Daomu Biji

Chapter 60 - The raging sea of ​​sand

Boiling oil bottle, no, it should be said that Zhang Qiling, his tone is gentle, without any trace of emotion, from his narrative, I gradually saw the corner of this huge mystery. However, I have no way to understand from his narrative, what he thought and heard in the whole incident, nor can he understand his real life background, we temporarily imagine him as a silent and wise young man.

Under the deep seabed, you can’t hear the gust of wind on the sea, but you can still feel the kind of suffocation before the storm.

Zhang Qiling He sat quietly in the corner of the ear room, watching his companions scrambling to study the blue and white porcelain on the ground. These porcelains are not attractive to him, and these seniors who seem to be older than him have been completely attracted by these things.

They circulated each other, and some wanted to record the patterns above, and some were discussing the meaning of the patterns above. At this time, someone suddenly shouted, “Come and see! These porcelains have strange things underneath!”

The name of the person who said this is Huo Ling, the youngest of the three girls on the test team, the parents are high-ranking, usually spoiled, and especially like to make fuss to attract the attention of others. Zhang Qiling heard her voice. I felt a headache, but the small team of girls like hers was still quite popular. The squeaky voice immediately seduce several others. These boys are scrambling to show their knowledge in front of Huo Ling, and they shouted, “What’s wrong? Show me.” Huo Ling turned over a porcelain in his hand and let them look, one glance , Said: “This, I know, this is called the kiln number, which represents the origin of this porcelain.”

Another immediately retorted, saying: “No, the kiln number of the Ming kiln is not like this. This may be the inscription of the government number representing the identity of the owner of this tomb!”

The first one was a bit stubborn and said, “The inscriptions of the Fuhao are generally four characters. There is only one word here, and it is very uncommon. What you said is even more impossible.” Two people inherited the legacy of the Cultural Revolution and said He started to fight with words, and had a tendency to evolve into fighting. Huo Ling, who was used to this kind of scene, sighed, and suddenly saw Zhang Qiling leaning coldly in the corner, ignoring her at all, and hummed in his heart. Sound, walked straight over, handed the blue and white porcelain flask to him, and said saucyly, “Xiao Zhang, can you help me see, what is this?”

Zhang Qiling didn’t want to care about her at all, glanced lightly, didn’t see anything clearly, then turned his head and said, “I don’t know.”

Huo Ling’s complexion changed. She rarely ate closed doors in front of men. She couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable. She said, “Xiao Zhang, you are not allowed to perfume me, take a closer look and answer!” Then she put the bottle into Zhang Qiling’s hand.

Zhang Qiling sighed, helpless, had to pick it up, Huo Ling proudly pointed out to him, the bottom of the blue-and-white porcelain flask that had been knocked over had a special inscription.

This engraved Zhang Qiling had never seen it before, and he couldn’t help but stunned. The bottom of the general porcelain is the kiln number from where the kiln came out. However, this engraving has a bumpy feel, but it is not the name of any kiln number, it is more like a number. He picked up the other one and turned it over, and it turned out there were, but it was different from what he had just seen. At this time, he suddenly felt vaguely that these porcelains did not seem to be as simple as burial goods.

Huo Ling watched his look change, thinking that this piece of wood was finally awakened, and asked, “Xiao Zhang, how is it, what is this?”

Zhang Qiling regarded her as transparent at all. He picked up the porcelain and looked at dozens of them in a row, and found that each had a different symbol at the bottom, and these symbols changed regularly. It seemed that they were a number in a fixed order. .

Why do you need to number these porcelains, are they arranged in such a strict order? Or, if they are not arranged according to these numbers, they will not achieve a certain purpose? Countless thoughts flashed in Zhang Qiling’s heart, and he couldn’t help but scrutinize these porcelains carefully.

At first glance, he felt stunned, because the content depicted in the porcelain pattern was not spring ploughing, not a courtyard, but a picture of a giant stone statue crafted by a craftsman. This kind of picture was not an elegant hall in ancient times. , Why would it be depicted on porcelain? He looked all the way and gradually discovered some clues. These porcelain paintings have nothing special when they look alone, but as long as they are arranged in sequence, you will find that these pictures are continuous and seem to be depicting The progress of a huge project. At this time, everyone was attracted by his peculiar behavior. Several boys did not know what he was selling and stared at him inexplicably.

Zhang Qiling didn’t pay attention to these people. He didn’t look down like me, but walked directly to the last small porcelain flower binaural pot. He picked it up and took a closer look. His heart was moved. I saw this last binaural ear. On the pot, the scene of the whole project has been outlined.

It was a palace that could not be described in words. It floated in the sky. The clouds under the palace were surrounded by mist. The builders of the palace stood on the ground, looking up at the sky, and there was a Taoist on a mountain on the side. Smile complacently.

This little binaural pot cannot express any magnificence of this project, but Zhang Qiling still feels an uncontrollable excitement because he knows what he found.

He can almost conclude that the content depicted above is the Yunding Tiangong designed and built by Wang Zanghai, the ghost handcrafter of the early Ming Dynasty! This legendary palace that can float in the sky has long appeared in the Ming Dynasty legend. However, the explanation at that time was that Wang Zanghai used a huge kite with a large number of gold threads to create the illusion of a beautiful palace in the sky. , To please Zhu Yuanzhang.

But if the legend is correct, what is the scenario depicted here? If the legend is not correct, do these porcelain paintings show that Wang Zanghai really built a palace floating in the sky? Legends and facts, facts and legends, which is true and which is false, Zhang Qiling began to get confused.

After thinking for a while, without any clue, he told these things to his companions who were still unknown. Of course these people did n’t believe it. He was busy according to his method. Looking down one by one porcelain, one can not help but look dumbfounded. This is not only The unprecedented and the most incredible discovery in Chinese history. As soon as Huo Ling saw that his discovery had led to such a major discovery, he couldn’t help but be ecstatic, and took a small bite on Zhang Qiling’s face, and several other men immediately became jealous.

Zhang Qiling didn’t notice this, he probably didn’t know who kissed him, and he didn’t want to know. He went directly to Wen Jin’s edge and proposed to search the harem immediately. He believes that more clues can definitely be found in the coffin. Found.

Wenjin is a person in charge. She thought that this was too dangerous. She said, “No, absolutely not. Without the leadership of the leader, we can’t go into the tomb by ourselves!”

Zhang Qiling saw that she disagreed and did not talk nonsense. She took care of her own equipment and walked to Yongdao. After all, Wen Jin was a female middle school hero. Seeing that he did not put himself in his eyes, he could n’t help but feel unhappy. Just wanted to teach him a lesson, anyway, she often played a few tricks in the institute, to teach those who do not obey her.

Thinking, she suddenly stepped forward and wanted to grab the joint of Zhang Qiling’s thin wrist. This is called the buckle gate. Once the buckle is buckled, she can use four or two pounds. She naturally has little strength as a woman, but as long as she takes the lead, Enough to make Zhang Qiling the big man beg for mercy.

Several other men have played the trick of Wen Jin. They could not help laughing secretly and wanted to see Zhang Qiling’s joke.

With this trick, she tried everything. Generally, people with no martial arts skills were totally unprepared. However, she did not buckle this time and couldn’t help but was taken aback. At this time, Zhang Qiling had turned back and said lightly, “You can rest assured, I I can take care of myself! “

Wen Jin sneered and said, “What do you take care of yourself? Xiao Zhang, you are known for being unorganized and undisciplined, but here is the ancient tomb. Please do not consider yourself, but also consider everyone. Security. “

Zhang Qiling nodded and said, “I will consider it, and I will be back soon.”

Wen Jin’s face was flushed, and he said how to spread such a thorn, seeing his sullen tone, he couldn’t get angry, went up and grabbed him, said: “No, you are not allowed to say anything Go, we already have one less person. How do you tell me to go back to the Institute? “

Zhang Qiling seemed a little impatient, turned his head, his eyes cold, and said, “Let go.”

Wen Jin looked at him very resolutely. I think any man who sees her as a lovely woman will compromise when she looks at herself with that kind of look, but Zhang Qiling’s eyes widen suddenly, and his eyes instantly become like evil spirits. Wen Jin was so frightened that his hands softened, and he was suddenly thrown away.

When she looked at it again, the lingering eyes turned back to the faint, unseen appearance, nodded to her, and said, “Thank you!”

Other people saw this scene, thinking that Wen Jin even agreed to his request, and they were not convinced. This is the case. As long as one person broke the rules, other people would swarm up. Several other people watched Zhang Qiling walk into the corridor, On the one hand, he was afraid that he would take all the credit, on the other hand, he also ignited curiosity that had been suppressed, and they clamored to keep up.

Wenjin is a woman in the end. She knew that she had lost control of these people when she released her hand. Until now, unless there is a gun in hand, there is no way to stop these young people.

Uncle San has a bad temper. If he wakes up Wu Sanxing at this time, with his temper, he will inevitably have a violent conflict with Zhang Qiling for his face. Things may be irreversible. Finally, she weighs the pros and cons. She decides herself Take them into the apse and take a look, and come back as soon as possible. With her many years of fighting experience, if this is just an ordinary tomb, there must be no problem.

The subsequent process is basically the same as what we experienced. As for how they found the stairs in the pool through the heavy tunnels of the organization, and then descended to the bottom of the pool, although they are also very twisty and bizarre, but it is not the focus of the narrative, Zhang Qiling told When I took it in one sentence, the most important thing was that they had reached the bottom of the misty pool and saw the wordless stele.

The scene at the bottom of the pool is simply strange and inexplicable. Under the illumination of the flashlight, the dense fog changes from time to time into a variety of faces, which makes people involuntarily produce fear. When walking down the last step of the stone ladder, a pedestrian suddenly They became united, and the atmosphere did not dare to come out, pulling each other in the mist, trembling with fear, for fear of something suddenly rushing out.

Huo Ling had no fear of seeing Zhang Qiling, and the so-called seniors in the so-called institutes, who were usually awe-inspiring by several other people on the side, now shrank and shrank behind him, and could not help but feel a little favor for him, saying to the boys “Look at you guys, they are several years older than Xiao Zhang, and even his scum can’t compare, shame and shame!”

People of their age, when the newborn calf was not afraid of tigers, were said by Huo Ling, blood was rising, and they were no longer dead. They all rushed forward to Zhang Qiling, and the pool space was not big. They ran a few steps , To see that nothing happened; the courage grew up again, and walked straight into the misty center before taking a few steps. Suddenly, the leader yelled, “There is a monster inside!”

Almost everyone was scared by this voice, and the next few people, regardless of whether they saw it or not, had a scalp numbness, but also backed away, Zhang Qiling ignored them, led the other few people to walk in, and watch The so-called monster is the Dinghai stone monkey.

Immediately, they saw several other Dinghai stone monkeys and the mysterious wordless stele.

In an instant, everyone was deeply shocked. Although these things in front of them were not spectacular, but in the eyes of these people, the significance is extraordinary. Everything in this ancient tomb has overturned the same textbook for millennia. Chinese tomb concept. Has inestimable archaeological value.

Even Wen Jin was surprised and speechless, murmured: “My God, these things are so incredible, maybe here will become another milestone in the Chinese archaeological community!”

After the shock, it was ecstasy. At that time, a major discovery meant a huge opportunity. Once the discovery was published, their name would become a household name. When thinking of this, there are a few stupid people who have giggled, and one Excited, he couldn’t help but start dancing.

At this time, Zhang Qiling, who caused the scourge, frowned deeply. He looked more carefully than anyone. He had already seen the ancient seal carvings on the stone foundation.

“This stele is for those who are destined, that is, the gate of the Tiangong Temple, and when you enter it, you can get a fairyland.”

‘S shock to him is far from these other discoveries. He has not been infected by the madness of the people around him, and he has fallen into deep contemplation.

According to his ideas, such words cannot be written in this place for no reason. The so-called things must be useful. The tomb owner put these things here, there must be reasons for having to do so. Where is the gate leading to the Temple of Heaven in this stele? How to be destined? He stood in front of the stele and found it inch by inch, but the stele was just a stele without any traces of organs or secret text.

Other people made trouble for a while, and gradually calmed down. Wen Jin felt that the time was almost the same, and it was not appropriate to delay here, so he called them back. The few people were happy and happy enough, and they saw their knowledge. They also gathered their hearts. When they talked and laughed, they walked up the stairs. Wen Jin counted them one by one.

Zhang Qiling initially disobeyed the leader and insisted on coming to the apse. Now he refuses to return to the team. Thinking of this, Wen Jin is very angry, but he ca n’t leave him behind because of his duties. A team of people hurried back to the fog.

They walked a few steps and saw Zhang Qiling still squatting in front of the stele to study what Wen Wen couldn’t help but got up and shouted, “You still don’t want to go! In the end, don’t twist–” Huo Ling pulled it out Holding her hand and desperately telling her not to speak, Wen Jin wondered, looked at the others, and found that they all looked a little panicked, very puzzled.

Huo Ling saw that she hadn’t responded, and pointed to the mist. Wen Jinshun looked over her hand and saw a huge figure appearing in the depth of the mist less than two meters from the edge of Zhang Qiling.

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