Daqin: Imperial People Slaughter, Signed In to Daxue Longqi

Chapter 115

Chapter 115 The Black Torrent, the Power of Iron Floating Figures!

Chapter 115 Continue to chase, not a single one!

I saw that following Bai Ze’s order, Na Zai immediately got on his horse, drew the long sword from his waist, pointed it towards the Xiongnu, and shouted loudly: “The army of Tiefutu obeys the order and rushes with me!”

Before he finished speaking, the 30,000 iron floating figures rushed towards the Xiongnu army. These elite cavalrymen wrapped in heavy armor were like a moving steel forest, full of strength and daunting.

Boom boom boom!

For a time, the thunderous sound of horse hooves resounded through the sky and the northern border of the empire!

Seeing the army of 30,000 Tie Futu rushing towards him, there was no trace of fear on the face of the Huns, but instead he burst into laughter.

In the view of this prairie overlord, these mindless Central Plains people are simply courting death!

Haven’t they heard of the prestige of the Macedonian phalanx?!

Immediately, the Xiongnu king’s face froze, and he shouted at the alien army in the Huns army: “Pass on my king’s order!

“30,000 foreign troops, immediately meet the enemy in a rhythm array, and form a Macedonian phalanx!”

The Xiongnu’s 30,000 alien troops were ordered, and they quickly walked to the front of the two armies, forming a very neat square formation.

Different from the guerrilla style of ordinary Xiongnu soldiers on horseback, this army of 10 different ethnic groups is actually pure infantry!

At this moment, I saw them raising the heavy shield with one hand, and the three-meter long spear with the other hand to probe forward steadily.

I saw that the long spear was slender as a whole, and the sharp spear head, under the sunlight, reflected bloodthirsty rays of light, as if waiting to harvest life.

However, the Tiefutu army on the other end did not seem to notice the existence of the Macedonian phalanx at all, and just continued to accelerate and sprint, getting closer and closer to the Huns army!

Seeing this, the Hun King laughed again, and in his slender eyes, there was bloodthirsty and ridicule that could not be concealed.

Come on, the faster you come, the faster you die!

Thinking of this, the picture of the 30,000 iron floating figure, pierced by the spears of the alien army, and destroyed, seems to have appeared in front of the King of Xiongnu, causing him to laugh strangely.

At this moment, on the other end, the Qin army was in the great formation.

The famous imperial generals Meng Tian and Wang Li saw that the Huns’ alien army had now formed a Macedonian phalanx, waiting for Tiefutu’s attack.

Immediately, Meng Tian walked quickly to Bai Ze and said eagerly to the imperial war god: “What does the marshal do not know, this alien army under the Huns can form an army called the Macedonian phalanx, which is exactly the Array in front of you! 66

“This formation can be attacked and defended, and its restraint effect on cavalry is particularly significant.

“No matter how brave the cavalry charge, no matter how amazing its strength, if it collides with the three-meter-long spear, it will only die, and the entire army will be wiped out!”

Speaking of this, Meng Tian paused, and the worry in his eyes became brighter.

“According to the last general’s information, this Macedonian phalanx has never been defeated on the grasslands so far, and it can be said that it is invincible!”

“And this army formation is also one of the reliances for the Huns to dominate the grasslands!”

“Now that the Macedonian phalanx has been formed, when I send cavalry to attack, it is precisely the treachery of the Huns! I also ask the marshal to think twice!

When Bai Ze heard the words, he didn’t say anything, just shook his head gently, his dark eyes looked into the Macedonian phalanx in the distance, showing his teeth a little light.

Immediately, a cold smile appeared on the corner of the Imperial War God’s mouth.

“What the general said, of course, makes sense.

“It’s just that you all made a big mistake!”

Meng Tian and Wang Li, who were on the side, were stunned when they heard the words, as if they didn’t think that they were negligent, and they were speechless for a while.

Seeing that Meng and Wang Li were silent, Bai Ze continued: “The mistakes you two made, but you underestimate my heavy cavalry.

“The two of you must remember from now on that they are not, and will never be, an ordinary cavalry unit. 33

“Their name is Tiefutu!

Speaking of this, Bai Ze’s eyes were full of confidence.

“You two don’t have to worry, just look at it!”

At this moment, I saw that the 30,000 iron floats, as everyone expected, slammed into the iron float formation of the Xiongnu alien army!

Seeing this, the Huns immediately laughed wildly. He seemed to have seen these scenes of the destruction of the heavy cavalry in the Central Plains!

However, the scene in front of him made the prairie overlord’s smile completely solidify on his face.

I saw that the Tiefutu Army was not blocked by the heavy shield and spear in the slightest.

These heavily armored cavalrymen rushed into the Macedonian phalanx like an ancient colossus with divine power, as if they were rushing into a dense forest!


For a time, wherever Tiefutu passed, the alien soldiers forming the Macedonian phalanx were all knocked into the air by a huge impact, falling to the ground like broken puppets, and then died.

And those long spears that look very bluffing are only on top of Tiefutu’s solid heavy armor, and there are firelights, which can’t stop the rush of these heavy cavalry!

On the contrary, those Tie Futu, in the charge, stabbed the carbine in their hands into the heads of those alien soldiers, killing countless enemies!

For a time, the sound of hooves, wailing, and the rubbing sound of the intersection of gold and iron resounded throughout the entire battlefield!

Just in the midst of this battle, I saw that the one who took the lead again, with the carbine in his hand, poured violent power into it, and turned three alien soldiers into one confrontation at one time!

A lot of blood spurted out, splashing on the stuffy armor, adding a bit of terrifying murderous aura to it!

Afterwards, I saw another handful of blood on my face, and shouted 057: “Tie Futu listen to the order!”

“People of the Huns, kill without mercy!”

The 30,000 Tie Futu listened to the order, and his eyes flashed brightly, and the murderous aura on his body was also a little darker, and he continued to charge towards the 30,000 alien army!

This torrent of steel is simply unstoppable!

Looking at the other side, I saw those indomitable alien soldiers, and at this moment, their eyes were filled with deep fear.

They couldn’t believe that the Macedonian phalanx, which they were proud of, was torn to shreds in the most primitive and brutal way in the hands of the most reasonable cavalry!

These people are not people, they are devils!

Thinking of this, the 30,000 alien troops lost their discipline one after another, and their formations were in chaos.

The absolute power displayed by Tiefutu made them completely lose the confidence to continue fighting.

When Min saw this again, a bloodthirsty arc was drawn at the corner of his mouth.

Messy? Scared?

Unfortunately, it’s too late.

You must all die here!

“Continue to pursue, not a single one! 92

The 30,000 Tiefutu obeyed the order, like a god descending to earth, and launched a hunt for the alien soldiers who had already been defeated!

For a time, on the battlefield, people were killed and their heads rolled!

After today, the Xiongnu alien army or the Macedonian phalanx will be completely removed from the annals of China’s history!

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