Daomu Biji

Chapter 75 - Nuhai Qiansha · Summary

I checked the instruments next to the rudder and they all looked normal. They said, “This boat is quite normal. It doesn’t seem to be an accident. You said, it was impossible for Haiphong to be caught. Everyone gave Going back? “The fat man shook his head and said,” If the person is gone, the ship must also be towed away. What is the matter of being thrown here? It will definitely not be the relationship of Haiphong. There is a lot of chaos in this area. Let’s go to the cargo hold. Look, if everything is gone, it’s a pirate. “

I know about pirates. When I came, the ship boss told me a lot. I always felt that this thing was not true. The fat man said, I was a little surprised. He asked him, “This place is not near the sea, but said Is n’t it far from the sea, can pirates ramp up to this? “

The fat man laughed at me childishly: “How fresh, are you really that the People’s Liberation Army is omnipotent? When the tigers doze off, I tell you, this sea, there are Vietnamese, Japanese, Malaysian, and they do n’t look superficial. Come out, in fact, the dark tide is surging, privately you know how many drugs, smuggling, smuggling, pirate ships, and they all have guns in their hands, it is not uncommon to see an unmanned ship here. “

We walked into the cargo compartment and smelled a scent of tea as soon as we walked in. The fat man looked at me inside and out, and the supplies were all there, the same as before I went into the water, even on the bed we laid on And I put a cup of tea. I touched it and said, “It’s really strange, it’s still warm.”

The fat man smiled helplessly and said, “This strange thing is happening every day. Today is so much. Is it possible that the whole ship has been sent to the ghost?”

I said, “You see this tea only took a few sips, but the lid of the tea cup is covered, indicating that they walked hurriedly, but not panic, under what circumstances would you go hurriedly, but not panic?”

The fat man shrugged his shoulders and said I did n’t know. I thought about it for a while, and I could n’t imagine what happened here. Thinking about us walking back to the cab, the fat man pulled the radio and shouted for help. No one took care of him. When I saw the radio set aside, I turned it on and was hearing a typhoon warning from Taiwan Fisheries Radio.

When we came up, we could already feel the wind blowing up, but at dusk, we couldn’t see too far away. I couldn’t understand some terms in the radio, but the last sentence was “please take a ship at sea to take refuge” It was emphasized several times.

Fatty and my face are a bit dark. Originally, at this time, we didn’t care about anything. Laying on the boat, Lao Nature would find a way. Now, we will make all the boat people disappear. This **** will really joke with us.

The fat man looked at his watch and said, “It seems that we are not the way to stay here. This little broken boat, we have to fly to the sky later. I will drive the boat out first, and it will be bumpy when I encounter a typhoon in the deep sea. For a moment, here are all reefs, and a wave will definitely hit the reef. You go and give that anchor. “

Saying he lighted a cigarette, opened a few instruments, and the movements were still decent, I was surprised, “Will you **** sail?” This is not a joke, the four of us came out , Wait for you to hit the whole rock up and feed the fish together. “

The fat man smiled at me and said that he was called a talent, not to mention a boat, just an airplane, and he could drive into the sky with a few beats.

I did n’t know if he was serious, but he was still uneasy. The fat man rang the engine in a sophisticated way and told me that he had been the production team leader of the fishing team when he went up the mountain and went to the countryside. It will still be there. When I came to see the operation of the driver, he looked at these high-tech things. I believe that if there is no big wind and waves, there will be no problem with driving back.

In fact, his so-called production team leader was holding a bamboo raft to fish in the mountains and rivers, but at the time, I saw him swearing, not as if fooling me, but I believed it, and I ran to anchor .

After the boat started, the fat man asked me not to bother him, saying that he was still in the reef area, he had to concentrate. I saw him sweating in his head, with a serious expression, knowing that he was serious, and went back to the deck.

The oil bottle is rubbing Aning’s hand to promote her blood circulation. She looks a little better than when she first came up, but her face is still ugly, her breathing grows short, and it is very unstable. I asked how about the oil bottle, he nodded, it is estimated that the problem should not be big.

I took out some dry food, ate it for a few people, and experienced so many things. Although I have n’t escaped the danger, I have finally returned to a place I am familiar with. I relax and people start to fall asleep, so Put on his own casual clothes, wrapped in a blanket and dozed off outside the cab.

Originally, I only wanted to sleep for a few hours, and then I went to see if the fat man wanted to take the shift, but people did not scramble. When I woke up, it was already the next day. I do n’t know if it was morning or afternoon.

I looked at the sea on the edge. The waves are very big, and you can see several seabirds scattered, flying very low, the sky is overcast, the clouds are pressed together one by one, as if it is going to rain, there are no high-rise buildings on the sea, the dark clouds enrich all yours Under this vision, people will feel that they are particularly small, and that sense of oppression is not comparable to that in the city.

I glanced at the cab and the fat man shrank to sleep on the side, thundering like thunder, the stuffy oil bottle was at the helm, I just woke up, although I felt that this situation was not right, but I did n’t care too much and turned to sleep. Back to sleep, I didn’t wake up the fat man until noon.

“Comrade naive and innocent, after eating, take chopsticks yourself.”

I opened my eyes and watched the fat man cook a hot pot of fish head, using chopsticks, the soup was whitened, and the heat was just right. I saw the fish was quite familiar, as if it was the grouper’s spot, and I smiled. The fish fat man salivated for a long time, but the boss of the boat refused to eat it, saying that it was to be sold to the hotel. Unexpectedly, he didn’t escape the fat man’s black hand.

The fat man was busy breaking green onions, putting chili peppers, and shooting fish. It looked like a veteran, and I laughed, “Fat man, okay, there are two things. Where did you learn this trick?”

The fat man said: “When Laozi went up the mountain and went to the countryside, he had no mother and no wife, so he had to come by himself. At that time, he hunted for fish in the old mountainous area and pulled out honeycomb.

I gave him a thumbs up, “Fat brother, fat man, I rarely really admire people, you are too powerful, I have to learn from you.”

He did n’t eat this set, he scolded: “His mother ’s farts are less, and you should eat as soon as you want to eat. If you do n’t eat, go away and do n’t spray into your mouth!”

Of course, I will not give up the food, immediately chopsticks to grab the meat, less than 20 minutes, a three-jin stone group was dropped by our stomach, I eat straight acidic water.

When you are full of fat, go to the shift of the sullen oil bottle. This boat has its own navigation device. We will not use it, otherwise the boat will open by itself. The fat man was full and drunk, holding the rudder in one hand, and took out the Pearl of Night with one hand to look straight. He also hummed a little song: “The good girl in the bamboo building is as dazzling as the Pearl of Night.”

Hummed, he saw me sitting there, handed me the bead, and said, “You are also idle, help me estimate the price and see how much money can be made?”

I took a measurement and said, “Fake, this is not the night pearl.”

The fat man barely suffocated and looked at me with glaring eyes. I was busy comforting him, “Do n’t be excited, fake ones are also valuable. This is a fisheye stone, do you know what a fisheye bead? It means this, this thing is rare. See, it depends on whether there is a buyer, I knew it when I saw it just now, you think, there are so many night pearls on a treasure roof, do you think he is Wang Canghai, is it possible? The entire Chinese royal family has accumulated over hundreds of years, also You can do so dozens. “

The fat man felt more comfortable after hearing it, and cursed: “Fuck you, can you just talk in half, and the shortness of breath can scare you. Then give you an estimate, how much can this thing be worth?”

I really haven’t dealt with this thing. I can only speculate about how many patrons I have in hand. I quoted a few prices, but the fat man is not satisfied, saying that this is a fate, if there is no good price, I would rather put my home as a table lamp. I sighed and said, “That line, I met a big customer in Jinan last time. I turned around and asked you, I guess it should not be a problem to change the villa. Don’t think about it “The fat man said:” Then you have to worry, I can count on you in this villa. After all, his mother knows that you will hold another one in a few minutes, then you can change a small plane and open. Let ’s also learn about the American rich, right? “

I saw him daydreaming to the sky, and ignored him. He put the beads in his pocket and asked me: “I haven’t found your third uncle this time. What are your plans? I think it’s not over yet. You have to suffer. “

I originally planned to go back and turn his house upside down to see what the **** he was doing. The fat man asked, but I couldn’t tell the truth, but I laughed helplessly, “What else can I do, go back Continue to open my shop. I definitely dare not come down in this fight again. This makes money, but loses life, which is not cost-effective. “

The fat man laughed and didn’t continue to say anything.

A few hours later, we arrived at Yongxing Island. The island was preparing for disaster prevention. There were many fishing boats taking refuge. We packed up our luggage and fled the chaos while the boat was gone. The fat man carried Anin first When we arrived at the military medical clinic on the island, we found a guest house to stay. The fishermen generally stayed on their own boats. There was nothing to take care of. There were few tourists when the typhoon came. This guest house was basically empty.

We stayed on the island until the flight was resumed, probably for seven days. During this time, we discussed this seabed tomb more than once, and reached a lot of consensus.

First of all, we all admit that this is Wang Zanghai’s tomb, but whether he is the golden body meditating on the stone plate or not is not certain. Because the corpse obviously moved people, although Wang Zanghai was strange, he was not so sad.

Secondly, Yunding Tiangong is on Changbai Mountain. As for who was buried in it, it is not known who can be inferred. It should be inferred that it should be a Mongolian, and most likely a woman with a very special status.

Third, the snake eyebrow fish appeared in the Lu Palace and the seabed tomb, and the hexagonal copper bell also appeared in these two places, indicating that the hexagonal bell and the snake eyebrow copper fish may have some connection. King Lu Lu was a tomb robber, and Wang Canghai was doing engineering. The only thing they both have in common is that they often have to dig soil. Whether they dug in a certain place is unknown.

Fourth, it was proposed by the dull oil bottle. He drew a sketch for us, drawing out our course of action in the tomb, probably sketching the structure of an tomb, and then he pointed to a few places, these The area is sandwiched between the top chamber (where we broke) and the burial chamber below. There should be several rooms here. It is estimated that the structure of this burial chamber is similar to that of the Emperor Mausoleum of the Warring States Period. One of the hanging rooms should be a rare bird and animal pit. Those strange things might come from here.

I heard the white hair sweat and asked him: “Do you mean that Wang Zanghai has caught the drown and the forbidden mother as pets? Is this his mother’s too cowhide?”

The oil bottle nodded and said, “He is not the first one. There are several tombs in the Shang and Zhou dynasties. There are all in the tombs of the first emperor. Especially Wang Canghai is good.

In my spare time, I took out my laptop computer from time to time and dialed the Internet to check the data of Wang Zanghai, but the Internet was pitifully scarce. I only knew that Macau designed him or copied another city. The next few days were boring to death, and the wind was so strong that I couldn’t get out at all. On the fourth day, the telephone line was disconnected. We had to **** D with the fat man. The oil bottle was not good for this. I leaned on the bed to watch the ceiling all day. At first glance, it was a day, and I couldn’t help him.

The white hair on the fat man’s back, but I didn’t care about it, but it was inexplicably good. I suspect that it is really my saliva. It feels weird, but I don’t want to delve into these things, and later I forgot, in fact At this time, I should feel something is wrong, helpless character life and death here, live and pass, deserve to experience this robbery.

These days I also tried to ask about the life of the stupid oil bottle, but he didn’t seem to hear that this man’s ability to pretend to be stupid may be slightly better than Aning.

On the fifth day, the phone line was connected again, and I continued to surf the Internet. At this time, I was thinking about Zhang Qiling’s life experience. Suddenly I got an inspiration. Since Zhang Qiling can restore his memory, if other people have the same experience as him, Someone may have recovered his memory, thinking of me, he misled him into searching, and once searched, it was all records of the same name and surname. I randomly clicked a few and found that it was not useful information.

This is not a way to find it. I also added the name of the third uncle. At this time, only one message remains. Looking at the title, it is a tracing notice.

This discovery was beyond my expectation. I suddenly felt a little suffocated, and I opened it. It turned out that it was the group photo they took at the pier before departure, and they were scanned. The following is a list of everyone. I read the name along the way and found that I finally wrote a sentence.

These words are only a few words, but all my thoughts are attracted to the past.

“The fish is with me.”

End of “Grave Robbery Notes”

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