Daomu Biji

Chapter 69 - Nuhai Qiansha · Wall Cave

This hole should be the most important point in the whole incident. The memories of the dull oil bottle are interrupted here. The next thing is a mystery, what is in the hole, how did he come out, and whether other people have lost their memories like him , It is still a speculation based on nothing.

I carefully looked at the hole. From the appearance, it can only be said that it is an artificial door hole with a very unreasonable position (except for the tunnel war, I have not seen anyone who will open the door in this place). The places I see are all made of yellow mortar bricks like the outside. The structure is very common. I have seen such holes in the charcoal-burning factory in Shanxi. I do n’t know how much. They are used to make brick kiln patios, but they are open. Here, the pattern of the tomb is very abrupt, and I do n’t know what it is for.

In my memory, almost all tombs are symmetrical in structure, and it is rare to open a passage or an extra room in a place inexplicably, unless the owner of the tomb itself has such a hobby. If this is not the reason, then there are only two possibilities:

My first thought was that there might be some hidden funerary items inside, which is not surprising. On Grandpa ’s notes, people who designed dark rooms in his tomb are everywhere, but these dark rooms are generally disguised. Very good, this hole has neither a shutter nor a camouflage. Just putting a mirror on the outside seems to be a play.

The second possibility is related to feng shui. The reason I infer is that the mirror is a very important prop in feng shui. There should be a way to put it here. Generally speaking, to open a door in a room is feng shui. The expression of “tong” in this means that something should be brought in or released.

This is a small feng shui, and it is very different from the ancient feng shui. Just like the Mahayana and Theravada in Buddhism, the small feng shui pays attention to reform, that is, through certain means, the bad things in the small area are changed into good ones. Yes, for this piece of knowledge, because it is more interesting, I know more than Dafeng Shui.

I followed the diagonal of this mirror and walked away to look elsewhere, hoping to find some tips for me. The layout of the entire room here is exactly the same as that of the stupid oil bottle, but because it still maintains the appearance of twenty years ago, there are only four directions illuminated by the night pearl, and the middle Tiangong model is hidden in the dark, only Looking at a few parts with a flashlight, I glanced at the pictures on the wall after a few laps.

I have already described the contents of these four pictures before, but at that time, I also described it from the dull oil bottle, and it was very vague. Now when I look at it myself, I find that these pictures are actually very realistic. As long as you are careful enough, It can be seen that many specific things come.

First of all, I found at a glance that the snow-capped mountains in the painting were probably the northern **** of Changbai Mountain in Jilin. This is not that my memory is amazing. It’s just that the main peaks of Changbai Mountain are very characteristic. Anyone who has been there should be able to distinguish them.

The second is that I noticed that in the second painting, the funeral procession was wearing Yuan clothes. This means that the people in this coffin should be a prominent Yuan dynasty. Then, when the Yunding Tiangong was built, It is very likely that when the dynasties changed in the late Yuan Dynasty, in such troubled times, there was still the ability to build such a huge tomb. The owner of this tomb is definitely not simple.

The third one is what surprised me most. All the funeral teams are women. This is really unreasonable. I do n’t know how the burial ceremony of the Mongolian people, but all the funerals by women are really unheard of.

There are so many other small details. I do n’t know if it ’s the clues left by the engravers or their own style.

I have seen it here, and my heart is already very clear. With these clues, as long as I find a mountaineer who is familiar with the terrain, it is absolutely possible to find the location of this palace, except that it is buried under hundreds of years of snow, The frozen ground is very soft, and once excavated carelessly, a small avalanche is enough to keep you sleeping in the snow forever.

But these tips should have nothing to do with the holes in the corners. I went to check the mirrors in the other corners and the walls in the back, and found that there is nothing special. It seems that all the problems can only be found in the hole. I went back to the hole and saw that the dull oil bottle was still watching, and there was rare hesitation in my eyes, as if I was thinking about something. He saw me coming and suddenly said to me, “I might have to go in again.”

“No.” I was taken aback, “Aren’t you going to die? If you lose memory for another 20 years, everything will be meaningless.”

He said lightly: “I am different from you. For you, the matter here is just a bizarre experience, but for me, it is a huge knot. If you do n’t untie it, even if I remember everything, this life will be. It won’t be better. “

I was anxious and even said no. In fact, I am not incapable of understanding him, but the environment we are in now does not allow extra-budgetary branches, and going out as soon as possible is something we should consider. Otherwise, even if I knew all the secrets in the world, if the air was exhausted, all people would suffocate and die, and these secrets would immediately lose their value.

I talked to him about my concerns, and he also behaved a bit contradictory, and asked me: “So how sure are you that we can go out?”

After hearing this question from me, I remembered that I hadn’t carefully looked at the top of the treasure here, so I looked up and took a look.

In all the notes I have seen, the top of the Ming Tomb is described as very firm. The so-called seven horizontal and eight vertical. According to my idea, in order to resist the pressure, this treasure roof should be an arched structure with a high center and low sides. , But now it seems that it followed the land dungeon method and made a flat roof. Well, it does n’t matter if you open a hole anywhere.

Baoding is more than ten meters high from us. There is no foot padding here. You can only make a fuss from the pillar on the side, knock out a few pits on the top with the temple, and then climb up and knock the white paste on the surface. Soil, and then start to deal with blue bricks, we do n’t need to be too careful, as long as we calculate the time and destroy the pressure-bearing structure above, it will naturally collapse a hole, we can easily escape after the sea fills the tomb Go out.

The key to this plan is to seize the time. If the pressure-bearing structure is not destroyed when the tide is low, the entire Baoding might be washed away by the rushing seawater and crush us inside.

I talked about these with the dull oil bottle, and I emphasized that in fact, we have a very big chance to go out, but as soon as we go out, the tomb will be completely finished, but the tomb will not disappear, there should be something in it There will still be, he can prepare the equipment and return in a few days, not in a hurry.

He nodded, and finally I was persuaded. The fat man couldn’t bear it. He said, “Since this is said, what are we waiting for, let’s just start now and get the post up first, so as not to be in a hurry.”

I glanced at my watch. It was six hours before the ebb tide, and the time was still full. He shook his head and said, “We just consumed a lot of energy and did not eat at all. The state of the person is very low. We should rest well at this time. When we go out later, I do n’t know what will happen, maybe the boat above has already drove away. If I do n’t have the energy, go out and drown, it ’s too bad. ”

The fat man was originally highly motivated. He listened to what I said, and scratched his head depressedly, saying, “His mother’s still to wait? Then, let me sleep for a while. When will I start working and when will I be called?”

I also found a place to lean on, but my mind did n’t stop. I figured out if the seawater began to pour in, what would be the way to go? Now the passage to the stone monument at the bottom of the pool has been closed. Although it is not sealed, the water is definitely out It ’s slower than entering the water. A lot of water will definitely flow into the strange wall hole first, but I do n’t know where this low hole leads to. If it is connected to other rooms, it will be very troublesome. A vortex will form here. Circle us all.

Thinking of this, I involuntarily glanced at the depth of the hole and figured out how to block the hole. Then I thought that the models could be stacked together. I estimated the height and width of the hole. How to block it.

However, at the moment when I focused, my heart suddenly raised an extremely strange feeling.

In the darkness in the doorway, there is a force that is strongly attracting my attention. This kind of strength is not only strong, but also compulsive. I want to turn my head, but I can’t move my neck, even my eyes can’t move.

At the same time, I immediately felt anxious. This kind of anxiety is difficult to describe. It is like a person who is extremely hungry and gets a package of food, but he can’t tear the package. This anxiety quickly generated a strong impulse in my heart, and I wanted to go into this door and take a look.

Almost all of this happened in an instant, and there was no warning at all. When they felt wrong, it was already too late. I pushed away the stuffy oil bottle in front and rushed into the hole. Because I was very close to the hole, he rushed into the darkness in a few steps, and he was too late to pull. At that time, I had never thought about what I was doing. I just wanted to go to the deepest part of this hole to see. I did n’t even hit the flashlight, so I ran forward in the dark, regardless of my feet. Notice if anyone is behind you.

Just ran a few steps, and suddenly there was a strong wind behind him, and then there was a sudden pain in the knee joint of his left foot. The whole foot was unable to exert energy and fell to the ground.

This fell so badly, my forehead hit the floor, my brain buzzed with pain and my nose bleeds. But after taking a step like this, the restlessness in my heart suddenly disappeared and everything returned to normal.

I felt a sudden feeling in my heart. I just felt that there was an unspeakable strange feeling. This cave is too powerful. Just seeing a mass of black can make people lose their minds. I just fell in love with the trick just now. Too.

I looked back and saw that the oil bottle and the fat man had been chased in. There was a flashlight lying on the side. It seemed that this thing hit my knee.

The two of them walked to my side. Without saying a word, they dragged me out of the way, but I injured my knee and could n’t stand up. They dragged a few times and could n’t lift it. The light was dark and the scene was extremely chaotic.

Seeing that one hand was too inconvenient for a fat man, he caught a flashlight in his armpit and dragged me with two hands. His movements were very violent, and I was almost taken to shock by him.

At this moment, his flashlight swept across a place, and my eyes flashed as if to see a man squatting in the darkness.

The speed of the light was too fast, I did n’t see it clearly, but I was pretty sure that it must be a person. I immediately thought of the third uncle and screamed, “Wait, someone in front!”

The fat man listened, looked back, and swept a back, but he had stood up and was running towards the hole quickly.

All three of them were very clear this time. We were stunned, but we didn’t see who it was. The sullen oil bottle reacted the fastest and immediately yelled, “Quickly chase!” The fat man scolded and had to keep up.

I tried a few times, and I could barely stand up and limped up. At this time, the stagnant oil bottle had twisted with the man, and then the fat man threw up, and the two men came forward. After a while, directly pressed the man to the ground. The fat man took a flashlight and said, “Ah,” he shouted, “It’s Aning!”

I followed up and was taken aback. I saw her unkempt face, her diving suit was broken by a hook, exuding an unpleasant smell, and there was blood on the nose and the corner of the mouth. I really don’t know what happened to her. But then I found out that the three of us are actually not much better, especially the fat man, who is almost covered with wounds.

The fat man saw that the woman had fire, and pointed at her nose and started scolding, but only a few words, and the oil bottle suddenly stopped him, saying, “Wait, she is a little wrong!”

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