Daomu Biji

Chapter 99 - Qinling God Tree · Fall to death

I was stunned for a moment, and I said what was going on, how could my face crack? Dry skin like this? But without waiting for me to look closely, the monster pulling my ankle underneath suddenly pulled force and staggered me. This thing is so powerful, I ca n’t resist it at all, so I jumped down with it, and then grabbed the nearby bronze branch with one hand, and the other hand against the monster ’s throat was a shot, ” “Bang” banged its head down.

This shot was too reluctant. The huge recoil almost drove me off the branches. I clenched my teeth to ensure that the gun was not lost. The headless body on this side lifted the gun away from the bronze tree. But his hand still grabbed my feet, and the whole body hung under my feet, pulling me straight down.

I could n’t eat the weight of two people with one hand. I bit my teeth and bowed my head to find a branch that could hold my feet. Then I tried to get rid of the corpse. Only then did I break my face. The monster hung upside down suddenly, one paw stuck in my neck, and lifted me up. My neck seemed to be wrapped with a curse, and even a trace of air could not enter, my face immediately turned red, and I swallowed in anxiety. The tempo flicked at his head.

I used a lot of energy, and if I hit them in the face, they will definitely be rotten. The monster has also smashed my head, and my head is constantly shaking and I want to avoid it. Hitting the crack on the monster’s face, it made a strange noise, suddenly released its claws, jumped on the branches above my head, and grabbed his face frantically.

I lost my support, and all my weight came back to my hand. I did n’t catch it at all. I dropped my hand and fell straight for more than a meter. I hugged a protruding bronze branch and stopped my body. I looked up and saw that the monster ’s face turned out to be. It broke apart completely, and turned into small pieces of white pieces, which began to fall off like milk skin.

Soon, all the white pieces fell off. I caught a piece, it turned out to be stone, are these people all statues? Looking up again, I saw that after the stone face fell off, there was still a face covered with yellow hair.

I took a closer look at that face, and suddenly realized that I yelled to the following: “Old itch! I know what these dog days are all about, these **** ones are all monkeys, big monkeys!”

Itchy old in the darkness below, can’t see what is the situation, only heard him reply: “Monkey your grandfather! How can a monkey have a human face, it is not fine!”

I shouted: “That’s not a face! That’s a mask! These monkeys are wearing stone face masks!”

Old itch has climbed up from the darkness below, almost all the clothes on his body have been torn into strips, yelling at me: “Don’t care what! What about monkeys, have you ever beaten it?”

I looked under him and saw the shadows below. I don’t know how many of these masked monkeys are catching up. I climbed a few meters again, opened the magazine and saw that the red bullet had run out, leaving only a few rounds of blue, probably not iron sand bullets, but the big steel ball bullets. This thing has good power at long distances. But the iron sand is not as good as the artillery. As soon as I saw the monkey following, I grabbed the gun handle with both hands and fired two shots down.

The steel ball bullets spread out, and their power was reduced a lot, but the effect of large-scale killing was still exerted. The last few monkeys were smashed, and there were many shots in the distance. If they can fire five rounds, I even You can kill all these things.

The monkeys seemed to be shocked by the power of the beat, all slowed down the approaching pace, turned around and followed the old itch to chase Master Liang. The monkey who broke my mask saw me, and he began to be scared, slashing his teeth at us, and flew back to the side. Old Itchy looked at me strangely and asked, “I’m leaning, it’s really a monkey. What’s going on?”

I also feel very strange, who brought these monkey masks to them? Why should I bring it? There are neither eye holes nor mouth holes on the mask. How do these monkeys usually survive?

Master Liang has pulled us more than ten meters, and is now lying there panting. We quickly caught up with him and found that he was in a trance. Fortunately, the branches were densely packed in that place, and he was standing there so he would not fall down, torches He landed halfway under him, stuck between three branches.

Old itch used to pick up the torch, and raised the other hand to shoot down the unmasked monkey. The pistol bullet was completely exhausted. He wanted to smash the pistol freely, but he raised it in half, but he was not willing to insert it. Go back to the belt, then raise the torch and wave towards the bottom, trying to push the monkeys back with flames. Those monkeys really had some fears, and the torches swept through, and they all receded back, but as soon as the torches were removed, they quickly pressed over again, giving us no chance to breathe.

Old itching waved there for a long time. Instead of driving them away, the encirclement was getting smaller and smaller. I pulled Master Liang and could n’t move like a pool of mud. Old itching shouted, “Do n’t worry about him , I ca n’t stand it anymore, withdraw it! “

I was in a hurry, and I really wanted to kick Master Liang Liang down, but this guy was not a fierce person. At this time, I really couldn’t take it. I lifted him up and pulled it up hard, but his **** fell off between the two branches, and the situation became worse.

Old itch scared a monkey with a torch and scolded me: “Damn! What the **** are you doing? This guy is not ours. If everything goes well, maybe he has already slaughtered you, you **** mother. Do n’t give preferential treatment to prisoners there. “

I loaded the bullets, two more shots, two big noises blew off five monkeys, forced the monkeys back by nearly six meters, then dumped and replaced the last two bullets, just wanted to finish the calculation, suddenly Master Liang took my hand and was powerless: “These things are afraid of fire, flare —“

When I heard it, I suddenly awakened, and the old itch responded quickly. I took out the semaphore in my hand and looked at me and asked, “How to hit, it is useless to directly hit it!”

I snatched the signal gun. It was a shot against the opposite rock wall. The signal flare struck the rock tens of meters away, and bounced back to hit the bronze tree. It bounced back and forth like this two or three times, suddenly in the monkey group The explosion was medium, and the extremely high temperature suddenly ignited the monkeys. I didn’t wait for the first shot to go out, and fired two more shots, and the whole space lit up a dazzling white light at once.

The old itch gave flowers to the eyes and almost fell off. I broke his head to the side and yelled, “Don’t look! It’s too close. It’s a hundred times more powerful than electric welding. It will burn the retina!”

The three people closed their eyes at the same time, but they could still feel that the light almost penetrated the eyelids. The monkeys were mad by the strong light. They only listened to the chaos below, and at the same time there was a smell of burning skin.

Didn’t know how long it took before the strong light dimmed. I squinted my eyes and looked down, the monkey was gone, my eyes burned, my eyes were very blurry, the old itch was tears, and I tried to rub it with my hands. Master Liang was completely fainted this time. If it weren’t for me to carry his collar, he would have fallen.

I saw that the monkeys were gone, I was relieved, and I did n’t know if they were afraid of high temperature or this kind of glare. If they were looking directly at these glare, then 9 out of 10 of them were all blind. I couldn’t recover in ten days and a half months, I thought I was relieved, I took Master Liang to wake up, put him on the arm, lifted his body straight, and wanted to drag him up, but this guy was really too Secondly, I can only straighten him up, to let him leave his original position, but there is no way.

After he sat firmly, I shrank to look at the old itch again. He squinted his eyes and scolded his mother while spitting, but finally I could see it and asked me, “You will not know before you do anything Sound, if I’m blinded, I will fight with you. “

I scolded: “His mother, you still have a face to say this. I saved your life. Do you know? Besides, are you not blind?”

Old itch looked at the following: “Don’t say, this trick really works, the monkeys ran or they all burned to death?”

I told him I was afraid that it would be impossible to burn to death. I probably retreated temporarily, maybe we will come back again, but since we have found a way to deal with them, we do n’t have to be afraid anymore. Several times.

The mask worn by the monkey is of fine workmanship and carved like a real person. Is it related to the realistic statue we saw on the cliff? But why do they attack us?

I have read a novel before, saying that ancient civilizations trained gorillas to guard mines. After the destruction of ancient civilizations, these gorillas still passed the killing training they received when guarding mines through education to the next generation. Until thousands of years later, the descendants of the gorillas are still guarding the remains of the mine, and the expedition team in the future will be slaughtered.

But these are monkeys. Obviously, they are not as smart as gorillas, and they shouldn’t be able to do such difficult things. I wanted to ask Master Liang, but seeing Master Liang’s complexion, I know that it’s also a fuss. The edge of collapse, if you do not rest, I am afraid it will be scrapped.

We stayed in that place for more than ten minutes, and no longer saw the monkey protruding his head from underneath, finally relieved. Old Itchy took out some food and wanted us to eat it. We all refused. It is not a problem of hunger, but a problem of lack of rest. Even if you give me direct glucose, I can’t move.

I leaned on a few branches, my head was resting on my backpack, and I started to doze unconsciously. Old itch and Master Liang were confused and didn’t stop me. Just when I was about to fall asleep, a series of sudden The sound of the impact came from above, and at the same time the whole bronze tree shook violently, as if a giant monster was climbing down.

My heart is broken, just got the monkey, and what big guy was alarmed, would it be “King Kong” coming down from above? I didn’t know where to hide. Suddenly a black shadow fell like lightning and slammed into the three branches. A smelly liquid splashed on my face.

This one hit very badly, and the whole bronze tree was shocked by it, and it almost shocked me to fall. All three of us were scared to death, and it took a long time to react.

The old itch first calmed down and raised the fire to greet us in the past to see what fell. We took a closer look and found that it turned out to be a person, stuck between the bronze trees, the body was twisted very unnaturally, the eyes were staring, the face was covered with blood, and the ribs came out, I knew it at a glance It fell from a height and died.

The old itch probed the torch to take a picture of his face, and suddenly shouted: “I fuck, it’s the uncle of the turtle. This old guy turned out to be in front of us, no wonder they never saw them!

Master Liang shuddered and leaned over, looked at it, and pressed Uncle Tae ’s chest again, and a stream of blood poured out of the body ’s mouth and nose. He sighed and said, “I fell to a high altitude and my internal organs were broken. How could I fall down, so careless?”

I looked at his feet. His bones had been poked out, and his body was almost unnaturally twisted. It should have been caused by the continuous impact of those bronze branches when he fell. Master Liang also pressed his limbs again and took a cold breath. “Two of them, it doesn’t look as tall as it looks. You see Uncle Tai, all his long bones are broken. It’s not like a hundred meters. . “

I can’t help but secretly complain. We just climbed like crazy just now, and we probably got up to 50 or 60 meters. We were tired like this. If it was really so high, how could we climb? Even if I climb to the top, it is estimated that I have no strength, and if I don’t do it, I will fall into eighteen like Uncle Tai.

Thinking of this, Master Liang and I both showed painful expressions.

Old itch does not feel that the future is slim. Seeing us like this, he patted me on the shoulder, and even if he said that there are hundreds of meters, he ran across and ran for a few seconds. Now it ’s just standing up again. Anything to worry about. I said get your grandfather, as you say, Everest is only 8848 meters. You will go up on a bicycle in half an hour. We are not fighting friction, but we are dealing with the attraction of the earth. Power, you know?

The old itch waved to me, expressing that he didn’t want to quarrel with me, and then he went to unpack Uncle Tai’s backpack and turned the contents out to see what we could use. At first glance, I was overjoyed. In the team of Master Liang, Uncle Tai and the young man named Er Ma Zi were carrying the main equipment. Most of the things were there. Pistol bullets, a few detonators, signal guns, ropes, most Happily, I found a flashlight. I fucked. I thought of the situation in the Qian Coffin cave where I was afraid that the torch would go out and die. I really wanted to put this flashlight over and kiss it a few times. High technology is good.

Old Itchy changed the magazine, sorted out other things, carried it on his back, and said to us: “The group of 狢 狲 is definitely still underneath. This place can’t stay for a long time. Let’s take a break and get up immediately. Have you ever climbed, 1,300 meters, not one day back and forth? It ’s okay, just take a sightseeing tour. “

Master Liang’s face slightly improved, he smiled bitterly, made a walking gesture with his fingers, and said, “This itchy brother–Taishan is walking up, just using his feet. We are going straight up and down now. Can you talk about one piece? And that is the style of Wuyue, and some are sea and sea rocks. What are you looking at here? “

Old Itchy kicked the bronze tree on the side and said, “Laozi is like an analogy. Although the bronze tree is not comparable to the scenery of Mount Tai, it is at least spectacular. You two can move a little, and the victory is in Now, do n’t be discouraged. Hurry up and pack up. We gritted our teeth and rushed to the top. It ’s definitely a great scenery. “

I knocked on my calf, which had already started to swell, and told him that he didn’t want to gritt his teeth. It was no longer possible, and the root of his teeth was poked out of his chin. I can still squeeze out some strength. Master Liang now has half his life left. Rather than hurrying for a few minutes, it is better to take a break.

Master Liang looked at me gratefully. Old itch sighed and said that line, but he had to get this uncle’s body down and put it here to look uncomfortable.

I saw that Uncle Tai ’s facial features were twisted and unimpressed, and he did n’t feel anything special in his heart, but his eyes that burst into his eyes were really a bit scary. Tickling the two carefully, they want to lift Uncle Tai’s body from the branch.

Falling from a high place here, you will surely hit a lot of prominent bronze branches all the way down. It ’s good luck not to fall directly to the bottom and fall into the mud. When I carried Uncle Tai ’s body, I found Master Liang said well, the whole body All were so ridiculously soft that it seemed that all the bones were broken, and a large amount of blood poured out of his broken body as he moved, flowing down the branches into the lines on the bronze tree, and then following the ditch in the middle of the lines Flow down below.

Master Liang and I saw this phenomenon at the same time, and we both froze for a moment. Master Liang immediately stopped us, raised a flashlight to take a picture in the gully, and then looked at the bronze trees, and said, “Two, probably know What is this bronze tree for! “

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