The most important thing at this time is to finish the task at hand. The fat man felt relieved when he saw him so calm.

The two people wanted to take the stele out of the coffin, but found that the stele was very heavy, and the pine juice was poured around, firmly sticking to the bottom of the coffin. At first glance, the fat man looked unreasonable. He knocked **** the stele and suddenly found that it was hollow below.

They ignited the fire fold to melt all the pine juice, and then moved the stone away, revealing a big hole underneath. Although the fat man was thicker, his experience was very rich. At first glance, his mouth was closed. This hole is not ancient. The designer of the tomb specially made it here, this is a burrow!

This is an explosive discovery, let ’s not talk about it in other respects. The location of this thief hole can be said to be unparalleled in the world. It was even dug directly under the coffin. If it is not blocked by this coffin, it is estimated that the body inside is early. It was dragged into the cave. The most bizarre thing is that this tomb is located on the seabed. In what way was this robbed hole made?

Moreover, if the tomb is an elevator structure above and below, then there should be another tomb under the coffin. How could there be room for such a deep hole? Now the fat man is sure that our thoughts about the burial organ may be wrong.

This time the whole thing fell into the mist again, the two were silent at the same time, the fat man knew very well, because of this hole, the bureau of keeping gas and hiding the corpse had been destroyed. Although the body had been waxed, it could no longer be corpse Change, but the potential of this place is no longer there, and it will inevitably affect the feng shui of the entire tomb. Although it is not known how the overall change is now, it is difficult to guarantee that it will not suddenly change from a spiritual cave to a defeated cave. Although the fat man ’s accomplishment in feng shui is not high , But in the end he was a Northernist, and he knew this change was very bad.

But he is not a specialist in this field. When I think about it in detail, my brain is not enough. He thinks that the words on these stone tablets may be the key. He described it. At this time, he listened to crouching next to the female body. The dull oil bottle suddenly shouted, “Oops!”

As he turned his head, he saw that the left hand of the stagnant oil bottle was caught by a small white hand with white hair extending from the female body. The fat man didn’t expect that there was a dead baby in the belly of the woman’s corpse, and he was shocked, but he responded in the end, he got a gun immediately after recovering from the gods, and went up to the belly of the woman’s corpse with a shuttle. It ’s the place. The dull oil bottle broke away at once, and the fat man wanted to shoot again. The dull oil bottle yelled, “You ca n’t shoot! Let ’s go!” After that, he was dragged to drill the burrow in the coffin.

The fat man saw that there was residual coffin fluid flowing down, disgustingly terrible, and he couldn’t walk. But looking back, I only saw the shape of a face protruding from the belly of the female corpse, as if desperately trying to get out. The skin on the belly of the female corpse has been pulled out transparently, and even the facial features of that thing can be seen clearly, he Couldn’t help getting cold in the back, the heart said that the gentleman wouldn’t eat the loss in front of him, and he gritted his teeth into it.

The burrows were dug out of the bricks, and they were very cleverly made. Only half of the bricks were knocked out, so that an arched brick beam could naturally be made on the top of the burrows, and the things on it would not be pressed down. This kind of craftsmanship really depends on time, and it is estimated that it will not be completed in a few days.

The dull oil bottle has climbed in for a few steps. The fat man is desperately chasing behind. He does not know where this burrow is leading. After climbing a few steps, he suddenly found that the burrow was tilted down, and there was water below, but The section with water didn’t seem to be long. He saw the light coming in. Expecting that it might be me, he dived into the water before swimming. After a few steps, it was wide and turned into a large pool. Everyone was so angry that they were desperately floating up, and immediately saw me holding a dart at them as soon as they came out of the water.

I heard that I couldn’t help but say, “Dare to love, you can only see one hand.”

The fat man said, “I’m not afraid of that thing at all, your fat man, but this little brother is so powerful, he sees that thing and escapes. You say I can do anything, but after all, I really don’t understand why we want to run, little Brother, what kind of stuff is that really so powerful? I looked at that weight and gave it a few darts, I guess it can be done. “

The dull oil bottle touched his wrist and said, “That’s just a white-haired drunkard. It can be killed by cutting off its head, but as soon as it dies, a large amount of corpse poison evaporates. . “

I was surprised to hear that the drunkard said that it was a ghost that caused drought in the legend, and that the zombie stayed in the corpse for a long time, and then it might turn into a drunkard. In short, there are so many opinions about this thing, but I didn’t expect it to look like this. But these are not important. I came into the ancient tomb, and I was prepared to see strange things. It was the stolen hole, which was unusual. It turned out that it came to this pool. This is unlikely. It is estimated that the opening of the burrow hole under the pool must be just an exit. It may be that when this person hit the burrow hole, he was not sure about the location of the main coffin, so he robbed the hole in several possible directions. This is just one of them. Thinking of this, they asked if they found a fork in the road?

The fat man shook his head and said no. This burrowing hole is not long. Obviously it was all the way to the end. I was not disappointed when I heard it. Because the brick hole, it is very convenient to hide the hole with the brick.

Thinking that since this thief hole did not destroy the airtight structure, its entrance must also be in this ancient tomb, it is useless to find it. I guess he must have entered the ear chamber from the spring eye, and the ear chamber is still in a doorless state. He had no choice but to dig a hard way, but this man was really unlucky, digging into the ear chamber, digging the coffin, digging into the matching room, and digging into a pool. Dig through.

Thinking about it, the fat man suddenly said, “Do you say the drought will swim?”

For a moment, I didn’t know what he meant. He pointed to the water. When I looked back, I saw a lot of bubbles suddenly appear in the center of the pool.

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