Daomu Biji

Chapter 67 - Nuhai Qiansha Ban Banpo

In front of my eyes, there is a huge face that is pale and pale. The skin on it does n’t know how many years it has been soaking in the sea. All of them are swollen into a transparent color. The most creepy thing is that it ’s The two demon eyes didn’t have white eyes, and the black eyes almost filled the entire eye socket. At first glance, they looked like a rotten corpse that had been scolded with two eyes.

Scared me almost crazy this time, I shouted hysterically, pushed it away, and desperately crawled forward, there was only one word in my mind: escape. But the aisle was difficult to pass through two people. I was stuck with the dull oil bottle and couldn’t move. I couldn’t make it. I grabbed him and yelled, “Ghost! There are water ghosts!” He covered me ‘S mouth, asked me softly, “Don’t call it! Where is the water ghost?”

I turned around and madly pointed behind: “Just behind, just–“

After half of the words, I was dumbfounded, and I felt a little bit in my heart. I saw that there was nothing behind me, no face, no hair, no water stains at all, and my finger almost poked on the fat man ’s face and made him Inexplicably, he said, “Go to your mother, you are the water ghost.”

I was blinded now, busy looking for the probe, looking east and west, it was really gone, but it was wrong, the feeling just now was so real, it could not be an illusion, do I really force this ancient tomb out of psychological problems Anymore? My heart was still beating fast, and there was another cloud of fog in my head, and I didn’t know what to do.

The fat man looked at my face green, and comforted me: “What’s the matter, don’t worry, just talk slowly.”

I stuttered: “I saw a lot of hair, naked women, and water ghosts just now! I want to kiss me!”

I was confused, and I did n’t know what I was talking for a long time. The fat man finally got impatient and said, “Xiao Wu, would n’t you be a dream, if you really have water ghosts, then you have to follow me first Climb over? “He patted me on the shoulder and said,” But you’re in your twenties. It’s normal to dream of a naked woman. When your fat man was young, I also dreamt of a lot. It’s okay. “I scolded “You don’t humiliate me, my mother, I was definitely not dreaming just now! You see my neck is still wet, just rub it!” As I said, I showed my neck to them, and the oil bottle and fat man’s hands I touched it and frowned, and the fat man looked up at the brick roof of the burrow, thinking that the water leaked from the top. I told him that it was impossible. The brick was covered with white plaster and watertight. Sex is very good.

The fat man said strangely, “This is weird. There is only one way here. If something reasonably climbs on you, I can’t help but not know.”

I said, “Wouldn’t it be you who fell asleep? You didn’t even know that someone was crawling over you.”

The fat man did n’t have a good air way: “Go to you, fat man, even if I fell asleep, can someone else step on me and do n’t know? Besides, in this kind of place, can you sleep? If you do n’t believe me, look at my back There are no footprints on it! “He said he turned around and let us look at his back.

I was slowing down at that time, and I did n’t expect that the thing would lie on his back. As soon as the fat man turned around, the thing turned around, and my mouth touched the tip of my nose. I was so scared that my throat cramped and creaked. With a desperation, he stepped back. But he crawled for two steps, suddenly his feet tightened, and he looked down and found that he didn’t know when he was covered with hair. I tried to pull my foot out, but I couldn’t get rid of it. At the same time, a lot of hair began to wrap around me and drilled straight into my mouth. I was most afraid of hair in my mouth in my life. In a panic, the dull oil bottle grabbed my collar and pulled me towards him.

He only pulled a few steps, his hands were also stirred in his hair, and could not be pulled anymore. When I looked back, the fat man had been wrapped into a pupa, twisting straight inside, but the thing was gone. , The entire tomb is full of hair, just like entering a black coiled hole.

The oil bottle drew his hand out, and quickly asked me, “Is there a fire source on my body? This thing is afraid of fire!”

As soon as I touched the waist bag in my waist, I found a windproof lighter. I couldn’t help being overjoyed. When I was eating fish head hot pot on board, I asked the ship’s boss to bring a kerosene stove. I ’m here, I ca n’t think of it as a life-saving guy. I want to burn it and burn my hair. Although those hairs are very wet, but the fire can burn out a lot, and I broke free a few times. He rushed to the fat man and just wanted to pull him. Suddenly, he protruded a huge face from the pile of hair on the side, and almost fell on my back.

As soon as I finished reading, I did n’t have time to hide. When I lowered my head, I hit it with a punch. It was totally conditioned reflex when people were in extreme fear. I do n’t know how much effort I used to punch. With a bang, all of his nose was recessed, and a burst of black water hit. Thanks to the windproof lighter in my hand, this time it didn’t even go out. I clenched my teeth and wanted to give it a second time, but I found the thing shivering and shrunk back.

At first glance, my heart suddenly lighted up, there was a door, his mother, it was really a ghost afraid of wicked people, this ghost was still afraid of fists, I thought my brain was confused, and even excited, raised his feet and faced the door With a kick, he kicked his face all over and kicked it straight back into his hair. I was afraid that it would get caught in another foot, and I quickly backed away a few steps, raised the lighter, and confronted it.

The face was hidden in his hair, showing a very bitter expression, but it was taboo and did not dare to step forward. At this time, the dull oil bottle did not know where to pull out a few wet folds, and rubbed my lighter a few times. The fire flared up, and the fire was overwhelming. The monster screamed and started to escape. I saw it shrinking away a few times, letting the fat out, and taking the opportunity to burn the hair wrapped around the fat man’s head.

The stuffy oil bottle kept pushing the monster into the darkness, and then put his hand down. At this time, the fire-bearer almost burned into his hand. When I looked down at the fat man, I saw that his nose and mouth were all broken, and his face was blue. He slammed his chest hard and beat him suddenly, and a **** thing spewed out of his nostril. .

I took a breath, but fortunately, the fat man had a large lung capacity, and he blew the trachea all at once, otherwise I would not sacrifice myself to give him artificial respiration even if I died.

The fat man gasped for a while, and coughed up the rest of the trachea before asking us half-dead: “My grandma, what the **** is that stuff?”

I pressed the lighter that was always in my hand and refused to let it go. I only felt that the lighter was hot and hot, the skin on the hand was burned, and the oil bottle was not much better than me. He shook his hand and said to the fat man: “This should be a forbidden mother.”

I heard Laohai from Hero Mountain say this, but I did n’t believe it. I asked, “Is there really a forbidden mother?”

The oil bottle nodded and said, “I don’t know how this thing is produced, but there are many legends in this area. It should not be wrong.”

I found it strange, so I asked him about the situation in detail, but he only shook his head and said, “The forbidden mother was born in water. I know it must be afraid of fire. I really do n’t know about the rest, just like dumplings. So far we only know that the dumplings are afraid of black donkey hoofs, but why it is afraid that no one knows. I just did not expect this thing to have thoughts. We must be careful. It must still be hiding behind us. “

The fat man had some palpitations. He leaned on us and asked, “It’s strange. The feng shui in this tomb is so good. Why are there so many strange things in it?”

The feng shui of this tomb is good or not. I ’m really not sure yet, but I have checked some data about the forbidden mother. The forbidden women actually represent wizards and psychics among the ethnic minorities in the mountains, but the old legend at the seaside Here is the most evil ghost in the world. I do n’t know why such a difference occurs, but the end of the forbidden woman is generally worse than people. If you are caught, you usually cut off your hands and feet and buried them alive. When it comes to the origin of the mother-in-law, it is generally related to the pregnant woman. I am afraid that the ear room where the casket is kept is not related to this thing. There are also murals with big bellies mentioned by Uncle San. The forbidden mother should not be accidental here, maybe the tomb owner deliberately placed it.

I was thinking, the stuffy oil bottle was worried about waiting for that thing to come back again, beckoning to let us move on, I listened to the top of the burrow hole, there was no more sound, I do n’t know who was just walking past, we are tossing below It’s so big, maybe he has already heard it. It’s not suitable to stay here for a long time, or open the way quickly.

I looked at the fat man. He said that there was no problem. I do n’t think he wanted to stay here. Let him turn on the flashlight and hang it on his belt, so that we can always pay attention to it later. I held the lighter in my hand and moved on.

We crawled forward for a while, and the burrow suddenly started zigzag upwards again. I looked at the edge. It turned out that he had come here all the way, and further forward was the tomb wall. It was estimated that the sea was outside, and he could only change direction. , Find the way upwards, maybe the idea of ​​unlinking is the same as ours, and we want to go out from the top of the tomb.

We started from this burrow, and it took about half an hour to get here. It seems that this seabed tomb is not big. I have a general feeling along the way, but the length and width of this tomb are not long. The main problem is still its height. Now I can estimate that the height is almost 30 meters. If the three-meter one-storey building according to the current standard, the tomb should be ten floors above the sea floor. Although majestic, it is not a miracle.

We have no way to go back now, so we have to continue to climb up, and then climbed a time with a cigarette, suddenly the oil bottle stopped moving, I pushed him a bit, he turned back, said softly, “There is no way.”

I was shocked, impossible. I squeezed it up and saw that it really came to an end, and was blocked by a few large slabs of Qinggang rock. I pushed it with my hand. These slabs are very heavy, but it is not impossible to push them. , The two of me and the stupid oil bottle tried to lift it up with a small gap. Immediately, we found that there was a light leak in the tomb above, and was wondering, and our hands were loose and we were above our heads. The slate on it suddenly disappeared.

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